Notre Dome head coach Brian Kelly is going all out trying to bring a NCAA Championship to South Bend, Indiana. Kelly is copying another Kelly to get the Fighting Irish headed in the right direction. He’s adapting one of Chip Kelly’s slogans. Yesterday, the Notre Dame head coach tweeted the following phrase:
“Our team motto for the year: CULTURE BEATS SCHEME Each day is a chance to build our culture on & off the field.”
I guess if you can’t come up with something of your own, copy somebody else.
I’m sure if the Eagles or Notre Dame don’t have good year, the Fighting Irish will change the slogan, in fact they may change their coach.
I see the Kelly’s Switching Jobs after the 2016 Season
Brian leaves Notre Dame to come to Philly
Chip leaves Philly and goes to South Bend which is his Dream Job
Did chip tell you that is his dream job? Or you just throwing shit at the wall ? I thought you previously said the patriots was his dream job, did he change his dreams?
Fraudman says ‘shit meet wall’…. Kelly has no known affiliations with ND. Fraud is making a judgement based on superficial, racial, ethnic background type of things. When he posts on the Bengals website he says, Marvin Lewis gone after the 2016 season, he leaves to take his dream job at Grambling.
Stir their, subtle racial undertones…. He’s a passive aggressive attention whore.
Every racist Irishman wants to coach at ND, good upstanding catholic boys…ok you can add racist Italian coaches as well…. You know good boys who won a lot of games in HS, wore ties to school, prayed to the virgin… High character guys…except they jerked off to the nuns or blew the priests.
Should I make an equally racist rant about Lewis coaching Grambling or better yet FSU?
paulman on January 16, 2013 at 1:29 pm
From Kelly’s Persepctive, he’s from New Hampshire and his Dream Job is to Coach the Patriots
Sorry Henski. Forgot about catholic Poles…