• March 12, 2025

Kelly Failed To Lure A Strong General Manager Candidate, And Settled For Ed Marynowitz

ChipKelly1After getting spurned by countless candidates in a search that went on for several weeks, Chip Kelly finally waved the white flag, threw in the towel, and gave up on his search for a new general manager.

Kelly and the Eagles announced that Ed Marynowitz, who was already in the organization will be the team’s new general manager/assistant to Chip Kelly.

The promotion or Marynowitz represents a complete and utter failure by Kelly and the Eagles to move the organization forward in the strongest way possible.

The whole point of creating this new position within the front office was to bring in another fresh voice with a keen eye for talent that would help give Kelly a fresh and broader perspective that would allow him to make the most informed, positive decisions possible.

Instead, the Eagles won’t be getting a fresh voice.

Kelly released a statement today, praising Marynowitz as one of the brightest young minds in the league, and by far the most impressive person that he’d spoken to throughout the interview process.

Let’s get real, Chip.

The real reason Marynowitz was hired was because no one else wanted this job.

The Eagles searched high and low, interviewing as many talented scouts and executives from other successful organizations as they could, only to be turn down left and right.

The job the Eagles were offering was not an enticing one for potential GM candidates.

This is a position where the general manager would not have as much power as those candidates would have wanted or needed to succeed. Because Chip Kelly wields all of the power when it comes to roster decisions, and after hearing of the recent power struggle that took place between him and Howie Roseman, it’s not hard to imagine why a lot of the guys the Eagles interviewed said “thanks, but no thanks.”

After seeing candidate after candidate turn their nose up at the job, Kelly called it quits, and decided to just go with Marynowtiz and be done with the whole thing.

I don’t like the direction that the front office has been going in.

Kelly has too much power and responsibility right now, and doesn’t yet have the NFL experience necessary to succeed in his new role.

It was Kelly who just a year ago had to be talked out of drafting Jordan Matthews in round one and Taylor Hart in round three by Howie Roseman. Now, just one year later, Kelly has all of the power and no one to keep him in check.

With respect to Ed Marynowitz, he’s not the guy with the pedigree or the track record to stand up to Kelly when he wants to take some Oregon prospect in the second round when every other NFL GM has them projected to go in the seventh round.

Denny Basens

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January 30, 2015 3:42 am

It sure is hard to get excited about the future of this football team. This upcoming draft could potential be the worst in history if Kelly makes all the decisions…scary thought..

January 30, 2015 4:17 am

Denny, I know you heard Aaron Kaplan last night saying that Ed Marynowitz is thought of as a boy genius in NFL scouting circles. Kaplan said that the Eagles should either give Marynowitz the GM job or give him a promotion of some kind, because a lot of teams will be offering him GM jobs real soon.

Marynowitz was the first guy Kelly interviewed. He interviewed Chris PolianI twice and choose Marynowitz. I think this is going to be a good hire for Chip and the Eagles.

It always the same thing when the Eagles interview more than one person for a job. The whole town starts saying, ‘nobody want’s the job’.

January 30, 2015 7:54 am
Reply to  IrishEagle

I also heard Adam Kaplan say Chip Kelly is hot after Mariota.
I think we throw the term genius around to quickly, fact is he has no track record yet to be called a genius. Let’s temper our desire to label someone a genius that has done nothing to earn that title yet. Let’s allow him to earn that…not just give it to him because of peoples opinions of him.

January 30, 2015 11:24 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Let’s temper our desire to label someone a genius that has done nothing to earn that title yet.

Tell it to Kaplan… I wouldn’t know Ed Marynowitz if he was sitting next to me. I certainly have no sense what his IQ might be… Kaplan sang his praises…

January 30, 2015 7:45 am

We’ll know soon enough if this was the right hire. A new outside perspective would have been nice but it is what it is.

January 30, 2015 7:59 am

There we go. This is much better. Can’t believe it took a whole day before the “rip” article surfaced.

No one else wanted this job. Eagles are dysfunctional. Atmosphere is toxic!

Eagles settled for inferior!

Meanwhile, the starting QB has to sit through 1000 radio row interviews yesterday feilding question after question about Marcus Mariotta and trade rumours (that the Philly media started in the first place!)

And after handling all those questions with dignity? Headline in Philly Papers…..”Foles turning out rumour mill” Like its his fault.

I tell you…..this “eat your own” garbage is one of the reasons the Birds haven’t won a SB. This does not happen in other markets.

January 30, 2015 8:15 am

This does happen in other markets, and if you truly believe this is one of the reason why the Eagles have not won a SB, your crazy. Screwed up draft picks, releasing talented players, terrible coaches in various positions is why the Eagles have not won a SB. It has nothing to do with the media or the fans who will question or doubt players or team decisions. That’s grasping for straws. Seriously, have you listened to how the NY media and fans rip to shreds the NY Giants and Eli Manning. Cowboys fans have ripped Jason Garrett and Romo to shreds also to the point where Jerry Jones came out to say that Garrett was his coach and Romo was his QB because fans was actively calling for their ouster after repeated end of the season collapses and chokes. It’s the nature of sports fans…nothing more, nothing less.

January 31, 2015 12:01 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Cudos my man. Spot on

January 30, 2015 8:43 am

Great post. You couldn’t be more right

January 30, 2015 8:08 am

Yes because no other writers in other cities right negative articles.

January 30, 2015 8:09 am

Or has sports talk radio idiots

January 30, 2015 8:30 am
Reply to  Biglion821

Not like Philly they don’t. Maybe New York (but really only to do with the Jets).

Listen, Here in Ottawa all our American network feeds are from Detroit. So I’m innundated with Lions news. The Bills are, for all intents and purposes Southern Ontario’s team, so I’m innundated with Bills News. Family is from down East, where its all Patriots news.

They don’t eat there own. They’re critical. They offer opinions. But they don’t constantly attack.

Lets take Andy Reid and his press conferences. List the injuries. Times yours. Says nothing. Philly Media hates this. They attack, attack, attack….in the end people hate Andy Reid press conferences.

Reid goes to KC. Press conferences the exact same. Crickets. They might not like the Andy Reid results (and they shouldn’t) But they’re not going to teat into the guy for his Press conference style. They expect coaches to say nothing….to Philly media a coach saying nothing is a affront.

Everywhere in the league executives are being hired and fired. Every team in the league is looking to upgrade at certain positions, including QB.

Right now, like every single other coach in the league, Kelly is saying nothing.

Right now, like every other owner in the league, Lurie is asayying nothing.

Everywhere else its business as usual.

In Philly??? Eagles are Disfunctional! Eagles are Toxic! This MUST mean Kelly wants ________________. This MUST hean Kelly prefers ____________.

I can’t wait till someone catches Kelly eating a taco in Arizona and the Philly media will interpret this as Kelly hating Philly Cheesteaks and its a sign he’ll be taking the University of Arizona job next year.

January 30, 2015 8:14 am

The sky is falling! I love this shit!!

January 30, 2015 8:15 am

Hell, even Paulman turned the Job down,
Good Grief…
I wonder what Free-Agents and more importantly,Players Agents
want to deal directly with Coach Kelly

January 30, 2015 8:24 am
Reply to  paulman


January 30, 2015 8:27 am
Reply to  paulman

you only turned it down because you would lose the ability to flip flop… you would actually be accountable for your goofy pics!

January 30, 2015 8:20 am

‘with respect to marnyowitz he doesn’t have the pedigree or track record to stand up to kelly”– wow I assume you have first hand knowledge??? because the people who actually have access to the novacare center say the exact opposite– the reporters covering the eagles ALL SAY that kelly wants NO yes men as long as he respects them– and quite frankly he didn’t respect howie…
and btw… 3 years of evaluating talent at bama, working with parcells….hmmm i think parcells and sabin might disagree with you about pedigree

January 30, 2015 8:31 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Fact is, none of us will know until he actually demonstrates that he is capable of selecting talent and putting a draft board together. Hopefully he will be able to tell Kelly not to draft Tony Washington in the 2nd round when he is a 5th round talent….hopefully Chip will respect his opinion enough to yield to his advice, hopefully Ed will know that a Tony Washington is not a second round talent. I will take a wait and see approach. In this case HAC I will take your advice and watch what they do, and not worry about what they say!

andrew p
andrew p
January 30, 2015 8:45 am

Denny, your dead wrong! First off Chip NEVER even interviewed Marymoweitz, that means he knew all along he was his guy, Chip did his due diligence and talked to other people, if someone was out there that blew him away then yes he would of made a move but nobody did. This is a good hire. In Reid’s third year (2001) he made the same power move, he took control, got rid of experienced Modrak and promoted a young inexperienced 33yr old kid named Tom Heckert, (sound familiar) look at the results, from 2001 to 2007, greatest run in Eagles history, do your research.

January 30, 2015 8:49 am
Reply to  andrew p

right andrew! he probably spent half the ‘interview’ time asking questions about Marymowitz!

January 30, 2015 10:47 am
Reply to  andrew p

On the money Andrew P.

January 30, 2015 8:54 am

Everybody needs to stop what they are doing and watch the clip of Conan playing mortal kombat with Marshawn and Gronk. Epic stuff.

January 30, 2015 10:16 am

Post after post on here about how Eagles are a gong show…dysfunctional…makes the Eagles unattractive. No one wants to come here.

Yet when I bring up the scathing (always) Philly media….the response is “nat a factor”


Why would anyone want to work for the Eagles in any sort of high profile job (if they have one with another team) when every single word, or in this case lack of words, is dissimulated to the utmost degree?

Kelly hasn’t mentioned Foles…let’s write 1000 articles about his motivation and ask Nick Foles 1000 questions about Marcus Mariotta.

Eagles interview 3 GM candidates, then hire the guy who was originally pegged for the job. Write 1000 articles about how disfunctional the Eagles are.

I think Mike McCarty is a bad coach. I think he makes some of the worst on field decisions over and over. I think Mike MCarthy is the #1 reason the Packers lost 2 weeks ago.

Can you imagine what the media storm in Philly would have been like had Kelly called a game like McCarthy did? Can you imagine the vitriole that’d be spewed (in print, on radio, all over blogs)?

In GB? Look at the GB post Gazette:

McCarthy: Disappointing end to excellent season
Packers practice sched change hit “home run”
Why the Pack will be better in 2015
Built to contend: Pack Falls short
Pack finishes last in ST rankings
Packers coaching grade b-

Ok then.

Honestly….why come to Philly to be in a position of prominance?

To get shredded because you say “time’s yours” in a press conference??
To bbe 14-4 yet get hounded unmercifully about Marcus mariotta?
To promote a guy inside your organization and then to be eviscerated that its a desperation move and only shows how dysfunctional the team is?

You don’t think this has an effect on potential coaches coming here? GM candidates? Free agents?

Ok then.

January 30, 2015 10:26 am

Pot, meet kettle!!

I 100% agree with you Vinnie but it’s hard to even listen to you when YOU were the one spewing the most hate about the Eagles just 18 months ago.

“Post after post on here about how Eagles are a gong show…dysfunctional”

Yes, it drives a person nuts when someone cant stop themselves from harping on something over and over and over!!

I cant stand the philly media…. been a mess since T.O. did pushups in his driveway… but you sir are the same as them.

January 30, 2015 10:42 am
Reply to  Stevo

i thought he did sit ups? lol

January 30, 2015 10:59 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Didn’t he have dumbells?

I only spewed hate about Mike Vick. Because Mike vicked sucked.

January 30, 2015 1:50 pm

and the people here are spewing about Nick Foles because.,, well.. he sucked this year.

I like Foles… but watching you defend the things you lamented about… Turnover machine, holds the ball too long, cant read the D…. is a comedy. Its a hilarious , hypocritical non stop family fun comedy.

January 30, 2015 2:09 pm
Reply to  Stevo

Game Set Match!!!

January 30, 2015 2:20 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Let me once again explain it to the simpletons.

A QB turning the ball over in his 18th start is EXPECTED.

A QB turning the ball over in his 100th start is a loser.

I get it. Foles did not play well this year. He better play well this coming year or he’s done.

Again, as usual I clearly still have to explain the whole, less than 2 years of stats, sophmore slump etc etc VS 10 years of sub-mediocrity yada yada yada.

I have been absolutely consistent.

A young QB needs 2 years before being judged (at least too harshly). During that time you look for progression.

Foles made huge progression over games 7-17, then regressed the following year from games 17-24.

I think overall he’s moved forward from his first 6 games….I think he shows a lot of qualities of a very good QB. Compared to other QBs with his experience he grades out very well….and yes, even agains tsome very very good QBs.

But again, this is it. Kid gloves off.

The whole “defend the things you lamented about….” is a completely bullshit statement. I lamented those things from the former superstar because he was still doing them after 100 starts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this sooooooo damn hard to understand???

January 30, 2015 2:31 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Vinnie- as ive said a million times. YOU are the simpleton. Its my pet name for you because you cant look past the 1 position…qb. You use stats that fit your bias and disregard the ones that don’t.

Your “young QB” patience is crap… why? Because you dont extend such patience to anyone other than Foles and Kolb.

Where is the patience for all the “running qb’s” you hate so much?

Remember…. this is coming from a guy who thinks Foles can be very very good. I actually hope they keep him. I root for him!!! But you dont have a leg to stand on…. you are simple…. and biased.. and frankly… you dont really understand how the game is played.

Spin on!!

January 30, 2015 11:49 am

He did call a game like that remember the Seattle game?

January 30, 2015 10:38 am

If Kelly would have hired him straight out this site would have been killing them for not looking around and doing an in depth search. Do an in depth search and now its nobody wanted the job.

Lol seriously……smh

January 30, 2015 1:07 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

What’s the difference if Marynowitz was his guy all along? It would still be the same thing…just with a little garnishing.

January 30, 2015 1:23 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

ITs not garnishing… my guess is that in those interviews you ask the ‘candidate’ what are his ideas/experiences in running a scouting dept., draft, office organization etc.– you as the interviewer jot down notes, ask follow ups and gleen all the info you can get- Its an age old trick in executive hiring– it is very important

January 30, 2015 1:28 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

If Marynowitcz was his guy (as you stated) all along it is garnishing and a farce because they never had the intention of hiring any prospective candidates anyway. The whole thing was a sham if that was the case.

January 30, 2015 1:33 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

no who is relying on symantics?
he had the opportunity to meet or get to know better a few well placed men with new ideas… sham/farce? ifit somehow makes you feel better to paint it that way then fine@fine!

January 30, 2015 1:46 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

It’s not about me feeling better, it’s simply my opinion. If the Eagles did not interview Marynowitcz..which you stated, be cause he was Chip’s guy all along, what was the purpose of this search? To put up the façade that they were putting forth due diligence to look for the most qualified candidate. Their were more qualified candidates in my opinion as far as experience is concerned…candidates that ran a draft before, put together a draft board etc. If the Eagles did not want those guys that is fine, but to interview candidates as if they had a chance…stop wasting time and don’t dick around with it..just promote your guy. It is simply garnishing because if Ed was their guy, these interviews was simply done to make the organization look good (Rooney Rule)…but no real substance or meaning was behind the interviews, i.e., no one else had a chance!
Honestly, right now I don’t care…I just like to banter at times. Now when the draft comes..I will care, and that is what this hire will impact.

January 30, 2015 1:49 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

I’ve explained exactly why a GM or coach would do it.. Irish Eagle below points out…

January 30, 2015 2:01 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Yes, but I disagree with your scenario and explanation. I agree it happens, I have posted the same thing during other times, I just disagree in this particular case. I choose to see the glass half empty this time where as you are half full. It’s cool…difference of opinion and how we see this whole sham…er I mean search unfold.

January 30, 2015 2:07 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

well ok then– i don’t know if chip will win it all… but the one thing i strongly feel about him is that he is bright and does things with/for a purpose– is very calculating and is willing to steal any good idea that he hears.

January 30, 2015 2:16 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

HAC, I hope Chip is right on the $ and wins it all, as an Eagles fan I want nothing more than to take a day off work to go down on Broad Street for an Eagles SB parade. I just question certain things and disagree with some things the organization does. Can I go in and run the team…nope, but I can question certain moves. I just would have liked to see someone with a little more seasoning come in to be the Scout/GM. But time will tell, and when the draft rolls around in 90 something odd days, I will know!

January 30, 2015 1:33 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

I understand that EHL…but that happens ALL the time inn the NFL.

January 30, 2015 1:44 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

You are exactly right haveacigar – many times when a team does not allow a coach (or is this case a GM) to be interviewed for a job, it’s because they know that the interview is just a fishing exhibition.

I remember Andy Reid saying, I would interview every coach in the league if they would let me. He used assistant coaching interviews as scouting reports.

January 30, 2015 10:43 am

Great article… It is time to turn the heat on the coach and not give him a free pass like many do. I’ve seen him win a lot of small games, not sure anymore if he can win the big ones… Sure seems very college minded to me; in the front office and on the field…

January 30, 2015 12:40 pm
Reply to  yojoe

yojoe, you are right…no more free passes for the Coach who has piled up a lot of wins against inferior, poor teams but crashes and burns against the big boys of the NFL in key situations.
The result….no playoff wins.
This is what it comes down to…as much as I loved Buddy Ryan and Randall Cunningham…for me the bottom line is they just didnt get it done…wasn’t good enough for the Eagles. A lot of exciting moments, no playoff wins.
The greatest QB in Eagles history is undoubtedly Donovan McNabb
The greatest Coach in Eagles history is undoubtedly Andy Reid
They got more done…they won a significant amount of playoff games.
Now we come to the Chip Kelly/Nick Foles era…
Chip has to make a decision…who will be his Quarterback…this is the decision that will determine whether or not he gets it done!

Plain and Simple!

January 30, 2015 2:43 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

I bet you gave Cunningham (well, if you had been alive)…anyway, I bet you gave him more than 19 starts.

Year 1 when CUnningham was 1-3 with 1 td and 8 ints (read that again). Were you screaming he sucks?

Year 2 When Cunningham was 1W 3L and 1 T with 8td and 7 ints were you screaming he sucks?

Year 2 Cunningham 1 and 3 with 8 tds and 7 ints. Were you saying he sucked?

Year 3 Cummingham 7 and 5 with 23 TDs and 12 ints. Were you saying he sucks?

After his first 21 starts…with a record of 9-11-1 with 32td and 27ints. Were you screaming he sucks?

What about his 22 fumbles over those first 21 games? Sucked?

His first playoff game (in his fourth year) with 0 tds and 3 ints? Sucked?

I’m just curious….because you clearly state that a guy who is 15-9 with 46tds to 17 ints sucks.

Did you hold Cunningham to the same standard?

Cunningham got a decade…then you decided….”bottom line – he didn;t get it done” (and this with one of the top 3 defenses of all time!!!)

Foles playing on a team with swiss cheese for D plays head and shoulders better than Cunningham did over his first 3 years….”SUCKS!!”

Double standard hypocrite.

January 30, 2015 2:55 pm

agree with you here.

January 30, 2015 11:00 am

It’s not important ,how the process played out ,as it is a results driven league ..in all honesty the only thing that looking back on this ,will matter ,if the 2015-16 philadelphia eagles are perceived as winners..and of course by there record …nobody will give a a rats ass,how they get to 12-4 …all they will care about ,is chips red zone efficiencies ,time management ,coaching skills…how adept he is in the draft will yield results …good or bad…his analysis and synergy with capology,will be a learning curve..he sits atop the peak …he’s easily the greatest achieving coach in nfl history..having pulled a power coupe,with no rings as his leverage..and now he either sits atop Mount Rushmore ,or ,is found tumbling down the museum steps ,with a noticeable grin on rockys statued…face… I as an eagle fan … Hope he yells..yo Adrian…I did it…

January 30, 2015 2:38 pm
Reply to  deserteagle


If the eagles can retain a couple players that have hit FA.. if they can rework crazy contracts (both of these still fall on Howie I believe)

If they can snag a few FA’s in the secondary… a LB and find a few nice backup Olineman…

If they can find some serious talent in the draft at WR, tall strong corners…

None of this crap will matter. Wins and Losses baby. THATS what will decide it. My money is on Chip… we have a strong start to what he wants… THIS offseason sets it up for us.

January 30, 2015 2:59 pm
Reply to  Stevo

I’ve got more knowledge in my pinky than you have about this game.

I talk Qb in here because QB gets hits.

Over the past days I’ve also posted about the mistake the Eagles made not drafting Oline with their 1st pick last year, how I would remake the secondary, why everyone is silly to get into hystrionics over the GM search, about how the “hurry up” O is a bad idea because the D has been on the field for 6 more games than any other team in the league over the past 2 seasons (the fact that they have a swiss cheese secondary plays into it) How the CFL corner going to Miami to play press coverage will fail because CFL corners don’t play press coverage so he’s got a mountain to climb in terms of experience, how the Philly media is pathetic and contributes to the team’s success, how Maclin may have to wait a while for a contract because of the marrket, how its stupid to think Randal Cobb would be an improvement over Maclin, how trading up for Mariotta is what pathetic franchises like Washington do and how “all-in” moves never work and cripple franchises…..and probably a couple others that I can’t think about right now.

That you ignore these and get all caught up in my QB posts is your issue, not mine.

As long as Kool/Songsidiot keep posting their drivel, I’m going to keep responding to it. Its fun to wail on mental midgets.

Don’t put yourself in his/their category. If you don’t like my posts on the Qb….don’t read them.

January 30, 2015 3:05 pm

…… if you say so. Spin on!

February 16, 2015 8:17 am

I hear guys keep talkng about the dysfunction of Snyder and Jerry Jones as if everything has been peachy here in Philadelphia as far as ownership goes. Well at least we can say those 2 organizations has one “multiple super bowls”, and do everything they can to win, and not afraid to take risks. I said all along when guys were pumping their Chest during the Reid’s hey day that the Cowboys would build from obscurity to win another super Bowl while we receive the front office “bonus reward” each season by maintaining our status as the “cap champions”.

Right now it looks like that Cowboys have surpassed the Eagles with a brighter younger team in the trenches.

I don’t want to hear a damn thing about other team’s dysfunctional front offices again in an attempt to prop up these clowns at novacare in the front office.

By the way….I heard Howie got a raise for being the guy ordering Band-Aids.


You can’t make this stuff up.

January 31, 2015 1:41 pm

****NFL News****
Titans part ways with Front Office Executive
Lake Dawson….

February 15, 2015 11:33 am

The frustrating part of all of this is that Lurie is just standing by watching it happen.

Granted I hate the Daniel Snyders and Jerry Jones’ of the world, but after far too many “Almost, but not quite” seasons (20 YEARS) and what looks to be a mad dilettante in the NFL on a mission to completely blow up a talented nucleus of a team because he can’t stand the idea of getting partial credit for winning by riding the coat tails of the talent he inherited (c’mon, this is really the only RATIONALE justification) it’s already past the appropriate time for an owner to step in and make changes rather than wait 3-4 years more of “Almost, but not quite” or flat out disastrous performances vs. building on what’s already worked.

Basically the way this is playing out continues to affirm to me that Lurie was completely aware of the smear campaign that the FO ran on DeSean Jackson before releasing him. Having a coach, FO and owner that collectively don’t have enough cojones to confront a 5’7″ football player about what they deem to be objectionable behavior before running a covert smear campaign against him and shooting their own organization in the foot by releasing him justifies all of the skepticism about how the team is run and is emblematic of poor stewardship of the organization.

Even if Lurie was aware of what was going on than the public smear debacle it makes no sense that he refuses to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation in the light of where the organization is right now…while he still has one pro bowl WR (clearly in jeopardy), an admitted racist WR, an eschewed GM and a less than qualified yes man working for the dilettante that now is pulling all the strings…This is an NFL team not a three ring circus.

February 16, 2015 8:38 am

One more thing.

Corporate execs thrives off of year end bonuses attached to profits of their company year to year.

I’m saying this because I believe the Eagles have left some of the Fans Championships on the cutting floor by choosing year end salary cap bonuses over keeping one or two needed players that would have put us over the hump.

Execs in sports have longevity two things……Winning consistently while rasing profits…even if it’s at the expense of needed players and I’m pissed we didn’t Win at least one Super Bowl when Banner found a way to take advantage of the salary cap structure before any other team.

That was the window before other teams began to follow Banner’s approach to the cap and how to restructure deals on aged players at the end of their careers.

Now, the whole damn league does it!

That being said, the only reason Roseman is still on team is he knows how Lurie likes to manage the money for profits year to year.

Howie gets those bonuses for fielding an competitive team while saving 15-20 million under the cap.

It’s all about the Money$$$$$$$$

And Lurie will keep him on as the official 12 noon back scratcher as long as Rosie do the money for that great profit margin year to year.

Roseman don’t care how he’s perceived after his conversations with Lurie?

He knows his value.

February 16, 2015 1:47 pm
Reply to  SONGSRME2

“while saving 15-20 million under the cap. It’s all about the Money$$$$$$$$”

The most amazing thing is that even after all these years of having it explained to you…….You still think the “cap” is real money.

One last time (will it really be the last time? Will Songs one day finally understand?)

The Eagles could be at the cap, 10 under, 20 under, 50 under and none of it would affect the “bottom line”.


Real $$ is player salaries……The Eagles have been in the top 10 for salaries….ACTUAL REAL $$ PAID TO ACTUAL PEOPLE….every single year since Lurie has bought the team. The top 5 many of those years.

Look, I’m not a Lurie apologist or anything, though he’s been the best owner since I’ve been a fan of the team, but calling him cheap is completely untrue.

Yes, the Eagles manage their cap very well. Because they do that it may seem to simpletons like yourself that they are “cheap”. But being under the cap that means absolutely nothing in terms of the team’s profits, because the Cap is fantasy $$.

For once, just once, at least pretend to understand of that which you speak.

February 16, 2015 8:23 pm

Yes, but do you agree the way they have managed the cap in the past cost the team an opportunity to win a Superbowl?

Like the Jeremiah Trotter situation?

The T.O. situation when there was money that could have been given to him.

February 16, 2015 9:05 pm

97.5 The Fan is reporting that Nate Allen was arrested earlier today in Florida. No specifics or details has been brought forth concerning this matter.
Culture Freedom.

February 17, 2015 8:32 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

A bigger concern with the Allen situation is…what in the F was he doing at Red Lobster? Here is a man that has been a pro football player for what about five years? He has traveled, made decent money yet he still goes to a chain seafood restaurant! Are you telling me here are no real seafood restaurants in Fla? That shows really poor taste… This alone should keep him out of the nfl!

February 17, 2015 7:54 am

Allen was detained and accused of indecent exposure by some young girl, but they released him because they think the girl made-up the story.

February 17, 2015 9:17 am
Reply to  IrishEagle

Was he hanging out with Mike Mamula?

February 17, 2015 11:41 am

New GM Ed Marynowitz just completed “NFL Salary-Cap Management”
at a 72 Hour Seminar held this weekend in Barbados… All should feel better about the Direction of the Eagles under Chip Kelly now…