• March 10, 2025

LeSean McCoy Says Chip Kelly Doesn’t Like Or Respect Star Players

Philadelphia Eagles Vs. Denver BroncosFormer Eagles’ running back LeSean McCoy spoke to the Philadelphia Inquirer about his former head coach Chip Kelly, and didn’t have many flattering things to say about Kelly.

McCoy said that he doesn’t believe Kelly likes or respects star players, and that the head coach himself likes to be considered to main reason for the team’s success.

“I don’t think he likes or respects the stars. I’m being honest,” McCoy said. “I think he likes the fact that it’s ‘Chip Kelly and the Eagles.”

“It was ‘DeSean Jackson – a high-flying, take-off-the-top-of-the-defense receiver.’ Or ‘The quick, elusive LeSean McCoy,’ ” McCoy said. “I don’t think [Kelly] likes that.”

McCoy certainly comes off of as more than a little bitter with these comments. He was clearly upset by being traded to Buffalo, and he’s taken quite a few passive aggressive shots at his former club over the last month.

However, I don’t disagree with what McCoy said.

I don’t Kelly enjoys managing some of the more difficult personalities in the NFL. He’s used to handling kids at the college level, and one of the biggest adjustments he’s had to deal with thus far is handling established veterans like a DeSean Jackson or LeSean McCoy and realize that they aren’t all about buying-in to his system or different programs.

And sure enough, Kelly has removed both players from his roster.

Whether or not these are truly the right moves remain to be seen, but I do believe that Kelly is in for a rude awakening if he believes he can seamlessly replace the production of the guys he’s letting go every year.

Sooner or later, Kelly needs to accept that he’s going to have to live with some pretty big egos if he’s going to succeed at this level. Managing star players is part of the game, and while Kelly might not want to accept that now, it’s something that he’s going to have to come to terms with eventually.

Denny Basens

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Jeff Kolsky
April 7, 2015 7:36 am

Instead of introduction to simply a new offensive philosophy, chip is redoing everything with the team. Hearing Malcom Jenkins talk this offseason I really heard a bit of chip kelly in his word selection. For someone like myself who enjoyed the swagger of mccoy…d.jax, I know these types of talented players will no longer be part of this era of chip football. It’s like a private school, follow the rules and don’t ask questions, if you do, there are 31 other schools out there. Scary..

April 7, 2015 9:43 am

I think McCoy needs to get over it. Someone needs to tell him he plays for the Buffalo Bills, not the Philadelphia Eagles. Just because a media head asks him about the Eagles does not mean he should answer it. He can simply say, “I no longer play for that team. I am a Buffalo Bill, not an Eagle. If you want to know about the Eagles, ask Chip Kelly.” However, that seems to difficult. His bitterness is annoying. I respect DJax a lot more after hearing McCoy. At least he’s moved on. McCoy received a new contract, plays on a team that does nothing but run the ball and has a shut down defense. He should be happy. Unfortunately his ego is not.

Having said that, I am concerned about Chip’s ultra aggressive approach to dealing with the team’s current roster. I think Chip believes he is Bill Belichick, but has not earned it. He wants control over the decisions and, it seems, the player’s personalities as well. The reason Bill can do what he does is because of his championships. If players don’t conform, Bill has proven they can be replaced. Chip has not reached this plateau yet.

Chip needs to realize dealing with players in the NFL is much different than in college. Telling a college kid what to do and a grown man are two completely different animals.

April 8, 2015 1:20 am
Reply to  tua14768


This is a guy that basically was part of team that was a couple of pieces away from being a legitimate championship contender in his his 6th year in the league after breaking Wilbert Montgomery’s records. A green, from college, coach elected to blow up that team up…McCoy has earned the right to do a total post-mortem of the Chip Kelly situation really at any point.

April 8, 2015 10:07 am
Reply to  Butch007

McCoy is replaceable. He has all of the records but is not the best Eagles back even in the last 10 years. Westbrook overall was a far better back than McCoy. In and out of the locker room. Westbrook’s issue was health.

April 8, 2015 10:31 am
Reply to  Butch007

Here we go overinflating the players that have been here. AT NO POINT IN THE LAST 5-7 years has this team been a legitimate contender.


April 8, 2015 10:41 am
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

I would actually have to agree with you IJ…
and they are not Serious Contenders for 2015 and 2016 Seasons either as of Today in my opinion…

April 8, 2015 6:32 pm
Reply to  paulman

I agree with both IZ and Paul. Chip inherited a 4-12 team and overachieved the first season. The second season featured competition that was either not that good, or not good when we faced the particular team (i.e. Indy). I’m not sure what this year will bring.

April 7, 2015 10:13 am

The only thing I take from this ,is ,how Chip is perceived in the league from other FA as a GM ,slash,coach is a work in progress.He obviously ,purged the old and brought in the new.He rearranged things,with a swiftness of a 3card Monty.Wether ,it all works ,will be the bottom line.The draft ,will allow for us to witness him and his ego at work once again .He dominated FA ,and he’ll plaster his face all over his first controlled draft.Does he believe in Sam? Will he mortgage the future ? Is he a loose cannon ? Does he actually have a plan ? Conversely ,in FA he seemingly,created more questions than answers ..One predictability ,is his unpredictability ..Makes for a 2 minute drill ,as a fan ..

April 7, 2015 10:20 am

He said a lot more than what you posted Denny.

He said this and he is right and I am scared:

McCoy said. “But then you’ve got [quarterback Sam] Bradford. He’s in and out, banged up. The main wide receiver is [Riley] Cooper. The tight end is [Brent] Celek. . . . [Kelly] likes it like that. The tension – the this or that – he doesn’t like that. He don’t like the way you dress.”

Fucking guy criticizes grown ups for how they dress?

Barney rubble is a control freak man..

April 7, 2015 10:21 am

I stated when Kelly was Hired that the Eagles would not truly be in his likeness or his Team until he moved on from the Big 3 (Vick,D-Jax & McCoy) that he inherited from AR, for these Players did not exude the Kelly’s tough, over-achieving, all for 1 type of bunker mentality that Kelly’s Seeks to surround his Team with.. I am not saying this was right or wrong, but just the way that Kelly would approach things… Kelly runs his Team/Organization like the Military, very structured and regimented and he doesn’t like to deviate from his Routine, or want Players stepping out of the box or to promote themselves in a Team Sport, so to speak..
Now fast forward to now and we’ll see if Kelly’s All for One can really Win at the NFL Level..

April 7, 2015 10:36 am

Mhenski..I read the whole bleacher report ,as well.The implications are clear ,he wants “his type of guys” wether that means a flock of sheep ,or even ,a bunch of guys that have blind faith ,he’d prefer ,to be the “big wheel” ,a smugness ,and arrogance ,at its core .It’s an agressive approach, but let’s not lose sight that it’s not uncommon in a new coach to want his guys …We need throw caution to the wind ,sit and be entertained by his Draft ,and then see it all play itself out..the bullseye is clearly on his back.As an Eagle fan I can only judge his moves and quantify them .So far he seems to have a vision ,and it’s obvious, he as Sinatra sang will do it my way ..will that bring us closer to the promise land or the land of broken promises? Time will tell ..

April 7, 2015 11:15 am

my take on it is much like as deserteagle says—he could not care any less about what mccoy or anybody else says. I just heard Jeff MacClane who wrote the article and he says don’t perceive this as Kelly thinking Lesean was an ass like desean– this had nothing to do with him being trouble maker or anything like that– it was running style and money…
The only thing i’m encouraged by with the Kelly madness…. two of the most successful teams in all of sports the spurs and patriots kind of have a ‘system’ approach, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts….type of thing… obviously both led by a star of pretty high character and ability… so we shall see

April 7, 2015 1:24 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

And don’t forget your Phillies too HAC.. Good Grief..

April 7, 2015 8:31 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Let’s be clear…Chip Kelly is not beyond reproach! The cutting of Desean Jackson was downright stupid. The Eagles got nothing for him and the main victim of that cut was Nick Foles.
Djax was the key to any success Foles enjoyed with the Eagles and it was all down hill for Foles when Djax was released.
However, Kelly’s other moves have been sound and very reasonable. McCoy’s argument is weak…Chip Kelly got rid of the perfect ‘company’ man and a guy for his ‘culture’ in getting rid of Foles.
Chip Kelly has a way he wants the football team constructed and that is also based on TALENT.
Lets stop the bellyaching, bitching, and moaning over losing players that never won a playoff game. Losing means changes have to come about…not making the playoffs means changes have to come..never winning a playoff games demands changes

Chip Kelly is right to make the changes instead of sitting back worrying about saving the Eagles money…

Chip is out on his ass if he doesn’t win…he may as well do it his way!

April 7, 2015 8:43 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

No…he got rid of DJAX for the same reasons he got rid of all of them.he did not fit his vision for success… We can’t pick and choose…also, no team was willing to offer anything for POS DJAX…

April 8, 2015 4:16 am
Reply to  haveacigar

“His vision for success”? HMMMM!!! That same “vision for success”, that won him ZERO Bowl games? That same “vision of success”, that forced him to change his mind & the NCAA to go t the Birds, after being caught in recruiting violations, & was going to be sanctioned?? The same “vision of success”, that has him running things 3 years now (Don’t give me all the Weaselman BS either. A dope, but Kelly’s players), with ZERO playoff wins, & not many wins against above 500 teams??? That same “vision of success” havenoclue? Clue me in of this “vision of success”! All I see is another clueless, inept, over-his-head, condescending, arrogant, stubborn, egocentric, POS, that you worship, & love so much, with your unwavering, blind loyalty! VISION MY ASS!!!! He has no plan! No vision!! No clue!!! Look at every move he has made. Reaches, overdrafts, overpayments, voids, stubbornness, diva attitude himself, while getting rid of the divas, his condescending attitude towards the fans & the media! He was an ass-clown when he was hired, & nothing he has done, to change that fact!

April 8, 2015 4:17 am
Reply to  DCar

*leave the NCAA*

April 8, 2015 5:42 am
Reply to  DCar

I did not say that i agree with his vision but it is his vision… he does have a plan its just that no one on here agrees wtih it…

April 8, 2015 5:43 am
Reply to  DCar

You are so anxious to yell and scream you don’t even read– I am not on board with his plan/vision– but I choose not to yell and scream about it… I’m an eagles fan and have no choice but to let this play out… simple.

April 8, 2015 2:23 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

haveablunt, the fact still remains you got nothing for one of the most talented wide receivers in the league.

Nick Foles is still crying over that move…Djax unique talent was the primary reason for the success that Foles enjoyed-no Djax-Foles was exposed!
Every coach and team makes mistakes…no one is perfect…but since the Djax debacle, Chip Kelly”s moves are sound and no one has offered any legitimate criticism of his moves. No one has offered any alternatives…vinniedaloser, haveablunt, paulman, along with others have us basically sticking with the same mediocre team with no real plan to get better.
Chip Kelly is taking bold steps that beats the alternative-sitting on your hands and doing nothing

April 8, 2015 2:30 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Dax one of the best? Um in the nfl? What? Maybe 12-20 bestish…. Overpaid no one wanted his shitty conteact

April 7, 2015 11:27 am

The problem is McCoy and Jackson think they are superstar game changers when in fact they arent. They are really good players but thats it. McCoy got caught up in his Barry Sanders hype and it was apparent in his running style last year. Jackson thought he was the greatest wideout since Rice. Only proved how far off from superstar with the implosion that was Washington.

The last GAMECHANGER here was Brian Dawkins. We havent let anyone else go from these teams that have been ANYWHERE CLOSE to that type of player mentality etc.

On top of everything there is only one star that matters….the QB.

April 10, 2015 11:20 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

McCoy and Jackson aren’t game changers?…I think there are quite of few teams in the NFL pre-Chipper that would disagree with you. Malcolm Jenkins Already was quoted as saying the Saints would plan their entire defense around stopping DJax…Let’s not even dip back in the Giants, Cowboys and Redskins history.

April 7, 2015 2:18 pm

Shady has a problem leaving things alone. Had running twitter feud with his child`s mother, again with young lady he tossed off his party bus, the waiter he thought as a millionaire he should stiff. And now with Kelly. he can`t just go out with class. I enjoyed him on field but he should zip his lip.
I do believe DeMarco Murray is considered a star. Peters and Johnson are star linemen. Maxwell is a star db.
He`s making more cash and has a longer deal be happy.

April 7, 2015 2:44 pm
Reply to  brutus

Don’t forget about McCoy’s Foolish Twitter fight with Giants DL Umenyuri that went on for a Season or so…

April 8, 2015 2:25 pm
Reply to  paulman

All irrelevant! Who cares what Shady says and does on Twitter….his production spoke volumes…and we moved on and replaced him with productive players and got a very good linebacker for him.

April 7, 2015 2:41 pm

So predictable, I said since Kelly got here the only ego that he’ll tolerate is his, it’s so obvious it’s sickening. Let’s keep bringing in culture and see where it leads. Huff in the 3rd Hart in the 5th and oh yea Smith in the 1st. Good times everyone.

April 7, 2015 2:51 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

I was right with you Biggy… I was not a Fan of Chip Kelly before he was Hired and am still not.. I hope he does well for that means the Eagles do well,
but to be honest, I look forward to when he moves on.. He’s in way over his Head and I am not even impressed with his basic X & 0’s Approach to Football as it pertains to the NFL let alone any of the GM,Scouting, Roster Management & Financial Duties… Owner Jeff Lurie is married to the hip of Chip Kelly whether he likes it or not now… I give this Current Set-Up with Chip Kelly in Total Control 2 Full Years before Kelly/Lurie Agree to go Separate ways and Kelly Departs in 2017

April 7, 2015 3:46 pm
Reply to  paulman

I agree Paulman, I have no issue with him blowing up the roster it’s his right to construct the roster the way he sees fit. The issue is he thinks he’s the hoodie but in reality he’s Nick Saban and just like Saban he’ll be BMOC very soon if he keeps making moves like this.

April 7, 2015 4:26 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

what chip is trying to do at its core is quite simple he is trying to build a team that when the times get tough/or a big play is needed every guy on the team is saying/thinking im gonna make the next play or we are gonna make the next play. he doesnt want anyone thinking oh its cool superstar lesean or desean will make the next big play and if they dont, theyll be the goat…

April 7, 2015 4:58 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

Lol because now LeSean McCoy is the greatest running back of all time followed by DeSean Jackson being the greatest wr of all time.

And Paulman stop your nonsense you jump on and off bandwagons so much you have athritis in both ankles.

An over his head coach….thats gone 10-6 both years.

So if they do the same and go to the playoffs whats the new angle?

Keep pissing and moaning about nothing of substance.

April 7, 2015 6:31 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

I don’t like Chip Kelly’s Scheme for the NFL.. Simple as that….
I don’t believe it’s conducive to Winning the Games that Count
(The Eagles are 3-7 Against Playoff Teams in Kelly’s 2 Seasons)
It puts too much Pressure on the Defense which is weak to begin and has a Career Mediocre D/C in Billy Davis
Wheres the Flip-Flop ?.. I’ve been saying this same garbage since Kelly was Hired … 20 W’s – 1 Playoff Appearance with Zero W’s with a very Talented Roster that he took over.. I see no great achievement here…. Proof will be what happens in 2015 & 2016 .. And I believe they are further away Today from a Serious Playoff Run than when he Started..

andrew p
andrew p
April 7, 2015 6:47 pm
Reply to  paulman

Paulman, I don’t care who he had playimg for him, they weren’t his players plain n simple, it starts now, when it’s all said n done he will end up with a way better record against playoff teams than Reid, below is Reid’s record against playoff teams, look how sad that is, it amazes me how any people actually thought he was a good coach n would still like to see him here instead of Chip

Since 1999, and not including this year, Reid holds an embarrassing 24-42 regular season record against teams that qualified for the playoffs.

How does a .364 winning percentage sound?

April 7, 2015 8:39 pm
Reply to  andrew p

Coach AR was very weak against the Good Teams, No Doubt..
He stayed in Philky about 3-4 Years too long no doubt..
Let’s focus on the here and now and Kelly is
3-7 for a .300 Winning against Playoff Teams in 2 Seasons
(2 Versus the Cowbys & 1 Win versus the Packers
In 2013 with no Aaron Rodgers)

I like most of moves outside of the QB Sam Bradford
Acquisition as big just don’t see him as much of an upgrade
Over Foles and that $12 Million a Difference could have been
Used for a Safety & WR or OL or an extension
To Cox, etc.. And the 2nd Round Pick in 2016 the Eagles gave up after a who knows what kind of 2015 Season, could end up being a pretty high pick in that #40-#44 Range..

April 7, 2015 8:45 pm
Reply to  andrew p

Paul ur stupidity proceeds you… AR was excellent in Nov,.
December and January ….EXCELLENT

April 8, 2015 1:28 am
Reply to  andrew p

The whole concept of Chipper’s “Kind of players” is complete and utter BS. In the NFL “Winning” players at their position are everybody’s kind of players and those players that consistently win at their position over multiple YEARS are very, very, very difficult to come by. Chipper might learn, but I suspect he’ll be doing his retrospective thinking back in the college ranks, not too long from now.

April 7, 2015 9:22 pm
Reply to  paulman

Trollmans hypocritical flip flop…one breath weak defense…next breath talented roster.

The dick riding flip flopping Trollman way.

April 7, 2015 9:25 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Trollman flip flop no.2…first he likes all the moves outside of Bradford. Then Superdickrides and flip flops that Kelly is way over his head as fm and is not impressed by his duties.

Pick a side and stick with it jackass

April 8, 2015 2:44 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

THe fuck pman you think we had a talented roster…..shit hell no…we had djax, mccoy, peters, and that is the only really good players we had…..kendricks and cox hadn’t grown into themselves yet…..dude pman pick a side and stick with it

April 8, 2015 3:01 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

What Starts did the NFC East Teams have in 2013 (Kelly’s First Season)
Cowboys, Giants and Redskins were all less talented than the Eagles Squad Kelly took over…

April 8, 2015 3:17 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Correction — What “Stars” did the Eagles Competitor’s in the NFC East Teams have in 2013?

April 11, 2015 12:32 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Name an Offense that had the Speed and explosive Talent
Of Vick,McCoy, D-Jax & Maclin when Kelly took over
In 2013 and with 3-4 Solid OL in Peters,Mathis,Herremans &
What Offensive Coach wouldn’t produce excitement, stats and W’s walking into a Offense like that…

April 7, 2015 10:43 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

I think you are right – Kelly will accept no egos larger than his own. I’m not sure you can win with that approach.

The old saying is true – “It’s not the Xs and Os, it’s the Willies and Joes that win”

I think Kelly might allow his QB to be a star. Even Belichick let’s Brady be a star, and he wants to be like Belichick.

April 8, 2015 4:24 am
Reply to  Biglion821

Big, it leads to 7 wins, if that this year, no playoffs, & “the genius” back in college, when his 3 year ban is up. Which is up any day now. I believe, I could have the time wrong, but if he wanted too, he wasn’t allowed to go back to the NCAA, until after 3 seasons, due to the personal sanctions that were levied against him, by the NCAA. Dude is a fraud. Just watch, he decimates the team, with a trade for Mariota, & when he fails, Kelly tucks his tail, leaves, & goes back to college after the year! Playing out like the horror script, that has been Philly sports for 5 years now! Can’t wait for the inevitable Hamels injury, to totally ruin his trade value too!

April 7, 2015 3:00 pm

Petulant baby. He’s a bill, took that nice pay raise and shut up . He’s now playing for the biggest ‘hey look at me’ coach….
He is such a baby.. He plays in obscurity now

April 8, 2015 4:28 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Baby, I agree, but a baby who is right! Not one of his comments was he incorrect! Too much smoke, to be no fire, havenoclue. Open your eyes!

April 8, 2015 2:30 pm
Reply to  DCar

Dumbcar, when have your eyes ever been open?
The babies are you bunch of whiners with no alternatives…

What’s your plan? What moves should Chip Kelly have made?

April 9, 2015 1:30 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Hey foolbreeze, I’ve lost more brain cells, than you can only hope to ever attain! Mind your fucking business, you dumb fuck! You call me dumb, when you have never been correct on anything on here, but your consistent racist hatred, & consistent stupidity! Whining? I have been posting alternatives for 3 straight years now, before free agency starts, & the drafts start! Go do research you assmuppet. I have more intelligence, sports acumen, & common sense than you can ever hope to attain! Everything that comes out your pie hole, is pure trash truck juice smelling, hot garbage. The only thing you have going for you, is Foles is no longer here! Every other BS, rubbish, & verbal diarrhea that you have ever posted on here, is pure imbecilic nonsense, with ZERO substance, or usefulness! Now all of a sudden, you are sucking Kelly’s nuts, because he got rid of your whipping boy Foles! Where was your ball slurping, when he shit canned, & shown your messiah Vick the door??? My ideas, thoughts, ideas, & moves that SHOULD have been made, are well documented, before, during, & after every FA period, & draft, since I’ve been posting on GCobb. Don’t waste my time little boy!

April 9, 2015 2:27 am
Reply to  DCar

LMAO…Hey DumbCar!!

shit, suck, fuck, balls, nuts…

I guess all of that gives you “intellectual substance”


Your an idiot and a lonely ass…

April 9, 2015 6:37 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

You don’t know me bruh! You don’t know shit! You are a clueless, brainless, assmuppet! Enough said!

April 9, 2015 4:24 pm
Reply to  DCar

Dumbcar I dont have to ‘know’ you

I can tell by the way you talk

You are a lonely asswipe that’s why you spent all of that time coming up with all of that shit, fuck, balls, nuts, suck..


Idiot, lonely, lameass!

just shutdafuck up yo…LMAO@clown dumbcar

Your an asswipe that’s not worth ‘knowing’ ‘bruh!


andrew p
andrew p
April 7, 2015 5:10 pm

The receiver we just picked up happens to be ST player of the year, welcome to the number one ST of the year, love the pickup, goodbye Brad Smith, didn’t even know ya. Great upgrade!

April 8, 2015 4:30 am
Reply to  andrew p

Andrew, Seyi Ajirotutu, & E.J. Biggers, put us right over the top! Brad Smith & Earl Wolff replacements. SB here we come! WOO HOO!!!!!

April 7, 2015 10:09 pm

Wondering why the Browns and Eagles are still talking …with two picks and a major whiff by both these teams on last years number ones ..It makes perfect sense ..it also may have been chips plan all along ..He’s emboldened knowing the bradford brass ring is still the coveted prize by the Browns and if they can get for foles in essence and a next years two ,clevelands 19th and retain there 20th ..chip may be without bradford ,and utilize a run dominant offense with a 64% completion rate sanchez and pound the rock,minimizing sanchez throws ..he’ll be able to get both an offensive lineman and acorner and or a wide receiver at 19 and 20..he’d also free 13 million off the books …so in essence ,we trade foles and next years second for number 19 and retain number 20 and clear 12.9 million ,to pursue late veteran cuts plus …that makes sense..

April 7, 2015 10:14 pm

with two ones chip now holds the draft cards …might Rivers ,or cam newton then be in his sights? Or does he stand pat and fill holes ..

April 7, 2015 10:20 pm

The beauty of the cleveland deal if it were to materialize….we then can still utilize Kendrick’s and boykin to attract other suitors ..When you hold two picks consecutively ,you attract a lot of attention from teams wanting to move up or down …

April 7, 2015 10:24 pm

here’s more logic..sanchez targeted Matthews a lot more than maclin ,he was put into untenable 2nd and longs and3rd and longs by shadys dancing and horizontal bursts ..with a more utilized Matthews and sproles and Ertz ,and a speed guy in the draft ,chip doesn’t designate in his schemes of motion a true number one receiver ..hell rely on running the ball and defensive prowess …sounds a lot like a team that was in the Super Bowl ..

April 7, 2015 11:44 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

That all sounds nice and wonderful and interesting…….until you get to the Sanchez part.

April 8, 2015 4:33 am

vin, don’t forget, that infamous Barkley is still on the team also! LMMFBO!

April 8, 2015 2:36 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

Stop it, stop it…that is so overblown…Shady was very productive and many of the times Shady was dancing in the backfield was because of early penetration given up by the offensive line! The main problems of the offensive line last year was in the run game.
The running game is going to be more physical with Murray and Matthews. If the Quarterback can hit wide open receivers the offense will be more productive

April 8, 2015 2:47 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze


” early penetration given up by the offensive line!”

And then he adds:

“But they magically improved on passing downs. They were sieves on run plays, but great on pass plays.”

That’s his idiotic theory and he’s sticking to it!

You can’t make this shit up.

Hey coolidiot….aren’t a huge # of Kelly’s plays read-option plays. The QB reads AND THEN decides to hand off or pass?

So…..at the start of a play the oline is letting guys through, the QB keeps and…..they magically started blocking well? And then on other plays, the line was holding, but then the moment the handoff came they collapsed letting guys into the backfield….. That’s what you are going with?

David Molk was a terrible run blocker but a great pass blocker?

That’s what you’re rolling with?

Matt tobin….terrible run blocker but great pass blocker??

That’s what you’re rolling with?

Whoo the hell was at centre again….who cares….all Koolidiot knows is he was a terrible run blocker, but a GRRRRRRRReat pass blocker.

You can’t make this shit up.

The Oline was in shambles that affected the run and pass games for half the season you stupid twit.

Good art pass blocking but bad at run blocking.

Wrong again.

Now 1-16.

April 8, 2015 4:59 pm


Are you really this much of a complete and total idiot?!

You are in complete and utter denial about the dismal play of Nick Foles.

Your delusional. So delusional your now making up stuff in imaginary conversations with yourself.

Its simple, fool! The offensive line was much better at pass blocking than run blocking especially early in the year.

Time after time Foles would have a clean pocket but refused to step up into…how many times did we watch Foles fade away and throw balls off of his back foot? Too many of his sacks came from holding the ball too long.
Foles couldn’t execute the read option at all. Too many times Foles made the wrong decision…and Shady paid for it. Teams began ignoring Foles and simply attacking Shady at the line of scrimmage

You are so desperate, Vinniedafool…you are constructing imaginary straw men…what the hell are you talking about here in this make-believe scenario:

“So…..at the start of a play the oline is letting guys through, the QB keeps and…..they magically started blocking well?” And then on other plays, the line was holding, but then the moment the handoff came they collapsed letting guys into the backfield….. That’s what you are going with?”

Are you drunk? Vinniedaloser?

The Oline major problems manifested much more in the running game…the main problems in the passing game was Nick Foles poor play!

Once again…your Nick Foles love has made you delusional…

Fool ass…

Fool Ass! I said none of that!

All you have to do is look at the film of Foles drifting, not stepping into the pocket, throwing off of his back foot…holding the ball, taking bad sacks and throwing interceptions.

Pass protection was the least of his worries!

Shady at times danced…but at too many other times the offensive line didnt

April 8, 2015 5:02 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Shady at times danced…but too many other times the offensive line didn’t open up running lanes…he was dancing because of penetration, run blitzes….

Stop it Vinniedafool

Your finished…stop trying to re-write the history…

Foles is gone, he’s done, he’s outta here…

Give it up…your finished Vinnie..so fall back fool!

April 8, 2015 7:15 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Great pass protectors, but terrible run bloclers!

Good in the pass game, terrible in the run game.

6’1″ 260lb david Molk couldn;t open any run lanes, but man, could he hold the point of attack against 300lb DTs!




April 8, 2015 8:11 pm

No average pass protectors, poor run blockers

Great running back

Terrible, terrible Quarterback!

The Coach looked at the film Vinnie…Chip made it clear:

“Just looking at where we are and what we need to do, we’ve got guys open and we didn’t put the ball on them in certain situations,” Kelly said.

Translation: Foles sucks!

Your so done Vinniedafool…roasted, toasted…done, washed-up, and finished

Fall back Vinnie…it’s all over for you

April 8, 2015 4:03 am

I thought he was a “Genius”, an “Innovator”? Men with those monikers, are teachers of men, are able to handle & manage the egos, differing attitudes, & personalities of his locker room! Successful coaches/ GM’s in this league, put talent on their team, not Choir boys! Thus far, each & every move this fat Barney Rubble doppelganger has made, in his 3 years here, has done nothing but shown me, that he is nothing but a condescending, arrogant, lying, hypocrite, windbag, with ZERO talent evaluation skills, who thinks he is the show, who doesn’t need talent, & that he can fit anyone into his system & win! Sounds EERILY familiar to me?? Didn’t we just go through 14 years of this, before the prior 3??? This is his 3rd off-season now, so he better knock this draft out of the park, win at least 10 games, the division & at least 1 playoff game, or he needs to go! Period, end of story, enough said!!!

April 8, 2015 5:44 am
Reply to  DCar

Revis is the most selfish me player In the history of the NFL. Going from one team to another. Teams give up picks, money etc for his one year of service. Amazing how he gets a free pass. lol. Belechik had no problem signing him to get a ring.

April 8, 2015 5:45 am
Reply to  daggolden

Its also been reported that Gronk is dumb as a bag of rocks but guess what talent trumps all.

April 8, 2015 8:37 am

Hey DCar

Rose Bowl Jan, 2012 Oregon 45 Wisconsin 38
Fiesta Bowl Jan 2013 Oregon 35 Kansas State 17

April 8, 2015 11:46 am
Reply to  jbn

What’s that mean jbn???…..That’s College. This says nothing….

Why are you calling out DCar as if you’ve made a point???..LOL!!

April 8, 2015 11:26 am

I;m going to say what a lot of people are thinking and not saying that relates to Randall Cunningham and Dononvan McNabb…The criticism, in some quarters, of the actual caliber of players lost in the last two years CONFIRMS THAT THE MAJORITY OF WHITE PHILADELPHIA SPORTS FANS ARE RACIST. You have to be racist to think that getting rid of DeSean Jackson, LeSean McCoy AND Jeremy Maclin in under two years is a less than a mockery rudimentary sports logic if only to compare their stat sheets to the stat sheets of the players they are being replaced by.

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
April 8, 2015 11:32 am
Reply to  Butch007

LOL..That’s funny…

April 8, 2015 11:49 am
Reply to  Butch007

Im going to say what alot of people are thinking about your post….


April 8, 2015 11:50 am
Reply to  Butch007

Chip Kelly doesn’t care about having Star Players..
In fact, he rather have over-achieving, gym-rat type of Players on his Teams

April 8, 2015 11:57 am
Reply to  paulman

That nonsense. Every Coach wants star players. Coaches want star players that buy in that fit what they are trying to do.

So if Murray rushes for 1500 and 15tds and is north south runner…Chip got the the star RB he wanted.

You can rip his moves I get it…..you dont have to agree with his approach…that makes perfect sense I can’t fault anyone on that.

But this nonsense that he inherited the Tony Dungy Bucanneers like Gruden is friggin ridiculous.

This team was decimated by one of the worst drafts in NFL HISTORY in 2011 that produced nothing. The last 5 years of Reid were stopgaps and band aids with an occasional above average player.

Superstars though….foundation changing players….the last one here was Dawkins…..McNabb got close….Westbrooks was there. Outside of that….we havent had a dominant defender in almost a decade.


April 8, 2015 2:01 pm
Reply to  paulman

well why didn’t he keep Foles on the team paulman?

April 9, 2015 8:47 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Because Kelly thinks that Foles is to slow Physically & Mentally in his Decision-Making Process to run his System more effectively, that’s why..
It’s not Rocket Science.. It’s kind of surprising when you think about it that Foles did as well as he did in Kelly’s up-Tempo System, since Foles is better suited for Traditional/Pocket Drop Back NFL Style Offense.. I don’t think this is any real surprise that Foles was not the long-term answer at QB for Kelly who inherited him

April 9, 2015 4:32 pm
Reply to  paulman

I agree paulman..but Foles is a perfect example of a “over-achieving, gym-rat type” of player. Thus I dont think its the only criteria…he wants players with talent that fits into his system. So of course, he will take stars on the team…if they have talent. My point is that talent on this team is vastly overrated and have been overrated for a long time. The move with Shady enabled the team to acquire two more talented running backs and a talented linebacker.
You have to make moves like that to increase the overall talent on your team. Again…Kelly’s only significant mistake was in getting rid of DJax because he didn’t replace the talent.

April 8, 2015 2:08 pm
Reply to  paulman

Shady is clearly one of the best if not the best running backs in Eagles history…its human nature to be a bit hurt and upset about getting traded…ask Vinniedaloser…he feels the pain of Foles getting traded everyday.

All of the Chip bashing that’s going on is frankly ridiculous and doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on….no one is providing any alternatives…

We were stuck in mediocrity-no playoff wins, cant beat the better teams.

Chip had to shake it up!

The only real error in the shake up process was with DJax…he is the only player that we got nothing at all for. Everyone else has been replaced in an adequate fashion.

April 8, 2015 2:26 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

DeSean was the shot across the bow…new sheriff in town….in Kellys view addition by subtraction. Even with WR needy team no teams went crazy to land him.

If Huff would have contributed more or if the skillset was replaced we wouldnt have batted an eyelash.

LeSean McCoy was a damn good RB. IMO he wasnt anywhere near the explosive player Westbrook was or had the impact.

McCoy was our best player from years of 50/50 drafts under the Reid regime.

April 8, 2015 5:10 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

McCoy was more Explosive than Westbrook, that’s not even close..

April 9, 2015 10:40 am
Reply to  paulman

McCoy more explosive than Westbrook? I dont think you understand the meaning of explosive.

April 9, 2015 11:20 am
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

McCoy is much more explosive than Westbrook, Not sure what your talking about..

April 9, 2015 11:36 am
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Really because McCoy was a Punt Returner and Wr as well as half back?

Stop it…..McCoy may have amassed yards but Westbrook was special and helluva more of a weapon.

April 9, 2015 12:23 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Are you Confusing the term “Versatile” with “Explosive” Player?
Westbrook was more Versatile than McCoy, and could do many things well as in Kick/Punt Returns, Block, Pass Receiver and Run… But in Terms as who is the more “Explosive” Player, It’s LeSean McCoy hands down, who made more longer Runs, and Screen Passes, Covered more Yards Faster and simply amassed more Bigger Plays than Westbrook did..
Stop being Sentimental..

April 9, 2015 12:50 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Sentimental? Youre kidding right? Only someone who only points to multiple position as only showing versatility is clueless to the fact.

He was explosive at all those positions. He cemented the screen pass as the bread and butter of those Reid offenses.

As PR return he was a threat any time back there and there was a reason on big punts even after he gave up te role he lined up there.

The only reason he didnt have longer runs is because his attempts never were high due to Reids nonsense.

I suddenly understand all your terrible mocks.

April 9, 2015 4:34 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Westbrook was a more versatile player…but McCoy was indeed more explosive.

April 9, 2015 7:23 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

I absolutely agree with Iz.

Westbrook was far more explosive than McCoy. He was quicker and faster than McCoy. Additionally, he could break tackles. Westbrook, in space, could outrun anyone. Furthermore, he was more of a team player who was smart and a great blocker.

The difference is that McCoy amassed more yards because he could stay healthy. Also, McCoy had a better ability to make people miss. Plus he’s is taller if that means anything. However, his speed does not compare to Westbrook. Just look at the highlights. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose Westbrook 9 out of 10 times.

April 10, 2015 10:23 am
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

Agreed Tua….McCoys agility and making people miss is what helps him get his separation etc.

However Westbrook had a second gear that was only proven on his PR ability and open field running. Westbrook didnt juke jive etc…his quickness was unmatched and he got to his top speed.

McCoy is not or never will be a speed back.

April 8, 2015 1:42 pm
Reply to  Butch007

Butch, wtf is that post about? Can you elaborate please? Or maybe not we’ll just leave this alone.

Mac Dolo
Mac Dolo
April 8, 2015 1:25 pm

2010 draft was also a colossal disaster so it wasn’t just the 2011 draft alone it was both drafts back to back that decimated the team. Hell if you really go back, and examine those past drafts under Reid. Their were very few that produced very good players versus the players that were ultimate busts. So I don’t agree that 2011 was some sort of defining draft that caused the downfall of the Eagles. That downfall was along time coming from the many disastrous drafts before that one.

April 8, 2015 1:42 pm
Reply to  Mac Dolo

I dont disagree….I point to that draft though as the iceberg that sank the Titanic. Especially in consideration with the talent in the first round of that draft.

It still goes to my main point of the nonsense of this at any point was a legitimate championship team in the last 5 years.

Kelly shined up some good players and the hype was born. This team ceiling was in plain view for all to see but as Eagles fan we are so starved to win the SB we overinflate or ridicule everything.

I was at the Packers/Eagles wildcard game….as soon as Vick threw the pick in the endzone….YOU KNEW IT WAS TIME TO BLOW IT ALL UP…..we had nothing more here than fools gold.

And even deeper…as soon as T.O left…you knew we blew it…Jevon Kearses knee exploding only cemented it.

Mac Dolo
Mac Dolo
April 8, 2015 2:59 pm
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

I agree with you 100% on all points. Unfortunately Reid, and company did not see that the team needed to be blown up. Even though it was obvious to us knowledgeable fans that this team has been running on a surplus of fools gold since their defeat in the superbowl to the New England Patriots. I’m glad you actually brought up the draft because bringing up that issue has been this teams #1 problem. The Eagles are looking for quick fixes they are not patient as an organization or dedicated enough to the process of the draft to ever legitimately win a championship period.

April 8, 2015 1:44 pm

He has a star at left tackle, traded for a QB who he thinks is a star, signed the rushing leader, has a ‘star’ at center (a top center )
Shady whines like a girl.

April 8, 2015 2:11 pm

Eagles send fletcher cox and sam Bradford to the Browns for 12 and 19 and then trade 12 and 19 to Oakland for 4th overall to select kevin white …….. gotcha

April 8, 2015 2:28 pm

Whats the buzz about the Byron Jones kid (My UConn alum friends wont shut up about him) and now the kid out of Utah thats is getting attention at Safety?

One thing I can say about the names being floated as draft prospects…from a physical standpoint these kids are goons(I mean that in a good way) definitely uber athlete types.

April 8, 2015 2:35 pm

I believe the byron jones hype has shot him into the 1st rd but he was a 3rd or 4th rd prospect before the combine and pro day….I do like this kid….he’s a tough player who even played when hurt……he has shown great athletic ability I hope we draft him and Bresshaud perriman and also get Fisher…could be a lot but that would be an excellent draft to begin with

April 8, 2015 3:27 pm
Reply to  zilents44

All 3 Good Prospects but are Rated outside (below) the #20 Selection
Eagles should Trade Back a few spots and can still get either Fisher,Perriman or B Jones, or Collins from LSU and pick up an extra 3rd Rounder in the Process..
Then Package a Trade with Boykin,Kendricks or Curry or Mathis to get another 3rd Round or perhaps package a couple move back up into the 2 Round to attempt to get 4-5 Picks in the first 3 Rounds (100 Selections)

The Eagles Currently have #20, #52 & #84 and need to get 2 more Picks in the Top #100

Jeff Kolsky
April 8, 2015 3:47 pm
Reply to  paulman

I like idea of getting some extra picks… also like this idea..

A secondary of Maxwell/Jones at CB and Rowe/Jenkins at Safety I’d really like.

Rd 1- Byron Jones (CB)
Rd 2- Eric Rowe (S)
Rd3- Conley or Mcbride (WR)
Rd4- Montgomery (WR)

Rds 5-7 and any additional pikcs we get via trade(s) stock up on O-line, an OLB and some d-line depth.

April 8, 2015 4:19 pm
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

I lke the Idea and Picks Jeff..
They definitely need to get a Promising/Highly Rated OL

WIth signing DB Diggs yesterday the Eagles now have the Following DB’s under Contract for 2015

CB – Maxwell, Carroll, Boykin, Thurmond,Watkins & Diggs
Safety – Jenkins, Wolff, Maragos, Prosinski, Reynolds ,Couplin

I thought Prosinski played Great on Special Teams once he came on and is more athletic than Maragos…
I also like this Jerome Couplin who with a Full Off-Season could really surprise and then Ed Reynolds should take a big step forward with a Year under his belt…
That’s the 1 big Risk Draft a PLayer from the Pac-10/12 Conference is that they can’t attend OTA”s until their Senior Class Graduates which is Mid/Late June as most of those Schools run a Trimester Academic Calender and many Rookie Players really lose their Rookie Years for they miss a lot workouts and learning by the time Summer Camp Starts Pack

April 8, 2015 5:02 pm
Reply to  paulman

DB Rowe is moving up into the Top-Half of the 2nd Round and may be hard to get at #52..
I see something like this…

Rd 1 – OT Fisher – Oregon (Day 1 Starter at RG- then shift to RT when Peters is finished in 2017 where Lane Johnson shifts to LT)
Rd 2 – CB’s Byron Jones, Jalen Collins or Eric Rowe
Rd 3 – WR Chris Conley or Tre McBride
Rd 4 – Guard’s Mark Glowinski (West Virginia) Mitch Morse (Missouri) ) Austin Shepard (Alabama) Laurence Gibson (Va Tech)

In Round 4, I am taking an OL instead of WR Montgomery

Jeff Kolsky
April 8, 2015 6:16 pm
Reply to  paulman

Agree Rowe is flying up the boards. .so is jones. .collins and the usc wr agular that chip really likes. Possibly pair our 2 with a player like boykin or kendricks to move up round 2 and get another pk in rd 4 or 5.

April 8, 2015 6:30 pm
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

Have you guys ever watched Eric Rowe play? He is flying up boards based on measurements, not his play. Rowe is a mid 3rd- 4th round talent when you watch him play. If he is drafted in the 2nd it is a serious reach.

April 9, 2015 1:40 am
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

Eagles, he’s mocked to go in the 2nd.

April 9, 2015 7:48 am
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

D..I know, I have seen those mocks. I completely disagree. I maintain that his measurable pushed him up there during post season preparation for the draft. Prior to that, he was mocked and projected as a 4th round prospect. His play says that to me.

April 9, 2015 9:28 am
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

I think a lot of it has to do with the Safety Draft Class being so week that some of these Bigger CB’s (J Collins, Q Rollins & E Rowe) are all getting pushed up the Boards a Round or 2 earlier than their play as pure CB’s would reflect…
J Collins of LSU is a perfect example, he’s only Started 10 Games at LSU the last 2 Years and some Games he never even got in at all..He’s big, rangy but not a Pro CB at this Stage, has average coverage skills, stiff hip movement, gets beat deep, has good Ball Skills, Likes to tackle but is not very efficient in Man-Press Coverage for he doesn’t use his hands and size to his advantage yet… He may make a Nice Free-Safety, but its going to take some time for him to adjust whether he stays at CB or moves to Safety…

April 9, 2015 9:53 am
Reply to  Jeff Kolsky

Make that the “Safety Class being Weak”

April 8, 2015 10:57 pm

My sources in Nashville are telling me things are heating up between the Eagles and Titans. Be on the lookout

April 8, 2015 11:55 pm

Brilliant! Kool “1-16” Breeze just called David Molk “average”

Wrong again.


April 9, 2015 1:13 am

smh…poor vinniedaloser

Desperate, delusional…

Vinniedaloser thinks Jason Peters is below average

and he still believes Nick Foles is a great QB


Fall back Vinnie…your finished

April 9, 2015 1:41 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Name calling, says the delusional, racist hypocrite himself! You would be amusing, if you weren’t such a sad, pathetic joke!

April 9, 2015 2:20 am

A few thoughts. Chip believes his system will work. His system demands certain kinds of players. McCoy didn’t fit. He needs to get over it. Am I the only guy that would rather the 2 we now have over McCoy?

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
April 9, 2015 8:05 am
Reply to  Stevo


April 9, 2015 8:34 am

If chip is smart he will just sit back and see where mariota falls to cause I think he will be ok the board @12 maybe even later than that no need to trade up and rush anything just Sit back and see how far he falls even if let’s say the bears or jets grab him you can still trade with them.. relax chip he’s gonna fall right in your lap and only thing your gonna have to give up is Bradford….

April 9, 2015 10:32 am

New Eagles 2015 Mock Draft (Version # 17)

Eagles Trade Back from #20 to the Colts at #29, and get their 3rd Round Pick for doing so… (# 93)

Rd 1 #29 – OL Cam Erving (Fla State) – Can Play Center, Guard or Tackle
Rd 2 #54 – Safety Damarious Randall (Ariz State 5-11 210lbs)
Rd 3 #84 – WR Tre McBride (William & Mary 6-0 212lbs
Rd 3 #93 – CB Ifo-Ekpre-Olomu (Oregon 5-9 195lbs)
Rd 4 #113 – WR Chris Conley (Georgia 6-2 213lbs)
Rd 5 #145 – DT Letarrius Walton (Central Michigan 6-5 320lbs)
Rd 5 #156 – OL Shaquille Mason (Georgia Tech 6-2 305lbs)
Rd 6 #195 – TE Nick Boyle (Delaware 6-4 265lbs)
Rd 7 #237 – QB Cody Fajardo (Nevada 6-1 223lbs)

Rd 5 #156

April 9, 2015 10:46 am

Paulman call me crazy but if chip isn’t patient I think you will see them trade only cox,Bradford and Kendricks to move up.

April 9, 2015 11:01 am
Reply to  gloomysmitty

You are crazy.

He’s not giving up defensive parts to move up.

April 9, 2015 11:02 am
Reply to  IzzellJenkins

And Cox are Kendricks are getting woefully overvalued here by fans.

Gonna take picks picks and more picks to move up if he doesnt fall out of the top 10.

April 9, 2015 11:35 am
Reply to  gloomysmitty

I don’t see Chip moving Fletcher Cox at all……
I could See Chip Offering a Package of Bradford, M Kendricks, along with a V Curry and or B Boykin to go along with Draft Picks..
All 3 of these Defensive Players are not part of the Eagles Future anyways and these Players could still be moved to acquire Draft Picks regardless if there is a Deal for Mariota or not…

April 9, 2015 11:57 am

Cox has alot more value to 4-3 team compared to a 3-4 team eagles old get away with just giving away players and not draft picks. If they gave the bucs cox,kendricks,curry,Boykin and Bradford with there 2nd Rd pick you think the bucs wouldn’t take that deal.

April 9, 2015 12:59 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

I just called Lovie Smith and he said he is not interested in Eagles Players, He wants QB J Winston

April 9, 2015 1:07 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Why in the world would they take 4 players who all need contract negotiations!?!?!?!

Again players dont have the value you think in regards to trading them for draft picks.

We have an ALL PRO G we couldnt trade for a 3rd and tube socks.

April 9, 2015 12:12 pm

Just recently the Falcons moved up in 2011 to get juilo jones
They send
1st (27) 2nd (59) and 4th (124) and 1st and 4th in 2012

To move up to 6th
The eagles don’t have yo give up as much as people think.

April 9, 2015 12:29 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Fletcher Cox – DL – Eagles
NJ.com suggests the Eagles could use DE Fletcher Cox as trade bait in a Marcus Mariota deal.
If the Eagles are going to move up from No. 20 to the top-five, they’ll likely have to surrender both picks and talented players. Cox, establishing himself as one of the game’s best interior linemen, certainly fits the bill. He’s also entering the final year of his contract and is playing the 3-4 end spot when his natural position is a 4-3 tackle.
Source: NJ.com Apr 9 – 9:02 AM

April 9, 2015 12:52 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Gloomy what you are forgetting is the Value of a top 5 QB in comparison to a WR.

Totally different circumstance in drafting.

April 9, 2015 1:06 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

And the Falcons have Sucked every Year since and have missed the Playoffs the last couple of Years..
No Defense, No OL, No RB..

April 9, 2015 1:22 pm
Reply to  paulman

Agreed. However they could have survived some of that with proper planning.

Injury bug killed them. And thats the problem with trading picks…you may not get stars with every one of those picks but its the easiest and best way to provide vital depth for your team.

April 9, 2015 1:26 pm

Paulman the eagles already have the defense in place let’s say he fell to bears you could give the 20,cox,kkendricks,Boykin and curry….and then still flip Bradford to the Browns for 19 nobody finds it odd that none of there young guys are,locke up long term yet I think everybody from the 2012 draft is trade bait.

April 9, 2015 1:33 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Because they control Cox easily with a 5th year option and there is no need to set the market on Kendricks when Bobby Wagner still hasnt been resigned and the same goes for Boykins.

Its not odd at all. Its common NFL business practices.

Why do you think Luck and Wilson still arent resigned?

April 9, 2015 1:34 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

How exactly do the Eagles have “the defense in place”????

The Eagles, last I looked, still are missing a starter at safety and CB. And every day brings a new Cox, Kendricks or Boykin rumour.

Currently there are still 2 open starter spots on D, and any trade of Cox or Kendricks opens up another.

Head into the draft with 2 open spots? 3? 4?

Good times.

Who’s stepping in to those spots?? Thurmond? Draft picks? Eagles’ going to start some solid 3rds and 4ths in their rookie years??

Not to mention the still wide open hole at RG.

April 9, 2015 1:39 pm

I was comparing them to the Falcons when they traded up they have more of a defense in place already…. and Kendricks is already replaced with kiko Boykin just hot replaced yesterday with that bj guy and 3-4 de”s aren’t hard to find.

April 9, 2015 2:33 pm


Newly signed E.J. Biggers is tentatively expected to play free safety for the Eagles.
Biggers isn’t very effective on the field, but he is able to play both corner and safety. That was likely appealing to the Eagles, who still have no replacement for Nate Allen. Biggers’ chances of making the team as a safety could hinge on who Chip Kelly comes away with at the position in the draft.
Source: Philadelphia Inquirer & Daily News


April 9, 2015 3:08 pm
Reply to  mhenski

I expect Earl Wolff, Jaylen Watkins & Ed Reynolds, J Couplin and Biggers to all compete for the Safety Starters Spot vacated by Allen

April 9, 2015 7:31 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Beyond a joke henski, Biggers cannot play, Is it possible to miss Nate Allen.

April 9, 2015 1:31 pm

Hell they also throw in there 2nd and then trade down from 19 and pick up an extra 3rd and 5th. Never wanted a runner here again but I rather see one than a guy on a double acl tear..

April 9, 2015 2:32 pm

Like I said it was weird …. the colts just picked up lucks 5th yr option

April 9, 2015 2:46 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Youre comparing apples to oranges…its not weird at all. Youre grasping.

April 9, 2015 3:29 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Whats weird about the Colts picking up the 5th Year Option on Luck?
It’s Smart, they get him locked up for another Season with a good Raise in his 5th Season from his Rookie Deal, but probably don’t have to Pay him the $20 Million Franchise $$$$ Just Yet

April 9, 2015 3:32 pm

Current Rankings of the Worse GM in NFL

1) Chip Kelly
2) Jerry Jones
3) Dan Snyder
4) Mark Davis (Raiders)
5) Ray Farmer (Browns)

Worst GM in MLB
1) Reuben Amaro (Phillies)

Worst GM in NHL
1) Ed Snider & Paul Holmgrem (Flyers)

Worst GM In NBA
1) Knicks Owner and Phil Jackson
2) Lakers Owners and Mitch Kupchack
3) Hornetts GM Michael Jordan

April 9, 2015 3:48 pm
Reply to  paulman

Paul u sound like an idiot

April 9, 2015 4:11 pm
Reply to  mhenski

And You should Know Mhenski….

April 9, 2015 6:17 pm
Reply to  paulman


April 9, 2015 4:04 pm

Wow the eagles haven’t picked up cox’s 5th yr option yet interesting……

April 9, 2015 4:14 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Cox’s 5th Year Option doesn’t have to be addressed until after the Draft
and by July/August.. Chip Kelly keeping all Options on the Table

April 9, 2015 4:24 pm

Paulman the deadline is may 3rd to pick the option.

April 10, 2015 9:02 am
Reply to  gloomysmitty

They better get moving on an extension or picking up that Option

April 10, 2015 9:53 am

I think he may be trade bait I think they may trade the whole 2012 class for the number 2 pick
Vinny curry
And there 2nd Rd pick. For the #2 pick

April 10, 2015 11:48 am
Reply to  gloomysmitty

gloomy, did you eat paint chips as a kid, or are you a crack baby??? SERIOUSLY, with these asinine, unrealistic trades!

April 10, 2015 11:50 am
Reply to  gloomysmitty

5 starting players, & a 2nd rounder, for the #2 pick, for a quarterback, who isn’t even a franchise QB? Seriously man, stay off they internet!!!!

April 10, 2015 1:00 pm
Reply to  DCar

Remember, technically his scenario also includes the other 2nd rounder that was thrown away….I mean used….. to get Bradford in the first place.

So it’d technically be 5 starters and 2 2nds.

April 10, 2015 1:30 pm

Isn’t the 2016 2nd Round Pick to the Rams for Bradford Deal contingent if Bradford is still on Eagles Roster June 1st 2015
In other wards, if Bradford is Traded by May 31st, the Eagles will not
Have to cough up 2016 2nd Round Pick??

April 10, 2015 1:40 pm
Reply to  paulman

No. That’s not it. And I don’t know why people keep thinking it is.

The 2nd is gone.

IF Bradford doesn’t start 8 games because he sucks they get a 4th back. If he misses over 8 games due to injury they get a 3nd back.

But if he plays 1 minute of the 9th game…..nothing comes back.

April 10, 2015 5:08 pm

Got It Vinny,
I remember reading a few times that if he was not on the Active Roster come June 1st than the Eagles would not have to send the Rams next Years 2nd Round Pick #2
There were so many different reports right after that Trade was announced that it was difficult to make heads or tails out of it..
For the Record, I still don’t like the Deal..and not because I am Nick Foles lover, for I am not, I liked Foles but understand that he wasn’t Kelly’s Guy and that he is not athletic enough to fully run Kelly’s Schemes, but I just don’t see any real tangible Upgrade at QB with Sam Bradford running the Show, and that whether he’s healthy or not… But I guess we will all found out and will Hope for the Best..

April 10, 2015 5:13 pm
Reply to  paulman

Well, IF there is that June 1st clause (I am unaware of) AND the Eagles trade Bradford for the 19 (I still think that’s a pipe dream) or something similar, then the deal improves dramatically.

But if not, then I agree with you….its a stupid deal, because all it does is trade one guy for a very very similar guy, at the cost of a 2.

April 10, 2015 12:09 pm

Dcar for one I think if they are patient mm will fall to at least 12
Boykin- isn’t a starter and chip obviously doesn’t like him due to his
Curry- is a back that plays 35% of the snaps also not a fit for what chip wants
Kendricks- was a starter til kiko arrived now is the odd man
Bradford- is a walking 13million dollar injury waiting to happen
Cox- as good as he looks he’s still better fit for a 4-3 I understand that the titans run a 3-4 also but I rather give up cox than more draft picks
So yeah this does look like a good deal if there not patient and wait for him to drop then yeah I would do that deal.

April 10, 2015 12:20 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

It is in no way, in the real world, of non-make believe, a “good deal”! Even in Madden GM mode, the game would laugh at you, & lock you out of gameplay. PERIOD!!!!
Boykin- Is arguably the best nickel in the game, size, or not.
Kendricks- While undersized, is one of youngest play makers in the linebacking corp.
Cox- Is an all-star 5 tech DE.
Bradford- Although I hate him, is our starter.
Curry- Although, isn’t an every-down 5/3 tech DE, is arguably our best pass-rusher.
Sooooooooooo, in NO WAY, NO FORM, NO HOW, is your retarded, trade proposal, ” a good deal”! Quit embarrassing yourself!!!!!

April 10, 2015 1:16 pm
Reply to  DCar

“Even in Madden GM mode, the game would laugh at you, & lock you out of gameplay.”

Oh man that was a damn good line…..

April 10, 2015 12:13 pm

Now on another note if chip really loves Bradford I would think an extension would be in place by now…. they do have about two + weeks to get one done but I just don’t see it happening I’ve been wrong before.

April 10, 2015 12:23 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

IMHO, Bradford will be traded to move up to get Mariota, but you are bugging out, if you think your proposal, is a “good deal”. Just stop!!!! If “The genius” does some retarded shit like that, after all the idiocy he’s pulled so far, he should be fired on the spot, & escorted out of the war-room by Security!!!

April 10, 2015 12:23 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

Rumors floating around that Sam Bradford & Chip Kelly are living together… More details at 11pm… Eagles are F’d…

April 10, 2015 12:38 pm

New Rumors

Eagles Send QB Bradford,LB Kendricks & RB Matthews to the Browns for their 12th Pick
Eagles then Send #12 & #20th Picks plus Fletcher Cox & Marcus Smith II to the Jacksonville Jaguars for the 3rd Overall Pick and Select Marcus Mariota
The Eafles fail to Win more than 6 Games in Chip Kelly’s final 3 Seasons as Coach of the Eagles… Kelly ends up Firing himself and heads back to College after the 2017 Season and ends up with a 5 Year Record of 37-43 after a 20-13 Start and no Playoff Wins…

April 10, 2015 2:00 pm

Hey dcar outside of cox I really don’t see how that’s a bad trade you can say what you want about Kendricks,Boykin and curry but there all gone the writing is on the wall chips I doesn’t want these small players if he really loved Kendricks why bring in kiko and sign demeco to an extension…. if he loved Boykin so much why didn’t he start him when Bradley fletcher was getting cooked week in and week out and if he loved curry so much whynt start him over Thornton.. wake up these,aren’t chips guys and I’d they don’t pick up the option on fletcher cox by the week of the draft he’s gone also.if they use these guys to trade up its fine cause they all have been replaced already except cox…. kiko,Thurmond,hart, mariota

April 11, 2015 2:33 pm
Reply to  gloomysmitty

This is the nfl…no team wants 4-5 players going ont heir second contract for they will become expensive. Please name the last time a multiple player trade happened??
It is not the way business is done.

April 10, 2015 3:07 pm

Just watched the last game of the season against the games for probably the 5th time. It’s hard to believe that nfl cornerbacks can be this horrible! The whole secondary is horrible. Never seen such terrible ball location and hands. Next season can’t be any worse than this past season

April 10, 2015 5:59 pm

Rest in Peace Stan Hochman.a class act and one of the best Sports reporters in Philly ever!

April 11, 2015 8:27 pm

Its not going to happen…your not going to be able to trade a bunch of players for a draft pick…teams want draft picks with new fresh talent on limited money contracts. Mariota is going to have to fall a bit in order for the Eagles to be in position to go up and get him…

April 11, 2015 8:29 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Finally hot air speaks with commons sense

April 12, 2015 11:06 am

haveablunt you should try some common sense…I’ll give you three easy steps:

Step 1; take the marijuana out of the cigars you smoke

Step 2: get over being hurt and so wrong about Nick Foles

Step 3: seek medical help

April 12, 2015 12:44 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Who is Nick Foles? I’m an eagles fan and moved on weeks ago…you on the other hand …I guess you have real issues. It’s either that or your 16 year old brain hasn’t fully developed

April 12, 2015 12:55 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Who is Nick Foles? LMAO… in February you stated that you believed Nick Foles was Chip Kelly’s Tom Brady and also believed Chip liked Nick as his starting QB; now you question who he is…..senility creeping in perhaps!

April 12, 2015 1:04 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

It’s April, I was wrong and I’ve moved on. I am an eagles fan and my hopes now are that Bradford is his Brady… Again another non mobile qb..

April 12, 2015 2:05 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

haveablunt I understand…your all smoked out..that’s why you dont remember who Nick Foles…your brain is fried.
So now in a moment of clarity, you finally admit what you have always so vehemently denied.
You were “wrong”
Yes you were smoke head….you were…keep going to that Narcotics recovery group you belong too…your making some small progress but you have to stay in that group because confusing Nick Foles with Tom Brady constitutes a major brain malfunction!
So you need a lot more treatment fool!

April 12, 2015 3:17 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

I said I was wrong 1 minute after the trade was made…
But unlike you I moved on…
I said he would use Foles like the pats use Brady…. You were saying he needed a runner a la Vick…by what he says of stafford it looks like that is his plan with him…

April 12, 2015 3:56 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Still in denial haveablunt!

Just come clean…stop with all of the qualifiers to adjust all of your boneheaded notions about the Quarterback.
I’ve always told you…Nick Foles problems are not just because he doesn’t run effectively. His problem is that he cant read defenses, he processes things that are happening on the field around him slowly…so he misses wide open receivers.
Your denials want to avoid what I consistently stated about Foles…so that’s why you keep dragging Vick up…
Your on the road to recovery…stop getting sidetracked and just admit, own it, and accept it. You were dead wrong-no ifs, qualifiers, no shifting, and ducking.
You got Nick Foles confused with Tom Brady and that constituted a brain tumor for you and the Foles crew.
Stay in treatment…your getting better…but years of smoking blunts with PCP does major brain damage and you got quite a bit of recovery still needed-Haveablunt!

April 12, 2015 4:24 pm
Reply to  haveacigar


April 12, 2015 5:45 pm

I’ve moved on ..maybe someday you will as well…not sure what in my statement constitutes denial.. First statement above was “I was wrong’ , one minute after the trade I said “I was wrong’…what the fuck about that is denial?

April 12, 2015 8:54 pm

I am very curious to see how Bradford is treated this year on this board. I have a funny feeling he won’t be able to do anything right. I have a funny feeling he will be bashed when he has a bad game win or lose.. Will he be afforded the luxury of turning the ball over and excuses be made for him. I know the answer but cant wsit to see the comments unfold.

April 12, 2015 9:00 pm
Reply to  daggolden

People on this board always bash.. Usually because they dont get satisfaction at home…. Of Bradford is healthy and completes 74% then people will love him… If week one comes and he’s injured they will all say chips an idiot…simple

April 13, 2015 11:03 am

Bradford will be bashed…the Foles crew on here will nitpick every bad throw or turnover he makes. Chip Kelly will be bashed unmercifully because he has embarrassed guys like Vinniedaloser, haveablunt, mhenski and others. Chip is hated now, Bradford will never be accepted.
smh…The Foles crew are chomping at the bit anxiously ready to bash because Chip traded away the golden, All-American boy, Nick Foles
Its pathetic

April 13, 2015 11:15 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

dickwad– day one after the trade I became the biggest bradford fan in the world… i believe that if healthy he is a perfect fit for kelly- i question his knees and wonder if it beomes a chronic issue–
Nick Foles plays for the rams- i will check on him the same way I check on all ex-eagles–i will check trent cole as well– not williams so much–