• March 9, 2025

The Eagles Should Feature Fletcher Cox In Their Defense

Eagles defensive lineman Fletcher Cox could very well be the best defensive player on the Birds roster or maybe the best player on the team.  He’s come into his own as one of the more dominating defensive players in the game, but nobody outside of Philadelphia has heard of him.  The Birds play a 3/4 two-gap defense and it makes it convenient for offensive lines to double-team Cox.

Other marque defensive linemen in the league like J.J. Watt of the Houston Texans or the Miami Dolphins Ndamukong Suh formerly of the Detroit Lions are featured in their team’s defenses.  They either have them lined up in a place, which makes it nearly impossible for them to be double teamed or they move them around so you don’t know where they’re going to be lined up at before you come to the line of scrimmage. Like Watt and Suh, Cox has the quickness, size and strength to totally overmatch most offensive lineman, if he can get them in a one-on-one situation.  The way he played last year tells me it’s probably time that Cox was featured more in the Eagles defense.

FletcherCoxOTA1When I say a defensive player is featured, that means you put him in position to make a big play or sack, by forcing the opponent to handle him one-on-one.  Offenses do this with their wide receivers or tight ends, while defenses do this with their outstanding players. The Birds should make it difficult for teams to double-team Cox and thereby give him more opportunities to make big plays.

Many times the three-technique defensive tackle in a 4-3 defense is very difficult to double-team.  He lines up on the outside shoulder of the guard and the center can’t help on him because he’s to the other side of the guard.  The offensive tackle can’t help on him because he has to block that speed rushing defensive end, who is coming from outside.  That tackle doesn’t have a long path to the quarterback, which makes him very dangerous. I could see Cox and Vinny Curry lined up to the same side in this situation and giving headaches to offensive lines throughout the league.

Years ago when I was a teammate of Reggie White, he was moved around to get the right one-on-one matchup.  Sometimes they would move him over the head of the center and they would occupy the guards with other defensive linemen, in order to force the center to block White one-on-one.

Cox has gotten to the point in his career and the Eagles defensive coaches should scheme ways to get him one-on-one.  There aren’t many guards in the league, who could deal with him one-on-one.  I want to see him continue to work on his pass rush moves.  Of course he can always try to overpower the offensive lineman with a bullrush or arm under, but he needs to perfect some speed move as counter moves.

Despite being a dominant presence on the football team in 2014, Cox had only four sacks in the season.  Four lousy sacks isn’t enough for your best defensive lineman.  You’ve got to scheme for your personnel and not just run a defense just because that’s the way it’s been done in the past.  It’s amazing that Cox is recognized by football evaluators as one of the better defensive players in the league, but his stats are no where near where they should be.

Causing turnovers and creating big plays is what it’s all about for defensive players in the NFL.  The J.J. Watt’s of the league, who can force fumbles and force interceptions are the guys who make a difference.

I saw this video Flecther Cox highlight on Philly Voice and it was put together by Larry Mitros on insidetheiggles.net. (@L_mitros85 on Twitter).  I figured you guys would like to check it out.  There should be more of this from Fletcher and the more dominant he is the more he’ll be able to help the rest of that defensive line.



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June 8, 2015 9:48 am

I am not sure that DC Billy Davis is capable of doing this for Fletcher Cox or any other Defensive Players on the Eagles (Kendricks, Barwin, Jenkins) … Davis lacks the Football IQ of taking advantage of Match-Ups with his Personnel and Schemes…. You would think Coaching under Dick LeBeau, who was a Master of this, that Billy Davis would learn how to do this….We just haven’t seen much of it in his 2 + years with the Eagles

June 8, 2015 9:57 am

As we all know I’m not a Bill Davis,fan,in my estimation ,given the contrast of he and Todd Bowles here in the desert ,it was illuminating..He single-handedly ,in my estimation had more to do with our end of the season swoon as the players.When everyone heard kendricks ,and cox names in medics mouths during the draft ,a strong DC would have spoken up in defense of his guys..We never heard a peep..That’s my biggest concern with bill Davis he has no skin in the “respect” game,from his players..

June 8, 2015 10:21 am
Reply to  deserteagle

1. He cant say anything to the media, he has a boss who is very tight lipped.
2. if his boss was in fact trying to trade those players then what exactly would he say?
3. paul, i don’t know if billy davis is going to be good or not but kelly is in charge and he certainly would have fired him if he lacked a football IQ– you lack IQ in general!

June 8, 2015 11:38 am
Reply to  haveacigar

If you don’t know by know HAC, that Bill Davis is not an innovator or a top level DC after 2 Years with the Eagles and a Career of Average to Below Average Results around the NFL, then I guess that’s all we need to know about your lack of Football IQ .. Wait until you read something about anything pertaining to Football, then make your Decision you Chump…

June 8, 2015 11:48 am
Reply to  paulman

paul, i have forgotten more about football than you know. you just make absurd statement after absurd statement. Lets see know that all these resources have been spent on the defense… if they don’t perform than he should be fired. His football IQ? absurd and silly.

June 8, 2015 1:46 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I doubt it very much HAC, I haven’t read a damn Post of Yours in the 5 Years I’ve been on here that gives any clue that you have any Original Thoughts or Ideas about anything to do with Football and that’s the Truth.. Were’nt you Schiller before… The same old Garbage from You

June 8, 2015 2:13 pm
Reply to  paulman


June 8, 2015 2:42 pm
Reply to  paulman

Paul, since you consider making stupid comments original thought, then you have me. I call bull shit on you all the time and catch you in your flip flops daily!
as for shiller, nope- apparently you can find IP addresses on posters, take a look- i only post as hac.

June 8, 2015 7:48 pm
Reply to  paulman

Hahaha. Schiller, now that is a blast from the past. Too funny.

June 8, 2015 9:58 am

Medics ..not medics ..oops

June 8, 2015 9:58 am


June 8, 2015 10:37 am

I don’t think b.davis is innovative..that doesn’t mean he lacks I.Q….he played it safe here last year ,when change was obviously needed..The “boss” has given him resources,so ,in my estimation ,he is very much now in the proverbial,”cross hairs.”

June 8, 2015 12:29 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

my thoughts are this… Jim Johnson’s defense in indy had piss poor numbers before the eagles hired him. then he became a defensive wizard of sorts. as a fan I’m hoping for that kind of thing. the difference between JJ of ’96 and the JJ of ’04 was experience and players….

June 8, 2015 12:43 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

I agree desert! Davis is mediocre at best..He can come up with some good strategies/game plans from time to time. But his true weakness is making those adjustments in game. We did see Davis move Cox around from time to time last season, more toward the end of the season, so we may see it this year. But he has to have the right coverage behind the line which I’m not 100% confident in him being able to do. I am interested in seeing how Kendircks and Alonso are utilized…The LB group if used correctly could be very impactful!