• March 4, 2025

Report: Phillies Want To Trade Jimmy Rollins

Jimmy RollinsJimmy Rollins may finally be wearing out his welcome.

According to Buster Olney of ESPN, the organization feels that they would be better off dealing Rollins away as soon as possible.

The team wants Rollins to step up as a leader, and set a strong example for other players by committing himself much more thoroughly in his day-to-day work. If the shortstop is unwilling to do that, then the team wants to move on from him as soon as possible.

However, the problem is that Rollins has the right to veto any trade, and he’s made it clear that he wants to remain with the franchise in order to break their record for hits. Rollins is currently 60 hits away from Mike Schmidt’s record.

Manager Ryne Sandberg has promised to be much more of a taskmaster than Charlie Manuel was, and he’s already put his foot down in Spring Training by benching Rollins for three straight games while avoiding questions about the type of energy and leadership that the veteran brings to the team on a daily basis.

Sandberg wants his team to take on a strong, positive attitude, and if a big-name veteran isn’t going to fall in line with the vision for the future, naturally the organization is going to want to move on. But as long as Rollins holds his right to veto, the Phillies are stuck with him and his quest to break records.

Denny Basens

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March 18, 2014 8:43 am

Great player who is completely ruining his legacy! The man is a borderline HOF player that is just being a total asshole. It is not uncommon for a new coach or manager to pick on the best player but damn! I don’t think sandberg handled that benching well…to not even talk to him…

March 18, 2014 9:52 am



March 18, 2014 10:14 am

I mentioned this the other day that the Tigers lost their SS (J Inglesias)
for the Season and would inquire about Rollin’s availability, then yesterday the Story breaks that Rollins will not waive his No-Trade Clause..
Which now tells everyone that the Tigers did indeed approach the PHils about Rollins and that Rollins is a lame-duck Player for the rest of his Contract with the Phils, which is exactly what they deserve for Re-Signing him to a 3 Year deal after his last Contract ran out when there was little interest and market for a Player on the backside of his Career
More Unrest & Cancer in the Lockerroom with 2 malcontents in Rollins/Papelbon that the Phils are stuck with an a new Manager Sandberg who is going to have a difficult time with a Bunch of Veterans who don’t give a hoot any longer.. A tough Spot for Sanberg to start his Managerial Career with this Group..

March 18, 2014 10:42 am

HOFf or J-Ro, are you kidding me??? … A career 265 Hitter, He’s not even in the diuscussion, J-Ro has had a nice Career, but the HOF is designated
for the Best of the Best and there are no Current Phillie that meets this Criteria…4-5 Years of high-level Production is not enough to make the HOF and not should it be…

Yankees SS Derek Jeter a HOF, Absolutely
Phils SS J-Rollins, No way..

March 18, 2014 10:44 am
Reply to  paulman

agreed with hof. biggio is struggling to get in and his numbers are far superior to jimmys

March 18, 2014 10:48 am
Reply to  paulman

I said borderline, multiple GG…MVP lots of winning… BORDERLINE I have heard two reporters who vote say that he will get lots of votes …

March 18, 2014 10:52 am

what is up with posts like this all the time???????

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March 18, 2014 11:32 am
Reply to  mhenski

I thought these were from TS Johnson and paid no attention… 🙂

March 18, 2014 10:52 am

Paul and Henski google hall of fame shortstops …you will see plenty of .250-.260 hitters with a good glove who don’t have MVP credentials..Luis aparichio (spelling), Ozzie, Phil rizzuto etc….
You are not taking into account his position as a SS….

March 18, 2014 11:22 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Cigar- While I agree that they should take his glove into account, I don’t think that the HoF cares about that as much as it did in the past. It is almost strictly on offensive numbers now.

MVP is the same way too or else Trout would trounce MCab every year.

March 18, 2014 11:22 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Those players from a Different ERA where Defense,Stolen Bases, Small Ball was pefected by those Shortstops… Today’s/Modern “HOF’s”
need some impressive Offensive Stats & Production to get in..

March 18, 2014 11:28 am
Reply to  paulman

Rollins was a very explosive offensive player. Again I’m not arguing that he will walk into the HOF…I’m saying he will be on the borderline. He has 200 hr which I believe is third most in history to banks and Ripken a .269 batting average, MVP, 4-5 GG… He is under appreciated by Phil’s fans the way 20 was…

March 18, 2014 11:31 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Robin Yount has more hr but not while playing SS.

March 18, 2014 11:57 am
Reply to  haveacigar

I get the feeling Ryan Sandberg and Larry Bowa won’t be endorsing Jimmy Rollins to the HOF, 2 of his managers.

March 18, 2014 1:15 pm

I get a bigger feeling that Sandberg wishes he never took this Job with the Phils and stayed with the Cubs instead, who have more of a promising Future and a Real GM to make real progress while the Phils keel slipping & keep slipping into the Abyss ..

March 18, 2014 11:15 am

I read that Buster Olney article concerning Rollins, he was laughing at the Phils admitting publicly that they are unhappy with the lineup before the season begins while frustratingly admitting they also can’t do anything about it.

March 18, 2014 1:37 pm

Some new reports out, it’s getting ugly in Clearwater already and the Season hasn’t even started…
“We want Rollins to Lead or Leave” .. is the message , an of Course GM Amaro is too chicken-shit to say it to Rollin’s Face or in a Man-to-Man Meeting with him and Sanberg…. Dysfunction all around this Club anymore… It’s a Joke of what they have become so quickly after being admired and loved by so many just a few short years ago and it’s not all about the Wins/Losses
it’s about how they conduct their Business, How the Treat their Employees and the fans and it’s gone to shit in hurry with Amaro in Charge….
just look a a simple thin klike Charlie Manuel who is not a man that asks for much, but give him a little dignity and repspect.. What would hvae been wrong of letting him finishing up his Contract, then after the Season,make th eannouncement of him moving upstairs while naming Sanberg the Manager.. This way, their is a consistent message and you honor the Man that Won yhou a Championship and allow all to ggive him his due thanx & praise..
Instead they fire Him, then 2 months after the Season is Over, they bring him back in as a Senior Advisor.. what a Mickey Mouse Operation this Franchise has Become, isn’t there any Competent People in the Front Office/Ownership Group anymore …

March 18, 2014 2:20 pm

Meh send him somewhere he can contend and get us a few young bodies in here. Sooner or later you need to start Getting younger. Might as well start here. Either Jimmy or Ryan because Ruf needs to be playing everyday.

March 18, 2014 2:58 pm
Reply to  Xevious

X, that bus came, & went 3 years ago bruh! Too late now! That boat sailed with the unnecessary, 2 years early contract to Howard, the stupid re-signings of Rollins, Utley, & Ruiz. Nobody wants declined, broken down players, that have zero upside. All 4 are shot players. Ruiz is taking Adderall again, so he might give you a half of a good year, until his inevitable breakdown, but that’s about it. We will be lucky to have a better record than Florida this year. It’s embarrassing to be a Phils fan right now, because of who’s running the show. Now, all of the media are finally catching up with the times. Too little, too late!

March 18, 2014 2:51 pm

He isn’t going anywhere, unless he waves his 10-5 rights! Period… End of story… And there is nothing the stupid fucks in the Coaching staff, Front office, nor Ownership, can do about it! If they try any shenanigans, the players union steps in. This is what happens, when you have a bumbling, unqualified, inept, flaming moron, as your GM, & a senile, blindly loyal Ownership group! Ancient team! Overpaid, untradeable contracts! Past expiration players! No offensive talent! No power! No minor leagues! Hopeless foreseeable future! Ruin 2morrow should have been fired 3 years ago! Because he is still here, you get what you deserve!

March 18, 2014 2:58 pm
Reply to  DCar

Copy and pasted this off fangraph-
Phils are holding this over Jimmy head.
After the 2011 season, Rollins signed a three year extension with the Phillies that included a vesting option for the 2015 season. That $11 million option becomes guaranteed if Rollins gets either 600 plate appearances in 2014 or 1,100 plate appearances between 2013 and 2014 combined. Because Rollins is a durable guy, he racked up 666 PAs last year, meaning he’s now just 434 PAs away from that option becoming a guaranteed salary. Given his health track record, it is very likely that option will vest, and the Phillies will be on the hook for an additional $11 million for next year as well.

March 18, 2014 3:05 pm

e0, they can try, but like I said, if they try to pull any shenanigans, the union will step in, & put a kabosh on it. They’re already on MLB & the Unions radars, with their idiocy, & scumbaggery, with ratting out the college kids. I honest to God, hate this f^#@ing organization right now, & am nauseated, & embarrassed to be a fan. Season hasn’t even started, & they already vampired any sort of excitement, or hope for the season!

March 18, 2014 3:14 pm
Reply to  DCar

you are probably correct about that union, I remember Mike Lieberthal having a similar Plate Appearance vested option and couldn’t understand why they were playing him. Until someone informed me if the Phillies sat him on the bench preventing him from reaching that trigger then the union would get involved.

March 18, 2014 3:28 pm

e0, this is what you get, when you have greedy, unqualified, inept, scumbags, owning, & running the show. The pulled in the cash cow, on our backs, with our tax paying money, now they don’t give a f^#@, & the only way they will learn, is if the fans give them the finger, & stop going the CBP, & stop buying their merchandise. They were always cheap, greedy, scumbags before the park, claiming they were small market (Comment straight from Giles mouth) & couldn’t sign top notch players. They think that because of the success they had, from 2007-2011, that we forget the nauseating embarrassment that they were, from 83-2002. I don’t forget! I worked for them, & at the Vet from 1987-closed, & remember every slop team, stiff player, & trash truck smelling coach, that ever set foot in there!

March 18, 2014 4:45 pm

Ruban caused all this shit he screwed the whole team should have never signed him in first place he’s a selfish bitch that never cared bout anyone but hisself now they are stuck with the jerkoff and he aint no hof stop smoking the the oregano

March 18, 2014 4:57 pm
Reply to  DonP

Take a look at his numbers pal… He is borderline as I’ve said…
Also ‘they shouldn’t have signed him’ easy thing to say from your lounge chair… Who is your shortstop?

March 18, 2014 5:19 pm

Look idiot they should not have signed him they should have sent that money to sign mcuddyer smart guy and yes let galvis play he can field and hits for avg equal to jroll cut the umbelical cord man they should have let all these fossils go long time ago and start rebuilding its got to happen some time so fukin start already really. The problem is they have assholes running the team from top to bottom owners, gm, player develop[ment, scouts what do I have to do draw you a picture use your friggin brain they AINT gonna make this team right as long as they keep doing what they are doing! Go to the games like an idiot and watch them cause lotta people smarter than u wont be there.

March 18, 2014 5:44 pm

Galvis ain’t a major league SS. .220 hitter

March 18, 2014 6:43 pm

I guess thats not galvis playing in the majors but elvis u been watching brianaic lol how old r u really lmao!

March 18, 2014 6:58 pm
Reply to  DonP

He is a 230 hitter in MLB… Oh and your boy cuddyer is a nice player but can’t play 3rd anymore and can’t stay healthy… Since he signed he has played about 100 games per year

March 18, 2014 6:58 pm

Should have never re-signed him to a three year deal after 2011 – we were only bidding against ourselves.

2014 –

Galvis .234 6hr 19rbi 1 sb in 200 AB’s
Rollins .252 6 hr 39rbi 22 sb in 600 AB’s & countless pop-ups on the 1st pitch

Glove- same-

he may never be an everyday ML- but the numbers weren’t that far off Rollins, in 400 less AB’s.

I’d rather watch the below line-up lose 85 games this year with upside than the current one lose 85 games with no hope-

1. Revere -CF
2. Asche -2B
3. Brown -RF
4. Ruf- LF
5. Howard – 1B (un-tradable- got to ride it out)
6. Franco – 3B
7. Rupp/Joseph
8. Galvis
9. Pitcher –
Plus prospects collected for Utley, Lee, Ruiz, Papelbon waiting in the wings

March 18, 2014 8:13 pm
Reply to  Everz11

I think I would be on board with that… But I’m (as are you) just a fan… They have to look at thinks a bit differently… I don’t like galvis everyday.. He is a utility player

March 18, 2014 8:41 pm

Cuddyer wasnt playin third fool left field was his position and he had 25 hr and was batting 300s what did your boy do but screw up us getting him because gm thought he had something left and fyi ss that is good defensively and bats 220-260 is where average ss is what u think guy like jeter is everyday thing dont work like that with shortstops they aint known for their bats stupid known for defense if they hit 240-260 u hit the lottery

March 19, 2014 6:52 am
Reply to  DonP

so you are saying jimmy is equal to hitting the lottery… career .269 hitter with 200 hr….. interesting.
oh and it was another nitwit on here that had cuddyer at 3rd….

March 19, 2014 8:54 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Still defending, still in denial, still refuse to criticize! What a foolish lemming you are. I may be negative, but at least I’m not a delusional, fool like you. I hope you are ready for crap for the foreseeable future, because your Son Ruin 2morrow destroyed an entire franchise! You can defend, & delude the truth all you want, but it doesn’t change the truth, & the facts! I now await your negative nitwit comments, your I’m an armchair gm, your I’m not a real fan, & your I’m miserable at my own failures comments!

March 19, 2014 9:05 am
Reply to  DCar

nothing to defend really– he was going for a championship in 12… as you pointed out that they ‘will win the division’ — if you are trying to win the division you needed rollins to do so… simple as that….
you also needed to make a move for a closer and they got paplebon… you liked that too.
i just don’t hide behind revisionist history the way you do.

March 19, 2014 9:06 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Whatever you say lemming.

March 19, 2014 9:11 am
Reply to  DCar

too funny…. for a man that says he beams with confidence and athletic accomplishments you sure do change your tune when things go south… forget moves you’ve endorsed etc…. interesting.

March 19, 2014 9:19 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Revisionist history, hindsight, or not, doesn’t change the FACT, that Ruin 2morrow is by far, the worst front office executive in the history of this city, & has systematically destroyed an entire franchise, while having an open checkbook. Nothing you say, deflect, make excuses for, nor irrationally protect, can change that FACT. Period, end of story.

March 19, 2014 9:26 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Listen, I love the Phillies just as much as you do, but it drives me nuts, that you never criticize that POS gm. It won’t make you any less of a fan, to be truthful, & honest at what you see. And you have yet, ever to to admit you were wrong about him.

March 19, 2014 9:32 am
Reply to  haveacigar

actually i criticized the abreau signing and i don’t like utleys contract- i just think people like to play both sides of it… ra rah we with this team assembled we will win the division to ‘i said all along that they blow’–‘great signing’ and when it doesn’t work out whine about it…
in sports stuff happens and things don’t always go as planned— they were trying to win a division and rollins gives you a better shot than galvis… pap gave you a better shot than madsen etc.

March 19, 2014 5:19 am

This season is going to be a train wreck. At least the Flyers and Eagles are on their way up

March 19, 2014 9:17 am

I was laughing last night because I saw on the bottom line that Dwight Howard had an MRI to confirm that he had an ankle sprain. Then I thought about the Phils and Hamels arm. And Amaro being asked why Hamels didn’t get an MRI and he is answer was that he wasn’t hurt.

March 19, 2014 9:24 am

Jimmy hasn’t produced numbers in friggin years so what the hell r u chirping man u r stupid u must have alot of jroll sports shit in your bedroom when u smoking those strange cigarsYou have a rollins agenda guys here dont want to hear that crap nomore he has been done yrs ago stop beating dead horse gm made big mistake signing him get it through your thick head u spend the money on other productive and younger position player that we needed at the time like mcuddyer who was available and would have helped the team then and now and u put galvis in ss like they always inteneded to their numbers aint that much different then u continue to unload the senoir citizens play what we have which really aint that great but u have gm to blame for that BUT u have to go that route sooner or later would u rather they just put all these over the hill stiffs out here for another 3-4 more yrs or would u want change now and in 3-4 yrs we lot better its a no brainer like i said u not that smart man and your logic is ILLOGICAL!! lmao one thing u good for is good laugh hehe

March 19, 2014 9:32 am
Reply to  DonP

2012 22 hr and a GG– not producing??? i thought that was the lottery…. get your story straight

March 19, 2014 9:41 am

Don’t forget 102 runs scored and 30 SBs.

Those numbers as of 2 years ago is the reason why none of us would be happy with Galvis for a full season. Like him or not, J-Roll has upped the expectation for production at SS the way that Utley has for 2B.

I agree that the lineup should be turned over, but these players have changed those positions for Phils fans.

March 19, 2014 9:59 am

I am more mad the Phils hired Larry Bowa –
Bowa and Jimmy Rollins hate each other.
This was easily predictable. Their feud has picked up right where it left off in 2004. The damage is done, Rollins will be the villain to end his career here. The Sandberg and Bowa hires might turn out to be a disaster.

March 19, 2014 10:21 am

J-Ro has been a Cancer for 3 Years now and has little to do with Bowa who was brought in to bring some Discipline and Focus that was lost under Charlie Manuel’s Country Club Atmosphere…

March 19, 2014 10:05 am

i thought bowa was brought in because he and jimmy got along???
also, IF everything that is being reported is FACT then I think sandberg is a sniveling little p***y! If in fact he benched him for whatever reason and IF he didn’t pull him aside that is a weasle move…. part of me wonders if its all a smoke screen of some sort… i can’t imagine a major league manager not telling a veteran (or rookie even) why he is pissed and sitting him… its unimaginable

March 19, 2014 10:28 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Anyone who knows Sanberg and what he’s all about is simply this ..
He had to work his ass-off as a Younger Player even to make it to the Big Leagues and continued to work hard, even as an established Player, which is one of things that most Admire about him.. He was not the most naturally talented player but he excelled because of his hard work, by studying the game and learning about Pitchers,Defenses,etc,etc..
What burns Sanberg’s crawl more than anything is a MLB Player who has God-Given talent and ability and who waste’s it but not working hard, not being committed and not being a True Professional on and off the Field
This is the root of the Problem as far as Sandberg & J-Rollins go..

Bowa has nothing to do with it… Sanberg cannot stand how Rollins goes about his businees as a MLB Player, plain and simple..

March 19, 2014 10:30 am
Reply to  paulman

and as manager needs to communicate this to him…. its simple… hell little league coaches should do it! a major league manager has to address his players when they aren’t meeting his expectations… so in that respect sandberg is not being a true professional.

March 19, 2014 11:00 am
Reply to  haveacigar

I agree that it’s a 2 Way Street and SAnberg must be mature and repsonsible as the manager and handle any personality issues he may and will have with 25 Players.. Each should be brought in individually with expectations outlined, things to work on and improve upon (you would think this would have happened after last Season and maybe it did occur)
Then you have Weekly Team Meetings go Over Team Goals, exercised and measurements on what they need to improve on.. Whether that’s taking more Pitchers per At-Bat, Hitting the Ball on the Ground, Backing each other up in the Outfield, Hitting Cutoffs properly, etc,etc…

March 19, 2014 12:10 pm
Reply to  paulman

Man stop with that cancer crap I guess his cancer affected the moves Rueben Amaro has made the last three years, please to take it a step further what has Sandberg ever won?

March 19, 2014 12:24 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Weasel move? Like what your Son Ruin 2morrow, & the scouts did to the 2 college kids, that they tried to destroy? Please! And you talk about me having a selective memory. I hope Sandberg benches his @$$ again! Non-hustling, selfish, overrated, dick-bag! His act has long been tired. Now, they’re stuck with him, & unless he gets hurt, they’re stuck with his @$$ next year too! Hopeless, & embarrassing!

March 19, 2014 12:57 pm
Reply to  DCar

if thte college player thing is exactly as happened as reported by the press and those disgruntled players describe it is an absolute weasle move. you see above when i comment on reports in the press i use the word ‘if’ and ‘fact’ because i don’t take things reported on face value.. but absolute weasle move. And if he directed sandberg on the way to handle jimmy then i would call that a weasle move.

March 21, 2014 1:08 pm

**Phils Injury Report****
1B/OF darrin Ruf Sustained a Pulled/Torn Oblique and will be out for a while which simply is cover for GM Amario, who wanted OF Bobby Abrue to make the Final Roster all along,.. Ruf will be back in June after Abrue bats .122 in his first 40 games and Ryan Howard gets hurts again… Nothing New Going on here…

March 21, 2014 1:22 pm
Reply to  paulman

Gwynn is going north not abreau! which actually helps ruff… not the oblique but that gwynn beats out abreau!

March 21, 2014 2:36 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

i like gwynn. he byrd and revere have been the only peeps hitting

March 23, 2014 6:42 am

Ok, Jimmy is just too old to be doing all of the physical stuff on a daily basis that would have him out competing the youngest pro-athletes in practices. Maybe, Sandberg just doesn’t get it since he was a pitcher…the least physically taxing position in baseball.

March 23, 2014 8:17 am
Reply to  Butch007

Dimwit sandberg wasn’t a pitcher… Are you retarded?

March 23, 2014 11:24 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Sandberg was one the Best All-Around 2B
In the history of Baseball and still played at a very high level well into his
mid-30’s.. He knows how taxing physically playing the middle-infield is for he overcame those himself by working hard
Sandberg was probably one of the most consistent Players to ever play the game.. Never got too high or too low and very similar and his personality and make-up was very similar to Chase Utley when you think about it
With a little less power, but a better fielder
Sandberg had some back issues as he got older where as Utley
Has knee issues..

March 30, 2014 8:46 pm

Hearing rumblings that Phillies Front Office and Ownership were inspired about the news of D-Jax Release by the Eagles that they are getting ready to announce a flat out Release of SS Jimmy Rollins Monday at 10am…
It’s about time these Philly Teams get rid of these “Cancers” … Stay Tuned !!