• February 23, 2025

Battle Over The LeSean McCoy Case Heats Up On WIP

LeSeanMcCoyvs. Panthers1Everybody expected former Eagles running back LeSean McCoy to be arrested a couple of days after he was involved in a bar fight in Center City Philadelphia with some of his NFL buddies and three off duty police officers at a late night bar.   The fight happened on the night of the Super Bowl, but there have been no charges filed and no arrests made despite two weeks having passed.

What had originally looked like a slam dunk case has been anything but.  There’s video of the fight, but it’s not easy to identify the participants.

This time lapse hasn’t been lost on John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5.  He’s been questioning the delay in the arrest of McCoy and the other guys who were with him that night

“I’ve never waited this long, ever, to see somebody arrested,” McNesby told Angelo Cataldi on WIP’s Morning Show this past Friday morning. “So, it doesn’t pass the smell test. Something’s funny going on.”

“It was an all-out beat down,” McNesby told Cataldi. “It was a sucker punch to the one officer by LeSean McCoy over a bottle of champagne, and it was an all-out beat down.”

“This wasn’t just an assault, this was an aggravated assault,” McNesby said, noting the officers suffered broken eye sockets, a fractured skull and other injuries. “So this just wasn’t a pushing and shoving match where you’re separated and off you go. This was serious.”

McNesby pointed out that one of the off-duty officers had suffered a fractured skull and another broken eye-socket as well as numerous other injuries.

“I think they’re overlooking it. I think they’re investigating too much,” McNesby told Cataldi. “They need to just move on with it. If (Seth Williams) does not charge the group of individuals that were there that night, that’s an absolute disrespect to Philadelphia police officers.”

As you can see, McNesby had no problem calling out Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, whose office is responsible for putting together the case against McCoy.

Word got back to Williams about how McNesby had called out him and his office, so the D.A. jumped on the phone and called WIP a few hours after McNesby and he talked to Michael Barkann and Ike Reese of the WIP’s Mike and Ike Show.

“I just heard a little recording you had of my friend John McNesby, the president of the FOP and I like to say he’s a great advocate for his members, but I was elected by the citizens of Philadelphia to charge just the right people with the right crimes,” Williams said. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

“I understand that people are interested in the outcome of our investigation, but we’re not going to rush because some people are impatient,” Williams said. “My only goal is to get it right, not fast. The last thing we need is a rush to judgment.”

From what I’ve heard Williams and his office aren’t sure they can win this case because there have rumors that the off duty officers were drinking and may have been intoxicated.   For some strange reason they never called 911.  Imagine that, you have three off duty police officers, who don’t call for back up by calling 911 and then on top of that one of the guys drives far away to get medical care.

It seems that the officers wanted this all to go away and that is troubling for the D.A.’s office.  They know the defense attorney is going to expose the condition of the officers at the time of the fight.  Were they drunk?  Did they drive home in that condition?

If they were and if they did, this may be a case the prosecutors can’t win, so McCoy and his buddies may never get prosecuted.


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February 21, 2016 7:13 am

maybe Seth Williams needs to step aside and hand the case off to the DA who prosecuted the girl who beat up 2 gay guys and is prison for 5-10 months. (No video only victim testimony )

February 21, 2016 9:26 am

E0S, ummm DA Seth Williams is the only DA in Philly, he is the one who decided to prosecute that woman and the two guys who attacked the gay couple. As the DA once he decided to prosecute those criminals, he assigned a prosecutor. The two guys admitted their guilt and took a plea deal, the woman decided to roll the dice…she lost and was found guilty…now she is .about the jail time and want a more lenient sentence. The two guys who was with her implicated her and told what she did during the assault. There was also video of the assault taken by a street camera, it was on the news. Seth Williams is being pressured, but he should take all the time he needs to gather the facts, video never tells the whole story, that’s what the police say everytime they are caught beating or shooting an unarmed individual, then they’ll say let the process take it’s course we can’t rush it, but now in this case, the video tells the whole story according to the police, how ironic. . I find it funny the desperation and desire to have this case so quickly prosecuted, we do not know the whole story, the DA knows much more than the public does so obviously there is a reason why it is taking this amount of time. Whether the case is prosecuted today, or next month what difference does it make, as long as the job is done right. This whole thing is sensationalized because of McCoy, if it was Joe Six pack nobody would give a damn..there is a blood in the water mentality out there about this. Everybody needs to relax and let the process take it’s course, I’m glad DA Seth Williams is doing a thorough investigation and not folding under pressure like Brandon Ingram.

February 21, 2016 9:28 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

correction…now she is crying about the jail time

February 21, 2016 3:49 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded


February 23, 2016 11:51 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

Outstanding post ESL.

February 21, 2016 8:07 am

Good morning everybody, non football topic. Go to YouTube type in Big Brody slap that ass. Let me know what would you guys do. It’s just a little break from the norm on here.

February 21, 2016 10:35 pm

Or maybe the Cops didn’t call 911 because they were drunk and started the fight…maybe the video we see of Shady that looks like he is throwing a punch…but can’t tell if he hit anyone and the kick that we can’t see what it did…maybe there is not enough evidence to prosecute Shady for any more than a misdeaminor in a bar fight

February 22, 2016 8:11 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Off duty cops involved in a fight or melee are required to call 911 and wait for the police to arrive, not only did they not call but they left a scene of a crime that they were involved in…they also skipped pass surrounding Philadelphia hospitals that were in the immediate area and went to a county hospital twenty something miles away….hmmm…I wonder why?!?! Driving that alcohol off…DUI. According to a report witnesses from Shady’s crew and independent witnesses are stating that one of the officers approached Shady’s table, took a bottle champagne off of the table, a member of Lesean’s group puts his hand on the officers shoulder and the officer choke slams him, that’s when the melee started, not to mention that the eye witnesses report that the officers in question were drunk and one had a gun on him which is prohibited in clubs. Apparently the bouncers physically threw the police officers out of the club and that is when one of them sustained the head injury. As it relates to McCoy, he was allegedly initially the peace maker, but after the choke slam everything went to hell.
There are two sides to every story, however, the way this story has come out seems to make sense though, it appears as if independent eye witnesses corroborate this version. If this is the case, this is why it has taken so long, if this side of the story holds water, no charges will be filed against McCoy, If so, like Kool said, it will be a misdemeanor.
When I watched the video, it was like walking into a movie half way through it, you can’t judge the whole incident based off of what is scene because you do not know what is going on in totality. This will not be an easy case to prosecute, if Williams do not think they can win it they will not.
You can read a version of what happened from LeSean McCoy’s side on Bigtrial.net..Why “Shady” May Walk by Ralph Cipriano

February 22, 2016 10:12 am

Wow EHL so basically Innes and Hollis Thomas are idiots for going on air with that nonsense? So what happened to Shady starting the entire thing with a sucker punch? I’ll leave it like this what a bunch of idiots fighting over a bottle of champagne at 2:45 in the damn morning.

February 22, 2016 10:34 am
Reply to  Biglion821

Big, I do not want to call Innes and Hollis idiots just yet, as I stated that information is coming from Shady’s camp, but apparently there are independent eye witnesses corroborating Shady’s camp version of the story. The cops actions were questionable at the very least which does not look good on them as it relates to following procedure. Hollis and Josh are sensationalists wanna be pseudo shock jocks. If Hollis’ alleged so called eye witnesses are discredited, then yes they will look like idiots. I look forward to hearing Hollis and Josh today with a counter argument. Funny thing to me is the tapes from the club has disappeared, could it be that the bouncers were whuppin on the cops too and got rid of the tapes because it would be used against them criminally.
According to DA Seth Williams no arrests are imminent…translation, we do not have enough to go after Lesean, at least not without implicating the cops in their role in this whole thing.

February 22, 2016 10:57 am

Mean while in other news, Dallas police have stated that they have acquired video footage of the night in question that Johnny Manziel allegedly assaulted his ex girlfriend Colleen Crowley who accused Manziel of grabbing her by her hair and pushing her back in his car, then open hand smacking her on her ear so hard that she immediately lost the ability to hear out of it, Crowley goes on further stating that Manziel threatened to kill her.
It’s amazing how little attention this story is getting, no calls for Manziel to be arrested or locked up, nobody is calling him a thug or a piece of shit, no one saying he should be suspended or kicked out of football, it’s just quiet and business as usual. When Greg Hardy was in the spotlight nationally and on Philly media for his despicable actions the story was hi lited every day, Ray Rice the same, not Manziel though. I don’t want to hear excuses about him not being a good player, Rice wasn’t at the time either, People are as quiet about this story than a mouse pissing on church cotton! What I have heard is that Maziel is a troubled person that needs help…wow,,,,just wow.

February 22, 2016 11:07 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

There have been articles every day in dallas papers about the Manziel case- we just aren’t close to it. I cannot speak to what if anything dallas radio is saying– Its also been on national shows (i don’t watch much tho)-plus the manziel thing has just been an ongoing thing… people just expect him to be a jerk– guys career is over before it started…

February 22, 2016 11:26 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Dallas is fine, but I am talking about nationally, the NFL network has had something about Shady on everyday (updates, etc.) since this whole thing came about, the NFL network has been mums the word as it relates to Manziel.

February 22, 2016 11:39 am
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

nationally ive seen more coverage on manziel then on shady. which to me is crazy because manziel is irrelevant, done, never was and has a pattern of this happening.

local news its all shady and rightfully so, he was our star rb, they are our cops

February 22, 2016 12:00 pm
Reply to  mhenski

I have not as it relates to this alleged crime involving Manziel, it’s not even close. Not on NFL network, not on First Take which I DVR, not on NFL Insiders.

February 22, 2016 11:09 am

I just read that article EHL referred to on Bigtrial.net…after reading that I dont see how Shady gets charged with anything at all.
Drunk, off-duty Cops with all kinds of violations of procedures, flashing their badges around, ..independent witnesses collaborating Shady’s side of the story…
Maybe the Mayor owes Shady an apology and we should take a lot closer look at the actions of these drunk Cops!

The damming evidence in all of this is cops not calling 911..everyone was quick to jump on Shady…the police union chief was on the air bashing the DA…The Mayor improperly inserted himself in this to bash Shady
From the way it is sounding and

February 22, 2016 11:39 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Kool, we disagree on a lot as it relates to the QB situation, I think we agree here. It’s amazing, the clamoring for an arrest and the DA Seth Williams bashing that was taking place last week, we do not know all of the ins and outs of the situation, so how can anyone call for an arrest. That is a blood in the water mentality, the stupid mayor and police union leader came out and already tried and convicted McCoy in the court of public opinion..lynch mob mentality, never mind the right to due process and innocent until proven guilty. I did not want McCoy charged as soon as they came out and said that. How would a fair trial be met out if the mayor and police union chief already stated he should be arrested for this crime. As more information comes out, it appears that all those that rushed to judgement pining for McCoy to be arrested were wrong. Even Angelo Cataldi who was screaming about McCoy needing to be arrested has tempered his one and backtracked today. Howard Eskin who emphaticaly stated McCoy should be arrested and should be made to do the perp walk has relaxed on his stance.

February 22, 2016 12:51 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

EHL the clincher in this situation for me is that the cops should have followed the procedures that they should know better than anyone and called 911. I have talked to a few of my friends who are cops and they all make it clear…these guys were probably drunk. If these cops were attacked, a 911 call to their fellow officers would have elicited an immediate response.
These cops don’t call 911 at all, they don’t go to the nearest hospital, some of them filed the reports late…
These cops should be arrested, the Mayor should publicly apologize to Shady for his rash and foolish comments, and there should be no reprisals against Shady whatsoever.

February 22, 2016 1:02 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze
February 22, 2016 1:22 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Kool, I agree, you can’t ignore the law or the procedures you are to follow as it is your duty as a police officer. The question is why did that happen..they were drunk and acting belligerent, the cop initiated the contact which lead to this fight. I will not hold my breath for the mayor who has been known to get drunk and act belligerent to apologize. Once this is all cleared up he will sit quietly by and act as if nothing ever happened. He really never should have opened his mouth in the first place as he did not know the facts of the situation.

February 22, 2016 11:38 am

there was no lengthy investigations in Judge Seamus’ Eagles court, there was no lengthy investigations when the Pope came to town, there will be no investigations when the Democratic National Convention comes to town later this year. Everyone is charged immediately and housed in a jail cell. Shady is getting special treatment because Seth Williams is scared of Shady’s Lawyers.

February 22, 2016 11:51 am

Perhaps, but the police officers involved are getting special treatment as they violated their responsibilities as officers and have not been called on the carpet for what they did, and did not do during the time of this melee. If they had followed their procedures, perhaps an arrest would have taken place then and there, why didn’t they call for fellow on duty officers? What you are seeing is Shady’s lawyer doing his job, this is the way the judicial system is supposed to work. At Eagles games, cops and security are their on the spot to arrest law breakers, I will not even get into the pope and DNC comes to town, you’re all over the place. If LeSean gets arrested, then the police officers involved need to be arrested too, all involved needs to be arrested for the fight, an ass whupping does not make you exempt, nor a victim, he lost a fight which apparently he started. The article even states that another officer tried to stop the officer who choked slammed the guy with Shady, but that officer pushed him off and went after the kid anyway.

February 22, 2016 12:13 pm

There is probably a lot of blame to go around here. I´ve been out with groups of cops and football players and almost each and every time there´s talk about fighting this guy – fighting that guy”….Anybody looks sideways……and the backs get up…..so juvenile.

All I know is, rightly or wrongly, Shady better keep a very very low profile over the next couple of years because cops in Philly and Buffalo are going to be watching his every move. If he keeps heading out, he better be heavy on the Uber or the NFL limo-service because heĺl get no quarter if he drives through a yellow light…….

February 22, 2016 1:18 pm

Bull…there is probably blame only to go in one direction…the direction of the oft-duty cops who started the bullshit and talked crap about it on Facebook afterwards! Stop painting football players and cops with such a broad generalization and then try to stick it to this situation Vinnie…..its ridiculous.
Stick to the obvious facts of this situation!
If the Cops followed the procedures that they should know better than anyone, we would have clear answers about the incident. The independent witness and information shows misconduct on the part of the cops before they got to the bar…people are saying they were drunk before the incident.
Then when we say that there are two sides to a story, we have to look at what the independent witnesses say and whether proper procedures were followed.
Its extremely telling that these cops did not call 911, that one off-duty cop goes into a bar with his gun-another violation of procedure…the cop who they say started it and was thrown out of the bar and manhandled by bouncers decided to go from Recess Lounge which is right by 2nd and Chestnut all the way to Upper Darby to go to the hospital??
Are you kidding me…
If the cops were in the right and followed procedure…and Shady wrongfully attack police officers he would have been locked up on the spot!
These off-duty cops were wrong and that’s were the blame should go!

February 22, 2016 2:06 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

“Bull…there is probably blame only to go in one direction…”

I mean for god’s sakes you are one dumb fuck.

When 6, 7, 8 guys (whatever it was) get involved in a mess like that there is enough blame to go around for everyone.

What fucking world to you live in?

Even if the cops acted first (and neither you, I, or “Bigtrial.net???” know what happened….but even if one of the cops did, and Shady and his buddies were “victims”, victimhood ends the moment the threat has abated. And when the cop is on the ground and they are kicking him, well, that’s against the law.

See how that goes putz?

The first action is wrong.

The second action is also wrong.

Nice idiotic lunatic world you like in…a cop atarted it by choking one of my friends, therefore we are completely justifieds with stomping thse other two into oblibvion…because “blame goes in only one direction!”

You are a complete idiot.

February 22, 2016 5:04 pm

Fool ass…you can’t read or process a clear thought Vinniedafoolass!

Get a dictionary and look up the word “probably”

Look at the information directly related in this case…FoolassVinnie

Look at the independent witnesses in this case…dumbasVinnie

Look at the failure on the part of the cops to call 911 in direct violation of normal procedures

All of this leads to a probability of the Cops being wrong…

Once again you are filled with foolish contradictions…if you don’t know what was happening you don’t know when the threat is ‘abated’…you don’t have any evidence whatsoever. There is a big difference between drawing inferences from the direct information provided then some generalizations about situations that you didn’t witness…

You are simply a Fool Ass!!

February 22, 2016 6:03 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Oh…here comes the patented Koolbreeze backpedal. If only Byron Maxwell had such quick feet the Birds might have had a better season.

1. I said “There is probably a lot of blame to go around here. ”

2 – You said:
“there is probably blame only to go in one direction”
“the direction of the oft-duty cops who started the bullshit and talked crap about it on Facebook afterwards!”
“If the Cops followed the procedures that they should know better than anyone”
“The independent witness and information shows misconduct on the part of the cops before they got to the bar…”
“people are saying they were drunk before the incident.”

And on and on. You were laying it think on the cops….

And now you hide behind the one word “probably” in your 200 word evisceration of the cops? You now pretend…what…that we (I) didn’t “understand” what you were saying?? Because you think I “missed” the word “probably”. I read it…the problem is nitwit, that it clearly loses its importance in context when you spend the next 200 words on some sort of diatribe against the police officers. What you upset your mom got a speeding ticket last week and you were forced to live off KD and Spam for the past week or something?


You are a joke.

As I stated clearly…there is plenty of blame and responsibility to go around in this stupid case.

I am open to all kids of interpretations as to what happened. I am quite sure both groups were acting aggressively and improperly.

But the law is clear in a case like this….force can be used as self defense only until an attacker is no longer a threat. Stomping (or attempting to stomp someone – which the video shows) after they are on the ground is not acceptable “self-defense. It crosses the line…hence my contention that there is blame/responsibility to go around in this case.

You have so much growing up to do kid.

February 22, 2016 7:34 pm

Speaking of Maxwell wouldn’t resigning bradfraud be the equivalent of signing Maxwell? Sign the best guy, the most expensive best guy, what are the other options? …

February 23, 2016 12:05 am

“But the law is clear in a case like this….force can be used as self defense only until an attacker is no longer a threat. Stomping (or attempting to stomp someone – which the video shows) after they are on the ground is not acceptable “self-defense.”

Fool Ass!!!

Stay in your lane, Vinnydafool…once again you show a total inability to intelligently assess anything and are quick to jump to the most ignorant of conclusions.

The video of McCoy didn’t show him ‘stomping’ anyone…in the maze of bodies you cant determine with any degree of certainty what was happening. Its a possibility that the feeble movement of McCoy’s leg was towards the drunk, cop who had body slammed McCoy’s friend to the ground. There was absolutely no finding or clear evidence that anyone was down on the ground in a helpless position being stomped. There is no ‘law’ that says when you hit the ground you are ‘helpless’. For all you know Shady may have been attempting to help a friend who was on the bottom of the heap with in mortal danger by way of a vicious, unprovoked attack from a massive, drunk cop.

What we see and know with some reliable degree of certainty is that the Cop was: 1 . thrown out of the bar by the bouncers who did not do the same to McCoy and his party 2. who drove all the way from 2nd and Chestnut to a hospital in Upper Darby 3. never dialed 911 as oft duty officers involved in confrontations or fights are supposed to do. 4. who several eyewitnesses said was drunk

Fool Ass…

So yes…based upon the above clear facts-I’m laying the blame where the preponderance of evidence points to fool: the Cops! The “probably” leaves open the slightest opportunity for new, clear information that would indicate that Shady and his friends had some viable culpability in this situation. However, the overwhelming indications point to aggressive, drunk cops initiating a fight with friends of Shady McCoy who responded in what we can determine up to this point in a responsible manner.

The reality dumb ass is that they have not been charged and that it is taking so long to charge them is indicative of the serious likelihood that the Cops are responsible for the fracas.

Just fall back Vinniedafool…once again…you are proving yourself to be a babbling, incoherent idiot who should stick to your mantra…about everything:

“Who da fuck knows”

February 23, 2016 10:44 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

“For all you know Shady may have been attempting to help a friend who was on the bottom of the heap with in mortal danger by way of a vicious, unprovoked attack from a massive, drunk cop.”


“help a friend” Ya…those guys were all wearing their Mother Theresa outfits while they “helped” each other.


For Goddamn sakes you are certifiably insane.

February 23, 2016 4:18 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

LMAO…fall back Vinniedafoolass

Its pretty damm obvious with each passing day and no arrest warrants for Shady that those drunk ass Cops were no Mother Teresa’s either…

Its also pretty obvious that you are an idiot that dont know what you are talking about…you have some generalized perception about Shady’s friends that is unsupported by any clear evidence. The facts of the case that have come out supported by the slow DA’s action strongly implies that Shady and his friends did nothing wrong…their actions seem pretty reasonable.

If you and your friends paid $350 for a bottle of champagne and a guy waltz’s over to your table and takes it quite naturally there will be a confrontation about it.

Fool Ass Vinnie…fall back…waaaaaaaay back…your stuck on stupid

February 23, 2016 5:29 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

“Its also pretty obvious that you are an idiot that dont know what you are talking about…you have some generalized perception about Shady’s friends that is unsupported by any clear evidence. ”

Excuse me bucko, but my position has been clear from the start: “there’s plenty of blame to go around with this mess”

You on the other hand, after consulting one of your famous websites have become judge and jury rolled into one, completely assessing all blame and responsibility on an event you did not witness, were nowhere near at the time and know absolutely nothing about.

Yet despite knowing nothing about the event whatsoever, you come in here pontificating about whose fault everything was.

You are a joke.

As for this line:
“If you and your friends paid $350 for a bottle of champagne and a guy waltz’s over to your table and takes it quite naturally there will be a confrontation about it.”

No dude, there wouldn’t. Its a bottle of wine. I’d buy another. That you think an argument about, or someone taking a bottle of champagne carries some sort of justification for the pathetically juvenile, completely barbaric, and utterly violent confrontation I saw on the video that results in a couple people ending up in a hospital is precisely why your country is in such a mess violence wise right now.

Be careful out there kid. You head out with that “tough guy” attitude of yours and you’re going to get yourself killed.

February 23, 2016 6:28 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Vinnie…stop it…just stop it

You are embarrassing yourself…

You are all confused and bewildered…

“Excuse me bucko, but my position has been clear from the start: “there’s plenty of blame to go around with this mess”

If you are going to argue that I shouldn’t take a position on Shady because I wasn’t there…how do you turn around and say there’s plenty of blame to go around…Fool ass…you were not there either…so you don’t know where the blame is to go…

Are you seriously this dumb and ignorant Vinniedafoolass?

Then you even sink further into pure stupidity and ignorance

“If you and your friends paid $350 for a bottle of champagne and a guy waltz’s over to your table and takes it quite naturally there will be a confrontation about it.”

Your response to this is the height of pure stupidity

“No dude, there wouldn’t. Its a bottle of wine. I’d buy another”

Well maybe I stand corrected about you Vinniedafoolass…maybe I should add to your handle, Vinniedafoolassbitch

Only someone complete devoid of any balls would allow another man to waltz over to your table and take a $350 dollar bottle of wine from the table…and then say…”oh…its only a bottle a wine…let me shill out another $350 bucks for another bottle.

What a wimp ass…are you serious?

Once again..fall back Vinniedafool…you are simply embarrassing…

You didn’t witness th

February 23, 2016 10:47 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

One. Last. Time. Just for you because you are clearly an illiterate fuck.

This is what I said about the incident.: “There is probably a lot of blame to go around here.” End of story.

How you can interpret that as “taking a side” is nothing but a complete condemnation of the Philadelphia public school system of which you are still a part.

When I wrote the bit about the bottle, I knew an immature little wanna be like yourself would fire back some sort “wimp/pussy” or other pathetic knee-jerk response characteristic the 16 yr old inexperienced young boy you are.

You have no idea what real strength is bucko.

But hey, keep your back up, act pretender tough, defend your “turf” no matter what, start fights over someone acting like a jerk yet who would have no lasting effect on your life except something to laugh about later, and believe deep down all cops are out to get you.

Never grow up Peter Pan.

Whatever works for you putz.

February 24, 2016 11:34 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

“I am quite sure both groups were acting aggressively and improperly.” crows Vinniedafoolass, you then continue with a number of completely dumb ass assertions of ‘facts’ that you didn’t witness and then assert with unmitigated ignorance about the “law”

“But the law is clear in a case like this….force can be used as self defense only until an attacker is no longer a threat. Stomping (or attempting to stomp someone – which the video shows) after they are on the ground is not acceptable “self-defense. It crosses the line…hence my contention that there is blame/responsibility to go around in this case.”

Hence, my ‘contention’ that you are a complete fool that is simply anxious to bash Shady Mccoy without the slightest clue about what you are talking about…

First it is an act of unwarranted aggression to come to someone table and attempt forcefully take something that does not belong to you. If the drunk cop felt that his bottle of champagne was taken to the wrong table he should have informed the management at the bar, instead of engaging in his act of pure and unwarranted aggression.
When I legally purchase something it becomes my property and I have the right to defend my property from an aggressive attempt to forcefully take my possession.
Fool ass Vinnie!
You then compound your complete stupidity by describing things in the video that you didn’t see…you didnt see Shady “stomping” anyone and you dont know that the person on the ground was helpless. In your rush to bash Shady, you made up crap that you didn’t see. So your whole ridiculous contentions about ‘self-defense’ and the ‘law’ are ignorant, sanctimonious, bullshit where you posture about things that you dont have a clue on…

The bottom line is that Shady is not going to be charged with anything which will expose your ignorant, sanctimonious, pontificating as just another example of your fraudulent and foolish claims.

You are a complete fool ass idiot, Vinnie!

February 25, 2016 12:01 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

” If the drunk cop ”

STFU you stupid fucktard. You were not there. NO ONE has been charged. ou have no idea who was drunk or not.

“First it is an act of unwarranted aggression to come to someone table and attempt forcefully take something that does not belong to you”

From your on contention the guy (and again ALLEGEDLY) came over and picked the bottle up. Again….picked the bottle up….for you to think that this is some sort of justification for 2 people ending up in the hospital is more evidence you are a juvenile putz.

“When I legally purchase something it becomes my property and I have the right to defend my property from an aggressive attempt to forcefully take my possession.”

Holy shit you over-agressive idiot…..it was a bottle in a bar…..someone takes your bottle in a bar, you look at the guy, raise your eyebrow and inform the staff. You don;t engage in a 5 on 3….4 on 3….5 on 5….(who cares) brawl to “regain your property”!!

Only a childish, juvenile idiotic, wana-ba tough guy dolt (clearly like yourself) would act like that.

Dude is not invading your house (not that you would understand that concept). Dude is not assulting your wife or family. Dude is picking up a bottle from a table at a bar.

It is FUCKING IRRELEVANT to your way of life. It is FUCKING IRRELEVANT in the larger scheme of things.

Of course wanne-be 16 year old Koolbreeze figures someone taking a bottle off a table in a club is paramount to starting WWIII and feels, clearly, that this is complete justification for a bunch of clowns to act like idiots and for 2 people to end up in the hospital.

This is because Koolidiot is….well….an idiot.

Taking a bottle off a table is wrong.

Beating the shit out of the guy who did it is also…..wait for it…..wrong.

Grow the fuck up Peter Pan.

On a side note. I really hope this BS you post in here is just bluster, because I honestly hope you don;t actually believe it. Otherwise, you are eventually going to reach the age of 19 or 20 or whenever, yourself head to one of these clubs and get yourself killed. No, literally, killed, with your pathetically juvenile “tough guy’ attitude.

February 25, 2016 7:22 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

“but even if one of the cops did, and Shady and his buddies were “victims”, victimhood ends the moment the threat has abated. And when the cop is on the ground and they are kicking him, well, that’s against the law.”

Fool ass Vinnie…out of one side of your mouth you tell us, we cant draw any inferences because “You were not there”…but out of the other side of your mouth in your efforts to bash Shady you tell us that:

a) cop is on the ground

How the fuck do you know from looking at the video that a cop was on the ground? Where in the video do you see anyone on the ground that you can tell who is being stomped idiot ass.

b) if Cop is on the ground threat is “abated”

Were you there Vinnydafoolass?…how do you know that it was ONLY a cop on the ground??

Yet you pontificate and tell us that Shady and his friends are not ‘victims’…

How the fuck do you know?

“Holy shit you over-agressive idiot…..it was a bottle in a bar…..someone takes your bottle in a bar, you look at the guy, raise your eyebrow and inform the staff. You don;t engage in a 5 on 3….4 on 3….5 on 5….(who cares) brawl to “regain your property”!!”

Not only are you a dumbass…you are a wimp ass too. First of all it’s human nature to defend oneself against a bully. If a bully comes to your table and aggressively takes a $350 bottle of champagne from you…its only natural to respond to this act of aggression by standing up to the bully. Now just because you were a bitch ass that had your lunch money extorted from you as a child…this does not become a rule for everyone.
Secondly, all of the reliable reports state that no one immediately ‘engaged in a 5 on 3 attack’…how do you know that if you were not there fool ass??
What is reported that the Bully cop started the fight by body slamming a kid who had the gumption to stand up to his violent behavior and Shady’s friends immediately rushed to defend their friend….this is totally reasonable.
All of these things are adding up, the cops failing to call 911, no credible reports from the bouncers or eyewitnesses attributing wrongdoing to Shady, people who know the cops who identified them at bars BEFORE coming to the bar where Shady was and identifying them as drunk…the Cop going all the way from 2nd and Chestnut to Upper Darby to get medical treatment…the cop not writing the report on the incident until 2 days later…
You can bury your head into the sands of denial all you want Vinnedafoolass…but you contradict yourself, you sound like a wimp ass, and you know nothing about the law..

You are simply a dumb ass fool!

February 25, 2016 8:42 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Wow…further condemnation of the Philadelphia public school system with Koolbreeze continually incapable of creading for comprehension. Completly incorrectly misinterpreting everything written.

Anyway, despite your clear inability to comprehend simple words like “if”, I still care for you buddy.

So when you make it out of high school and decide to head out into the world. Be careful out there kid. You little “toough guy” act is going to get yourself killed.

February 25, 2016 2:50 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Blah, Blah, Blah…”misinterpreted”


You are just misinformed and ignorant

You are too big to hide behind that one little “if” word Vinniedafoolass

“Taking a bottle off a table is wrong.

Beating the shit out of the guy who did it is also…..wait for it…..wrong.”

You were not there to cover all of the variables Vinny…you wasn’t there to say who was right, who was wrong remember. Yet all of your scenarios and selected outrage is aimed at the guy you dont like…Shady…yet the DA STILL hasn’t accepted your version of the events Vinnie…your above findings dont include any ‘if’s’ in braking the law for the aggressive, drunk cops who eye witnesses clearly saw drunk PRIOR to the fight at ANOTHER bar.

So how come your ‘if’s dont account for the possibility that the guy who took the bottle was an aggressive, drunk ass 6’4 250 pound cop who not only took the bottle, but viciously body slammed a guy who had some gumption to say something. What “if” he was getting kicked around and beaten because he was laying on top of and choking a victim who was struggling to throw the massive aggressor off of him?
The available evidence lends more credence to this than your ‘if’ scenarios, Vinniedafoolass!
Also…dont worry about me Vinnie…I’m more worried about you…your whole life you have been violated by aggressive bullies shaking you down…taking your lunch money, insulting you.
Your girl insists that you take her out to somewhere besides MacDonald for the happy meal you always want to buy…you finally save up enough to go to a little restaurant and bar…and you nightmare comes true..Bob the Bully is in the bar drunk and he recognizes you…comes over to your table, insults you in front of your girl, demands that you pay for his drinks…what does Vinniedawimpass do

“you look at the guy, raise your eyebrow and inform the staff.”

What a wimp, what a pussy…

Sometimes Vinny you have to be a man…you have to stand up to the bully who took your lunch money, stand up to the bullies that have humiliated you all your life…sometimes you have to defend yourself and there is no shame in getting your ass kicked defending yourself from an aggressive bully…your girl can look at you with some pride…we know your not a tough guy…that’s ok…but have some self respect, some meager pride, some dignity to stand up for yourself against an aggressive bully even if you know you may get your ass kicked. At least you can look in the mirror and face your girl knowing you tried to defend her and your honor.

Dont be a bitch ass pussy all your life Vinny….that’s humiliating

February 22, 2016 1:23 pm

BREAKING EAGLES NEWS…Malcom Jenkins just signed a 5 year contract extension with the Eagles.

February 22, 2016 1:45 pm
Reply to  Eaglehaslanded

that collaboration sure is spending a lot of money this off season for the same exact players that just went 7-9. So far Chip Kelly, Ed Marynowitz and Riley Cooper are to blame everyone else is getting rich with very big raises.

February 22, 2016 1:57 pm

Numbers are not out yet, but I would be willing to bet the extension lowers the 2016 cap number for Jenkins. I called this extension about three weeks ago. His 2016 cap hit was over 7 mil. Will likely be more in the 3 mil range which leaves more money for Cox and Bradford.

Roseman is following the Joe Banner guide to cap management to the letter. I’m thinking a DeMecco Ryans cut is right around the corner. After the Jenkins extension and Ryans being cut, you are looking at like 34 mil in cap space.

February 22, 2016 2:28 pm

The numbers likely include a signing bonus that is pro-rated over the life of the contract. The 2016 cap hit could be reduced, but the real money hit will go up.

The Eagles have plenty of cap space to pay Cox and Bradford, if that’s what they want to do… The question is, what do they want to do….

February 22, 2016 11:08 pm
Reply to  IrishEagle

Yes…no one should be concerned at all with the real money hit…that is just a hit to Lurie’s pocket and he has more than enough money …Howie the Accountant is a Cap Master he learned from the best…I believe that the Eagles are posturing to squeeze Bradford down as low as possible but I think they will sign him by either tagging him or signing him to a 3-4 year deal probably in the 17 to 20 mil range

February 25, 2016 9:11 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

Maybe if Paulman comes back . the fighting will slow down . I think he is now N.C.Chris showing up on philly.com

February 23, 2016 9:36 pm

Garry Cobb /As I stated at the start of this Mcoy adventure , the only problem Mcoy needs to deal with will be the N.F. L. and suspensions, that would hurt or ruin his carreer. The phila police in the Gayborhood/ after hour illegal club activity , will be squashed . N.F.L. is Shady’s only worry. If he overcomes the NF.L. suspension his only loss will a few million , I said this at the start,Well perhaps tens of millons. counting civil and hush money.

February 24, 2016 8:15 am
Reply to  patrik411

as cris carter said…. surround yourself with boyz that will take the hit for you! —

February 25, 2016 9:14 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Today we call it a posse , not a gang or thugs ,a posse

February 27, 2016 11:31 am

A real good chance there was and is some D.L. activity going on with Shady and his posse and some of the police.This is a real unfriendly spot , borders in the Gayborhood ,so D.L. activity is not out of question.