It’s official the Philadelphia Eagles will start their training camp on Sunday, August 2nd, which is two week prior to their first preseason game against Andrew Luck and the Indianapolis Colts.
August 2nd is a late start to training camp, which would give Sam Bradford extra time to work on that knee. Training camp without a healthy Bradford probably isn’t what the Eagles are hoping for.
For all you Eagles fans who would like to get an upclose look at the Birds, there will be two open practices, August 4th and August 9th and they will both take place at Lincoln Financial Field. One of those open practices will be “Alumni Day” and you’ll get the chance to cheer for some the greats, who have worn Eagle green.
The other practices will take place at the Nova Care Complex and those practices will be view by some of the season ticket holders.
Training camp will end August 21st prior to the preseason game against the Baltimore Ravens.
Seems like Training Camp gets shorter and shorter will all the new Safety Rules and Pussysification that has gone on in America for a the last 20 Yeas..
Camp Last 3 Weeks, No 2-A-Days, wonder why the Teams and Players around the NFL as so fundamentally flawed in the basics of Blocking and Tackling .. The first Month of the Regular Season has really become an extension of Summer Camp where many Players are still playing to get into football shape ..
Many younger Fans have little idea how grueling the Camps really used to be that had 2 A-Day Practice Sessions and lasted a good 6-7 Weeks long..
It is what it is, but the Game has Suffered in my opinion…