Former Eagles and current Washington Redskins wide receiver DeSean Jackson will debut his reality show, “DeSean Jackson: Home Team” tonight on BET. Jackson, who has dabbled in music, he did a rap album and signed some rappers to his label. Jackson’s older brother, Byron, did a documentary about DeSean, which they began filming when the Pro Bowl wide receiver was in his early teens.
It’s not a shock that Byron came up with an idea to move from the documentary to creating a reality show featuring his little brother. BET is based in Los Angeles and the Jackson’s are from Long Beach, which is right down the road.
Jackson was on a BET awards show on Sunday night and he has been showing up on BET for last couple of weeks to promote tonight’s show. The show will air at 8:30pm each Tuesday night on Black Entertainment Television.
According to Kimberly C. Roberts of the Philadelphia Tribune, the first episode will include the story about the important role Jackson’s deceased father played in his football career.
Who the F cares???????
A stupid, petulant football player has a reality tv show? What kind of loser would watch? Desean Jackson who the F is he? A freaking nobody! Mostly famous for being famous… He is a kardashian with a few touchdowns…few wins, little respect in his profession… No playoff glory…. Didn’t he have a failed ‘rap career’? …
Jaccs crew just bleeding him of $$$ guy will be broke in no time. Nobody will watch this slop. Jackson record label bleeding him of money and hasn’t made 1 cent on music and it’s costing him money paying for his crew and studio time
Midas whale just throw away some money at TV now too.
The best was watching Jackson get punked by ti and his crew in a rap battle. Essentially they just stole 10s of thousands of dollars from Jackson and all he did was whine about it. Best part is its on you tube. Haaaaaa this looooooza
Paulman u gonna lecture gcobb about talking about former philly athletes or nah?
No I am not Mhenski
The reason I responded to your Original Post was because it was stupid
of you to ask why “Holmgrem” was still jobless in the NHL as if he did a good job with the Flyers as GM and I pointed out how shitty the Team has done under his helm of GM and especially since the time he traded away Richards/Carter with his other bone head moves of Trading JVH & Signing Bob’s to a long-term Deal, Signing aging, older Players past their Primes with little in the tank to big $$$ when the Flyers should have been on a complete rebuild a few years ago..
Do you read the shit you type? Little respect in his profession? Talking about playoffs. Dude has made millions has a reality TV show runs programs against bullying and he’s a nobody? Meanwhile you type shit on gcobb. Hmmm I wonder who has a bigger impact.
Who cares about DJAX? He plays for another team! He hasn’t been on very many winning teams…why is an eagles blog talking about a dude who hasn’t played here in going on three seasons?
Little respect? Yeah, when the guy was cut only 1/32 teams wanted him…. And oh by the way it happens to be one of the worst run teams in the league. F DJAX ..move the hell on!
Great world you live in, seems to me there are plenty of folks who would love to be wanted by 1of 32 teams and make good money. Might not be news to you but guess what? Gcobb.com doesn’t cater to haveacigar.
Gcobb wants hits…. I understand why he brings up a.holes. Aholes have detractors and defenders or apologists.
this site is worth less than 10k and brings less than 2k a year in adds. i think gcobb just writes want he wants and its a creative outlet for him and most likely a tax write off…
GCOBB the site, has plenty of assholes like you who will waste no opportunity to bitch and complain about the Djax, Vicks, and Iversons of the sports world. You scream that nobody cares, but waste no opportunity to post endlessly about these supposedly insignificant players. And you have the nerve to call fraudman out.
They are court jesters! Made for making fun of! They are hilarious fodder! Just clowns who have some talent in the entertainment world but in the end just clowns…how can you not laugh at their lives? My god Vick could have been Peyton manning financially and from endorsement (main stream)…yet the stupid fuck ran a two bit POS illegal shitty dog business … Come on, even the dumbest guy can see the funny, slapstick, irony of that… Jesus Christ how low is your IQ to do that shit… ‘Tonight at 11 Peyton, Aaron and rivers indicted for a moonshining operation….’ The fact that it was so freaking sleazy… It is great fodder… The fact that he was millions of boys hero and they don’t see the real tragedy makes it worse
Why would he want to be Peyton Manning? He lost millions but yet he’ll make more money after being locked up then anybody on this site. You are quite the judgemental self righteous one aren’t you?
I was never a fan of Vick before he went to prison both on and off field. However the way he has handled himself in rehabilitation has been commendable and with class. He paid his debts LITERALLY when he didn’t have to and when Cooper showed his ass he held that team together. Maybe it’s all show but I believed he learned from his mistakes.
Why would he want to handle himself with class and dignity? Have a prolonged and successful career? Yeah you are right lion keeping it real has served him better.
I too commend his rehab. I actually ended up enjoying his time here. I enjoyed his interview sessions and think he was like able. That said, he went to jets, openly admitted he didn’t prepare well and consequently didn’t play well (is that reverting back to bad habits?). Now he is unemployed…
The same class and dignity Peyton displayed when he was sued for sexual harassment that class and dignity? Oh but wait he grew and changed as a person after that. Dude you are ridiculous with your non transparent biases.
Best Wishes for D-Jax and his Family and his Company with his Reality Show… The Man is doing what he wants, breaking no laws, paying his taxes and giving opportunities to other people in the music,video industry…
Whats not to like about what D-Jax has done with his life
********HYPOCRITE NEWS***********
June 30, 2015 – 4:55 pm
Profile photo of paulman
I am just fascinated by why so many Philly Fans are concerned about ex-Players and and who have gone on to have success while the same Philly Teams continue to under-perform… Who gives a rats ass what DESEAEN JACKSON is up to, I would worry more about your hometown overrated and inept EAGLES…
What a Jackass you are Mhenski inserting D-Jax Name when I was responding to your asinine post regarding Paul Holmgrem & Richards/Carter of the Flyers …Your a 10 Time Loser ..
Go ahead and switch to your multiple Profiles now ..
only jackass is you paulman. yes i intentionally took out carter/richards and substituted with jackson to just prove your a jackass hypocrite
you say you dont get it and less than 24 hours later you do it yourself
only profile i have other than this is the one that read Paulmanhatessickkidswithcancer or something like that when you acted like a scum bag and wouldnt pay your debts.
your a grade A fraud, spineless jackass
Just another Pussy Move by you Henski showing your true colors of being a complete Asshole who is mentally deranged for I may good on my Lost Bet to you from 2 Years Ago and contributed to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and even gave out the acknowledgement information that I received from them at the time… You have gone off the deep end my friend..
You only paid because I berated you for weeks. You initially tried to not pay like a classless spineless integrityless flip flopping hypocritical fraud that you are.
Speaking of deep end
Best Wishes for D-Jax and his Family and his Company with his Reality Show…
Wishing desean well on gcobb.com who has 10 members and djax isn’t one of them is strange. You’re giving wishes to someone you know won’t and doesn’t read this. You’re a nut pal get some real friends looooooooza
I paid for it was the right thing to do..
As far as wishing D-Jax well on his other endeavors, Why shouldn’t I ?
He’s done nothing against me, why should I wish hate or bad luck on a guy I don’t even know… because he plays for another Team… That’s pretty childish and right up your alley I suppose..
April 7, 2014 – 9:22 pm
Profile photo of paulman
Yes I hate D-Jax
July 1, 2015 – 12:27 pm
As far as wishing D-Jax well on his other endeavors, Why shouldn’t I ?
Did you hear the opening of his show? Dude can’t let go….’me,me, I, I, I …
lol u watched that???????? haaaaaa. id imagine its worse than the TO show, at least TO was a total nutjob and u wanted to see the melt down. with jaccpot its all bullshit and wanna be gangster, just giving away money to people with his sunken record label.
No I didn’t watch they played clips on WIP
You mean the opening to the show of this guy:
“Who the F cares???????
A stupid, petulant football player has a reality tv show? What kind of loser would watch? Desean Jackson who the F is he? A freaking nobody”
Yet her you are getting your panties in a bunch about him. HAC the full of shit simpleton strikes again.
Like I said, they played clips on the radio…I heard them and made comment on a blog we both read. The players brew that you mention have one thing in common…
I wonder what it is…actually they have a few things in common, one of which is a total lack of respect for their profession. Jax and lesean are POS, Vick was but after consequence seems to have righted the ship. I believe that the ‘Sean’s’ are the only players EVER in the nfl to be cut or traded… Why the fuck is t Kiko whining about being traded? Foles? Mathis? Wtf these prima donnas are assholes!
July 1, 2015 – 10:24 am
Profile photo of paulman
Best Wishes for D-Jax and his Family and his Company with his Reality Show… The Man is doing what he wants, breaking no laws, paying his taxes and giving opportunities to other people in the music,video industry…
Whats not to like about what D-Jax has done with his life
March 17, 2014 – 2:08 pm
Profile photo of paulman
Eagles needs to trade this “Cancer” before it gets worse and spreads
Package D-Jax & Bryce Brown to the Jaguars or Raiders for their
2nd & 4th Round Picks
March 17, 2014 – 2:41 pm
Screw this guy and the Drama and Distractions that he brings
Every year it’s something with D-Jax, and I am sure Lurie & Roseman are about tired of it..
D-Jax jealous because Mike Evans is making a NovaCare Visit,
What an ass he is, be a big boy and Man-Up and outply, out-work whoever is your competition come Camp Time.. Nothing is owed to you D-Jax, your 27 Years old now in the middle of a big deal so enjoy the opportunity to play for a Dynamic Coach & Offense, no instead, he will pout, whine and distract..
F him..
March 17, 2014 – 5:20 pm
Profile photo of paulman
And I hope his last as an Eagle
If they Draft a speedy WR early, then the writing
Becomes dry on the wall.. I like what he does on the field but
Not anything else about him and his production can be replaced
But I believe Coach Kelky & Company will not tolerate
His pouty, selfish, me-first attitude much longer..
March 19, 2014 – 12:53 pm
It is what it is, I am just glad to see a 3 year wish of mine come true
and to send his selfish ass back out to California where it belongs
March 24, 2014 – 4:36 pm
Profile photo of paulman
I agree Greenfan, a nice Assesment of what’s really happening here..
D-Jax runs thru money like a Irishman does with Scotch.. and D-Jax now has to pay out of his Pocket for his new Agent Segal to replace Rosenstain who has already taken his % from D-ax from last Year’s Signing Bonus..
March 22, 2014 – 10:16 pm
Profile photo of paulman
I agree that D-Jax is a good guy when he’s “real” and
Gets away from trying to impress his Rap/Thug wanna-be persona & lifestyle that he has created for himself..
April 7, 2014 – 5:04 pm
But when a Person continues on a destructive path and pattern of poor decisions and behqavior out from their own Free-Will, and continue to disrespect those in Authority (Coach’s & Front Office) Peer’s as in their Teammates, and continue to show the Selfishness year after year after year , well guess what this act get’s old with Teammates, with Coach’s, The Oganization as a whole, the Media and yes even us Fans…)
It was time for him to move on— Hopefully He get’s his act together for his own sake..
April 7, 2014 – 5:35 pm
No I can go on about D_Jax Baggage (Marijuan and theft arrest and charges while back in COllege, getting nto fights with his Coach’s at Cal which were all reasons he dropped from a 1st Roujd Grade to a Mid-2nd Round Selection to begin with so when he mouths offf that he got jipped in his Rookie Contract it was all bull shit for he srewed himself over while in COllege which prevented him from being a 1st ROund Pick and more Guaranteed $$$ as a Rookie (this was before the new CBA where 1st Round picks received more Guaranteed $$$ back in the day.. They guy is a Talen but a bum Teammate and finally Coach kelly had teh balls to say, not with me at the helm and kick his ass out of NovaCare Ctnr and I am damn gald he did for D_Jax selfish piss-poor attitude was rubbing off on McCoy and other Young Players..
April 7, 2014 – 4:37 pm
Profile photo of paulman
Bottom Line, Is this a Teammate you want to do battle with each and every week…
I never cared much for D-Jax regardless of his Big-Play Capability and Talent..Maybe I am too old school, but I am glad the Eagles cut the chord with this immature, selfish Player and I can give a rat’s ass about his background,his color of his skin, or his Rap-Music/Side Business’s Career off the field, I just never liked his selfishness, his total disrespect to his Teammates and Coach’s, Organization and Fans…
He’s a Part-Timer, a Player who Plays when he feels like it
He’s never been fully-committed and like Coach Mike Singletary stated back when he booted the the younger immature 49ers TE Vernon Davis off the playing field after one of his tantrums “Can’t Win with them, You can’t Coach em’, You Can’t Win with them, I’d rather Play 1 Man Short than have him on the field” Anyone who has followed TE Vernon Davis’s Career knows he’s alway been an emotional player, and this put in his place by a Coach who cared enough to acknowledge that davis had larger issues going on besides football is what helped Vernon Davis turn his Career and Life Around..
Vernon Davis to this Day, thanks Coach Singletary for helping him Man up and take some repsonsibility and be a Team Player, that it’s not all about you… Some players realize this from an early age of competition, some learn or relaize this at a later age of maturity, and some never get this…
It is what it is …
April 7, 2014 – 9:22 pm
Profile photo of paulman
Yes I hate D-Jax, for the sole reason that he never became the
Type of Team Player that makes Winners.. The guy is flat out selfish
which is why he’s never won anything as part of a Football Team which his choice, just as it mine not to want those type of Players on my Team
April 8, 2014 – 10:09 am
Profile photo of paulman
As I have stated a 100 times KB,
I could care less what D-Jax does on his own time,
I never liked D-Jax as a Teammate, as one of 53 Men & Players trying to Win a Championship for the Eagles..
His lack of Committment, His whining and poor Attitude, and his overall disrespect to the Player’s & Coach’s on his own Team did me in years ago… All this other garbage is simply noise…
I wanted his whiny, selfish ass gone in 2010 and stated so many times on here for being a lousy Teammate, plain and simple.. Nothing new from my end…
April 8, 2014 – 2:32 pm
Profile photo of paulman
Fact – D-Jax is a selfish, cancer-spreading bum as a Teammate
*********SCHIZOPHRENIC ALERT*********
July 1, 2015 – 10:24 am
Profile photo of paulman
Best Wishes for D-Jax and his Family and his Company with his Reality Show… The Man is doing what he wants, breaking no laws, paying his taxes and giving opportunities to other people in the music,video industry…
Whats not to like about what D-Jax has done with his life
**********LOOOOOOOOOOZAH ALERT*********
Charge date: 02/16/2015
Full Name: Paul Eugene Mancini
Charge: No Operators License
Note to self…make sure all fines and taxes are paid before arguing with Mhenski.
Too funny IJ.
Thanks for your Concern Mhenski
My Driver’s License Issue was handled and taken care so all is Legal, Up to Date and I’m Back Up on the Road again since April…
Take a month off Eagles fans. Once TC begins we can talk football and players, everything right now is just silly.