• March 10, 2025

As June Begins, Domonic Brown Continues To Rot In Minor Leagues

wasteRemember Domonic Brown?

The guy who was once a top-five prospect in all of baseball, the guy Phillies’ village idiot General Manager Ruben Amaro Jr deemed to be “untouchable”? The guy who has only hit better than .250 one season in his career? The guy who Amaro and the organization have continued to put their faith in as part of their outfield future? The guy who hasn’t taken a single at-bat with the major-league team this year?

Yeah, that guy.

Domonic Brown, the guy who back in April claimed he was ready to take on a leadership role and show younger players “the right way to do things” has spent the entire season rotting in the minor leagues, and doesn’t appear to be anywhere close to rejoining the major league roster.

Brown has played 49 games in the minors, and has hit an unimpressive .254 with a laughable .309 on-base percentage and he’s hit just one home run.

The Phillies’ outfield has continued to be an absolute eyesore in 2015, with the likes of Odubel Herrera, Ben Revere, Grady Sizemore, Jeff Francoeur, Darin Ruf, and Cody Asche all alternating in one giant wretched platoon. And the franchise has determined that Brown has not been a better option than any of those guys.

That’s right, Brown was not a better option than Cody Asche, who has played the outfield for all of three weeks. Brown was no better than guys like Sizemore or Francoeur, who are spare parts at best and on the last legs of their careers (Sizemore’s may now infact be over after he recent release from the team).

And yet, Brown seems to have no drive or desire to return to the majors. He simply assumes that the Phillies will recall him sooner or later.

“I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing that’s what’s going on,” Brown said. “If I get traded or whatever, that’s fine, too.”

The Phillies need to wash their hands of this waste, and release him.

Brown’s never found his way as a major leaguer, and has a rotten attitude. He’s got a loser’s mentality, and doesn’t have the drive to hit his potential and become the guy the Phillies thought he would be several years ago.

It’s time for the Phils to turn the page and move on.

Denny Basens

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June 5, 2015 2:02 am

Right where he belongs. With the other stiffs. Hope he never sees the Phillies uniform again.

June 5, 2015 9:02 am

What’s worse is some of the names he was mentioned among. List is from 01/25/2011:

1. Mike Trout, Angels
2. Jeremy Hellickson, Rays
3. Bryce Harper, Nationals
4. Domonic Brown, Phillies
5. Dustin Ackley, Mariners
6. Aroldis Chapman, Reds
7. Mike Moustakas, Royals
8. Eric Hosmer, Royals
9. Jesus Montero, Yankees
10. Julio Teheran, Braves
11. Desmond Jennings, Rays
12. Kyle Drabek, Blue Jays
13. Michael Pineda, Mariners
14. Mike Montgomery, Royals
15. Jacob Turner, Tigers
16. Wil Myers, Royals
17. Freddie Freeman, Braves
18. Jameson Taillon, Pirates
19. Zach Britton, Orioles
20. Shelby Miller, Cardinals
21. Mike Minor, Braves
22. Casey Kelly, Padres
23. Martin Perez, Rangers
24. Manny Machado, Orioles
25. Chris Sale, White Sox

80% of the people listed are regular big leaguers. Trout, Harper, Machado, Sale, Pineda, and Moustakous are above average to star players. Sad for this organization that Dom Brown only amounted to double digit HR’s in the month of may in 2013. That’s about his only contribution. Embarassing.

June 5, 2015 9:03 am
Reply to  seansyh

Hosmer is an excellent player as well.

June 5, 2015 9:41 am
Reply to  seansyh

yes he was the 4th ranked prospect by every publication. he was the most coveted prospect in the years the Phillies were acquiring the guns to make runs. And he turns out to be a FLOP– which is why its a crapshoot when they trade hamels. If brown was the player he was projected to be this rebuild would be not the chore it is now. I hate Dom Brown!

June 5, 2015 12:51 pm
Reply to  seansyh

“5 tool athleticism”, bag of rocks for brains, & the work ethic, & attitude of a sloth! Wasted talent! Best line in any movie.

June 5, 2015 1:07 pm
Reply to  DCar

and in one of our rare moments of agreement we were both ecstatic when we got Halladay without trading Brown…. eyecarumba!

June 5, 2015 9:11 am

Notable players ranked 25-50 that year: Matt Moore, Dee Gordon, Chris Archer, Jordan Lyles, Brett Lawrie, Wilin Rosario

June 5, 2015 9:44 am

The Phils suck in Evalutating Talent and Developing Talent…
I keep hearing about these Good Arms down in the Minors with Starting Pitching, Where are they ? The Phils Starters ERA’s after Hamels & Harrange are north of 5.00
Phils won’t be relevant for another 7-8 Years

June 5, 2015 9:55 am
Reply to  paulman

Some of what you say is true Pman, but they also traded away a lot of talent all the way back to trading Gio Gonzalez. Nola has been pretty dominant, and they like Eflin and Lively a lot. No rush to bring those guys up to play on a terrible team though.

I don’t agree with your assessment on their relevancy. Last 2 first round picks seem to be hits. Nola and Crawford will be on the opening day roster next year. They are also going to have some money coming off of the books in the next couple of years.

They have a chance to be relevant sooner than later, but I would say later if Amaro remains at the helm. Should have ponied up any of the Cubans. A Crawford, Franko, Moncada infield sounds pretty nice to me. Oh well.

June 5, 2015 11:08 am
Reply to  paulman

If they were in a pennant race Nola would be up… they aren’t so he isn’t.
I’ve been hearing about the Nats contending for the series for 3-4 years and they haven’t sniffed it. Strasburg…. again, maybe the most highly touted PROSPECT (pitching) in years… injuries and ineffectiveness…. he isn’t anything special at this point.
The phils need a catcher (tough break joseph) and a bopper in RF Dom the flop was supposed to be that. — I’ve been reading about a first baseman that has been playing well but I forget his name. next couple of years could be interesting- franco, Quinn, Crawford, asche etc…

June 5, 2015 12:16 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Nats don’t need Strasburg to Reach the WS.. They have the Best Starting Rotation in the NL without him

June 5, 2015 10:04 am

The NL East is going to be a tough division though for some time. If Strasburg finds his way, the Nats will challenge for a WS this year. And the Mets have a ridiculous abundance of SPs. Harvey, deGrom, Syndergaard and they have another guy Steve Matz on the cusp at AAA. That is with losing Wheeler to Tommy John.

June 5, 2015 11:05 am
Reply to  bugsyhawk

The Mets,Marlins and Braves all have lots of Young Talent..
Nationals are built to Win right now and the Phils are nowhere close
to the rest of the NL East in Terms of Talent and Organizational Smarts to compete for any Post-Season for a while ..
Once a new GM comes in after Amaro, it will take 2-3 Years to get the Organization in Order from Scouting, Player Development the Minor Leagues,etc,etc…

June 5, 2015 12:28 pm

Sorry pman the nats have been a flop in postseason strasburg is not needed but if they dont get bullpen help around the deadline they will flop again…..storen is a good regular season closer but man he let the nats down last year…..but rizzo is a great gm he will get whatever they need…..riddone needs to come back and werths bat is needed also….but the kid michael taylor will be a beast for them in future

June 5, 2015 12:58 pm
Reply to  zilents44

They definitely have choked in the Post-Season but not as bad as the Phillies did in 2009,2010 & 2011 and then all downhill from there

June 5, 2015 1:09 pm
Reply to  paulman

paul just because you don’t win doesn’t mean you choke– the nats/phils or whoever get to a series and sometimes lose… that’s not choking its called losing!

June 5, 2015 1:16 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Phils Choked in 2009 losing to a weaker Opponent in the Yankees
and couldn’t handle the Pressure (beating Tamp Bay was nice in 2008, but the Phils needed to really beat the Yankees in 2009 to Validate their Championship Status in my opinion)
Then comes the collapse’s in 2010 & 2011 Post-Seasons as the Phils were the Heavy Favorites, had the Big 4 and lost to WiIldcard Teams who barely made into the Post-Season…

June 5, 2015 1:21 pm
Reply to  paulman

They don’t need anything to validate a championship- more fraudman non-sense-
being heavy favorite means nothing. its not choking its losing… you play slow pitch apparently. unless you are undefeated then by your logic when you lose you choked. that’s not how sports works. you play someone wins and someone loses and at the highest level it comes down to minutia. you should read what greg popovich says about his 5 nba titles and the times they lost in the playoffs- says it comes down to a bounce going your way or the opponents way. a seemingly innocuous call early in the game that no one thinks about…. its sports man

June 5, 2015 1:53 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Being in the Mix for 5 Years with one of the most Talented Rosters, Highest Payrolls, Playing in relatively new Ballpark which had 40,000 Pumped Fans every night only to come about with 1 WS over a Expansion Franchise like the Tampa Bay Rays who were excited just to make the Post-Season that their Fans brought Cow-Bells to their Games… give me a Break… The 2008 WS was one of the most boring WS in recent Years… The National Media
and most MLB Fans did one big Yawn after that Series…
Phils had a great Opportunity against the mighty Yankees the following Season and blew it and then chocked against 85 Win Cardinals Teams and then to top if off – Go Win over 100 Regular Season Games and go sheepishly into that quiet night versus the SF Giants… .
The Phils Spent over $1 Billion in Players Salaries over this 5-6 Year Run with only 1 Championship over a newbie Franchise (Tampa Bay)
Sorry Charlie, this was not good enough… Phils coulda,shoulda won at least 2 or 3 Championships with the Talent they had and squandered it ..
Outside of Philadelphia, no one even remembers the 2008 WS..
Every 20 Years, the Phils make a Run for it and will be competitive for a 4-5 Year Run and suck the other 12-15 Years… It is what it is..

June 5, 2015 1:59 pm
Reply to  paulman

They were in it, they competed and they lost.
money means nothing, not one thing– its not your money
they don’t try to win once every twenty years– loony tunes! there is no such thing as should of or would of in sports… its competition, decided on the field.

June 5, 2015 1:58 pm

In 2010 they lost to San Francisco, who won the World Series.

In 2011 they lost to St. Louis, who won the World Series.

They didn’t lose to scrubs Paulman. Both of the teams we lost two were stacked as well and ending up winning it all. Did we have a roster built to win it all? Yes, but nothing is guaranteed in sports. Ask the Big 3 in Miami and Boston about that.

June 5, 2015 2:19 pm
Reply to  seansyh

They Beat a Scrub (TB Rays) lose to the Good Teams (Yankees,Cards &,Giants).. Sounds like the F’n Philadelphia Eagles
and the Rest of Philly Sport Teams.. who just cannot rise and beat the Good Teams when it matters the most .. They cannot “Seize the Day”…

June 5, 2015 2:58 pm
Reply to  paulman

You have been downplaying that TB team since 2008. It was BS 7 years ago and it was BS now.

If anything the Yankees team was the only team that was more complete than the Rays that year. That StL team and the Giants team were opportunistic winnders, but winners nonetheless.

June 5, 2015 2:44 pm

You mean the 97 win in the AL east scrub team? Your negative narrative bullshit whiny, no nothing about real sports or competition

June 5, 2015 2:51 pm

Pman you are dead wrong you have no idea what choking and losing is that rays team was awesome….they dont have to validate shit…..we didnt even have holliday on that run you got problems with philly winning….how you get upset the way we win….stop whining like you always say

June 5, 2015 3:08 pm
Reply to  zilents44

He makes absurd and outlandish statements for attention. When I looked him up to find his criminal record I found that he is the leading blog poster ( most comments) on like 3 other blogs, locL Boone stuff. He likes attention.

June 5, 2015 3:08 pm

Bottom line is Phils were like those Braves Teams of the 90’s who dominated with all that Talent with only 1 WS to show for it… Woopty Doo….
The Phillies squandered a great Opportunity in Real Time to be Great Champions.. They Blew it …

June 5, 2015 3:28 pm
Reply to  paulman

They squandered nothing…They LOST!

June 5, 2015 3:13 pm

Pman you are troll BOTTOM LINE ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE, you too old for that shit

June 5, 2015 3:14 pm

You know im glad we have you pman you do make it fun on here….lol

June 5, 2015 3:34 pm
Reply to  zilents44

WTF else is there to talk about Zilents ..
Allan Iverson’s Drunken Press Conference from 10 Years.. Who Gives a Hoot..
Unbelievable, how so many “Phillie Fans” are steadfast loyal to a bunch of Phillies Owners/Executives & Front Office Personnel who are Amateur’s when it comes to running a Baseball Franchise …

June 5, 2015 3:41 pm
Reply to  paulman

Actually not at all fraud. You began this with ‘validate’ and calling TB weak, choking etx. it’s ridiculous. We all would have liked them to win two more…but it’s sports. Again, I wish I could find Popovichs comments about winning/losing championships. Basically, get in the tournament and then it comes down to a bounce or break

June 5, 2015 3:42 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Oh but I’m sure you know more than pop.

June 6, 2015 2:36 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Fraudman is the most pathetic attention whore on the whole site. What grown-ass man does shit like this? I mean the shit he types can be seen by anyone, yet he still flip-flops and pulls shit out his ass anyway. 12 yr olds have more dignity and self control.

June 11, 2015 5:04 am

Just when you thought the Nauseating ego, nepotism, hubris, blind loyalty, carelessness, of what the fan thinks of them, our Phillies crack drafting team, selects family members of Amaro, Brundage, Morandini, and McCarthy. If this isn’t a giant finger to the fans, from Ruin 2morrow, I don’t know what is! They have a solid top of the draft, only to spit in the eye of the observing fan, & do this crap. How’s about trying to get a steal late in the draft, instead of wasted picks, to take care of your own, you pieces of horse shit!!! I absolutely loath this Front office, & Ownership, & the ground they walk on!

June 11, 2015 5:05 am
Reply to  DCar

*couldn’t get any worse*