• March 4, 2025

Would Chip Kelly Be Interested In Robert Griffin III?

Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III throws a touchdown pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles in Landover, Md., Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III throws a touchdown pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles in Landover, Md., Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III throws a touchdown pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the Philadelphia Eagles in Landover, Md., Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Hey Eagles fans, if something happens in your life that discourages you, all you need to do is think about the Washington Redskins and you can be thankful that they’re in the same division as the Eagles.  The Redskins wouldn’t win the NFC East if they were playing in it all by their selves.

There is pure chaos going on down I-95 in Washington.  A week ago, Redskins head coach Jay Gruden stated clearly and unambiguously that Robert Griffin III was the team’s number one quarterback.  Griffin had suffered a concussion and was going through the NFL’s concussion protocol, but Gruden was letting every know that this Washington ball club was Griffin’s .

A mere four days later, Gruden stepped to the podium and said the following, “”We feel like at this time, Kirk Cousins gives us the best chance to win,” Gruden said. “It’s Kirk’s team.”

There must be something in the water down there.  How could things change that drastically in such a short period of time?

We all know Griffin has been struggling for the last couple of years and for that matter so has Cousins.  Behind the scenes, the Redskins front office had been forcing Gruden to play Griffin because they had given up so much to get him and they thought he was the long time answer for the franchise.

It didn’t seem that Griffin and Gruden had bonded well and it was just a matter of who was going to win the battle behind the scenes.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they release Griffin because his presence on the roster will put a great deal of pressure on Cousins.  There seems to be “Bad Blood” in those relationships.

“There have been no discussions about letting him go or doing any of that stuff,” Gruden said denying that there’s been in discussions about getting rid of Griffin III.

There’s been a media discussion about Chip Kelly possibly having interest in Robert Griffin III.  I don’t think Kelly would touch Griffin with a ten-foot pole.  Griffin is all about Griffin and he’s the type of player, who I don’t think Chip Kelly wants anything to do with.  Remember he said “Culture trumps talent”.  This is the perfect case of it.

A little over a week ago, Griffin came out and said he’s the best quarterback in the National Football League.  He’s the ultimate “Me Guy”.  He points his finger at the offensive line or receivers when he doesn’t play well.  His leadership skills need to grow substantially.

On the football side, Griffin does seem to make good, quick decisions as a passer and I don’t think that fits Kelly’s system.

Wherever he goes, he will take a great deal of controversy with him.  I’m sorry I made a mistake.  I don’t think Chip Kelly would touch him with a hundred-foot pole.


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September 1, 2015 9:13 am

Absolutely Not…
Chip has spent the last couple of Off-Seasons cleaning the Roster of “Me-First & Selfish” Players like Vick,D-Jax & McCoy, why would he want to add in another Selfish Player??
On a Side Note, I believe RG3 ends up on the Texans as the Redskins have to work out a Deal with RG3 Contract since they Picked-Up his 5th Option for next Season (2016) which would pay him $16 Million in Salary which no Team is going to accept.. I also believe that RG3 Father is highly active in this most recent episode where he brought in the “Independent Doctor” late last week to keep his Son from Playing another Down for the Redskins..
so the sage goes, remember, that any Team that gets RG3 is also getting his meddling Father as they are a “Packaged Deal”

September 2, 2015 1:49 am
Reply to  paulman

On the other hand….humans ARE flexible….and…they CAN… and DO… change. RGIII could be useful. He’s still young enough to be amenable to good coaching.

September 1, 2015 9:28 am

“On the football side, Griffin does seem to make good, quick decisions as a passer and I don’t think that fits Kelly’s system”


September 1, 2015 10:10 am

But RG ME runs fast!!!! allowing chip to implement his whole offense!!– don’t you all know that kelly needs a fast qb???

September 1, 2015 10:14 am

but yea gimme rg3 over sanchez, tebow and barkley as insurance if bradford pulls a bradford and gets hurt this season. bradford goes down this team is cooked. rg3 has tremendous talents, has a great arm and touch on his passes. redskins offense is pure chaos from top down and has been since rg was drafted.

yea ill take him as our qb2 all day

September 1, 2015 10:32 am
Reply to  mhenski

talent isn’t the question with RG ME– he doesn’t work hard, doesn’t study, throws his team mates under the bus– if you have been paying attention that is the exact opposite of what would fit on this team.

September 1, 2015 12:14 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

nah dont follow him much but what i have followed seems to me like his head coaches have thrown him under the bus multiple times

September 1, 2015 10:38 am

Paul, those players were not me first guys – those are guys you personally, and vehemently are on record of despising.

They were all men, whose personalities – outside of Vick – that Kelly couldn’t deal with. That’s his problem, but they were not distractions – that’s BS, coming from your personal bias.

RGIII, would flourish under Chip, in terms of his mechanics, and overall skill set – playing behind Bradford, would also allow him to heal from his injuries, giving him an opportunity to resurrect his former self.

The only down side to bringing in RGIII, is his contract which I believe is around 16 million. The skins would probably eat 6 million of that, leaving any team that has him on their roster to pay 10 million – for a back up

Don’t forget this is also Bradford’s contract year as well. That’s a lot of money tied up into one position, but Chip has done it before.

I would absolutely, bring him in if it was financially possible.

September 1, 2015 11:28 am
Reply to  gmcliff

I disagree Cliff..
All 3 were “Me-First Players” ..
The first thing I mentioned when Chip Kelly took over 3 Years Ago is that he would rid the Eagles of all 3 Players which he did.. 2 while still under contract (D-Jax & McCoy) and Vick letting him walk without even a token offer..
Vick turned his life around while with the Eagles which was great to see.. But he even admitted of not buying all in during his time with the Jets/Falcons previously.. He did well with the Eagles for he was trying to get his Career back on Track and re-dedicated himself which didn;t last very long for he admitted of not practicing hard or giving a 100% last year while with the Jets when he was given an opportunity to beat out Geno Smith and he failed to commit himself in doing .. What kind of Player does that when given a 3rd Chance to be a Starter in the NFL in the Worlds Biggest Market in NYC and you simply fail to prepare or care enough about taking advantage of your opportunity? A loser does and that’s what Michael Vick has always been on the Football Field.. I love his Personal Story off the Field and how he has changed his ways, etc,etc but on the Field as a NFL QB, No F’n Way and that has never changed since he came into the NFL..

September 1, 2015 2:08 pm
Reply to  paulman

Then we agree to disagree Paul. As I mentioned, you’re bias toward D Jack, Vick, and Shady has been consistent – regardless of how Chip felt – because it’s been mainly about how you felt personally anyway.

If the Redskins created that monster in that locker room that’s on them, but that says nothing of what humility would do for someone like RGIII.

He would make a better backup than Sanchez, that why you would bring him in for the most part with the understanding that he would be 2nd string, and have an opportunity to rebuild his image…

The only concern for me, would be his salary, and if the Skins would trade him to a division rival,

September 1, 2015 2:57 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

There is no sense if bringing in a QB like RG3 who is not going to be content on being a Back-up when he’s only 24 Years Old and would only be a distraction.. Kelly has already made the Decision to go with Bradford as his QB for now and the Future if his health holds up..
It’s amazing to me that RG3 who has had like 3-4 Good Games in the NFL in his 3 Seasons is so highly regarded by Eagles Fans.. i just don’t see it with his QB skills, could he be successful in Chip Kelly’s System, yes I think that he could for almost any QB can have success in Kelly’s system if he can handle the ball… Now can RG3 be a Winner and a Leader of Men to be successful at the NFL Level, No, I do not think that he can..

September 1, 2015 3:11 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

On a side note, I liked all the Talents of the Big 3 (Vick,D-Jax & McCoy) but what I did not like was their Selfish, Me First Attitudes in which all 3 Players throughout their Career’s have demonstrated and never really Won anything including their time with the Eagles, so it was past the time of moving on from them, in my opinion and ultimately in the Opinion of Coach Kelly who did exactly what I said he would do from Day 1 and that was move on from the Big 3.. I guess all 3 could have remained, put up good stats and won some personal awards – Pro-Bowls, but would they bring a Championship, Sacrifice Personal Awards for Team Awards… apparently Chip Kelly saw enough in all 3 of them to answer that question..

September 1, 2015 10:40 am

If Snyder throws in draft picks, and picks up the money owed ,make the deal ..no brainier ..otherwise ..Snyder must blink and he’ll now likely be on the final cuts ,perhaps becoming a footnote as the worst deal ever in the NFL ..

September 1, 2015 10:49 am

GM cliff ..he has been ,scorned in his own locker room ,because his owner ,made him into the ultimate prima-Dona ..Any young athlete that has an owner treating him differently will be looked upon with envy by the other 52.
His father and he were given the mantel of exclusion by Snyder providing limos and preferential treatment.The first year ,,he was the “new” prototype..my guess is Chip would love have a pile of reclamation projects to tinker with ,like a dude in his garage with spare parts strewn around..just stroke Snyder and have him eat the money and deliver the draft picks and it’s doable .

September 1, 2015 10:55 am
Reply to  deserteagle

he is impossible to trade- flat out, under no circumstance is he tradeable- he will be cut, meaning the $16 million goes away- he makes $3.1 this season (from skins) regardless and some team will pay him a minimum salary

desert while tebow is a reclamation project its a different type that ME- ME for all the reasons noted is not a chip kind of guy-

September 1, 2015 2:00 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Ciggy, they picked up his 5th year option, and that option is guaranteed – It’s not just going away. He would be more expensive for 1 year than 3.1 million, more like 10 million.

September 1, 2015 2:25 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

this from PFT– still can be rescinded

The move puts Griffin in position to earn just over $16 million in 2016, which the Redskins can rescind if Griffin is healthy but the option is guaranteed against injury.
and this from SB Nation:
As the ESPN report notes, the team exercised its fifth-year contract option on Griffin, which guarantees him $16.1 million in 2016 if he’s on the roster next season. Until then, he’s only guaranteed against injury.

September 1, 2015 2:58 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Griffins option is not guaranteed except against injury and is the reason his trade value has sunk and more than likely will be released.

September 1, 2015 10:51 am

Hac all true ..but he also showed flashes of brilliance ..he’s a reclamation as is tebow ..with baggage and. More talent (excusing the pun) God given

September 1, 2015 11:44 am

Trust me guys so many people hate him in DC mostly teammates, he is a selfish me first player, he would have to be broken down to the point he has no choice but to fight to get back, and then I would take him, but right now hell no, he is wasted talent due to people praising him and him getting a big head

September 1, 2015 11:54 am

Lol so rg3 liked a post destroying the redskins on instagram and he blamed a intern…..I mean it could be but most likely it was him….and yawl want thiz fool on the team….hell no he brings drama and is terrible with media

September 1, 2015 11:59 am
Reply to  zilents44

I thought you were a “culture doesn’t matter” proponent?

Running quarterbacks suck.

September 1, 2015 12:10 pm

Eagles put up a billboard on I 95, there is a picture of Michael Kendricks making a tackle, the billboard reads, Avoid 95 (Kendrick’s jersey #) At All Cost.
Awesome billboard. Paul, I know you don’t like Kendricks, but the Eagles clearly do!

September 1, 2015 12:45 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

I like Kendricks but not Dropping Back in Pass-Coverages .. I like him blitzing and moving forward and attacking into the backfield and really think he would be best suited in a 4-3 Scheme, but that’s just me..
In fact, I wished the Eagles still ran a 4-3 instead of the 3-4, it’s just my preference for a Base Defense

September 1, 2015 6:40 pm
Reply to  paulman

I agree Paulman..i would have kendricks blitz like crazy and have Alonso fall back in coverage.

September 1, 2015 12:51 pm

If RG3 was cut that would clearly bring his hat size down considerably and he would conform to the culture that is now established on this team. RG3 would be a serious upgrade from Tebow and Barkley, and if disaster strikes Chip Kelly is creative enough to structure an offense that would take advantage of what he can do!
Slow, prodding inaccurate quaterbacks that cant throw suck…RG3 would be another gamble that’s worth it!!
If the Redskins let him go…I have no problem picking the kid up!!

September 1, 2015 1:18 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

agree he would also be better than sanchez.

September 1, 2015 1:25 pm
Reply to  mhenski

He’s lazy, not smart, not smart with the football, me first, says STUPID things to the media– hmmmm, what happened to a very talented, best WR on the team who shared many of those traits??????? RG ME would have to come BEGGING chip.
Will be interesting to see what is the best time for them to release him? Do they wait until last minute or chance him getting injured in practice– if he gets hurt ending his season, the 16 million kicks in!

September 1, 2015 1:29 pm

No thanks on RG3. You really want to bring in a back-up who thinks that he should be a starter in the first year of a new QB. How much nonsense would there be before Bradford played and a game. Then what if he struggled a game. You would have plenty of fans and people in here calling for RG3 to play. I don’t think that he is worth the headache at all. Better than Sanchez and the others, but that isn’t saying much.

September 1, 2015 1:35 pm

the only thing worse than RG3’s decisions on the field is GMCliff’s draft day suggestions ( dumb and dumber )

September 1, 2015 1:42 pm

Vinnie u dont follow me well at all I respect the culture aspect of a team sport but also you have to have talent to do so…..I have backed this team since they got chip and maybe at first I didnt like initial moves I understood why he did it…..Thats why I question your fanhood, you attached yourself to foles instead of the team, and from your past post you clearly havent gotten over it. You make jokes about sam so it makes you feel better about the lost of foles…..you have not moved on and as soon as bradford has a bad game you will say something about foles still being here…..you just dont seem like a real eagles fan, but thats on u

September 1, 2015 3:10 pm
Reply to  zilents44

Exactly z…he’s not a real Eagles fan at all..he desperately wants Sam to fail, he wants the Eagles to fail!

September 1, 2015 3:31 pm
Reply to  zilents44

just my opinion zilents but the entire city hitched their wagon to foles. i mean cmon man football all about that qb and when foles went ham 2 years ago that shit was epic, he lacked style points but that tough sob kept balling, getting smashed and standing right up. that raiders game, that winning streak, man that was nice.

September 1, 2015 3:37 pm
Reply to  mhenski

nobody here wants anyone to fail stop it with your 5th grade drama. the only one that wanted someone to fail was you with foles. guy throws 7 tds and you blast him cause he didnt do with the style you like. guy goes 8-2 as a starter in 2013 and you were hating the whole time stop it kool. you rooted against people. NOBODY ROOTING AGAINST BRADFORD FOOL

foles went 5-1 into the buy last year and you were beggin for sanchez man. cmon you phoney as fuck

September 1, 2015 3:26 pm

Fuck you Koolidiot. Is that Mike Vick as your profile pic? What a surprise. Everyone in this site can see through your BS “I am a Bradford fan” stchick. You were gagging on the thought of Bradford for Mariotta and when that went down the tunes you changed yours.

You spent 3 years in here glorifying the virtues of the “athletic/running” QB (all wrong) and how it was essential to Kelly’s schemes as well as being the “future” of the NFL….and now you’re suddenly down with an immobile pocket passer. Please. Pretender. You Need Bradford to do well just to save face after being wrong about every other QB you’ve ever told us was great/essential.

No one will be happier if Bradford does well. No one. All I have presented are 2 arguements: 1 – he is an injury risk and fans should remain cautious.
2 – Kelly overpaid because Bradford was going to be released.

What terrible “non-fan” positions to take.

As for your point Zilents…a couple days ago I mentioned how refreshing it was the way the Eagles now played. No more showboating, just a solid “I’ve just done my job” attitude instead of pointing after every 1st down catch.

You then went on a tirade about “culture is irrelevant” bringing up Owens (and as you can imagine, I never wanted that prick on the Eagles) etc etc.

Now you don’t want RGIII because of his attitude? I don’t get it.

The real issue with RGIOII is that he has it wrong on both counts. He has a never-ending “look at me” attitude, and no quarterbacking talent to back it up.

He did what all “run first” QBs do….come in for 6-7 games, shock the teams they’re playing with their running speed, then get the shit kicked out of them once D-cords and opposing players get used to their stupid running tendencies….Vick in 2010 (quick fade) Krapernick (quick fade) RGIII (quick fade)

Its the same story over and over again. RGIII sucks. I am begging he’s the Skins starter in week 4 and 15 for 2 guaranteed Eagles wins.

Mac Dolo
Mac Dolo
September 1, 2015 4:19 pm

I seen that vinnie I mean who still fucks with Mike Vick he had his moments here in Philly, but that was a crash and burn. Was he a big Vick fan or something haven’t been on the blog long enough.

September 2, 2015 12:09 am

vinniedafool, you are a traitorous asswipe and you know it!
Everyone knows that you were a ‘conditional’ Eagles fan based upon the Eagles keeping Nick Foles. Your mancrush! You went ballastic when the Kelly dumped him and have clearly showed your true colors. No Foles…you want to see Kelly fail and the Eagles lose.
Its obvious and clear to anyone who looks at your posts, Vinniedafool!

Everyone knows of your obsession with Foles…your predictions that he would sign a long term contract here. You are the only guy on this site to talk about Nick Foles’ family and how their ‘feelings’ were hurt.
Now suddenly its about a mobile vs immobile QB…that was our argument??
Bullshit, Vinnie your a lying ass and you know it.
Do we have to go to the archives and look at how many times I said that the Nick Foles main problem was not his slow feet, not that he couldn’t run…his problem was he cant read NFL defenses quickly, he is mentally slow, his holding the ball, throwing off of his back foot, missing wide open receivers running free…
I said this over and over and over again that these were the reasons we needed to dump Nick Foles
I correctly told you that when he didn’t have Djax incredible skills and speed to bail his ass out…he was in big trouble!
Everyone in the world knows Chip Kelly wanted Mariotta and tried to get him but the one big thing Kelly wanted almost as much as Mariotta…was to get rid of Foles…which is why he signed Sanchez and paid the Rams an additional second round pick for them to take Foles off of their hands

My point is clear, Kelly has taken a very smart gamble.
1. He secured Sanchez who Kelly saw as being better than Foles
2. He tried everything he possibly could to get Mariotta…he couldn’t do so he had a back up plan
3. The back up plan was to get Bradford who he saw as a quality QB that could run his offense much better than Nick Foles.
4. Get rid of Nick Foles a guy he knew didn’t have what it takes to develop in this Quarterback friendly offense!

September 1, 2015 3:44 pm

I mean seriously….wtf? For me…what’s the difference between Bradford and Foles? Either way I get EXACTLY what I’ve wanted all alone.

A fucking pocket passer!

Not some scrambling idiot who spends 10 seconds every play doing pirouettes trying to “make a play” or “make something happen” or whatever other euphemism the talking idiots on TV use for “can’t play quarterback”

Foles, Bradford….whatever…..The Eagles have a QB show will stand there and dish the ball like a quarterback is supposed to. One seems to be quicker and accurate on short passes, the other on deep passes….whatever. Neither is going to be running for their lives before they get to their drop like “still have Mike Vick’s image as my profile pick” Koolidiot over there.

So I am happy. There’s a pocket passer in the house.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t look at Bradford’s 5 year career and recognize that optimism should be tempered slightly by his history. His regular season performances and record better end up being as good as or better than Foles, else they gave up too much in the trade. How exactly is that not a logical position?

September 2, 2015 9:02 am

Vinniedafoolass has the unmitigated gall to tell us:

“I mean seriously….wtf? For me…what’s the difference between Bradford and Foles? Either way I get EXACTLY what I’ve wanted all alone. A fucking pocket passer!”

You are a fraud, Vinniedaloser!!

May 25, 2015 – 12:29 pm
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

Read any STL blog from the past several years and the #1 complaint of Bradford is that he “plays scared”

Bad body language, constant checkdowns. Rams fan was done with it.

Can this be fixed?

I don’t give a shit what Chip Kelly says or thinks

April 20, 2015 – 8:29 am
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

I saw it Zilients…its too funny….for those of you who only come to this site:

5 QBs with lowest QBR since 2010:

Tim Tebow 33.4
Geno Smith 35.7
Chad Henne 36.9
Mark Sanchez 40.4
Sam Bradford 40.7

April 20, 2015 – 9:02 am
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor


And this is ON PURPOSE!

Think about it….if that was the QB trio for the Raiders, everyone would be, “same old Raiders – look at how shitty their QB situation is”

March 11, 2015 – 2:40 pm
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

You know what he likes about Bradford?

He’s a dink and dunk machine. Good for a coach that wants to spread the ball “horizontally”‘, not vertically. Had a terrible time throwing deep with the Rams.

In fact, I think that’s probably what Kelly liked least about Foles. His propensity to chuck it deep too often.

In all of these posts, Vinniedafraudassloser…mentions nothing about Bradford and Foles being the same…he is finding all kinds of differences between the two QB’s. Bradford takes a few snaps in a preseason game and “Presto” him and Foles are two peas in the same “pocket QB” pod.

March 10, 2015 – 7:12 pm
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

This is one of the worst trades ever.

I mean it doesn’t have the magnitude of Hershel Walker….but its just as incredible in its stupidity.

March 10, 2015 – 8:42 pm
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

Agan, who the fuck is trading the Eagles for Bradford when 2 weeks ago they probably could have had him for some shit-assed mid-rounder

Who is going to trade for a 13 million dollar, double ACLed, under 60%er qb who has lost twice as many games as he’s won?

I know who!

Chip Kelly.

Eagles gave up a better player, a 2nd and a 4th for Bradford.

A better QB, A second AND a fourth!

Who here thinks Bradford is worth that??


Amazing! After all that fraud ass Vinniedaloser does a complete 180 and tells us “For me…what’s the difference between Bradford and Foles? Either way I get EXACTLY what I’ve wanted all alone”

But watch…if Bradford gets hurt, doesn’t play well and Foles looks good…Vinniedaloser will revert back to his quotes here to tell us what a genius he is and that he told us that Bradford sucks, that Bradford is a ‘dink and dunk’ Qb, that Bradford plays scared…if Bradford wins and plays well…its what Vinnie and the other losers on here wanted all the time…a pocket QB

Got all the bases covered dont you Vinnie!!!!..LMAO

Lame ass, Flip-flopping losers!!

What’s the difference between Bradford and Foles…LMAO…what a complete fraud ass you are Vinniedaloser

September 1, 2015 3:59 pm

while sam has looked great this preseason i see he has a very alarming pocket presence and pocket footwork. all the good qbs seem to know when to protect themselves and a step right or a step left makes all the difference (this is why peyton is so good imo…) but through 3 preseason games i see sam has some major issues in this department. he needs to do a better job with footwork and not taking monster shots or we gonna be screwed with bum ass sanchez

September 1, 2015 3:59 pm

Wtf are you talking about a couple of days ago I dont recall that please find when i said that….you are trying to bunch me with kool and others but thats not me at all

September 1, 2015 4:03 pm

Henski I know you trying to back your boi vinnie but clearly he hasnt gotten over foles, he brought up a deadspin story twice just to make fun of bradford so it would lead back to foles. You might see it diffrently but as I called out kool when he ragged foles I will let vinnie have it to. I have no bias

September 1, 2015 4:22 pm
Reply to  zilents44

Here we go then…just to keep everyone happy..here’s an excerpt from the Deadspin article lampooning the Rams (had to wait because it was only published yesterday). Its only the QBing bit….so there’s some ripping of Foles. (its better if you go to a site because the centre of the piece has a video of FOles missing a wide open wr)

“Your quarterback: Sam Bradf… OMG IT’S NICK FOLES! YOU DID IT! You finally realized that Sam Bradford died three years ago and his corpse can only walk thanks to the synchronized lifting of a large ant colony. And the Rams must have really caught Chip Kelly in the middle of an ether binge, because the Eagles tossed in a second rounder for good measure. This is how the Rams roll: They make remarkably shrewd trades surrounding the QB position that result in … Well, they don’t result in any kind of on-field improvement at all. But still … SO SHREWD! They’re the smartest bad team in the NFL.

By the way, Foles has never made it through a full season unscathed, so this is not exactly a sea change from having Bradford at the helm. The only difference is that Foles will hurt himself in the MIDDLE of the season, instead of prior to it. Foles was jettisoned from Philly for a) Being crazy ugly and b) Failing to spot receivers who were open by nine furlongs …

JESUS. That was with actual receivers, too. The Rams wideout corps consists of Tavon Austin and three Monopoly pieces (I get the hat!). Once Foles gets his collarbone snapped into eight pieces of equal length, your choices at QB are Case Keenum and the immortal Austin Davis. I picked Austin Davis up off the waiver wire last season, and started him. I am as bad at fantasy football as the Rams are at real football.”

Does that make everything better? Oh wait…they mention Bradford is a corpse….so I guess this means I still hate the Eagles!

September 1, 2015 4:51 pm
Reply to  zilents44

lmfao i aint backing vin for no reason. vin has never ever ever slobbered all over foles as the franchise qb or some god. his narrative has always been an argument with kool that foles is better than taj boyd, sanchez, vick, johnny runaround, and whatever other loser kool insisted was better than foles (all of which he was wrong about) his arguments have always been logical and intelligent and he never ever married himself to foles just argued that he was better than every single awful qb kool wanted to replace him with

think vin posted the summary yesterday. cmon zilents you gotta follow the whole narrative

kool has always been johnny football has it he would be way better than foles, taj boyd (currently employed at roy rodgers) is better than foles and better fit, mike vick is gonna be a superstar in this offense and when he wasnt it was the line, the weapons, and so on. and vinnie has always been nah you see that 7td game, nah you see foles record, nah taj boyd aint in the league, nah johnny football stinks and will stat kool to death with foles shit but reality is vin was always right in his arguments with him

September 2, 2015 12:14 am
Reply to  mhenski

LMAO…the efforts to revise history of these arguments we have had for the past couple of years are incredible…mhenski you are a fraud. EVERYONE knows that vinniedafoolass was in complete love of Foles.
Lying asses…
You guys are full of crap…lying, shifting, hiding…changing up the stories, throwing out a bunch of bull crap…(like the crap that I was some big taj boyd fan…bullshit)
All of you thought that Foles was the QB that would lead us to the Superbowl and when Kelly dumped him…you all bashed Kelly to no end…I’m going to go to the archives and post the proof on you fools!
LMAO…this will be fun!!!

September 2, 2015 2:32 am
Reply to  mhenski

Damn, you’re right Mhenski….Koolidiot was hard over Manziel too! Should have had that on the list. My bad.

September 1, 2015 4:06 pm

I hope foles does great but I know in st louis with no oline and no receivers and now two injured running backs he is screwed

September 1, 2015 4:21 pm

I just want the Eagles to Win..
If Eagles OL can Protect Bradford, then he will be very effective getting the ball out to the Playmakers and moving the Offense better than we’ve seen in the Chip Kelly ERA, If the Eagles OL struggles in protecting Bradford then it will be more of the same of what we saw the last 2 Years…

September 1, 2015 4:23 pm

Vinnie seriously please find my tirade about owens and culture irrelevant….dude I hope you are not making shit up on me…for real thats fucked up man

September 1, 2015 4:30 pm

Lol vinnie please find the post on that bull shit….about culture is irrelevant and owens…..I will be happy to apologize, but dude if you are making shit up thats fuckef up man and u said a couple days ago

September 1, 2015 4:34 pm
Reply to  zilents44

No sorry…I guess I got you mixed up with Dagolden who went semi-nuts after I mentioned the way the birds just hand the ball back to the refs and I find that refreshing. So I got you guys mixed up. Je m’excuse.

September 1, 2015 4:46 pm

Alright I think ive been pretty consistent where I stand….as long as u bleed eagles green Ill take your word that you truly love the eagles

September 1, 2015 5:00 pm

I dont care for him and kools child like arguments im just going on what I have seen from vin in the past, I just hate for a week in football that bradford has a bad game and foles plays great that same week, and vin brings it up, My comments have nothing to do with vin and kools argument just fans who attach their fanhood to the player more then the team, and vinnie had a lot of excuses last year for foles(even I did sometimes), but if he says im a eagles fan then oc course ill take his word for it

September 1, 2015 6:22 pm
Reply to  zilents44

I agree Z…Fighting with 5th graders has all but driven me away from here. I’m Green every ounce of my Blood. I just wanna win, tired of the Superbowl empty case or no rings bullshit from asshole Cowboy, Redskin and Giant fans.

September 2, 2015 6:11 am
Reply to  zilents44

C’mon z…I got the specific, clear evidence that vinniedafool abandoned the team…he made that clear and you were the one who told him that you would ride and die with the team…

April 20, 2015 – 8:29 am
Profile photo of vinnietheevictor

I saw it Zilients…its too funny….for those of you who only come to this site:

5 QBs with lowest QBR since 2010:

Tim Tebow 33.4
Geno Smith 35.7
Chad Henne 36.9
Mark Sanchez 40.4
Sam Bradford 40.7

Ladies and Gentleman, YOUR Philadelphia Eagles!!!

Notice, Vinniedafool didn’t say OUR Philadelphia Eagles…he meant what he said…YOUR Philadelphia Eagles…and why…because Chip Kelly traded Nick Foles and he is chomping at the bit…hoping beyond hope that Foles plays well in St Louis and wins…and Bradford plays badly and the Eagles lose..
You know it, I know it…and everyone knows…this is EXACTLY what Vinniedafoolass wants!
He’s not an Eagles fan…he’s fraud ass Foles fan!

September 1, 2015 6:20 pm

No, a thousand times no. We have gone down that road for years. Look around the league, only Russell Wilson Succeeds. I’m afraid that Sam Bradford will break also. I think we need to draft a QB next year also. Lol at Kool with the Mike Vick profile pic. That is priceless.

September 1, 2015 6:31 pm

X my man I swear if we win a superbowl i would hug everybody on this damn website…I truly love the eagles to death…lol

September 1, 2015 6:33 pm

Im a philly man to the day I die….I cried for like 3 days straight when the phils won,the ship….philly deserves a ship in football….the fanbase needs it

September 2, 2015 9:30 am

cant argue with this kool dont know whats your point

5 QBs with lowest QBR since 2010:

Tim Tebow 33.4
Geno Smith 35.7
Chad Henne 36.9
Mark Sanchez 40.4
Sam Bradford 40.7

thats a great stat. why would anyone be excited about that? or a qb that has a major injury every year and has never done anything since college? all rational reactions to get a dude that has shown nothing.

now through a handful of preseason drives yea the people that didnt like the trade (myself included) look dumb but there was nothing to indicate this was a good trade at the time or that this would translate to this preseason success. anyone that was rational didnt like the trade you fool. only people that did was you and only because you hated foles for taking your heros job

September 2, 2015 10:44 am
Reply to  mhenski

mhenski…you are flat out lying. I loved the trade and I made that clear-I loved the trade with or without Mariota.Here is the proof for you right here in a conversation I had with IrishEagle:

March 10, 2015 – 8:58 pm
Profile photo of IrishEagle

I’m glad you’re happy koolbreeze…. You forgot to mention that it will cost the Eagles an extra $10 million for Chip to take a chance.

Do you really think Sam Bradford is worth $10 million more than Foles? That’s the same as trading Foles and McCoy for Bradford.

Unless there’s an undisclosed agreement between the two teams to flip 1st round picks this year, Chip took it up the tailpipe…
March 10, 2015 – 9:15 pm
Profile photo of koolbreeze

I’m extremely happy, Irish Eagle…and who cares what it cost.. Obviously, Chip Kelly believes that Bradford is a significant upgrade over Foles..the Eagles are still well under that cap, they will be able to resign key players and pick up other free agents to improve the defense and even if they dont get Mariota…they have other draft picks to improve the team
For me its simple…they went from a QB who is not smart enough, injury prone, and slow to a QB that is much smarter, more talent, a much better arm and they got some protection for their draft picks by making it conditional…if he stays healthy and plays…he is significant upgrade over Nick Foles…no doubt about that!

I’m on the record mhenski…I didn’t wait, put my finger in the air to see which way the wind would blow and then make a call…I told you clearly and directly-I loved the trade and that Bradford is a significant upgrade over Nick Foles.
You got it backwards mhenski…I’ve been the guy that was right…when ya’ll were hollaring that Chip would cut Vick…I told you he that he wasn’t and that Vick fit the system better…when you said Nick would beat Vick out of the job…I told you Vick would kick his ass head up…I was right…I told you when Djax was cut that Nick Foles would suffer badly…I was right…he sucked ass last year…I told you that Chip doesn’t like Foles not because he is a slow as a runner, but he is slow mentally as a QB

I’ve been right on all of these issue. Me, Songs, and a few others have been kicking you guys asses for years…we know your not real Eagle fans…just fraudulent front runners.

Also, we have an archive…show me one single post where I ever once said that Mike Vick should be given his starting job back after Nick Foles played well. The record is clear. When Vick was let go and Foles given the starting job produce one complaint from me about Foles?
See unlike you fools, I am very consistent.
Coach Chip Kelly has seen Nick Foles for years, saw him college…has a detailed knowledge of Nick Foles so when Chip Kelly bounced his ass out of town…I understood perfectly well why he got rid of Foles…once again…lets look at the record…the record is clear:
We talked about it before mhenski:
March 10, 2015 – 7:33 pm
Profile photo of mhenski














March 10, 2015 – 7:46 pm
Profile photo of koolbreeze

LOL…You guys sound like a bunch of chicken littles

“The Sky is falling, The Sky is failing”

They traded Nick Foles.

Take a deep breath and look at what this really proves

Nick Foles didnt’ have the value across the league to move you up significantly in the draft

The reason Chip Kelly doesn’t like Nick Foles is NOT because he cant run but because he is slow MENTALLY and he is injury prone as well!

Chip got some injury protection in the draft and is taking a gamble on a guy that he believes can run his system much better than Nick Foles.

The one thing that is said about Bradford is that he makes quick decisions with the ball, he is very smart, and he has exceptional arm strength

Focus…you need focus mhenski…go back into the records and see how many times I have said why I dont like Nick Foles…I have said it over,over, over, over, and over again:

“The reason Chip Kelly doesn’t like Nick Foles is NOT because he cant run but because he is slow MENTALLY and he is injury prone as well!”

March 11, 2015 – 7:40 pm
Profile photo of koolbreeze

DCar, you, Vinnie, haveablunt, mhenski, regal/deserteagle i’ve laid it out and made it clear…I’ve been consistent…I am a well-documented Nick Foles hater, and guess what…Chip Kelly is a Nick Foles hater too. He does not fit Chip Kelly’s offense and Chip got rid of his ass because he’s not good enough! Chip proved what I have been saying all along but its you fools who have reduced my arguments to your simpleton constructions about ‘Mike Vick’, and the mobility issue.

I have said over and over again…Nick Foles is not only physically slow but his biggest problem is that he was MENTALLY SLOW…he has trouble making quick, good decisions and as soon as the defense made some adjustments, we saw the real Nick Foles….throwing off of his back foot, holding the ball, missing wideopen receivers, indecisive, and nervous…
Chip Kelly’s press conference was very informative…if you can think a little bit he tells you openly and honestly what he wants and what he wasn’t getting from the QB.
He has said it over and over again
1. Quick, Good decisions with the Football
2. Accuracy with his passing
For Chip Kelly, its now real clear what he wasn’t getting from Foles…he makes it clear…Foles is not smart enough and accurate enough to run his system!

I’m on the record mhenski…look it up and then man up admit that you were wrong…dead wrong!

Like you have been for years now!

September 2, 2015 11:01 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

“I am a well-documented Nick Foles hater” this is my take away from what you just wrote. you rooted against foles and teh foles led eagles. id never root against my squad. critique yep hate nah

September 2, 2015 11:05 am
Reply to  mhenski

LOL…your desperate…what a hypocritical fraud…everyone on this thread has an Eagle player that they dont like as a player.

September 2, 2015 5:48 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

I still think Kelly took it up the ass in the trade.

I never expressed any dislike for Bradford. And I never expressed and regret for losing Foles. I just think Kelly got fleeced in the trade… I’m not alone in thinking that.

As far as my loyalty to the Eagles – I have been a season ticket holder since you (koolbreeze) were shitting yellow. I don’t give a fuck about you and your opinion.

September 2, 2015 5:53 pm
Reply to  IrishEagle

I would have to agree with you Irish. Bradford never had the type of season Foles had…(but being real, a lot of QB’s don’t) a 2nd and 4th round pick, was too much! I could see possibly Foles and a 4th…

But what I think it came down to, is Chip wanted Bradford bad and was determined to get him.

September 2, 2015 6:19 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

If Sam Bradford gives us an accurate, quick thinking, strong arm Quarterback that takes this offense to the next level and makes us a dominant offensive force…then we have gotten an extremely good deal for a very cheap price. A second round draft choice for a player that you project to be a franchise QB in your system makes the deal a no-brainer.
Chip Kelly wasn’t fleeced at all…He kept the QB level at the same level it was last year by signing Sanchez who Kelly sees as a better Quarterback than Foles. Once he secured Sanchez, Kelly saw it as a gamble…and everyone has seen enough of Bradford to know that it is a smart gamble.
You dont hold on to draft picks and let opportunities to acquire franchise Quarterbacks slip away…you bust the move…and Kelly was wise to do so!

September 2, 2015 6:19 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

You’re right RealTalk…. Kelly wanted Bradford regardless of cost.

Kelly said again recently that he listened to Pat Surmur when it came to Bradford’s value. I’m kinda surprised that Kelly had that much faith in Surmur – but it’s looking like Surmur was right.

Of course, Surmur is not puffing his chest out as much as koolbreeze (lol), but I think Surmur will get the credit in the long run if Bradford takes the Eagles deep into the playoffs.

September 2, 2015 9:32 am

He better not or we will know for sure he is not a eagles fan

September 2, 2015 9:32 am

He better not or we will know for sure he is not a eagles fan

September 2, 2015 9:36 am

but carry on. i am happy for you that you are now rooting for the eagles again now that foles again. that was a couple seasons you openly hated us because of your hate for foles. FRAUD

September 2, 2015 9:44 am

Henski i bashed kool last year and now vinnie……eagles fan not player fan…..u see my point

September 2, 2015 10:01 am
Reply to  zilents44

i get your point zilents and dont care what you do as long as we laughing and rooting for them birds once the season starts all good.

i do find it hilarious though that kool is jumping up and down like a chimp and carrying on like a 11 year old girl over a handful of bradford snaps and saying everyone that hated this trade is x, y and z. i have this overwhelming knot in my stomach that kool is mushing our team and qb like he did with all the others he hitched his wagon to that fell flat on they ass

September 2, 2015 10:12 am

i mean if u didnt critique that trade or dislike that trade based on all available information and track records at the time of the trade you either didnt care or were a damn window licker. and to gloat after a handful of drives that he is the savior is also equally retarded.

kools whole thing right now is you hated the trade and you hate the eagles because you didnt like trading the known and a 2nd round pick for a man that has done nothing in the NFL through 5 years or so but fail. and now that through a handful of preseason drives sam looks like montana and he is jumping up and down like a chimp cuz some us were wrong. and to be honest i dont blame kool i mean for what 4 straight years kool has been raked over the coals by everyone here for being 0-1000000000000 on his qb analysis and comments and finally the masses were wrong. But guess what kool you didnt want bradford and didnt think the deal was for him, you thought we were getting marriota so you wrong too.

if what you want is for me to say i was wrong about the trade being awful im gonna say it after a handful of preseason games it looks like i was wrong and i hope i will be able to say it again in february

September 2, 2015 10:20 am
Reply to  mhenski

Exactly mhenski..he hasn’t even taken a meaningful snap vs a live bullets defense and were already canonizing Sam I am for a bust,in the hall of fame.Kool and songs have a hate agenda,whatever narrative they spew it’s meaningless .Those that need to be proven right ,are often insecure in there own skin.The whole scenario ,of draft picks and Foles needs play out to be evaluated in its entirety ,measuring its full impact on the two organizations.What isn’t defensible is the unknown ,so let’s all root for 7 and hope he can stay healthy ,because ,so far ,he is very eye appealing in his accuracy and his grasp of the offense.What I’d rather discuss are the merits of guys on our roster ..not give a s–t about guys in the rear view mirror.I wonder if Sam plays his butt off ,when and for how long do you sign him?

September 2, 2015 10:35 am

With our fragile starting QB….and considering our backups….Yea, I think Chip would consider RGIII…without a doubt!

September 2, 2015 10:40 am

oh god now kool logged in as skayne

September 2, 2015 10:42 am

Now I agree there I definely was upset initially but you gotta believe in chip and what he is doing, I just know I refuse to bring up players constantly who arent on my team and play the “we should have kept this guy” game. Its football and it is a buisness, u gotta move on. As much as kool brings up his hate for foles vinnie doesnt help with his constant stat dropping, I just hope they both move on and cheer the eagles team. We gonna kick some falcon ass

September 2, 2015 10:43 am

If anybody could fix rg3 it would be chip

September 2, 2015 10:44 am

Lol oh no skayne songs and kool….jesus this battle will never end

September 2, 2015 10:49 am

Goddamn henski just admit u were wrong he just wrote and small book on your ass…..lol

September 2, 2015 11:25 am
Reply to  zilents44

Hey z, the battle has gone on without my help. I rarely post. Too many people on here who have no ability to assess qb talent want to rewrite history. So I said my piece.

September 2, 2015 10:57 am

Vinnie is like a coiled snake waiting patiently for when the eventual Bradford season ending injury comes. NFL past history is that the Chipper’s QBs get injured often in the NFL and Sam Bradford is not durable while playing in the NFL. I wouldn’t bet against Vinnie’s argument and prediction for this 2015 season.

September 2, 2015 11:00 am

haha….I wouldn’t be against Vinne period! Considering he doesn’t honor his end of the bet! If so, he would only be a memory on GCobb!

September 2, 2015 11:09 am

You know that and I know that as well…he’s locked and loaded ready to attack, but wants to cover his ass now just in case Bradford turns out to be good and leads the team to a good Eagles season! Nah…not going to go down like that bro!!!

September 2, 2015 11:03 am

Bull! I’m simply keeping the record straight. The number one argument on this forum has been about Quarterbacks. Chip Kelly was a genius until he got rid of Nick Foles and then all of the hatred and venom came busting out. Chip Kelly was dogged unmercifully the moment he got rid of Nick Foles.
So I am simply 100% convinced that if the season goes bad, Bradford gets hurt…all of the naysayers will be out in full force to dump on the Coach.
But really many of you guys are gutless lames. You know deserteagle…if it goes bad it will be a bash fest on Chip Kelly where everyone will bring up Nick Foles.
Now since it looks like the Eagles maybe on to something, you hypocrites want your previous statements buried and overlooked…but you damm sure got them locked and loaded if it goes bad.

You flip-floppers are a bunch of scared wimps that want to hedge your bets. You want ride the wave if its good without owning and manning up
Nah…I’m not letting you get away with that bullshit, deserteagle, mhenski, vinniedaloser and the rest of the flip-flop crew!

September 2, 2015 11:12 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

the bar is 11 wins –
The Sam Bradford / Mark Sanchez duo has to win more games than 10.

September 2, 2015 11:07 am

The only thing wrong with the Foles trade was that we gave up a 2nd round pick. Chip should have asked Sam Hinkie what you’re supposed to get in compensation when you take on on the more expensive, older, currently injured player. Otherwise, Bradford had way more talent then Foles, the only question is whether he can stay on the field. You were under the delusion about Foles being better because you know shit about qbs, just like Vinnie.

As I said the whole 2013 season, Foles’ stats were a mirage covering up how many plays and yards he left on the field. Vinniedamoron and others judge qbs on just stats alone. All players, most of all qbs, will have their stats influenced by who they play with and whose system they play in. To get a good measure of whether a qb is playing well, you have to watch the film. With all the football guys online posting cut-ups of All-22 video you have no excuse for just going by stats. The film is why I was never sold on Foles, and obviously, Kelly was never truly sold on Foles either. The film is why Bradford is here, because if you watch it and judge Bradford solely on what he’s supposed to do, you see a qb with all the qualities Vinniedamoron claims to love. His problem was he didn’t get to play in a good system or with good players. Cian Fahey of footballoutsiders is one such guy who did posts on Foles and why his numbers were misleading, and he did a later post on why Bradford is a lot better than he’s currently perceived.

Foles only has a track record in the NFL because he played in Chip Kelly’s offense with the wealth of playmakers the Eagles have had on offense the past 5 years. He was a mediocrity in college who never had a bowl win and was garbage in every single bowl game he played. His team had a losing record his senior season. He has no track record other than the mirage 2013 season. He quickly fell back to earth last year after walking in between the raindrops the year before. So if you judge Foles by ‘track record’, which is heavily influenced by circumstances beyond a players control, you thought he was way better than Bradford. If you go by individual talent, and what both qbs show on film, Bradford has way more upside. As I said when the move was made. Kelly was schooled on the compensation, like he is on most of the trades and outright releases of players he’s made since he’s become coach.
I still have questions about the o-line and secondary, but on offense I have no worries.

September 2, 2015 2:47 pm
Reply to  skayne

Exactly. Thus why i referred to these people as “simpletons”.. they are unable to look at anything other than stats. What I see from Bradford (and I am a bit surprised) is a guy who is running the O. A guy who knows what he is looking at. and a guy who can make the perfect throws. It’s early…. very very early… but I like what I am seeing.

September 2, 2015 3:43 pm
Reply to  Stevo

excellent points!

September 2, 2015 11:08 am

The Eagles/Falcons Opener may be a 45-44 Type of Wild Game with both Teams marching up and down the Field at will…
The Falcons #1 Offense has been hot the entire Pre-Season just as the Eagles has.. Whichever Team can get to the QB and force a Couple of Sacks & will Win… but this game will be Close, make no mistake about it…but the Eagles should prevail as they should be able to Run the Ball vs the Falcons Defense as the game wears on

September 2, 2015 11:16 am
Reply to  paulman

Eagles 1st team D picked flacco for 2 interceptions and Hundley for a pick 6 additionally Barner took it to the house twice. Eagles are scoring on D and Special teams also.

September 2, 2015 11:37 am

Preseason doesn’t mean much of anything….yea the defense got some picks behind a vanilla defense. The real test comes when they are executing behind real defensive strategies against real offensive game plans. Against ATL we will find out.

September 2, 2015 11:24 am

The falcond cant protect matty ice…..I see us winning in a blowout and they have no run game…..just double julio and roddy is old

September 2, 2015 11:40 am
Reply to  zilents44

They are paying Maxwell to cover dudes like Julio. I wanna see that guy earn his money in week 1.

September 2, 2015 11:28 am

Anyway Im hoping we can trade barkley and get some depth at oline and nickel corner

September 2, 2015 11:34 am
Reply to  zilents44

I’m not sure that the talent we could get for Barkley would even be beneficial to the team.

September 2, 2015 11:37 am

Nah i dont care what we get for him I was talking about other players cut from diffrent teams,,,,,7 th rd pick is find with me

September 2, 2015 11:38 am

Cripes. A lot of dudes on here gonna strain themselves patting themselves on the back.

September 2, 2015 12:37 pm

I still want to see more pass rush! i dont think we are getting to the QB like we should!