Eagles second-year wide receiver Jordan Matthews was a presenter at the 2015 NFL Rookie Symposium last night in Aurora, Ohio. The NFL selected Matthews to come and talk to this year’s rookie crop. That says something to me and it should say something to you. Matthews is mature beyond his years and he obviously has impressed people around the league with his game both on and off the field.
Afterward I got the chance to talk to him, along with Hall of Fame cornerback Aeneas Williams, former Jacksonville Jaguars safety Donovin Darius, former Penn State and Tennessee Titans wide receiver Freddie Scott, and former Penn State and NFL tight end Tony Stewart among others.
Aeneas quizzed Matthews about what is on the mind of everybody in the league. What is Chip Kelly doing with the Eagles? What are they doing differently at practice? How are they try to take this team to another level?
Williams has concluded a Hall of Fame career, but he’s still on a journey to find out how to train better. He was taking in everything that Matthews was saying.
Matthews did not mince words in talking about the demands of a Chip Kelly practice. He also is a big proponent of the sports science training. Matthews talked about the importance of proper nutrition, sleep and training, that can take a player’s game to another level.
“If you come to practice with the Eagles, you had better be in shape, because we run,” Matthews repeated a number of times. “If you’re not in shape you won’t make it through one of our practices.”
The second-year wide out talked about how the demanding workouts build a confidence amongst the football team. Matthews talked about being mentally tough and how he doesn’t get caught up into negativity.
One thing you can say about Matthews is that he is in great shape. Every time he touches the football, he sprints about 40 or 50 yards downfield. He finishes the play each and every time.
I expect a big year out of him in 2015. Matthews isn’t going to break stride during this next month leading up to the August training camp. He’s committed to being totally prepared for the camp both mentally and physically. He doesn’t tolerate distractions, whether they be on the field or off of it.
It is a great Honor to have a 2nd Year Player give a Speech to incoming Rookies on how to prepare oneself mentally for Professional Football..
J Matthews reminds me a lot of Mike Quick who was a very good NFL WR, and even a better Teammate and Person off the Field..
Chip Kelly is building a Roster of hard-working, no-nonsense, no distractions type of Players who can focus on themselves, their Teammates and to aspire and achieve the Task at hand, which is to Win a Super Bowl…