• March 4, 2025

Standing Pat Will Only Make Things Worse For Eagles

ChipKelly5Chip will only make matter worse for the Eagles

It’s more than the talent. It stretches further than culture. It’s a disease, infecting the “brand” of Philadelphia Eagles football that fans once took pride in.

It is, Chip Kelly.

As it stands, forget being embarrassed or ashamed; what Chip Kelly has done in three years is irreversible, and there is no end in sight.

Jeffrey Lurie must recognize how he “gave” in to the ego-maniac that is Chip Kelly. By signing off full control in the off-season, Lurie took a risk, and it backfired. Besides the win against his beloved New England Patriots, Lurie has to be embarrassed with what his team has become.

The necessary roster improvements will be greater heading into year four of the Chip Kelly era then when he arrived in Philadelphia. Talent assessment at both the professional and collegiate level has resulted in players who “stink” or don’t fit the system. Contracts have been awarded to players who fail to produce, which ties up necessary money to extend a franchise caliber guy like Fletcher Cox.

Arrogance, an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people. This behavioral trait is how Eagles fans identify as their head coach. It has crippled any optimism moving forward.

The whole notion of trusting in the process is over. Trust is a two way street, it’s a give and take. The Eagles fan base gave Chip the opportunity to do his thing. The fans remained open minded, sure they may have been cautious but they backed Chip through questionable decision making. That time has come and gone, Chip has simply rubbed too many people the wrong way.

The NFL is a “results” driven league. It’s all about “what have you done for me lately.” Chip has failed at his job.

With the roster overhaul from this past off-season from a 10-6 record, the team regressed. If head coach/general manager Chip Kelly felt the need for the number of significant moves last year, imagine how many he believes he needs for the 2016 season.

The Eagles should be thought of as the worst team in the NFC East heading into the 2016 off-season.

Looking at the roster, the number of needs at “key” positions is far greater than the Redskins, Giants and Cowboys.

Chip Kelly has dug the Eagles into a nasty, dark hole. If someone doesn’t take the shovel out of his hands and guides him to a different path of doing things, there is no telling how much worse off he will make the Eagles.

Jeff Kolsky

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December 29, 2015 2:12 am

What a joke of a article. This “Ego Maniac” shit is so stupid considering it is coming from a whole bunch of dumb asses who do not know the man. I got news for you Jeff, there is not a single head coach in the NFL that does not have a crazy ass ego. There all multi millionaire jocks for Christ Sakes so enough of this weak ass shit!!

Lets see we keep Lesean Mccoy. Do you really believe his ass was going to go off this season behind this offensive line? He probably would have had a even worse season then the one before. Getting hit in the back field nearly every play, and not having any blocking was not going to help him. People forget how record breaking awful Lesean Looked last season at times.

Then you have injury prone, alligator arms Desean Jackson who dissappears in every big game he plays in (Just like he will this postseason). Big, smart, and physical teams who jam him at the line of scrimmage and bully his ass will always shut him down once he plays a good football team.

Jeremy Maclin was the one, and only mistake Chip made by not offering him a measly 1-2 million more. Granted I think Maclin wanted to just go to his home town and play for the coach who drafted him. Congrats to him and coach Reid for there 9 game win streak after starting 1-5.

Nelson A will be a great replacement for Maclin in the years to come. Even Revis told the young man he was going to be great. You just need to let these guys develope CHEMISTRY. Making Sam Bradford learn a new system, and personnell while coming back from injury cannot happen anymore in his career. It is destroying him. Let this YOUNG team grow, and rebuild the oline through the draft while signing a nice free agent or 2. Adding another top talented WR will not hurt this team via draft or FA.

Quit with the bullshit that this team is not, and cannot get any better the more and more they play together. The drops, and inexpierence can only get better from here. The simple mistakes killed us this season. It’s the simple mistakes that will continue to occur when a team has a brand new QB, with Brand new weapons. It is going to shock most of the blind people on here how great Sam Bradford looks next season with a year under his belt, and for some reason I am not going to understand why. Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can take 2 forward. That is exactly what the Panthers did who won only 7 games last season with the same exact coaching staff.

December 29, 2015 12:19 pm
Reply to  CT

First of all where do you see any trait of the Carolina Panthers in this team? Their defense is stellar and has had competent pieces added to its unit over the span of a few years. Another is coaching. The Panthers completely overhauled their wide receiver core last two seasons and the current players have been developed and have shown promise. Players that no one took a look at. I call that coaching. Their line doesn’t have big names, you couldn’t name one starter without looking on Google. Again this scheme and coaching. They are two different teams. This goes beyond personnel and drafting as well. You cannot go super sonic speed on every play in the NFL. Offense requires rhythm and that’s one thing they cannot muster to save their lives. Your assessment is incorrect. Chip has destroyed this franchise with his arrogance and collegiate system. Only bright spot is Special Teams. Please make a good assessment of the article without using profanity and have some knowledge before you go spitting out names of teams that are having success.

December 29, 2015 2:18 am

Philadelphia has been probably the worst team, if not top 3 when it comes to redzone and 3rd and 4th and short situations. How does that happen? By having shifty backs like Lesean MCcoy who is scared to punch you in the mouth, and little Tiny WR like Desean Jackson who gets pushed around, and will catch a nice bomb here and there. Please.
Chip Kelly will be back boys. And will get this team turned around. He has already proved he can coach at this level when giving a good team. Let this team develope fom a young one, to a good one with EXP. Then lets judge him after year 4.

The division will be there for the taking again next season.
Dropping crucial passes in crucial moments, and missing field goals and extra points will be the story of the 2015 Philadelphia Eagles. The coach does not play the damn game.

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
December 29, 2015 4:34 am

Letting Mathis go was a mistake…undeniably. Getting nothing for DeSean was a mistake. And, not talked about much…..Boykin. Didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. Sure, he didn’t make an impact in PBurg, but he did here. When the season started and we saw Maragos in the games it became clear what a blunder that move was. Sure, JShep got hurt but hey that happens in the NFL, gotta be prepared.

December 29, 2015 5:08 am

Jeff ,arrogant is the proper word, and the dictionary meaning you used was Right On . And to prove what you claim , the chip will do the same as he did last year, in a meaningless against the Giants,He will play all his starters and win the game. And push back the Eagles in a future draft choice.A wise seasoned ,confident head coach , would take a low key approach and lose this game by using many 2nd team players.But a coach who is running scared will do what he did last year , Win the last game of the year.Risk injury, screw up a draft choice to show the unwise fan base, owner and front office and himself ,how wise he is.This is what arrogance and his inner fear will do to a man. However with his facade built up , very few will see through it.What a guy, My oh my, what a guy.

December 29, 2015 7:35 am

Patrick you along with your idol fraud have no idea of what you speak. This is the nfl, real men, real coaches do t play a game to lose. There is not one person in the nova care that is thinking about losing to secure a better pick. There is not one team that is eliminated from the playoffs playing to lose….it is a silly, unrealistic argument by you.
To Jeff Kolsky, making rash decisions in firing coaches makes you Cleveland or Oakland.

December 29, 2015 10:23 am
Reply to  haveacigar

I think the Eagles should play as many Young Players and Back-ups in this Final Game versus the Giants… To give them a Chance to Play and Reward the Players who worked hard all year and who you think have an upside for the Future .. Is Brett Celek, Darren Sproles, Jason Peters, Riley Cooper, D Ryans, Part of the Future ? All 5 of these Players are no longer Eagles by the 2017 Season… There are only 46 Game Day Players to Play and take the 3 Special Teams and your Down to 43 Players.. Eric Rowe, Jaylen Watkins, B Allen, T Hart, J Huff, Barner, T Burton could use as many Reps as possible … Same thing for the Giants who also will be playing a lot of younger Players as they sort thru their own Roster issues…

December 29, 2015 11:15 am
Reply to  haveacigar

H.a.c. Actually I’m for giving kelly another year, And I cant prove this but have read it a few times on other sites. That Ike Reese was calling many of the Eagles formations , in the booth , before the play. My only issue with Chip is his arrogance . hence poor treatment of his players, B.B. can get away with it cause of all of the rings. But kelly appears to treat others very shabbiliy. He should allow himself to grow into a position , before he becomes a King.Street creds .are very important in the black culture and kelly is shredding them.If this continues not many F.A. willl come here , And guys like Jason Peters will not be ultimate warriors for kelly like coaches.

December 29, 2015 11:24 am
Reply to  patrik411

Good, I don’t want any arrogant FA’s to come here! Vinnie has been calling it all year, bringing in too many too end FA never, ever works…. Plus show me the money pal, we saw it with maclin, most of these guys have one opportunity to sign the big one…. And any man would take let’s say $22 million guaranteed vs $18… When your career lasts 3-8 years for most and the first four you are under team control with very little guaranteed .

December 29, 2015 10:01 am

Jeff, Patrick and fraud, fraud said the Eagles will go from 15 to 10 with a loss. Guess what in the last 10 drafts the 10thspot has produced 2 pro bowl appearances. 15 has produced 10!!!!! All pro?10 has 1,15 has 2. Flat out busts? 10 has 4 while 15 has 1…. Use facts to base your opinions.

December 29, 2015 10:16 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Means nothing, More Pro-Bowls are selected in 20’s than they are in the Top 10 and the Reason that is that the better Teams Draft later in the Round than the same crappy Teams and the Better Teams (Playoff Teams) get the Pro-Bowl Nods —
How does the Carolina Panthers go from 2 Pro-Bowlers in 2014 to 10 Pro-Bowlers in 2015.. . Did 8 of their Players all get that much better in 1 Year… Pro-Bowls mean little in terms of Team Success..

December 29, 2015 11:19 am
Reply to  paulman

Shut up fraud, this is the nfl teams don’t tank… Ridiculous. It’s a physical game people get hurt if they tank it’s Mano vs Mano ..teams don’t lose on purpose in this game…Christ the cowboys are playing a hurt dez … Once again you fail miserably and I believe maybe you wear girls underwear

December 29, 2015 11:35 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Tanking has become a Philly Thing.. Its what they do…
Cowboys shut down Dez last week and will again this week
Teams that are out of it start playing young players to see what they can do

December 29, 2015 11:47 am
Reply to  paulman

As far as my underwear goes, Just trusty plain Hanes Brand and some Armor-All Sport Ones for when I’m playing ball…

December 29, 2015 11:51 am
Reply to  paulman


December 29, 2015 1:43 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Wtf you wear armor all underwear? I guess that’s cool if you need degreasing

December 29, 2015 11:54 am
Reply to  paulman

HAC you are off on this one.

Last week I told you the Giants had blown their load vs Carolina and would not show up at all for the rest of the year. Did you see what happened in Minny. They didn;t even begin to show up. FUll pre-season form and by the end of the game it was Ryan Nassib to Ben Edwards??????

Cowboys shut everyone down and didn’t even attempt a win in Buffalo.

GB even shut it down because it was a meaningless game vs Arizona for them.

Now yes, you had Atl showing up against Car….but that game has a lot of emotion riding on it. Its a division game, Obv Atl wants to end the perfect season, and it is becoming more and more apparent that the rest of the players in the league (and perhaps some on his own team) are pretty damn tired of Cam Newton’s (and now a good bunch of his teammates) immature little act.

The NYGs are going to want to get into this game, give their little ovation to Coughlin, then get the hell out of dodge.

I suggest strongly the Eagles do the same. Though I am not sure if starting the backups is the best idea!! If the Eagles want to lose, then I suggest staying with the starters! They sink!!

Run Murray into the line 30x for a solid 82. Have Bradford throw another 25 2 yrd passes so I can watch the WRs getting hammered into the turf by 2 LBs like I have all season, and get on the bus losing 17-13. Perfect.

December 29, 2015 12:00 pm

We need a quarterback and to fix the defense to some degree and obviously the offensive line. Big holes but not insurmountable. Not one guy’s fault, but certainly avoidable. The learning curve from college to pro is not insignificant, and we can all agree that perhaps too much was bitten off to be chewed by our HC. If we surround Chip with seasoned NFL guys I think it could be great…the issue is how do you put the toothpaste back into the tube.

There were enough close games this season where if we had made field goals that we did not or if we had caught that interception that was dropped we would still be alive and well in this season. 2 or 3 games I recall were decided by botched field goals. Change this and we are in the tournament, in spite of massive roster overhauls and big depth issues on OL. That is the bright side to me.

Confidence will always be shaken when the payoffs are dashed against the rocks for us, but overwhelming Philly negativity is a poison that needs to be handled with caution.

Happy new year!

December 29, 2015 12:34 pm

I’m not saying you don’t give guys a shot I’m saying it’s not a thought to not game planning to win

December 29, 2015 12:49 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

You can give those guys a shot and still game plan to win. If they are good enough..perhaps they will (snickering). At this point what’s the difference..Kelly has trotted out his motley crue of “his guys” and they have reeled off 6 big wins out of 15 games played. Since last December this clown is 7-12 with different players. Maybe the young guys will be hungry. The biggest problem with the Eagles are not the players..it’s the coach/GM and the owner who thought it wise to give Kelly what he said he did not want(lie) then punked the owner into giving it to him.

December 29, 2015 2:41 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Again it’s a stone cold fact the difference between the 10th pick and 15th is NONE

December 29, 2015 2:16 pm

Getting rid of a 35 year old LG was not a bad move at all. Again people forget how big his ego was and how much he was asking to get paid after Howie had already offered him an extension. Mathis came out here played another season and played poorly. He aged another season and the offer was off the table. Idk what world he thinks he lIves in.

Brandon Boykin was a undersized corner who got burned and burned against by quick shifty wrs. He has never started anywhere is his career from college to nfl. His highlight moment was when he picked off Kyle Orton.

When everything has not looked great people are going to pointout the bad. But Chip hasn’t been all wrong. Sam Bradford was worth a second round pick and a backup quarterback. That is what Nick Foles is people, sorry. Bradford will either resign or be hit with the franchise tag. Jordan Hicks was an outstanding third round pick. ALLEN barber played pretty well at left guard. Thurman’s conversion work. And Brandon Graham played well as a starting outside linebacker.

The more and more Kelce gets in synch with the same Qb the better his snaps will be. I truely doubt a center who.has showed great promise will have trouble snapping the ball next season after being with the same guy In year 2.

Both Ryan and Alonso will be a year removed from injuries that usually take about two years to fully heal. Nelson is a big athletic receiver just now getting his legs, which is normal for a rookie who missed time with injury. 2nd round corner Eric rose recent development on the outside should facilitate the development of nickel corner and allow Jenkins to back to safety in 2016. Improved play at left tackle and right guard, both targets for offseason season upgrade might make Murray more valuable weapon for whoever is our running back.

Laquon Treadwell ladies and gentlemen. Literally dez Bryant without the drama queen issues. He would be an animal In this offense

December 29, 2015 2:32 pm
Reply to  CT

Nelson Agholor is Big ?? At 6-0 195lbs, How is that Big in Today’s NFL?
He can’t shake Press-Man Coverage and needs to get a lot stronger if he’s ever going to make an impact in the NFL…

Now Laquon Treadwell, there’s a Big Receiver with Game …
He’s got a bright Future ahead of him is he gets with the right Team & Situation

December 29, 2015 2:42 pm
Reply to  paulman

Yes. Nelson is big. And when I say that I compare him to his height and size. For a 6-foot receiver he has great size to him and speed. Odell is around the same height but he’s nowhere near as big.

It’ll be a great time for this team to come together with the oppomoments and dI vision we play next year.

Has HAC (I think) stated beautifully above, you become Oakland and Cleveland by firing a head coach once every few years. When next season comes along and we are improved don’t let it shock you chip is back for a 5th season

December 29, 2015 3:42 pm
Reply to  CT

I didn’t realize that 6′ Ft 195lbs is considered “Big” for NFL WR’s
I would think most would say 6-3″ and Bigger are Considered Big Receivers and 6ft is Average to below Average for an Outside Receiver in the NFL these Days
Eagles need 6′-3” + 220lbs + WR’s that can Run like most of these other Teams have..
Who was the Last Eagles Big WR — Terrell Owens from 10 Years ago..and he only lasted for 1 Season or so.. Eagles need to get Bigger on the outside ..

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
December 29, 2015 6:18 pm
Reply to  CT

FYI-Mathis was 33 when released. Not a bad decision? Who replaced him? Yes bad decision. Boykin…undersized, blah blah blah. Who replaced him?? Our starting Safety, because there was NO ONE else. Rowe was forced into the line up by chance just like Hicks, otherwise they never would have saw the field. Perhaps if someone knew what they were looking at they would have been out there from the beginning. You can spin what has happened in the last 2 seasons only so much.

December 29, 2015 4:06 pm

“Sam Bradford was worth a second round pick and a backup quarterback.”

Why?? For a 6-7 record 17tds and 13 ints?? That’s shit in today’s NFL. And please remember that 4 of those tds were pure garbage time “stat padders” to Matthews that meant nothing. So in 13 games when it counted this “worth it” guy has 13 tds and 13 picks.

That’s terrible. Flat our terrible. And if I read one more “trending upwards” line I am going to puke. Seriously….2-2 in his last 4, 3 and 3 in the last 6, 4-4 in the last 8….pure mediocrity and Eagles would be (at least) in the very same boat with Foles. And they’rd have the second pick.

And you want to franchise the guy?!?!? That’s be a insanely stupid??

That’s be $20 million for 13 tds and 13 ints? Holy shit, $5 million to Hoyer produced 18 and 6 so only the stupidest GM in the universe would consider 20 million for 13 and 13 shit.

Agholor big??
Graham good?
Ryan at 47 will be better?
Barbe was “pretty good”????

AND you’re calling for a WR to be drafted high??

I mean seriously CT, your ideas are worse than Kelly’s. And I didn’t even thing that was possible.

December 29, 2015 4:28 pm

I wonder if Chip is being honest when he says he wants Sam back?
And would he still want him if he has a major knee injury next week?
Does anybody know Tanya Harding’s ex-husband? He’d club him in the knee for a few hundred $$$.

December 29, 2015 4:47 pm
Reply to  E-money

Who the fuck cares how much Bradford will make. All you idiots are riding Bradfords jock on how much he will make while he is a fucking superstar and a bargain for whatever he signs for compared to fucking Maxwell, Murray, Peters, Ryans, Graham, Kelce, etc. Hes had a superstar year compared to what the fuck they did at a combined 50 million they collectively made. Get off Bradfords jock and start talking about them players making all that money who couldn’t hold Bradfords jock in production this year. As mediocre as Bradford was this year he was head and shoulders better than 80% of the Eagles players.

December 29, 2015 4:59 pm
Reply to  E-money

In today’s NFL is 2015 does it help to be a 6’3 wr? Sure. But it is not a must with how the rules are bent towards the wr nowadays. It’s a passing league and u cannot even breathe on them wrong nowadays.

Go ask Odell and Antonio who are not the biggest wr in the world. Nelsons height and weight is very nice for his frame.

And BTW RYANS will be 32 and has came back from this injury before when he looked slow.

Allen barbre had probaby the most consistent season on the oline this year.

And yes Brandon Graham had a very good season for philly replacing trent Cole.

And once again people like to throw out a Qbs numbers who is coming off back to back acls and didn’t receive any help from his run game, or receivers all season long. U can say “garbage time” touchdowns all u want. But how many of those ints were on the wr and not sam? How many tds were dropped or called back? Because all of those occurred in crunch time or early in the game.

This game requires chemistry more then any sport in the word. A refurbished team didn’t have much of that this season (SHOCKING) they learned a lot this season together.

And if Treadwell is there when we are on the clock, u best believe we better take him. Address the oline in the 3rd and 4th round. Along with free agency

December 29, 2015 4:51 pm

Heres a little test for the brilliant Eagle fans. Name me 6 starters better than Bradford this year. Cox, Thurmond, Jenkins, J Matthews(questionable), Logan(questionable),and I will include Donnie Jones LMAQ and you ride Bradfords cock.

Give me 6 players on the Eagles better than Bradford. You want to talk about stealing money give me a break.

December 29, 2015 4:57 pm
Reply to  daggolden

Peters-quit and sucked
Both Guards-sucked
Huff-are you kidding me
Lane Johnson- ehhhh had some moments
Graham-How much did he make lol
Curry-did he play?
Barwin-did he play
Kendricks-How much did he make? laughable
Maxwell-what a joke
Yeah Sam is waaaay down the list of problems on this team.

December 29, 2015 7:17 pm

Eagles release Chip Kelly. I must say I’m shocked

December 29, 2015 7:19 pm


December 29, 2015 7:21 pm

We need to bring in a defensive guy now. To hell with all this offensive shit. Get back to running the ball and playing Eagles defense like we use to