• March 8, 2025

Notes From The Phillies’ 5-2 Win Over Atlanta

howardmarlinsThe Philadelphia Phillies won their second straight game on Tuesday night, taking down the Braves 5-2. Their record improves to 31-38.

  • Kyle Kendrick got the start, and pitched seven solid innings, allowing two runs on six hits.
  • Kendrick began the game by throwing four scoreless innings.
  • In the  seventh, Kendrick gave up a double and a single to begin the inning, and allowed a run to score but he was at least able to get a ground-ball double play.
  • Ryne Sandberg mixed up the batting order tonight, resting Chase Utley and pulling Ben Revere out of the lineup. Jimmy Rollins batted lead-off, Carlos Ruiz hit second, Marlon Byrd third, John Mayberry played center and hit seventh, and Cesar Hernandez got the start at second and hit eighth.
  • Ryan Howard put the Phils on the board early for the second straight game, hitting a two-run homer in the first inning.
  • The Phils got two more runs in the fourth inning. Domonic Brown scored on a passed ball, and Cesar Hernandez singled home a run.
  • Domonic Brown tacked on a run with a groundout in the ninth.
  • Carlos Ruiz went 2-5 with a double, but failed to come through with a bases-loaded opportunity in the eighth.
  • John Mayberry went 0-3 with two walks and left five men on base.
  • Reid Brignac went 2-4 with a couple of singles. Brignac is currently batting .283.
  • Jake Diekman pitched a scoreless eighth.
  • Jonathan Papelbon bounced back from his blown save to shut down the Braves in the ninth.

Final Thoughts

What the Phillies are doing in this series is dangerous.

By winning games against the Braves and narrowing the gap between themselves and first place, they’re running the risk of creating false hope within the organization.

The last thing this franchise needs right now is for village idiot General Manager Ruben Amaro and the ownership group to get some silly delusional notion that this team is figuring things out and capable of rising up to steal the division. Such thoughts would prevent the team from going into a full-scale firesale and cause them to miss out on a valuable opportunity to restock their farm system by selling off their top assets.

These victories against the Braves are Fool’s Gold. The reality is that this team has too many issues, and just isn’t built to rise up above four other teams.


Denny Basens

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June 18, 2014 7:06 am

Of course that shit is going to happen Denny. This plays out the same way every year and I go back and forth on whats the right thing to do.The Phillies will win some games before the deadline and be 5-6 games out of the division race with 2 months to go. What do you do? You have to go for it.lol. There has been to many mediocre teams in all sports excluding the NBA that have gotten hot at the right time and made a run. Amazingly the bullpen and strating pitching has been solid especially if Giles is the real deal. and Lee comes back. Sigh. Then maybe all you need is 2 bats. I look at this division and if they could somehow get a great bat in that order they really can win it. There starting pitching is really pretty good. and just imagine when Lee comes back. The bull pen has been lights out. Bryd, Rollins, Utley have been solid and what if Howard starts his annual “Its hitting season” tear. They have to go for it. The alternative is trade away players, hope they get something back and wait 4 years to see if they were right.

June 18, 2014 7:23 am
Reply to  daggolden

Denny the bottom line is if the Phillies are within 6-7 games of the division on July 31 you have to go for it. A lot of problems out in LA. Maybe we can pry a Matt Kemp from them and solve our centerfield problems. Just sayin.

June 18, 2014 7:41 am

So let’s get this straight… Winning is a bad thing? Stupidest hung I’ve ever heard

June 18, 2014 10:32 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

Denny don’t waste your breath, discussing things with the condescending, irrationally delusional. It’s a lost cause. Trust me!

June 18, 2014 11:12 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

They have 6 weeks before any decision has to be made and all I’m saying is they are professionals they have to try to win. The division is horrible so if in 6 weeks they are in it you have to try to win any thing else is completely irresponsible. This loser attitude on this site boggles my mind. Fools gold. Maybe? But this is the big leagues you are obligated to do everything possible to get to the post season.

June 18, 2014 1:00 pm
Reply to  Denny Basens

I’m not holding on to anything! If they are in contention for the division in late July they are obligated to try to win. If they are 10 games out they are obligated to have a fire sale.
So in your opinion if they are a half game out of first they blow it up for the future. That is not responsible nor would any GM, coach, athlete agree with you.

June 18, 2014 1:07 pm
Reply to  Denny Basens

So Denny IF (please notice the IF) they are in the pennant hunt in September, big series against the braves with first place on the line you are not in? You will be pissed off because they aren’t rebuilding? IF they were to make playoffs you aren’t watching? Interesting!

June 18, 2014 1:50 pm
Reply to  Denny Basens

Unfortunately the real world doesn’t allow for fence sitting and jumping on and off the bandwagon !

June 18, 2014 2:15 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

With 65-70 Games, the Phils are what they are, but so are the other Teams in the NL East, The Phils should sit tight, keep playing ball,
and maybe look to add another Pitcher and Bat for the Summer Stretch… Howard is heating up and having a Productive Season thus far, Utley, Rollins & Byrd have been consistent, the keys are Revere and Brown, and if they can warm up, then this Offense can hit with anyone within the Division.. Get Lee Back, along with Hamels who is 100% and has his arm strength and confidence back to go along with Burnett/Kendrick who has pitched better of late and has his ERA under 4.00 which is pretty Good for a 4th Starter
Heard the Braves announcers state the Phil’s Bullpen in first 35 Games had a Combined ERA of 4.75 (Worst in NL) and over the last 30 Games the Bullpen has a Combined ERA of 2.60 which is quite an improvement…
At this point, you ride it out with what you have, I don’t expect a whole lot of Player movement or trades at this Deadline to be honest since many Teams are in the same boat
I do see Pitchers Smardizja from Cubs, David Price from TB Rays, OF Seth Smith from Padres Traded..

June 19, 2014 1:18 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

“It’s not a losers mentality, its recognizing mediocrity for what it is, recognizing that mediocrity is unacceptable and gets you nowhere, and looking at the big picture beyond this summer”
That’s the best line ever said, to explain this mess. But like I said Denny, don’t waste your breath discussing things with the condescending, irrationally delusional, & trying to convince them otherwise. They are a lost cause!

June 19, 2014 8:10 am
Reply to  DCar

Since we are dealing with hypotheticals let me ask you DCAR if (remember hypothetical) they are tied for first at the deadline you say sell?

June 19, 2014 1:58 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I’m just going to put this out there to hell with that rebuilding crap, what major league ready future stars are you going to get for Rollins, Howard or anybody over 35 on this roster, oh wait let’s trade everyone off like the Astros or the Mariners and then complain about not signing big name free agents and continue drafting duds year after year. I’m sorry guys it just doesn’t matter to me anymore if they hang around and contend great if the blow it up and become irrelevant so what, and another thing what exactly have the Braves won with all the astute drafting and their great young arms in the bullpen won?

June 19, 2014 2:44 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Lion they would get some pretty good prospects for their core from a team that has it’s sights set on the WS. Adding the final piece shall we say. Also, you are correct trade deadline trades for prospects rarely amounts to future stars. Remember the GCOBB experts wanted Mike Olt?
Point is they have 6 weeks or so, get lee back, Asche and make a decision. The cupboard is not as bare as people say, lots of good young BP arms, Asche, Franco, Crawford, Hernandez….so if they did pick up a decent corner OF for one of those guys… Who knows.

June 19, 2014 4:25 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I agree with you 100% cigar, I’d much rather see them play it out then make moves during the off season, for instance if Utley stays healthy puts up good numbers. I think you get more at the winter meetings then you would at the trade deadline.

June 19, 2014 6:23 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Lion if they are 5-6 out at the deadline I say blow it up. Open with Franco at first, Asche, Crawford and Hernandez….me in left, you in rright, paulman behind the plate.

June 19, 2014 6:52 pm
Reply to  haveacigar


June 18, 2014 8:25 am

Everyone wants to blow this team up but I want to know what we can get for our better players? If the return is a bunch of kids who will never play in the BIGS, then what’s the point? If we can score some solid prospects, then do it. Problem is, we aren’t very good at evaluating young talent!

June 18, 2014 8:27 am

I don’t think that this is a good team by any stretch of the imagination, but this is a bad division.

Nobody wants Amaro gone more than me, but I also want to see them win games.

June 18, 2014 10:37 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

read the Montgomery interview from yesterday. Do you really think that he has any idea about how to run a baseball team? How many games do you think that they will have to lose for him to see the truth? 100? They are just not going to lose that many games.

If they ownership can’t see that the last 2 years should have gotten Reuben fired, then I am not sure that they will ever fire him.

He won’t get fired before the trade deadline which is what they need. I don’t trust him to make any deals to sell vets. His track record on those deals is ridiculous. Nothing for Lee, nothing for Victorino, nothing for Pence.

June 18, 2014 9:57 am

Denny the Phillies dont really have assets that will restock the farm system.

chooch, howard, papelbom, rollins, brown, byrd would get you a bag of peanuts at best

lee and hamels could get you some big assets but its not a given with their huge contracts and lees injury problems

utley could get you a nice haul but it wont replenish the farm.

June 18, 2014 10:10 am

Phils at this Point have to ride it out with what the Presently have..
Any major Roster Decisions will be made after the Season with a New GM

June 18, 2014 10:17 am
Reply to  paulman

paul our stubborn owners just publicly backed reuben he isnt going anywhere unfortunately

June 18, 2014 11:04 am
Reply to  mhenski

I agree Mhenski and have stated that the Phils Ownership will have Amaro serve out his Contract, which I believe runs thru the 2015 Season

When looking at Players to Trade it’s just not that Easy
with the Big Contracts, Age & Health of Players like Utley,Lee, Howard, Byrd, Ruiz is just not a given dince they all have 2-3 Years left on their Deals

2 Players that could return some Prospects would be Rollins & Papelbon
for Playoff Contending Teams that have a need or sustain injuries at the at SS & Closer Positions.. (possibly Detroit Tigers)
but Teams willing to take on 2-3 Years of High Salaries/Contracts for Mid-30 Year Old’s plus trading away Top Prospect’s is just very unlikely to occur..

June 18, 2014 10:10 am

I only keep the team together if they are within striking distance. Anything can happen. Im not on board on keeping these players until there 50 if we are out of it just because we don’t think we can get anything back for them. In fairness to the Phillies is they do boast a 170 million dollar payroll and if you do get rid of these players they will have mega room and sign big time FA.

June 18, 2014 11:36 am

i threw some change on phillies alternate run line -1.5, +225 today. lets get a sweep

June 18, 2014 1:03 pm
Reply to  mhenski

MHenski , 5-4 Phils already in the Top of the 2nd Inning ..
Should have bet the Over.. both these Pitching Staffs/Bullpens will be on fumes today… Expect a 12-10 type of Game…

June 18, 2014 1:15 pm
Reply to  paulman

Make that 7-4..
GM Amaro to announce after the Game on a Deal they just reached
on 4 Year $48 Million Deal with John Mayberry Jr that was just consummated in-between innings…

June 18, 2014 3:54 pm
Reply to  paulman


June 18, 2014 4:15 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Good Call and easy Winnings..
I was a little nervous for you when they brought the kid Giles… Ha
A good 2 Innings from him which should help his confidence big time.
If Diekman can pitch well along with Bastardo,Hollands,Giles then the Phils Bullpen can have a chance as Papelbon has been on a roll

June 18, 2014 4:20 pm
Reply to  paulman

100 miles giles, please

these bullpen is dominant

starters now blow

June 18, 2014 1:56 pm

Watching the braves series damn Atlanta is SLOPPY

June 18, 2014 2:09 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

atlanta blows. the upton brothers blow especially bj. heyward isnt taking the juice no more and stinks. that outfield is very poorly constructed and frankly id rather have the phils shitty outfield over theres. they got 400+ks per year out of upton, upton, and heyward. gattis and freeman are freaks though

June 18, 2014 2:22 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Why they ever put Heyward at Leadoff is crazy to begin with
They should have put SS Simmonds or 3B C Johnson at leadoff
Heyward should be a #2,#3,#4 or #5th

June 18, 2014 2:33 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Wait all the gcobb guys wanted an upton? Wanted to pay big bucks. We’re critical when we didn’t get him

June 18, 2014 2:37 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

not me. they blow.

June 18, 2014 2:38 pm
Reply to  mhenski

well bj is terrible justin is ok

June 18, 2014 2:46 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Me neither.. I never liked the Uptons..
I wanted OF Adam Jones 2-3 Years ago from the Orioles,
3B Aramis Ramirez 3 years ago when he was a Free-Agent and RHP Kyle Loshe 2 Yeasr ago when he was a Free-Agent and
Reliever Scott Downs and OF Nelson Cruz this Year as a Free-Agent

June 19, 2014 9:48 pm

Howard hitting opposite field home runs … Hmmm interesting … I believe we’ve seen this before