• March 6, 2025

Brandon Boykin Latest Victim Of Chip Kelly’s Ego

ChipKelly5All Brandon Boykin wanted was a fair opportunity to start.

After excelling in his role as the nickel corner in each of his first three seasons, Boykin made it clear that he wanted a chance to show what he could do as an outside corner. Both head coach Chip Kelly and defensive coordinator Billy Davis always poo-pooed the very notion of Boykin playing on the outside, and always had him locked in to the slot role.

Boykin tried to be patient with the situation, but after watching the team haplessly stick with a mediocre talent in Bradley Fletcher, and then hand the starting job to a guy who had proven even less in this league in Nolan Carroll, it finally got to the point where Boykin couldn’t hold his frustration in any longer and made some public comments about the situation.

I completely understand Boykin’s position in the whole situation. He was one of this defense’s best playmakers over the last few years, and it was time for him to get a crack at becoming an even bigger part of the defense. He had been a good soldier about the situation for several years, never complaining until this spring. And once mini camps opened up and the team automatically put Carroll, a guy who the team apparently didn’t feel like was a better option than Fletcher late last year, into first-team lineup without giving Boykin a sniff.

Boykin must have been incredibly insulted by that development, and he would have every right to be.

Boykin’s comments surely didn’t sit well with His Majesty, who has made it a personal mission to rid the locker room of any and all voices that even slightly disagree with or challenge his vision.

And now, Boykin finds himself as the latest ex-Eagle, and the latest victim of Chip Kelly’s ego.

Once again, Kelly’s nature has cost the team another talented player. Heaven help us, Boykin wasn’t 100% with the program, so he had to go asap because #culture.

Kelly’s ego-driven transactions have been particularly ridiculous this off-season now that he’s been given complete control. That’s twice now in the last couple months that Kelly has unnecessarily rid his team of a solid player that could have played a very important role in the coming year. First it was Evan Mathis, leaving the team without a single proven guard on the offensive line, and now it’s Boykin, leaving a defensive secondary that already had more than it’s share of question marks with one more big question and even less depth.

Who replaces Boykin in the slot? I don’t think Eric Rowe is quick enough to be a fit for the inside. Sixth-rounder Ja’Corey Sheppard has a skillset similar to that of Boykin, but he was a late-round pick for a reason and we don’t even know if he’s good enough to make the roster let alone win the nickel role. This team now has another unnecessary hole caused by a self-inflicted wound.

Trading Boykin for a fifth-round pick does nothing to make this club better. At least the first-year GM was able to obtain some kind of compensation for the guy he put on the chopping block this time, but there’s no justification for this trade.

Boykin might not have been happy about his role, but he was far from a distraction. And by the way, would it really have been that unreasonable to just give the poor a guy a rep or two on the outside, just to see what he’s got?

Pittsburgh got themselves a heck of a player for a very minimal cost. And the Eagles are now a worse team than they were yesterday.

Nice work, Chip.

Denny Basens

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August 2, 2015 7:08 am

Chip is the most over rated coach in the history of pro sports,this is the pros and players make plays where Chip thinks he is a genius and his system will win…..Chip will be back where he belongs coaching kids in college soon

August 2, 2015 11:13 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

what make you types think you are qualified more so than a coach wwho just wins & not just talks about others

August 2, 2015 11:11 am
Reply to  clemenza

what is the matter with you people 10 & 6 2 yrs in a row makes him a bad coach & he has also been a winner no matter where he has coached i don’t know who you are a fan of but it certainly is not the eagles

August 2, 2015 7:32 am

Is it ego or a set of beliefs? There is a huge difference-
seems to me he would rather have 53 talented men going in the same direction than have 45 talented men going in one direction and 8 other talented men going in other directions… I grant you its puzzling at times but I truly don’ think its ego- I think the LLCB is just totally committed to his beliefs.

August 2, 2015 8:36 am
Reply to  Denny Basens

i guess we all just sit back and see how this whole thing works out- coaches for years (Parcells, Belicheat for example) cut/trade guys that chirp– we shall see-I’m with holding judgement- i want to see if it works- While boykin is a nice player it seems to me that an ‘uproar’ over his trade is a bit of an over reaction-
as for mathis there was no reason to cut him any earlier than they did. If someone wanted his bloated contract for a 5th rounder or whatever than you take it. The mathis thing is on mathis 100%, not kelly

August 2, 2015 8:36 am

I’m hearing LB MKendricks to the Raiders for a 3rd Round Pick…

August 2, 2015 8:51 am

No real Surprise here at all… Boykin simply does not fit the “Physical Profile” of what he wants in his DB’s.. He has stated and given his Profile specs to the Scouting and Player Personnel Dept to follow so any new Player Acquisition thru the Draft, Trade or Free-Agency will follow his Player Profiles
Michael Kendricks will be next one to go once Chip Kelly feels good about the Health of both Alonso & Demeco Ryans as Kendrick’s will leave Free-Agency next off-season so Chip Kelly may as well get a Draft Pick in Return

The Eagles could be looking at 1-1st, No 2nd, 2-3rds & 2-4ths which would be 5 Selections in the Top #125 if he moves Kendrick’s

August 2, 2015 9:54 am

It’s money and a re-building scheme. They all have big egos. Just let all of this settle down and we’re fine.

August 2, 2015 10:07 am

Again please remind me how big Hayden and Grimes?

August 2, 2015 10:25 am

Here’s the culprit and potential downfall of pinnochipio…he is wearing two hats and talks out of both sides of his mouth.That cancer can creep into the psyche of the “culture” in the locker room.If you state for consumption that you’re giving a guy a legit shot and then do just the opposite ,it has a destabilizing effect on your cred,especially in the locker room.So we gave up a non conditional 2nd for a potential starter (albeit a QB) and got back zero for 3 pro bowl players …yeah sounds about right..

August 2, 2015 10:38 am
Reply to  deserteagle

Nicely put Desert, I agree 100%!

August 2, 2015 11:20 am
Reply to  deserteagle

go back to the desert

August 2, 2015 10:36 am

Boykin the lastest Eagle to hint that Kelly doest rlate to grown black men. Boykin:

In a text message to Comcast SportsNet’s Derrick Gunn, Boykin said Kelly is “uncomfortable around grown men of our culture.”

“He can’t relate and that makes him uncomfortable,” Boykin added in the text message. “He likes total control of everything, and he don’t like to be uncomfortable. Players excel when you let them naturally be who they are, and in my experience that hasn’t been important to him, but you guys have heard this before me.”

Multiple players and ex-players are saying the same shit. This is embarrassing and ridiculous I have never heard this before from a professional coach. Boykin is very well spoken and a stand up hard worker from what I have seen. So if he feel this way then there must be something to it. But there will be fans behind their computer who never met Kelly in there life say nah Boykins is wrong to. lol

August 2, 2015 10:50 am
Reply to  daggolden

I don’t think Kelly can relate to or handle grown men being able to speak their mind period…Evan Mathis spoke his mind and he was tossed, be it over a new contract etc…Chip just do not like grown men that will speak their mind or have a strong personality, Chip is the only person allowed to have an ego, as he said..”There is only 1 Chip! We all have a weakness or social character flaw, unfortunately Chip’s is his inability to deal with various personalities…Richard Sherman would not fit into Chip’s culture, therefore, could not be an Eagle…think about that.

August 2, 2015 10:38 am

He “doesn’t understand grown men of our culture” in denouncing chip .Its always as the door hits them in the butt on the way out.Is this a cultural divide ,racism ,ego driven power trip? It’s obviously a coach and GMwho wants to pull on the tug of war rope all in the same direction ..Talent doesn’t matter ,as much as attitude. Pledging oneself and purging those who speak there minds ,amidst the dilution of talent is a huge risk ,especially wh n Bill Davis is coaching them up on that side of the ball.

August 2, 2015 10:40 am

Dag..agreed. Perception trumps reality

August 2, 2015 10:44 am

Hmmm is he saying Murray, Ryan’s, peters, Jenkins, maxwell are not grown men of ‘our’ culture? Disgruntled former employee taking an easy shot….

August 2, 2015 10:46 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Or is he saying Mathis ,Herremans and foles are part of our culture… Confusing!

August 2, 2015 11:00 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Herreman’s could not play anymore, Chip clearly did not like Foles’ skill or ability, Mathis goes into the outspoken crowd, which is what I think Chip really has a problem with. However, he is fine with a guy who underachieves, can’t catch, likes country music and attending country music concerts like Chip does (cultural relation) but can block, just like Jason Avant and Avant had better hands, but he is gone too…hmmm!

August 2, 2015 11:16 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Hilarious! I think the whole thing is hilarious! It comes back to cooper at which point I say get over it. You have NO idea of the inner workings (nor do I) … But my god people are on the ledge about a nickel CB who is 5’8″ on his tippy toes! Step back from the ledge

August 2, 2015 11:33 am
Reply to  haveacigar

You lash out at assholes, and Cooper is a world class asshole, get over it! Dude it’s just football, we watch it and discuss it for entertainment, you’re like the furor “Say nothing”!!! Boykin was the best cb on the squad last year too, who Kelly promised a chance to start, like Desert said, he talks out of both sides of his mouth. Darrell green was 5’8″ too. I don’t recall you ever having an issue with a corners height til Kelly came and made it an issue. Why is it something you feel is so relevant to speak on now. Keep the Kelly green kool aid flowing..guld gulp gulp.

August 2, 2015 11:41 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Yes cooper had AN off field incident… No doubt. I don’t nor do you know his practice habits or even his game day assignments. Move on … JP had off field so what…. Kelly is about what happens in novacare …. I believe from your perspective saying rigger is as bad as murder

August 2, 2015 11:48 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Cooper also ran his big mouth about Maclin’s contract which is a league wide locker room no no. Asshole move!!!, I don’t know why people conveniently forget that. If we are talking about culture and locker room fit, Cooper’s action using that word hurt the locker room, anyone who denies that is full of bs!

August 2, 2015 12:03 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

News from the birds web site… Brandon Boykins number will be retired… EHL will give a teary speech at halftime…it’s a shame that Bednarik isn’t around to help.

August 2, 2015 12:25 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

HAC, leave the attempts at comedy to Paulman. zzzzzz. Stick to slurping the kool aid, it’s what you excel at 🙂

August 2, 2015 12:32 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Lots of drama from EHL for a nickle corner… I believe as I look up this fine summer day that the sky is falling

August 2, 2015 1:02 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

The sky is falling, yeah, if that’s what you get out of my comments, your comprehension is lacking…trite saying too, time to come up with a new one. You have ran that into the ground!

August 2, 2015 10:51 am

Hey paulman I’ll take that for Kendricks since chip doesn’t like him but I’ll take a 3rd for him then they might have 4 of those 3rders if Bradford tear has knee up again..

August 2, 2015 10:58 am

What he’s saying is there are perceived loyalists (color aside) and then there are guys who are not only vocal but $pending there cash to draw attention more to thems$elves then the “team” Talent is being diluted as a cause and effect.Can we agree that a seasoned GM who isn’t a coach may not pull the trigger as fast? Caring about getting perceived value as a part of there exit straegies? It’s an interesting debate ..If again on the defensive side of the ball ,you dilute the talent you’d better be certain you can coach em up..You guys know full well how that translates to Bill Davis perceived abilities ..Boykin and other non chip guys are being shown the door ,and it’s not inconceivable they weren’t loyalists ,but they all could ball..Boykin was ranked 19th by Fotball focus in coverage ,higher than any 2014 steelers CBs..This is the GM essence I think chip loses sight of

August 2, 2015 11:08 am

2106 Chips ultimate vision is to have a statue erected in his image at which we can all worship anda locker room full of perceived deaf mutes with numbers on there jerseys .

August 2, 2015 11:13 am
Reply to  deserteagle

LOL, all hail Chip the Great. He needs to have a very good season, including a post season victory.

August 2, 2015 11:09 am

No music ,no rap sheets .no Lombardi trophies ,but kumbaya..

August 2, 2015 11:09 am

I agree DE and we have discussed the issues & challenges on both Coaching, living football, practicing, film watching & working with these guys on a every day basis as a Coach does, and then having to step back and make those longer term, bigger picture questions as a GM has too…
It’s very difficult to do, one thing that’s pretty obvious about Kelly the GM is that he’s not all that concerned about down the road and is focusing on the here and the now as it is in College Ball .. Where Rosters change every season and Depth Charts can change on a weekly basis… Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen… But dealing with grown men who are trying to provide for a Family is a different thing than having a roster of 18-21 Year Olds

August 2, 2015 11:16 am

I’d like ask each of you on this blog .. To be honest ..You’re blessed with God given ability and athleticism ,you’re enabled to $pend in your early twenties ,you have female adulation ,young kids wide eyed in your mere presence ,the media following your every lock step,and spok n words.Are you able to keep your mouth shut and “toe the company” line? Or Are you immature and do you have any inclination to be involved in perceived inappropriate behavior ,or are you pragmatic ? Satiating Chips ego, or your own?It isn’t easy being “gifted” and remaining humble.

August 2, 2015 11:20 am
Reply to  deserteagle

I’d be a total ass, catch herpes, drink till 4 and be a damn good player on the 3-13 raiders!

August 2, 2015 11:19 am

In final analysis the target on chips back just got bigger ..I think that too is his perceived self attention device that he’s intoxicated with ..

August 2, 2015 11:24 am

Hac..I’d also think with my little head ..hell when I made nowhere near the scratch of these guys playing a game and getting paid ..I did it..

August 2, 2015 11:31 am
Reply to  deserteagle

In my fifties I see chips method. As a coach I used to have a mantra, ‘I’d rather lose with quality people than win with assholes’ … Opened every first session with it…. But there was a whole lot less at stake!
Trust me at 25 with nfl talent I would have been a good player on a team headed in 53 different directions,
Chip is taking that message at the highest level. I’m intrigued

August 2, 2015 11:40 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Well we have lost with quality people, and lost with assholes, I don’t think that plays as much of a part as you think, look at the teams that have won, a lot of them have assholes. This is football, not church…get over it!!! As herm Edwards say, the name of the game is to win! it’s football for Christ sake, Ed Rendell is right..A nation of Wusses, or I will just say it “Pussies”. Do I think murderers should be playing no, but damn, stop trying to fill rosters with members of the no personality having glee club..how friggin boring!

August 2, 2015 11:24 am

It’s another case of guy being traded/released and striking out at Kelly with vague references to his perceived feelings toward African Americans players.

It’s a shame poor Nick Foles and Even Mathis just have to go away without blaming it on Chip’s racism.

August 2, 2015 11:35 am
Reply to  IrishEagle

Crying racism when there is none is a simple and easy trick for shallow minded people with an axe to grind

August 2, 2015 11:26 am

The line of demarcation Jerry ball and his thugs vs Chip Kelly’s heroes..stay tuned

August 2, 2015 11:29 am

Milks coming out of Howies nostrils …never say never to Howies resurrection in Jeffrey’s game plan ..were all being set up for the sequel .

August 2, 2015 11:50 am

Kelly stated that Kendricks is not going anywhere, write it down in ink. That tells me that they do not believe Ryans is as far along or as much of a certainty that we may believe. We will see though, Kelly also said Boykin will have a shot at starting. Once again, kendricks and Alonso will be much better than Alonso- Ryans.

August 2, 2015 1:12 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Alonso & Hicks are the Future at ILB for the Eagles..

August 2, 2015 12:15 pm

Kelly says Boykin hugged him, shook his hand etc. IF that’s true and he came out today and called him a racist than Boykin is a PUNK and pussy!

August 2, 2015 12:30 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I was not there to hear him call him a racist, to suggest that Chip has a disconnect between himself and black men that speaks out does not mean he is being called a racist, it’s a disconnect, there is a difference. It’s easy to call someone you will never meet or address in person a punk and a pussy behind a computer…in fact, that’s a pussy move, and believe me, I will say that to your face, I’m not being tough, just stating it as a fact.

August 2, 2015 12:38 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

So Boykin/McCoy leaving philly and whining to the press is manly? Excuse maker… Should Mathis speak out that Kelly has a disconnect with with middle class white guys?

August 2, 2015 12:56 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

So a person can’t express their feelings without it being whining…wow..lol. As far as Mathis, when he tweeted Deez in response to Chip’s comments tells you what you need to know as far as what Mathis thinks of Chip. Mathis stated he was not going to comment on Chip because he is looking for a job and that he needs to keep it professional.
Boykin came out and tweeted that he does not believe Chip is a racist nor was he calling him one, he (Chip) is just consumed in his own world and does not make any efforts to relate to the differences of others, which is an important social skill, especially in professional sports. So, all of you who were screaming racist, perhaps needs to look in the mirror. Sort of confirms what I said he was saying.

August 2, 2015 1:02 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

So he backed off his comments…. Our couture thing then you the excuse maker give him a pass. Chip sent him somewhere that he has a chance to start outside hence the possibility of a lucrative contract , he should say thanks! Mathis is now out there able to get paid what he’s worth, thanks chip!

August 2, 2015 1:13 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

So you were there and heard exactly what he said, and he made it clear to you?…ok!!! Good to know that. Yep, just like you make excuses for Cooper.

August 2, 2015 1:45 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Cooper said stupid shit… Ok call that an excuse. I wasn’t there, I read the text like you did.

August 2, 2015 2:01 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Ummm, wrong, sorry, I did not read any text, I listened to the interview that Cooper did after he was told of Mac’s response to his comment, Cooper sarcastically half heartedly apologized to what he said about Mac’s contract situation after the discussion with the reporter.

August 2, 2015 2:33 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Read the texts that Boykin sent to d gunn…
Simple disgruntled ex employee … Move on. Cooper is what he is, the coach sees something we don’t, has nothing to do with color, if you think it does then you are sad

August 2, 2015 4:29 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I already read it. Copper can’t play, what the coach sees???, a guy who can block…just great, as I said, so could Avant, and Avant could catch better.
Boykin was already disgruntled as he was repeatedly passed over to start over bums such as Fletcher..that’s Billy Davis’ handy work. But he kept his mouth closed and was the good soldier…a culture guy. Now all of a sudden Boykin is a bad guy because he spoke his feelings? Chip promised Boykin a chance to make his case during the pre-season, promised denied, yeah he may be disgruntled. I guess you never have been disappointed or lied to, then disgruntled at the person who lied. Whatever, time for some football!

August 2, 2015 5:13 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

To suggest that Chip treats black players in any way different than he treats white players is to suggest that Chip is racist… There’s no other way to interpret what McCoy, Thomas, and Boykin said.

Every one of those guys tried to insinuate that Chip Kelly treats black players differently…. Like it or not, that’s racism…

It’s not like calling someone a jerk-off…. You can’t define exactly what a jerk-off is because there’s no definition for jerk-off.

There’s a definition for racial prejudice…. It’s what McCoy, Thomas, and Boykin described Kelly as being…. They don’t have to use the word racist… they described the condition…

August 2, 2015 12:58 pm

Other NFL News****
Seahawks Release DT Tony McDaniel for Salary Cap Issues since day they just Signed Russell Wilson & Bobby Wagner to big Deals
Eagles are at 89 Players right now with trading Boykin and should be on the phone with McDaniels & his Agent to bring him in for a visit.. A very active and good rotational DT who would pair up nicely with Bennie Logan in the middle of the Eagles Defense..

August 2, 2015 1:16 pm

Reading tweets from practice, granted it’s the first day, but, Bradford appears to be struggling a bit (chalk it up to rust), threw a pick straight to Nolan Carrol, almost picked again, passes batted down several times, dropped a snap, has not been sharp. Nice check down pass to Huff.

August 2, 2015 1:24 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Bradford has not played a lot of “Live Football” in 2 Seasons..
It’s going to take a while of every reps to get his timing,confidence and kinks worked out and his timing with a whole new Reciever Crew for him where as Sanchez has played with most these Receivers and had most of them working out inCalifornia over theSummer Break … Go Sanchez!!!!

August 2, 2015 1:33 pm

****Panthers News*****
WR Stephen Hill tore hisACL Yesterday and was released by the Clubafter a medical settlement was reached.. Hill who was picked up last season after being cut by the Jets really got his Camp off to a bad start by being arrested Thursday Evening with Marijunana after aTraffic Stop outside on Charlotte
This may have beenHill’s Final chance of making a NFL Team after being a huge bust being Picked High in the 1st Round a few years ago…

August 2, 2015 5:19 pm

Brandon Boykin became expendable because of Jacory Shepard etc. he had a so/so year last year and probably will assume the same role in Pittsburgh. If he can be replaced by a 6th round pick and they got value in return it was a good move.

IMO Boykins real value was special teams gunner, he was awesome on coverage and that will be missed.

August 2, 2015 5:19 pm

Well it’s his team now.

Whatever happens it falls squarely on him. Can’t blame anyone else not even Roseman.

As far as Bradford – I’m not sure what folk are expecting – he’s about a year out from a second ACL tear hasn’t played a snap in 2 years – rust is going to be the least of his issues. Mentally he’s going to get his head right when bodies start flying around him. The first half of the season is likely gonna be a little rough for dude.

This will be an interesting season for better or worse.

August 2, 2015 5:21 pm

Eagles coach Chip Kelly made it clear Sunday that contract-year ILB Mychal Kendricks will not be traded.
“You can write that down in ink,” Kelly emphasized. Kendricks has been the subject of trade rumors since the Eagles traded for Kiko Alonso, signed Brad Jones, and used a third-round pick on Jordan Hicks, all of whom play the same position as Kendricks. Kendricks is a rising star, though, and the Eagles need him in 2015 with DeMeco Ryans coming off a torn Achilles’ tendon.

August 2, 2015 5:22 pm

According to NJ.com’s Eliot Shorr-Parks, it was “clear” at the first practice of Eagles camp that Sam Bradford — not Mark Sanchez — will be the team’s starting quarterback in Week 1.
Bradford handled every first-team rep on the first day of training camp, while Sanchez practiced strictly with the twos. For what it’s worth, Bradford went 16-of-21 passing in team drills across 27 reps, throwing one interception and no TDs. Bradford reportedly looked “rusty,” as expected, but was not outplayed by Sanchez, who declined to challenge the Eagles’ defense downfield.

August 2, 2015 5:58 pm

Boykins has been in the league for three seasons, for the life of me I can’t figure out how he doesn’t have at least 2 SB rings? Best player ever! Whiners!

August 2, 2015 6:48 pm

Its Kelly team, he gets the credit if they win and we know who to blame if they lose…its all on him! Bottom line!
We are in good shape! The worst we will do is have the same QB situation that we had last year…Sanchez. The best we can do is to have a very talented, strong arm, accurate, and good decision making QB in Bradford
We have a upgrade…
We got rid of an excellent RB in Shady but we have replaced him with an excellent RB in Murray
Defense is better, Special Teams
We need to see a playoff win this year…Bottom line….no excuses!

August 2, 2015 6:52 pm

Meet stupid

August 2, 2015 9:36 pm

Headline// reads Boykin latest victim of kells ego?Cant possibly just have been a trade kelly felt had some value for eagles? Or perhaps kelly as stated many , many times prefers bigger players. If jackson, mcoy and now boykin call/ infer kelly a racist , No chance of any of these ballers being wrong Right? The headline was insulting, cheap .childlike by a writer who has not even seen how or who Boykins replacement play yet?For kelly I sure hope replacement is not a white guy. If he is kelly is in for a shit storm , GOOd writing skills take time , let a story line play out for a bit and then make inferences.Chill , wait and think and investigate and write.