• March 4, 2025

Thoughts On The Chip Kelly Firing

ChipKelly3Hallelujah, Eagles fans!!!


Eagles’ owner Jeffrey Lurie did what many hoped for but few expected and pulled the plug on head coach Chip Kelly, firing Kelly before the season ended on Sunday.

First, I really have to applaud Jeffrey Lurie for being proactive, understanding that this was a failed experiment, and making the right move. The 2015 season was a full display of everything wrong with Kelly, his scheme, and the way he conducted business in the NFL.

It was truly painful to watch as Kelly ran the team into the ground, letting go of the team’s top talent and doing an even worse job coaching the talent that he did acquire. There were too many problems on both sides of the ball, and the most damning indictment might have been the fact that Kelly couldn’t lead this team to a division title in what was a pitifully weak NFC East.

But now Kelly’s reign is over. There will be no more smoothies. No more gimmicky philosophies. No more tempo. No more sports science. No more taking proven NFL talent for granted. The search for a new head coach begins.

Kelly Reportedly Did Not Want To Give Up His Power

While I certainly applaud Lurie for pulling the trigger, its clear his first choice was to at least keep Kelly as head coach, but remove his say on personnel.

Naturally, Kelly kicked, screamed, and threw a fit at the idea of losing his power, so Lurie had no choice but to can him.

Howie Roseman Returns

An interesting, though by no means unsurprising, wrinkle to this story is that Howie Roseman will reemerge from the team’s broom closet in the basement to return to the personnel department.

Lurie announced in his statement that Roseman would be a part of the team’s new search for a head coach.

I have mixed feelings about Roseman’s return. I’m not necessarily anti-Howie. I think he’s come a long way from the guy who played a role in drafting Brandon Graham and Danny Watkins. Before being stripped of his power, he ran the 2012 draft that brought the team Fletcher Cox, Mychal Kendricks, Vinny Curry, Nick Foles, and Brandon Boykin, and also played a role in bringing Connor Barwin, Malcolm Jenkins, and Darren Sproles to town.

However, I think the Eagles would be much better served with a completely fresh front office.

Early Thoughts On Possible Candidates

Now its time to speculate on who Kelly’s replacement might be!

I don’t think the Eagles are going to go back to the college ranks for some time.

The new head coach is going to come from the professional ranks.

I could see the Eagles seeking out a coach with a very established resume; a coach who has not only won, but won a Super Bowl in the past. Merrill Reese suggested that Tom Donahue could help the team attempt to lure Bill Cowher out of retirement. Sean Payton may be a more realistic possibility, as there are numerous reports that he could be on the outs in New Orleans.

Former Eagles’ defensive coordinator Sean McDermott could also be a possibility. McDermott has learned much since his time in Philadelphia, and has been able to build the Carolina Panthers’ defense into one of the most dominant units in the league.

Follow Denny Basens on Twitter @DennyBasens

Denny Basens

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Eagles Podcast: Reaction To Chip Firing, Problems With Front Office

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December 29, 2015 10:47 pm

Former LB Mike Vrabel of the Patriots
He’s currently the Texans LB Coach for the last 2 Seasons under DC Romeo Crennell and was on the Pats Staff after playing for 10-12 Years for Belicheck who Lurie idolizes
Eric Mangini could be another Candidate who worked under Belicheck and was the DCwith the 49ers this Seasonand did a pretty good Job under difficult circumstances and would love the chance to be a HC again..

December 29, 2015 11:00 pm
Reply to  paulman

One word….NO!!!

December 30, 2015 4:04 am
Reply to  gmcliff

2 words- F^#@ NO!

December 29, 2015 11:02 pm

Thought Achos tweet was succinct …”Power tends to corrupt ,and absolute power ,corrupts ,absolutely ..

December 29, 2015 11:03 pm

Sean Payton may be a more realistic possibility, as there are numerous reports that he could be on the outs in New Orleans……


December 29, 2015 11:15 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

That’s been widely rumored ..his defenses and choice of defensive coordinators in Ryan ,makes me quiver GMCLIFF

December 29, 2015 11:28 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

SeanPayton has been at odds with GM Mickey Loomis since hisSuspensionand want to go to a Team where he has Player Personnel Authority which Owner Lurie is not going to give with any HC after the Chip Kelly Debacle

Sean Payton end up with the Indy Colts who Owner Irsay will be firing both HC Pagano & GM Grigson… Payton will jump at the chance to Runthings with a Franchise QB in A Luck to work with
Payton is from Illinois so going to Indy would behind final stop & job
Why would Payton want to come to Philly in a rebuild job with no QB?

December 30, 2015 9:44 am
Reply to  paulman

Again, cut, and paste your PROOF, of Peyton wanting, and demanding that control, and that the Colts are his eventual destination….

You’ve predicted before like this, and been wrong. I want to see in writing why you’re so confident – not just your personal opinion.

December 30, 2015 11:42 am
Reply to  gmcliff

I Don’t rely on other People thoughts or statements Cliff
I come up with my own theories and thoughts about it,
sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t ..
In terms of Chip Kelly, I didn’t think Lurie had the balls to fire him in 2015 but I am glad he did for I was not a supporter of Chip Kelly here in the first place.. So kudos to Lurie for making things right on a bad Hire that he made to begin with… I had Kelly getting Fired after 2016 Season, but not this soon..
Good for Lurie and Good for Eagle Fans

December 30, 2015 6:05 pm
Reply to  paulman

Then Paul, you admit through your own recognizance that you can’t pass off what you say as fact or truth……..just an assumption – and that is all – which means nothing.

December 30, 2015 6:24 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Exactly GMCliff , this Is a Sports Blog the last time I looked for crying out loud..
I don’t wait for “Official Releases” from anyone to have or state an opinion..
What’s the damn point of having an opinion and discussion on anything if you have to wait for some type of validation..

December 30, 2015 6:29 pm
Reply to  paulman

Your QB Prospect Jacoby Brisset of NC State is stinking it up again
7/17 with 1 TD and 2 Ints as he’s 20 points behind Miss State
Can this QB ever have a lead over a Quality Team
He’s always 2-3-4 Scores down and accumulates Stats inGarbage time
Look at his 1st Half Stats this Season, they Suck and his erratic play puts his Teambehind the 8-ball every week it seems
He should go and play Canada for 2 Years and then work out for some NFL Teams

December 30, 2015 7:13 pm
Reply to  paulman

yes, he can…..and will be the steal of the draft.

You can criticize all you want, just remember, you did the same to Jaime Collins, Kony Ealy, and Khalil Mack, – They are all impact NFL players, and Collins, and Mack made the Pro Bowl this year…

How many times do you need egg on your face questioning, and mocking my opinion??

December 30, 2015 7:25 pm
Reply to  paulman

I never criticized Kony Ealy, I just told you he would not be a 1st Round Draft Selection as you stated he would be .. I told you his immaturity issues would make him fall to the 2nd Round and they did.. Panthers got a Steal at grabbing him late inthe 2nd Round
I also told you that your can’t miss #1 Pick DE J Clowney would be a Bust and he has been.. I don’t hear you talk much about him anymore

Your Boy OT Marcus Cannon has played like crap this Season too
He’s Hurt. All the time but what’s happened with him

Ansah,Collins & Mack have been Studs
Attachou had a nice Season
Nigel Bradham has been so-so with the Bills and hurt a lot

Your hot WR’s are out of the NFL
The big kid from tinty school in Alabama after getting booted from Tenn
Even your ClevelandBrownWR (Josh Gordon) hasn’t played in 2 YeRs
Good thing Eagles didn’t trade the Farm for Him as you suggested

December 30, 2015 11:53 pm
Reply to  paulman

I have never stated anyone is can’t miss……I liked Clowney, but …I could have sworn, I was pumping Khalil Mack, and Deone Buchannon……but if you want to continue to stretch the truth, be my guest….

Cannon was mocked as a Guard – he has been hurt playing out of position at RT – I saw him as a potential Shawn Andrews….Belicheck saw different – shrugging my shoulders.

but you conveiniently forgot Bud Dupree, Stephone Anthony, Gabe Jackson, and Larry Warford – and many others to pad your jealous rant…LOL!!!!!

Should I list your mediocre – outright bust???…….It’s a mighty long list, about 2/3rds of the last 6 drafts of prospects……people in glass houses bruh…..LOL!!!

December 31, 2015 12:38 am
Reply to  paulman

I liked Guards Larry Warford from Kentucky and LB S Anthony of Clemson too..
How is my Guard Trai Turner working out for the Panthers (Pro-Bowl in his 2nd Season) or DT Kawan Short (Another Pro-Bowl in his 3rd Season)
Or my RB’s J Langford and David Johnson this Past Draft Class (3rd Rounders)
Or 4th Round WR’s John Brown & Dontae Moncreif

It’s not difficult on hitting onTop 10 Players Drafted as they should be impact Players it’s really hitting the mid-rounders that really help Team Upgrade with their Talent Level .. Missing in the 1st 2 Rounds just kills a Team like the Eagles have done for the last few years and now everyone wonders why their Talent stinks beside Kelly getting rid of Talent, is that he and others failed to replace it with crappy Drafts

Was that WR D’Rick Rodgers that you really liked that never stuck with the Bills, Or Colts… Bust

Bottom line , you have some great Picks, Average Picks and Misses like everyone else..

December 31, 2015 10:59 am
Reply to  paulman

you thought Stephone Anthony was a 3rd-4th rounder, and considered someone else inferior was better….

John Brown, and Donte Moncrief are complimentary players that play off the actual starters – with legitimate QB’s in passing systems – but would be nothing on the Eagles – maybe Brown as a KR; but neither would be a starter, and QB play from Foles, Sanchez, and Bradford would stifle any overblown highlights, potential, or stats you’re bragging about needlessly….average players – so please stop mentioning them, because you are the only one that magnifies something of so little worth…….gimme a break with those two.

and if I mocked the top 500 players every year – and I mean all of them – which I don’t – I’m bound to hit on one. You can’t mock 9-10, and leave it at that, so you mock all of them. You’re the only one that does that every year – where is the skill in that??

…This year I’m guessing for once will be different, and you’ll do that and spare us all the top 500 players – give us 8- 10 prospects you really think will help the Eagles, leave it at that, basically never change it, and give us a break on the “look at my guys I accidently mentioned in my mock that made the pro bowl”

You keep mentioning DaRick Rogers, who I had mocked in the 6th Round. He didn’t pan out, but he in no way symbolizes the CONSISTENCY, that has been displayed by the short list, relative to your top 500 every year – that has outshined your inability to identify the actual talent……..we’ll see this year finally; put up or shut up.

You’re not better than I am Paul, I’ve told you that before, and you too will learn…..we’ll still be boys after I make you look bad….LOL!!!!!

December 31, 2015 11:05 am
Reply to  paulman

BTW, David Johnson was the only RB, I listed last year – the only one

You kept mocking Abdullah, the RB that was selected by Cleveland, and many others – David Johnson was just one of them – Do you see what I mean about how you do your suggestive mocks?????………

That’s not identifying the talent……

December 31, 2015 11:09 am
Reply to  paulman

I’ve also never claimed to be perfect, but I have said I’m 85% correct, or better consistently – which I am


December 31, 2015 11:33 am
Reply to  paulman

I can mock the same 7-8 Players and stand pat with that too GMCliff,
But that’s no Fun and boring to do… As time moves forward, Mock Drafts Change, as Free-Agency comes and goes, Mock Drafts Changebecause Team Needs Change, As Injuries are Reported or Off the Field Issues, Mock Drafts Change.. Its always a fluid thing for me…

What cracks me up with your Mocks is that you’ll say the Eagles should be able to Draft 4-5 of the Top 50-75 Players when the reality is that the Eagles only 2 Have 2 Selections in that Draft Range.. You state that they are going to be able to Trade up and Down the Board to accumulate those 2-3 Extra Pick’s which is nonsense… If this was possible to do , then every Team would do this.. You can make a Trade Back here and there and accumulate an extra Pick or 2, but its going to be further down in the Mid -Late Rounds Picks but not in the Top 3 Rounds (100 Picks) as you have listed..

I had LB Stephone Anthony as a 3rd Rounder as the Value for ILB just doesn’t warrant a 1-2 Round Grade in my opinion, Last Years Draft was a Good Draft for ILB’s so there were going to be a good amount of Depth on the Draft Board in the 2nd/3rd/4th Rounds
(As a matter of Fact, the Eagles came up with a Good one in Jordan Hicks in the 3rd Round that most had projected as a 4th/5th Rounder due to his history with injuries)

December 31, 2015 3:09 pm
Reply to  paulman

Yada Yada Yada, then give your 7-10, and spare us. What’s fun is seeing how your suggestions impacted the NFL the next year, and if the Eagles claimed any of them, not giving every name in the top 500, and bragging on one that was mentioned, and not truly thinking, or knowing if they were as good as they were.

I always encourage aggressive approach to the draft to improve the roster, then look to build with depth the following years. The Eagles have never done it, and nor can they identify the talent in the first place – they’re usually lucky getting Dawkins, McCoy, DJack, Kelce, Hicks, etc…but usually draft duds like John Harris, Kevin Kolb, Trevor Laws, Danny Watkins, Marcus Smith, and Nelson Agholor.

Trading down , in the draft, and making trades is the best way for them to upgrade talent, and build a better roster than they have. They should do it this year as well..

Stop it, you never had Stephone Anthony consistently on your mocks – You just mentioned him once or twice, but you never regularly mentioned him. He was on everyone of my mocks, as I mention basically the same players throughout the offseason.

You NEVER identified the talent – you mentioned him afraid to be wrong, so you mention everybody to save face and tell everyone you told us so.

January 3, 2016 8:54 pm
Reply to  paulman

I vote Paul man for president. Nuff said.

December 29, 2015 11:18 pm

We tried the mercenary approach in coaches ..mcdermotts a local guy ..he understands the fan base ..he’d be committed to. Bringing. Back respectability to the Deleware valley..

December 29, 2015 11:54 pm

This kid from texas tech. RB #11..looks like a good sproles replacement in the future…Think his last name is Grant.

December 30, 2015 12:07 am
Reply to  Rhino

Is that their Kick-Returner also.. Quick as hell.. Takes like 4 guys to get him down.. Bay lords RB’s Randall over the Tar sheets Defense earlier

December 30, 2015 1:05 am
Reply to  paulman

Sean McDermott…really!??!?!? Cam newton is the mvp of the nfl, and u want a DC to come in who has allowed that defense to get torched several times??

December 30, 2015 1:38 am

Wade Phillips

I’m sure I’ll take flack for that but I love what that guy can do.

December 30, 2015 1:45 am

If you were willing to give Kelly all the power, you have to have the stones to ride it out. Especially after letting him gut the team. While chances were low they would’ve turned it around next year, there is absolutely no chance another coach will have a chance to win with this roster. The owner created this mess and he’s going to make it worse. I wouldn’t be surprised if chip went to Titans and was winning within two years.

December 30, 2015 7:57 am
Reply to  CT

NovaCare and the Locker Room had become too Toxic to wait another Season
Lurie had had enough of Chip Kelly who really undid himself in Monday’s P/C by stating “he wasn’t the GM” after Lurie restructured and gave him everything he ask for…
Chip Kelly still takes no Accountability for the Train wreck he created, Lurie realized this sooner than later and cut his losses which are significant…
That’s why Chip Kelly is no longer in Philly ..

December 30, 2015 2:05 am

Mike Patricia, Or Bill Cowher PLEASE

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
December 30, 2015 4:03 am

For Jeff Lurie to make this move……now. Someone has been in his ear for a while now, and convinced him BRub is clueless. Next guy up……….

December 30, 2015 4:12 am

My order of coaches I want, if all comes to fruition, & they also get whacked-

Head coach

GM/ Player personnel
Eliot Wolff- GB
Trent Kirchner- Seattle
Tom Gamble- SF

December 30, 2015 9:30 am

Dennis Green always liked how he rebuilt the Cardinals

Jim Popp
James “Jim” Popp (born December 21, 1964) is the general manager and head coach of the Montreal Alouettes football club of the Canadian Football League (CFL).

Popp has won four Grey Cups (1995 with the Baltimore Stallions; 2002, 2009, and 2010 with the Montreal Alouettes) and his teams have appeared in 10 Grey Cups (eight over the past decade).

December 30, 2015 1:10 pm

Emotional Intelligence…. That statement says it all.

December 30, 2015 1:13 pm
Reply to  Epidemic

Yup…it ties into Lurie coming into the locker room with the 53 angry men speech…

December 30, 2015 1:23 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

What Lurie said throughout the press conference speaks volumes to what transpired in the course of three years. Chip obviously has a Toxic demeanor and will probably destroy any team he gets on.

December 30, 2015 1:40 pm
Reply to  Epidemic

Lurie termed it “Emotional Intelligence, Mutual Respect, Collaboration and Accountability”as traits that were all lacking with Chip Kelly to remain his HC
Basically, Chip Kelly was an A-Hole to most people he inter-acted with which was the same reputation he had while at Oregon, but there he was Winning and put that Program on the Map so they put up with him…

December 30, 2015 1:40 pm

Told you Paulman the biggest cancer in the room was Chip Kelly!!!

December 30, 2015 1:57 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

No Doubt about it Biggy, and You called it from Day 1
Once a Snake, Always a Snake as some of us said….

I had my reservations and thought he was a jerk on how he turned the TB Bucs Job down 2 Years earlier after a handshake agreement only to back out when Oregon came to the table with more $$$
Then when Eagles went after him, he originally turned down the 3 Amigos
and then only after finding out that Oregon was going to be placed on a 2 Year Probation and loss of Scholarship’s did he then call back the Eagles and said he was interested and would accept.. The Eagles were duped right from the get go which is probably why Lurie went ahead and cut the chord 2 with 2 years remaining on his contract for he knew deep down, that KElly was not the right man to lead his Billion $$ organization so what difference does $10-13 Million make in Lurie’s big scheme of things…

December 30, 2015 1:53 pm

Basically, Jeff said he fired Chip because Chip is an asshole and nobody likes him especially players. Plus, the asshole didn’t win.

I give Jeff credit for that.

December 30, 2015 2:50 pm

I think Kelly was a huge contrast to Andy Reid in the departments of character and responsibility, and just overall personality. Chip didn’t inspire confidence here, he deflected blame and hid in his office and lost the team.

December 30, 2015 3:46 pm

I heard Chip accepted an Invitation to ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars”
Right now it is still unclear who his Dancing Partner will be..
Some think it will be Caitlyn Jenner…. Good Grief…

December 30, 2015 3:49 pm
Reply to  paulman




December 30, 2015 5:20 pm
Reply to  mhenski

I thought that was one of my better ones too…. Good Grief…
I’m Out… Happy New Years to Everyone, Be Careful out there…
Better Days Ahead now that Jelly Kelly is out of Town.. This News last evening really capped off a Great 2015

December 30, 2015 8:09 pm
Reply to  paulman

Pman …chimp…enjoy the last day of 2015 ..to you and yours and all on the boards a healthy prosperous New Years …and chimp..remember ..chip is one m away from chimp!

December 30, 2015 8:21 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

Same to you & yours Deserteagle ..
We’re Hanging home all weekend as our Daughters is home before she heads back to College for the Spring Semester..
My Wife is working a 12 Hr Shift at the Hospital New Years Day so no going out for us, we’ll hang home, watch some movies, play board games, cards, pool..
It’s been a good amount of Years since we’ve been out on New Years Eve
We’ve always stayed home with the kids
The College Playoff Games are tomorrow also
I like Alabama over Mich State and Oklahoma over Clemson
Then Alabama over Oklahoma for the Championship

I just hope Luri & Roseman just don’t get enamored with Bama’s OC Lane Kiffin and hire him as the Eagles next HC or I will have to turn in my Fan Card…
Good Grief..

December 30, 2015 4:01 pm
Reply to  paulman

As more info becomes available… (howie) leaks more than a punctured garden hose.Nfl radio reports ..yesterday chip reached out to media company to arrange for him to remove himself from media requests and have a spokesman…this guy was bunkering down ala..adolph…Jeffrey had .had enough

December 30, 2015 4:08 pm

Great Greek tragedy..chip thirsts for power did him in..he was intoxicated by it..and no like any addiction his over..indulgence clouded his coaching perceptibility.Chip the Gm.got Chip the coach fired

andrew p
andrew p
December 30, 2015 7:10 pm

I’m reading people on here saying Chip was the cancer, he was part of it but the other part is still here, Howie! Read Mark Eckel’s column in NJ.com, the guys no good, on top of that Lurie is making this guy top dog again, wtf is going on? This guy was part of the team that hired chip, he drafted M Smith n Danny Watkins, he was part of the signing of the dream team, something is definitely wrong with Lurie , he’s gotta get an NFL proven GM n let him hire the coach n run the show, these pencil pushers aren’t working.

December 30, 2015 8:17 pm
Reply to  andrew p

Howie has taken down tom gamble, joe banner, chip, heckert… I believe he is Jeff’s dominant lover… Jeff was severely punished when he betrayed Howie and went with chip… Jeff is currently being flogged and gagged by Howie while being restrained in their secret playroom in Jeff’s mansions basement…. With every lash of the whip Jeff must say , “never to betray you again Howie” … It is a sick and perverted scene… Howie is irresistible to jeff…. Howie dresses in leather and makes Jeff dress in a pink tutu ..sick dudes

December 30, 2015 9:08 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Jesus cigar. that’s some fantasy bro

December 30, 2015 9:13 pm
Reply to  mhenski

HAC ..that gives new meaning to “Fly eagles Fly”

December 31, 2015 7:45 am
Reply to  haveacigar

haveablunt you need to lay off of that crap you smokin.

You actually sat down and conjured all of that up in your mind

December 31, 2015 9:22 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

You have to admit Jeff and Bowie have some kind of freaky bond….

December 31, 2015 10:25 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Ha… Bad Imagery for sure, But you’re probably onto something with these 2 guys..They remind of Barnum & Bailey when trying to put a Circus Act Together.. and don’t forget about Ringling…. (Or Don Smolenski I mean)
Good Grief…. The Eagles have become the Laughing Stock of the NFL

December 31, 2015 10:46 am
Reply to  paulman

Full disclosure, I had to watch fifty shades of grey with my wife the other night….

December 30, 2015 8:17 pm
Reply to  andrew p

Lurie is confused…he doesn’t know what he’s doing…he was the one that gave Chip Kelly the power…I said at the time…its a gamble and obviously Chip Kelly lost the gamble…but the story is not being told right…Chip Kelly made the power move when Roseman fired Tom Gamble! Chip had to make the power move or else Roseman would have been the guy selecting the players……Chip moves for several reasons didnt work…out but how does going back to Roseman work?
This is a disaster

December 30, 2015 8:57 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Kool this was all a short term plan from te get go..like yourself ,they truly felt ,what the hell let’s shake it up and see if daffy the duck may be a mad scientist and he can concoct us a SUPERBOWL ..well keep him ,however on a very short leash ..chip Kelly to me was very transparent ..he was ego driven ..as big lion had said he was LLCB ..to me pinnochipios..same thing ..don’t fife rent phraseology ..we all have been lauding Jeffrey for growing a pair ,but there will be a twist ..let us not forget just last new. Years eve ,he himself tossed the keys to the Maserati to Chip ..he let him remove the engine and wheels and found himself seated in a ford pinto..that startling realization hit him hard ,and he took back the keys and tossed them back to the safer ,more familiar howie…If chip joins with MM ,we’ll see how this plays out ..and depending who we hire ,it might just be a Shakespearean ending for Chip …for all along he covered to coach MM and execute his offense ..he will learn from his mistakes ,to his betterment ..but in his wake he left a pinto in the garage and a sock in the gas tank ,and howie to repolish it ..that’s how it ended ..where we go from here is anybody’s guess ..unless jeffereys copious notes blow down broad ..we’ll never know who picked MS 2 …although my hunch was always gambel..My issue with Jeffrey was that he fired a terrible GM but he may have fired a coach in his early gestation …as long as bill Davis is packing his samsonite ..I’m ready for the new year ..I found it ironic that chip ran the hurry up ..and he got axed in the same vain..

December 30, 2015 9:03 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

I actually agree with you KB..
Roseman appears to be at the root of most of the angst, back-stabbing and rumors that come from NovaCare
Chip was at the Rose Bowl in California when the Roseman/Gamble fiasco occurred I believe, then flew back a couple days later to meet with Lurie & Co..
Maybe Chip is being honest when he says he doesn’t want to handle the Player Personnel/Roster Management side of things or maybe Kelly is now saying this since his reputation has been tarnished , who knows, but either way
Kelly damaged the Team with the Decisions that he did make in Free-Agency and with his Trades which made the Eagles a worse Team in 2015 and stuck with a few really bad Contracts
But it he asset-up that Lurie announced is the same damn set-up the Eagles had before so going backwards like this makes little sense no matter who the new HC is..
For the umpteenth time.. Owner Lurie needs to hire a Full time, experienced with a successful resume GM who then in turn will forge a new Eagles Vision and Strategy and then Hire the next HC
Owner Lurie is going about this ass-backwards

December 30, 2015 9:19 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Lmfao Howie didn’t draft Danny Watkins lmfao

December 30, 2015 9:36 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Danny Watkins was an Andy Reid Pick I believe..

December 30, 2015 9:19 pm

What Coach will want to come in with Roseman the Accountant picking his Players with his ass on the line if he loses with Roseman picking them?
This is an important draft and who is running it…Roseman..the same guy who insisted on drafting Marcus Smith..

We are doomed!

December 30, 2015 9:45 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Plenty of them, there’s only 32 HC Positions in the NFL
Here’s a quick list of who would be interested in the Eagles HC Job
I am not promoting any of these guys, but never the less, they would all jump at the chance to be NFL Coach’s
Pat Shurmur
1) Mike Shanahan
2) Mike Sherman
3) Mike Smith
4) Mike Nolan
5) Mike Singletary
6) DomCapers
7) Wade Phillips
8) Doug Marrone
9) Kyle Shanahan
10) Dirk Koetter
11) Vic Fangio
12) Brad Seeley
13) Greg Roman
14) Ken Wisenhut
15) Norv Turner
16) David Shula
17) Bob Callahan
18) Marc Trestman
19) cam Cameron
20) Todd Haley

I could add 25 NFL Names

December 30, 2015 9:53 pm
Reply to  paulman

Marty Mohrnewig, Hue Jackson, Steve Spagnolo, Chad Chuzinski,
Greg Manusky, Gerry Philbin, Tom Clement Dave Schwartz, Winston Moss,
Bryan Cox, Eric Mangini, Don Pease …

December 30, 2015 9:51 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

We may be a Little fucked but not bc of roseman but because our dipshit gm dumped a high draft pick on this fuckin lame Bradford unreal.

Chip wanted

Matthews 1st round
Huff 2nd round
Brandon baire wtf and he still got the keys to gm.

December 30, 2015 10:05 pm

We’ll find out who remains from thisStaff if any of the do which could tell which direction they will go with HC

Let’s say that OC Pat Shurmur, RB Duce Staley, ST Coach R Fipp, D/L J Ariz
and Secondary Coach G Undlin are all asked to stay on
Then you would have to think a Younger, less experienced HC would be hired
Since Lurie/Roseman are keeping some known and trusted Staff
Now If Lurie/Roseman clean house completely, then I would expect a more Veteran, experienced HC who would come in and put his own Staff together
so by next week we should what Direction they are leaning

I think 100% that Billy Davis, LB Coach, WR Coach, QB Coach Todd Day, OL Coach Stoutland are all Goners Monday after the Giants Game

December 30, 2015 10:09 pm

Lane Johnson is destroying the LLCB, the players hated this dude and were playing for themselves.

December 30, 2015 10:16 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

Just read that same piece.. What a Chump Chip Kelly is ..
No one likes the guy, even his Coaching Staff at Oregon didn’t like him

December 30, 2015 11:38 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

wow…well everyone last year bashed Cary Williams last year…said he was a malcontent…turns out that quite a few players believed this…I was hearing things but didn’t realize the depth of discontent…running the players ragged, getting rid of Djax…keeping Riley the Racist…it took its toll…

But what will Roseman do now…damm

December 31, 2015 2:44 am

Since when did coaches become a father figure? I hate to say it but if I was a coach in the NFL I would probably be more like Chip Kelly than Andy Reid as far as relating to players. One thing that I truly disliked about Reid was that he tried to act like a father figure to these guys and as a result he ended up with players that at times would act like spoiled little children.
Let’s take Brandon Boykin’s asinine comment about how Chip would walk right passed him in the hallways in NovaCare and he’d just keep walking. News flash that’s just like bosses in the real world. If I can only count the amount of times that I bumped in to my boss at work and we had nothing much to say. Did I get all sensitive because my boss failed to treat me like one of his very own? Hell No! The truth is that I have a job to do and he has a job to do. If I fail to do my job then I get canned and if he fails to do his job then he gets canned and it’s that plain and simple. What the hell is wrong with these player coming into the league longing for a father figure? One thing Andy Reid was admired for was the fact that he was highly regarded as a “father figure” to players and look how that played out in his final season here with those same so-called play makers that Chip got criticized for cutting? Nothing more than a 4-12 season!
We talk shit about Chip Kelly cutting a Djax and Mathis plus trading McCoy for Alonso and failing to re-signing Maclin but guess what? Reid finished his final season with a 4-12 record and with all those big names. Kelly this season finished with a 6-9 record without those big names. I think Chip Kelly was really trying to get rid of Andy Reid’s “babies” and only keep the one’s that acted like men in other words “culture”. It’s a scary thing knowing that players have a so-called “option” as far as buying in. I believe that some players intentionally failed to perform because they wanted Chip out of here at all cost and that would explain the shitty tackling on defense and a lot of those dropped passes on offense. Gone are the days of men like Chuck Bednarik and Reggie White. All we got nowadays is bunch of babies.
At the end of all this mess Lurie get’s to look like the hero for firing Chip Kelly but it was Jeff Luries negligence that gave Chip Kelly total control in the first place. The way Chip Kelly was fired hurts our coaching options. If you were a coach that had to decide between the Eagles and Giants who would you choose? All I can say to Lurie is good luck hiring and firing a coach every three years. Let’s see how that works out.

December 31, 2015 9:51 am
Reply to  CT

CT, have you ever played or coached a sport in your life? You entire 6 paragraph response is ridiculous. I have contact with grown men that I coached when they were kids that to this day look to me for advice and as a father figure. Wake up my man Coaching is all about the relationships you have with your players.

December 31, 2015 5:47 am

Since when did coaches start becoming a father figure? Answer: since the beginning of time stupid! 21,22 year old kid moves across country, can be traded, cut, benched etc… Christ players always talk about their coaches as father figures, stupid

December 31, 2015 10:36 am
Reply to  haveacigar

CT I’m in my 50’s and I just attended my 8-12 year old LL coach just passed I went to his funeral as did a dozen other kids that played grown men that played for him. I’m a god father to a kid of a kid that played for me…you are bizaaar

Oh and btw listen to some of the giants of game speak about their first nfl coach! Chip didn’t do this which is very college….in college the head coach barely knows your name, position coaches and coordinators are the father figures and grad assistants are the big brothers.

December 31, 2015 10:14 am

Lurie is no hero because he’s being played by Howie who should have say so in anything football related because he played a gigantic part on this entire mess.

December 31, 2015 10:30 am

Patriots Bill Belicheck says Big Mistake by the Eagles for letting Chip Kelly Go after 3 Years and that it Takes 4-5 Years to really establish your Program in the NFL.. He Says so many things change from Coach to Coach that Personnel, Schemes, Roles, etc,etc just take a good 3-4 Years to get established and defined and the Turnover on the Roster is what always happens when a New Coach is coming in for someone who was there a long time takes over… Its very Rare that a New Coach is going to run many of the same schemes, philosophies of the Coach he’s replacing.. It just doesn’t happen like that in the NFL..
Belicheck also throw a dig at Lurie/Organization saying that a lot of these “Ex-Eagles” are not doing very much with their other Teams either in terms of Winning anything…
So there you have it.. A very Critical Perspective from Belicheck who Lurie Idolizes… Interesting …

December 31, 2015 10:54 am
Reply to  paulman

Pman ..Bellicheat forgot to add Sam Bradford is not tom Brady ..and chip never got the Bellicheat playbook on cheating and spying in the NFL..

December 31, 2015 10:36 am

CT..you’re getting to the point ,without the realization in you r comments.I don’t criticize your misunderstanding of the matter ,and I respectfully power NG out to you , you the facts.These are Kids ,which have been blessed to play a professional sport..Pampered ,idiolized,fawn d over by at he opposite sex..All the perks and misgivings.As a Coach and unlike a Boss ,full compassion of there pasts and childhood is part of the vetting process.You Asa Coach have to handle “hands on” approach to maximize there performances.Failing and becoming dictatorial is an abject dereliction of today’s “coach” of young entitled millionaires.This is. The distinction ,especially between college and an agent money demand driven NFL.My way or the highway,no matter the effect ,is what did Chip in..It’s a failure to adapt to the real world of the NFL.He also failed the brand and ownership in a. Very larg r picture by becoming distant and dictatorial.Fans have emotional ties to there guys,as should coaches,this dynamic creates a financial bond in jeresey sales and memorabilia.This is a huge piece of the financial pie,that Chip also stuck his nose up at.You call it babying ,I call it leadership and understanding capitalism,and the engine that allows you as coach to become a multi millionaire

December 31, 2015 10:49 am

Kool you too are missing the point in the howie roseman ,dynamic.Jeffrey Lurie ,knowingly tried a new approach ,he admitted as much in his PC.He knew early on as he saw his Maserati transformed into a pinto in his driveway ,that his decision was flawed .He did as much as fall on his own sword yesterday ,and without saying so ,he went back to the more stable and collaborative approach that made the Eagles brand ,that which he built ,under his stewardship.He wants to now go back to the calm of normalcy.He obviously values howie as a trusted executive …so much so he parted with a childhood friend (banner) over howie..he will now look to rebuild the “brand” which chip dismantled .The swiftness ,in which this was done was almost an act of financial terrorism.Nothing hurts billionaires than to see that vision ,right before your eyes.That is why the swift kick approach happened.Now in Jeffrey’s mind ,”business as usual ” which yielded results in the past ,overshadows a new foray into the dark unknown..It makes fiscal sense.Im in the camp that he will surround the inside guys with able minded football guys who will balance with his trusted foundation guys .I don’t think his immediate focus is beyond ,reshaping the brand..football will follow

December 31, 2015 1:37 pm
Reply to  deserteagle

deserteagle…good points…but that’s what we were tired of…thinking about the Eagles ‘brand’ but not winning championships. This is why I loved taking the gamble…stepping up and taking the shot with Chip Kelly…unfortunately, what I didn’t realize was just how deeply the Players resented him, how deeply they hated his ‘training’ regiment. Players can overcome things with winning…but Chip pushed the culture stuff got rid of talent and kept the racist bum- Riley Cooper…he undermined his own credibility and loss the team.
Can’t take the shot for a championship without the support of the Players.
But going back to the same old approach means getting close, being ‘competitive’ but never getting over the top…always hedging the bet…always cutting corners…instead of getting competent Football people you get Roseman..a pencil pusher trying to learn the job but also winning the ‘salary cap bowl’ that we won every year under Banner.
Remember that…we would always be the team bragging about how much ‘we’ saved under the cap-while everyone else was winning playoff football games. Donahoe is simply a figure head…Roseman is making the decisions…making the personnel calls and we are going back to the good old days of salary cap management.

December 31, 2015 11:02 am

All well said Eagle. I was curious to see if the eagles could change todays NFL by ridding themselves of the babbies… I think we fund out the answer. Should they look for quality guys? Sure. Yes. But will they need a handful of ego’s who can catch 13 TD’s a year. Sorry… it’s just how it is.

Have they let Davis go yet? Please wake me when they do.

December 31, 2015 11:15 am
Reply to  Stevo

Stevo ..bill Davis is right in there with death and taxes….a sue thing he’s finally gone ..then and only then ,will the wicked witch be dead ..

December 31, 2015 11:38 am
Reply to  Stevo

It will be Monday after the Giants Game when they announce the other Coach’s that will not be returning…

December 31, 2015 12:04 pm

This is the NFL, the ultimate business. This game is not the same as it was 15-20 years ago. The generation of players is changing, along with their attitudes. Get your overpaid ass up, and go to work to play the children s game. These are grown men with mortgages!! And you mean to tell me, they hate Chip Kelly because he did not give them a gold star on the home work every night? LOL. It’s a joke. These players are here, and there all well prepared to come into this league and what to expect. A coaches job is to develop you into the best player possible, and put you into position to win football games.

Tom Landry was pretty much Chip Kelly back in his day. If he was coaching today he would not be able to last with how pussy most of these players have become. Like Herm Edwards stated, its not about the game of football anymore its about THEM. And you mean to tell me they all cant go out and play for their coach because he is not the nice guy in the room?

His innovative approach is what gave him a short leash. Him coming into the league and wanting to try something different was a great thing. If he was going to do something it was not gonnna to be the conventional thing hundreds of others came into this game before him and failed. If it was not for the media coming in here and calling him a “genius” Chips offense” “Innovative” and things along those lines he would not have been fired so quickly. There are coaches who are doing worse jobs then he was and still have a job. Marvin Lewis has been in the league for how long? And no playoff wins. Bottom Line is, because Chip was looked at as someone who was coming in here to do something different is what killed him so fast.
Instead Philly fires a coach who took over a 4 win team, and brought them to 20 wins in 2 season, and wanted to rebuild the team in his image in the 3rd by kidding rid of whiny little wussies. Now were going to let him go?? A damn good football coach.

You can call the greatest coach in the history of this game a cheater all you want, he knows what he is talking about. I guarantee you he is not the nicest guy in the room either, nor does he have 110 percent the Daddy relationship with all his players. It’s just his reputation of winning that keeps him around because he has had Tom Brady his whole New England career bail him out of spots. I guarantee u if he didnt, and he was not winning like he was he would have been kicked out of town a long time ago because he was such a mean guy to the players and he would not hold their hands at practice.

It’s a different story in Middle, Highschool and college (where I played football. When your THAT young, you can have a father figure to look back on, because these are young kids. The NFL is a honor, not a right and at the of the day is a straight up business. The players know this, but yet when they get cut or released or traded it shocks them a hurts there little feelings.

We are in for some rough years to come. All these players who went behind the coaches back like the snakes they are will all bleed over to the culture of the new coach. All the quitters and everything.

Cleveland Browns wearing mid night green.
In the words of our beloved Paulman

…good grief

December 31, 2015 12:19 pm

Roseman, whose lifelong dream was to be involved in player personnel, was removed in favor of Chip Kelly, a guy who had no real NFL personnel department experience. People will point out how Kelly forced Lurie into giving him the power. That’s not untrue. Still, the bottom line is that Roseman was removed. Do you really think Lurie would have forced a top general manager like Ozzie Newsome to give up his personnel power? If Roseman was really so special, how could he lose his job so easily to someone so unqualified like Kelly?

Kelly is gone now. He left a mess behind for someone else to clean up. By putting Roseman back in charge, Lurie is telling fans the guy who wasn’t even good enough to keep his job is now going to fix everything. That’s insane. And I cannot believe they are selling this to us fans.

22 years old, and I see why we have never won a ring.

December 31, 2015 12:25 pm

Here is some interesting information credit to BleedingGreenNation.com

It remains to be seen how much influence Donahoe will have now, especially in relation to how much he’s been able to contribute as a “senior football advisor” in the past.

Either way, Donahoe isn’t particularly inspiring. He hasn’t held a general manager position in over 10 years. At his most recent job, the Bills went 31-48 during his four-year tenure with Buffalo.

In fairness to Donahoe, he did do some good work with the Steelers. Pittsburgh went 84-60 during his tenure from 1991 to 1999. The Steelers went to the playoffs six years in a row from 1992 through 1997. They went 4-6 in the playoffs with one losing trip to the Super Bowl. Donahoe eventually left the Steelers after losing a power struggle with head coach Bill Cowher.

I don’t know enough about Donahoe to say he can’t be part of the solution. If he’s so good, though, why has he been taking a backseat in the front office since being hired in 2012? And is he out of touch with the game after not being directly involved for a long time?

December 31, 2015 2:20 pm

CT is the smartest guy in here

December 31, 2015 2:29 pm

I know this season was a mess but he deserved another shot. Chip is going to go somewhere and flourish and we will regret it. I can’t wait to see what coach makes these players catch the ball and stop having penalties and shit. Ppl got mad at chip for holding grown men accountable for doing they damn job. They get paid millions to catch the ball and kick extra points and fgs. But it’s chips fault right? This fan base has turned into a bunch of pussies who use emotion over logic

December 31, 2015 2:51 pm

CT, Chip Kelly was and is nothing special look at what he did here not just the winning. If you dig deeper he had the same issues at Oregon it was masked by the winning. I agree Howie is a rat who should’ve been fired a year ago and in my opinion did nothing but undermine for a year. This situation has been and will be dysfunctional with Howie Roseman in this organization. Athletes will always be the same regardless of age should pro players be coddled? No do they need to? Yes it always about the relationships whether it’s grade school middle school or whatever find dudes who’ll run through walls for you and you don’t find them by being an asshole

December 31, 2015 4:11 pm

***More NFL News***
Believe it or not, this Drama elsewhere around the NFL outside of Philadelphia
Reports out of Buffalo about DE Mario Williams Being Released
Both GM and HC Rex Ryan state there will be many Changes in this Roster
coming this Off-Season and some even mentioned LeSean McCoy as possibly getting the axe as Buffalo has some young Talented RB’s in Karlos Williams,Mike Gillislee and Bobbie Dixon… Stay Tuned for things are heating up all around the NFL…

December 31, 2015 4:20 pm
Reply to  paulman

Any chance Desean and Lesean come back to Philly? Lol

December 31, 2015 5:23 pm
Reply to  CT

Judging by that Hug (with hand on the back of owners head), he might come back as part owner.

December 31, 2015 7:58 pm
Reply to  CT


December 31, 2015 6:23 pm

Whether Chip was a good coach or not doesn’t really matter. He could not be effective here in Philly because the entire organization hated the man. From what I have heard, Chip was despised by everyone from Jeff Lurie on down to the parking lot attendant.

It’s very possible that Howie poisoned Kelly in the minds of the people in the organization, but Howie didn’t poison Kelly in the minds of the players…. Kelly did that to himself…

Everyone in the front office hated Buddy Ryan too, but the players loved him. Buddy created a fiefdom… It was Buddy and the players vs. the organization…lol

If the players don’t respect the coach, he might as well quit..

December 31, 2015 6:34 pm

Watching Oklahoma/Clemson Game which has been up and down the field
And not very good Team Defense on either side
17-16 the Sooners at the Half as Clemsons QB D Watson threw an ill advised pass into the end-zone just before the half ended costing his Team at an short FG and 3 Points..

December 31, 2015 7:57 pm

What a 2nd Half Performance by Clemson as they dominated the line of scrimmage to Beat Oklahoma 37-17 .. They Outrushed Oklahoma 314 Yards to 67 Yards… Impressive performance…

Alabama vs Mich State about to Start .. Have to like Bama in this Game

December 31, 2015 10:49 pm

Roll Tide Roll… Bama manhandling Mich State as its no contest
Alabama DL and LB’s just dominating the Mich States O/Line
QB Connor Cook struggle to find open Receivers or get time

January 1, 2016 9:00 am
Reply to  paulman

Connor Cook is a stiff and Michigan State didn’t belong in that final 4.

January 1, 2016 10:34 am
Reply to  Biglion821

The Best Bowl Game/Matchup will be Ohio State vs Notre Dame…
Michigan/Florida will be a defensive struggle and Iowa/Stanford will be old school game too…

Have to like Alabama over Clemson for the Championship

January 1, 2016 1:54 pm
Reply to  paulman

Paul have you watched this Bosa play he’s a beast. Where is he ranked he’s got to be a top pick coming out. Is he a senior. He’s got range speed and athleticism for a big man

January 1, 2016 2:06 pm
Reply to  jakedog

Yes Jake, Bosa is a Senior and a Top # 5 Pick by most Scouts (even a #1 Pick)
Some compare him to a JJ Watt type where he’s long, strong, explosive and more Athletic than he looks…
Word is that both the Chargers & Cowboys are very high on him

January 1, 2016 2:09 pm
Reply to  paulman

That was kind of a bogus call on that “targeting hit” call
He dropped his head no doubt, but he dove into the chest of the QB and really could have dove into the QB’s head which would be a cause for disqualification

January 1, 2016 2:12 pm
Reply to  jakedog

The kid who got hurt for ND would be a day 1 starter Jaylon Smith. He and Bosa are probably the best defenders in the upcoming draft.

January 1, 2016 2:26 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

Jaylon Smith will likely be 1st LB taken and word from Dallas is that they are
Going Bosa first, then Jaylon Smith second in Terms of who is on the Board

January 1, 2016 2:13 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

Told you…,.but that’s Paulmans guy…

January 1, 2016 2:24 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Connor Cook is not my Guy Cliff
In fact I don’t like any of the Top QB’s in this Draft
Goff, Lynch, Cook, Boykin, Hogan etc. etc
I think they will end up as Back-Ups at the NFL Level and not worthy of a High 1st Round Selection
Cook reminds me a lot like the previous QB’s from Mich State – Drew Stanton & Kirk Cousins.. They are throw similar and have same measurements, arm strength, etc, etc..

January 2, 2016 7:04 pm
Reply to  paulman


But that was after a good game. Now that he has preformed miserably, your changing your stance…Why????

See what I mean Paul?…..scared to be wrong, so multiple players, on multiple drafts, – have to be mocked….

January 2, 2016 7:47 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

What 3 months ago Cliff, I think I had QB Kevin Hoagan Mocked at 1 point too..
and probably Payton Lynch of Memphis before he got hot and rose up some Draft Boards.. Really Cliff .. Who cares …
Let’s see how the Draft Board shapes up when all the Kids Declare, Post-Season Bowls.. Hell the Eagles have to get a New HC & System in place which will determine a lot of things about this upcoming Draft..
Whose the HC & DC , Who is overseeing the Scouting Depts, is it Roseman or hopefully a New Personnel Guy
Do the Eagles keep a pass- happy offense, or committ to a true power rushing offense, like I hope..
Is the Defense going to remain a 3-4 Scheme or change to a4-3 Scheme ,
Man to Man Press Coverages or Zone Coverages

Since none of us know just yet, there is no sense in doing Mocks until we know who and what they are going to do from a Coaching/Scheme & Front Office set-up ..

InTerms of identifying Good Talkent inthe Draft, thats pretty easy for anyone for simply look at at the Position Rankings on the 500 Players in the Draft
The key is finding the right Talented Players that best fit your Teams Schemes & Personality & Identity and be Coachable, Team Players who are going to represent the Team well on and off the Field

We’ll find out soon..

But regardless of Coach, Eagles need to rebuild from the inside out
(Same thing I said last year)
Center/Guards/DT/ILB & Safety — a Pass Rusher , WR’s, and Depth at TE/CB & RB and they have to figure out their QB
I think Bradford bolts in Free-Agency

This isn’t the Year to be looking for a Franchise QB from the Draft for their isn’t a single QB who is going to step in Year 1 as a Rookie and play well
GoffLynch, the QB from Western Ky & Northern Iowa have potential but 2-3 Years down the road..

January 2, 2016 11:33 pm
Reply to  paulman

LOL!!!! smh LOL!!!!! SMH

January 3, 2016 12:16 am
Reply to  paulman

Offensive Line – Vadal Alexander, LSU, LeRaven Clark, Texas Tech, Denver Kirkland, Arkansas, and Jonah Austin, Nichols State

TE – Hunter Henry, Arkansas WR – Corey Davis, Western Michigan, S – Tony Connor, Ole Miss

CB – James Bradberry, Samford, and Maurice Canady, Virginia

DE/OLB – Yannick Ngakoue, Maryland, and Noah Spence, Eastern Kentucky

QB – Jacoby Brissett, NC State – My choice,and I’m sticking with it.

January 1, 2016 1:43 pm

John Harbaugh HC Sean McDermott DC wish that could happen but naturally unlikel;yThe weasel Howie wont let Sean Payton come here even if he wanted cause he knows he would be back in the broom closet got a feeling hes gonna throw a wrench in this whole hiring thing I hope Im wrong but its odd the weasel was the last man standing through coaches,pp, etc hes got pics of lurie in prom dress with him

January 1, 2016 2:35 pm
Reply to  DonP

John Harbaugh is already a HC who has said he’s not coming to the Eagles. McDermott is already a DC and wouldn’t on a first place team and isn’t going to leave on a lateral move….so………

Why even bring them up.

McDermott as a HC…..I suppose. That’s the only way he’s coming here.

In fact McDermott will be interesting to watch. Clearly he has to be on the radar and will get an interview. He will be a HC somewhere….How McDermott “handles” the Eagles’ requests might provide a lot of insight into how Howie is seen across the league.

Again…McDermott will have a choice of where he wants to coach….and he knows how the Eagles “work” better than anyone……what will it say about Howie if he spurns the Birds for Cleveland, or some other pathetic team? Will that say something about how the FO is viewed around the league….

January 1, 2016 2:43 pm

While I don’t like howies rebirth any more than you guys I think the eagles remain a top choice for any prospective coach. Let’s face it chip was the hottest guy last time and the eagles will be a top destination for any coach this time. Indy has Luck but Grigson is a total asshole, the browns are the BROWNS, giants will be a top destination but the eagles will pretty much have their choice.

January 1, 2016 2:34 pm

Ohio State OL just manhandling the Irish’s from Def Line
RB Elliot will make a nice NFL Back as he is the most complete RB in the Draft He Runs, Catch’s well and even Blocks pretty well.. It will be interesting to see how high he goes ..
Last year’s 1st Round Backs Gurley had success while Melvin Gordon never really got in a groove it the Chargers had about 10-12 OL play for the this year with all the injuries they had along their OL
I could see Ravens Selecting RB Eliot and try to get their Offense back to a more run oriented Team

January 1, 2016 2:41 pm

These players leading with their helmets are lucky they are not with spinal injuries. We were taught to tackle with your mask in the chest or point of contact these guys lead with their hat and are prone to serious injury

I do not want my youngest boy playing this game as its taught and played

January 1, 2016 2:48 pm
Reply to  jakedog

I agree Jake, I coach my youngest he’s a QB and safety it’s a strict heads up league, drop your head your out zero tolerance policy.

January 1, 2016 2:52 pm

Good for you

January 1, 2016 3:25 pm
Reply to  jakedog

I’m with Peyton Manning and will go a step further. No tackle football (in its present) form for anyone under High School level. Touch football only.

Its the head and spine contact that is ridiculous. Kids bashing into each other, smashing helmets over and over. Jello brains.

January 1, 2016 3:38 pm

I believe USA Soccer is instituted a “No Heading” with a Soccer Ball for kids younger than High School for the amount of head trauma and concussions of simply heading a Socer Ball.. Girls Soccer may even ban “Heading” at the High School level… It’s been in the news recently

January 2, 2016 8:46 am

I do struggle with that Vinnie in addition to playing football my boy has won his last 7 Taekwondo tournaments in his age group and this year will be fighting nationally, so my first instinct is to pull him out of tackle football for a couple of years but he loves it. Very competitive kid grade A alpha.

January 2, 2016 8:47 am
Reply to  Biglion821

His mom is Asian the karate comes naturally, lol.

January 2, 2016 10:01 am
Reply to  Biglion821

That’s awesome Biggy..

January 2, 2016 12:14 pm
Reply to  paulman

Thanks paulman, good luck to your son with the soccer as well.

January 1, 2016 6:55 pm

A well executed head ball inflicts little trauma to the head.

January 1, 2016 7:20 pm
Reply to  jakedog

Per Studies, they all show increased Trauma in younger Players whose cranium’s are not fully developed yet and especially in girls plus the fact that during practices and games, setting up a well executed Head ball is difficult to achieve in the “heat of the moment” .. ESPN had a show on this a few weeks back.. My Son has played Soccer for about 10 Years and just finished up his Senior Season and fortunately never had any head injuries .. He’s playing Indoor Futsal (5 on 5) with some College kids here and then has his Spring U-18 Travel Team Spring Season starting in March .. He loves it and is a natural LeftFooter and plays Left Forward and some wheels like his old man used to!!

January 1, 2016 7:01 pm

And watching Stanford blast Iowa. First if the Eagles could hire Shaw that would be a huge improvements over Kelly.

Watching Mccafrey play is great his uncle played at my alma mater on a but a different sport, basketball he’s undersized compares to his father but he’s fast as hell. Great college player

January 1, 2016 7:30 pm
Reply to  jakedog

Coach Shaw will make a very good NFL Coach, he’s smart, communicates with players and media well .. He probably will get a call from his home town Team the 49ers about their HC which he may be real interested in taking at this time
With 4 Year Starter QB Kevin Hogan graduating, and a few other Seniors on that Offense OL, RB & WR) next Season will likely be a Struggle for them Offensively as Hogan has missed little to no time or games over the last few years so they will have to find their QB next Spring Practices Shaw has had Luck and Hogan during his Tenure at Stanford so most likely a rude awakening for him at that QB Position..
Shaw is from Cal and has a couple of young kids so by unlikely he leaves Stanford unless it’s for the 49ers Job or when a Team moves to Los Angeles

January 1, 2016 8:49 pm
Reply to  paulman

Shaw has said repeatedly he wants no part of the NFL. DIdn’t he recently say something along the lines of:

“I know lots of guys in the NFL and none of them have any fun. This job is fun” So I don’t see him leaving the Cardinal.

January 1, 2016 9:28 pm

Agreed, yes college coaches get fired but by in large IF you can stay competitive, stay off probation, keep your DC from being a child molester being a college coach is more stable, less hours and better for your mental health.

January 1, 2016 9:54 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

David Shaw is In a Perfect Situation at Stanford where the Pressure & Expectations to Win are just Not on the same level like a USC/UCLA or a Top Power Conference School, but they have been a strong program now for 8-10 Years since Harbaugh was there and the School is Great Instituion to Coach, Wor, and be a part of.. If you Win 10 Games a Year and start Winning Big Bowl Games at a Stanford, Duke, Northwestern, etc, then you’re in great shape and they’ll have your name on a Stadium Field some day.. These Great Academic Schoolsare happy to compete with the Big-Boys but it does not define them as Schools like Football is to Alabama, LSU, Texas or USC or what Basketball is to Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina,etc, etc..

January 1, 2016 7:42 pm

The Following College Underclassmen announced that they will Declare for the 2016 NFL Draft

DL Joey Bosa – Ohio State
RB – E Elliot – Ohio State
WR – Tyler Boyd – Pitt
QB – Paxton Lynch – Memphis

Notre Dame All-American LB Jaylon Smith suffers a major Knee Injury in today’s game meaning his Draft Status will take a hit as he likely will not be able to participate in OTA or Summer Camp for whichever Team Drafts him… So playing in the 2016 Season in the NFL is in jeopardy.. Does he still go in the 1st Round ?

January 1, 2016 8:41 pm

These Big Bowl Games were a stinker ..

January 3, 2016 9:49 pm

The Paulman/Gmcliff arguments about who is a better “NFL draft expert” provide the best comedy on here by far. Paulman will change his tune on pretty much every player from now until Summer (btw the hometown aspect you raise with every player/coach is hilarious to me since I know its coming from you every time someone brings up a free agent). Then this guy Gmcliff takes it so serious especially when you call him out on his “misses”. I remember calling for CJ mosley but Gmcliff told me he was nothing special and that some dude named Andrew Jackson was a better prospect and player. Or wanting Odell and Mike Evans but was told by Gmcliff the 2014 wr draft class was nothing special and that Paul Richardson was the guy to draft lol. I know you guys both love football, just love the arguments between you two keep them coming this offseason.

January 3, 2016 10:09 pm

***Paulman News****
As I expected and called, the 49ers have Terminated HC Jim Tomasula
After 1 Year onthe Job.. Rumors are now swirling about Sean Payton going to his Dream Job which is the 49ers, where he expressed an interest last year when they had their but Saints were unwilling to make a deal.. Now after another missed playoff season with Sean Payton, the Saints may now be willing to deal Payton to the 49ers for the right price..
.. I still believe Chip Kelly will be in the mix for the 49ers Job
More to Follow ..