• March 1, 2025

Sam Hinkie Writes A 13-Page “Victim” Letter On The Way Out

SamHinkie&JoelEmbiidIt came out of no where as 76ers President & GM Sam Hinkie resigned and Brian Colangelo, who is the son of team Chairman Jerry Colangelo and two-time NBA Executive of the Year, will take his place.

Sixers owner Josh Harris released this statement last night.

“This evening, Sam Hinkie notified the organization that he has elected to step down as president of basketball operations and general manager.  While we are disappointed in Sam’s decision, we would like to sincerely thank him for his contributions over the past three seasons. There is no question that Sam’s work has put us in a very strong position to take advantage of numerous opportunities for an exciting future.”

Pinkie must have been planning this move for a while because he wrote a 13-page “Victim” letter to give his side of the story.  Yes a 13-page “Victim” letter to give us his two cents, even though we were the victims.  76ers fans could file a class-action suit against him and the Sixers organization for all these years of nonsense, that has developed into to nothing so far.

Still, I hope he doesn’t plan on harming himself.

“There has been much criticism of our approach. There will be more.  A competitive league like the NBA necessitates a zig while our competitors comfortably zag.  We often chose not to defend ourselves against much of the criticism, largely in an effort to stay true to the ideal of having the longest view in the room . . . Given all the changes to our organization, I no longer have the confidence that I can make good decisions on behalf of investors in the Sixers.”

I don’t think anybody is going to lose sleep about Hinkie leaving the team.  Who knows if Joel Embiid had been healthy maybe the PROCESS would have gone much better and Hinkie wouldn’t have written that awful letter.


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April 7, 2016 11:00 am

If, and when the Sixers are a successful basketball team I wonder what Hinkies legacy will be in Philly?

Will he get any of the credit for setting up the future? Or will it be all of Jerry?

April 7, 2016 11:17 am
Reply to  CT

for his tenure to be considered successful embid needs to be a player, a REAL player– not a ‘contributing’ player but a star– and they need to be in a conference championship by 2019 or maybe 20…. that simple.

April 7, 2016 11:35 am

Since the 76ers are Years away from even be a .500 Team let along a Championship Contending Team, Sam Hinkie’s LEgacy will be one of Failure

Top PIcks Noel is turning out to be a 7th/8th Man off the Bench 15 Minute a Game PLayer… Okafor has Offensive Game, but his Defense is Poor, His Maturity, Leadership and Passion all called into Question
Embiid an unknown and has Played about 20 Games of Basketball in 3 Years so to expect much from him at all is simply wishful thinking and Dario Saric is unproven at the NBA Level…
Yes Hinkie cleaned up the Cap and Contracts by doing nothing in 3 Years but sooner or later you have to have Good Players with Upside under Contract to grow as a Team together and he failed to do this as he never addressed the Guard Position which ultimately makes a Team Go..

My Guess is that Embiid will never Play due to continual Foot Issues and Saric is just another “player’ meaning to Tank for 3 Years and end up with
Okafor and Noel’s is not going to bring Success to any NBA Franchise

April 7, 2016 11:45 am

Nerlens Noel will be in his 3rd year playing Paulman.
Okafor will be in his 2nd.

both are in their very early twenties (below 22).

That goes for Saric, Embiid, and whatever draft pick(s) they acquire this offseason.

It will be only year 3/5 of the process. I expect Philly to be a contending team by 2018-19 max. Thats another 2-3 years from now and will be 1 year past the process.

We have alot of draft picks coming our way, with a SWAP option with Sacramento if need be.

You never know when you are going to get your Manu, or Klay in the 2nd round.

Developement is what it’s all about. Nerlens Noel can turn into a defensive force coming off the bench who can score. See what a Okafor, Noel, Embiid, Simmons/Ingram combo will look like with Covington, Ish, Saric, Grant etc coming off the bench or working into the starting lineup possibly.

This team is young, athletic and has a damn good coach with a great background that genuinly enjoys coming to work everyday and working with this young team.

Who knows, maybe we get a Durant, Or Westbrook? Maybe a Kyrie? One can dream right?

JC does have some connections along with Mike D Toni

April 7, 2016 12:12 pm
Reply to  CT

Let’s talk 2 Years from now and see if any of this Come together..
I just don’t see Noel as anything Special, just a rotational Player at Best
They have no NBA Quality Guards… Look at Ish Smith, Cannaan, Stauskus, or Marshall’s +/- Ratings every game… Its flat out Terrible … None of these Players can stop the Ball or play Good Defense, None of them…
Covington is another Defensive Liability, Okafor another … Hell, 3/4 of the Team are Weak Defensively, Poor Guard Play and Poor Outside Shooting..
Is there 1 Area where the 76ers are Good ?? Rebounding, Offensive Rebounding, Free-Throw Shooting, Assist to Turnover Ratio ? Anything ?

April 7, 2016 12:23 pm
Reply to  paulman

theyre kids playing amongst men. they need some time like almost every top pick does… oak has something, question is can he improve D and rebounding? i dont see why he cant.

noel – meh, i happen to think he is what he is but who knows, he really needs to aadd weight. everyone else is irrelevant in terms of evaluating what they are cuz they arent the potential future. we can examine embiid and saric next year as well as the rooks we get

April 7, 2016 12:25 pm
Reply to  mhenski

the process was gut the roster, free up cap, draft at the top of the draft then develop the talent, sign players. whether hinkie is here or not the first 3 steps have been accomplished. now its time to sign FA and develop the kids. there aint no lebrons or currys falling out of the air into philadelphia, it takes a bit dude

April 7, 2016 12:15 pm
Reply to  CT

I think Barnes, Beal, Derozen are more realistic than Durant and Westbrook but your right who knows.I think if we got simmons to go with oak, noel and embiid you could possibly convince 2 guys to join forces here. I also think that Noah would be a good addition to teach our young bigs leadership, hustle, how to board and play D. But I think he is too young in his career still to want to be in that teacher role…

But if we can snag one of those FA, I think we will be in real good shape in turning things around

April 7, 2016 12:40 pm
Reply to  CT

Why is Bret Brown a dam good coach and always getting a free pass? He seems to be a nice guy, he gets along with the media but why is he an outstanding coach? No one really seems to get better and he’s breaking franchise coaching losing records.

April 7, 2016 1:05 pm
Reply to  dtime

I like him because of how straight forward he is and because he seems to have a good rapport with the young players which they have.

To address your points:
He can’t turn this dreck into anything that looks like a bball team. He has no guards and any player that starts playing better either gets traded or continuously gets injured (Noel, Okafor). They have no guards and no one that can really shoot the bball. This is a D league team and you are complaining that they are not competitive. The lovechild of Phil Jackson and Red Auerbach couldn’t do anything with this lineup.

I would much rather try out Brett Brown with what they get in the next couple of years, then to bring in an overrated retread like Mike D’Antoni.

April 7, 2016 1:06 pm

I have Bret Brown moving back to Boston after getting let go and becoming the HC for Boston College while the 76ers Hire Mark D’Antonio
The 76ers won’t be any better, but they will play a fun, uptempo style of B-Ball
until the Colangelo Crew is Cleaned out in 2020 or so and then the next Basketball Guru’s will attempt to Fix the 76ers Franchise

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 7, 2016 3:04 pm
Reply to  paulman

You’re no fan you just want to ridicule and criticize what the Sixers do every step unless they’re in the NBA finals

You’re like that with every team in Philly. A flip flopping Fraudman Fraudfan.

And get your facts straight

You being in North Carolina makes you out of touch with the teams. This site and other outlets keep you up to date

If you knew anything you’d know that the Sixers front office are totally committed to Brett Brown and have come out and said it. They’re not getting rid of Brett Brown

They’re rewarding Brett for his long suffering. Brett stayed the course, they all including Hinkie knew this was gonna get dirty and that they’d have to endure losing to a different level for 3 straight years, and they agreed to stay the course and “trust the process”… Hinkie deviated and left before the fruits of his labor could be realized
You’re no fan you just want to ridicule and criticize what the Sixers do every step unless they’re in the NBA finals

You’re like that with every team in Philly. A flip flopping Fraudman Fraudfan.

And get your facts straight

You being in North Carolina makes you out of touch with the teams. This site and other outlets keep you up to date

If you knew anything you’d know that the Sixers front office are totally committed to Brett Brown and have come out and said it. They’re not getting rid of Brett Brown

They’re rewarding Brett for his long suffering. Brett stayed the course, they all including Hinkie knew this was gonna get dirty and that they’d have to endure losing to a different level for 3 straight years, and they agreed to stay the course and “trust the process”… Hinkie deviated and left before the fruits of his labor could be realized

I believe he saw the writing on the wall. I believe Hinkie felt slighted by Josh Harris when he brought Jerry in. Hinkie felt he didn’t need anyone or need to change anything. He has burned bridges with agents and GMs league wide.

Also keep in mind Jerry’s son Bryan was unemployed, he turned down numerous job offers with the most public one from the Nets. Bryan knew that the Sixers job would eventually open up at the end of the year and it would be all his…

But Brett isn’t going anywhere, and Jay Wright will not be called or shown interest from the Sixers

Let’s lose that thought

April 7, 2016 3:23 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Wake Up Jon Hart — Sam Hinkie’s Process was a Failure..They took a chance and it blew up in their Faces…The Clueless Ownership is taking Jerry Colangelo’s Advice and are cutting their Losses now ..The 76ers are 47-195 since 2014 & Hinkie Took Over, 47 & 195 for a 19.5% Winning %…. You can make all the Bullshit Excuses you want JH,but the 76ers Suck
and these are Embarrassing Stats over a 3 Year Period …
Trust the Process You Fool… Anyone with a Set of Eyes and even an old set of Eyes like mine, knew this Team and Franchise under Sam Hinkie was Garbage..

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 7, 2016 3:46 pm
Reply to  paulman

You haven’t watched a Sixers game in over 20 years. Shut your dumb clueless ass up boone-zo the clown

Did you not read what I just sent you? I said they planned this losing stuff 3 years ago. That was the plan and process, year 1. suck year 2. suck year 3. suck then move forward

You’re blurting out bs about them not being good record wise and every true fan that actually watches and attends games knew what they were doing, we didn’t expect a 50 win season

So WTF are you talking about?!

You said Brett brown would be fired. I answered your worthless clueless Boones native post saying they’ve not only extended Brown a few months ago but they also came out saying Brett Brown is staying put

So shut your clueless old ass up and go prepare your next NFL mock draft that you steal from CBS sports.com Fraudman

April 7, 2016 4:11 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

The 76ers Suck and Your A Dumb-Ass Fool to have believed in their “Process” to begin with… I demand more from the Professional Sport Teams, not 5-6-7 Years of Sucking and being an Embarrassment to the Sport just to have a chance to be good again… These are all highly paid Professionals, do your Job, Draft Well, Coach Well and Play Well or get someone else in there to do it for you… Its not that complicated..Its F’n Basketball … and the 76ers and you and are going to continue to make excuse after excuse on why they can’t be competitive and contend… No Thanx Chump …

April 7, 2016 4:12 pm
Reply to  paulman

and my Mock Football Drafts are better than the ones on CBS Sports….

April 7, 2016 4:18 pm
Reply to  paulman

agree with jon. to see the process was a failure is wrong. as the sixers flat out said they were going to do exactly what they are doing and have done. they got some talent now, will be adding simmons, ingram and or buddy this year. they gonna get josh jackson, tatum or or giles next year to go with a 1-2-3 legit free agents over the course of the next 2 years also.

for sure not a failure. maybe you dont agree with this route but you arent winning in the nba without top picks. look around and virtually all winning franchises got their guys early in the draft its the way it goes in the nba. it may not feel right intentionally being shit but you arent getting titles without doing it

April 7, 2016 7:14 pm
Reply to  paulman

The trust the process people have been lining up their “outs” since Colangelo was hired…. Did anyone hear the podcast of spike Eskin and that other dude crying about Stinky? It was the funniest, most pitiful thing I’ve ever heard…. It was like the Pelle Linburg tragedy had just happened… They were literally grieving!

Mac Dolo
Mac Dolo
April 8, 2016 1:05 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

What a waste of a post Jon Hart you were better off posting your responses to Helen Keller. Paulman hates the Sixers, and always has so explaining anything to him about what Hinkie’s plan was before he resigned is absolutely futile. If he didn’t get it then then he damn sure won’t get it now. The loses and, the pressure the league was putting on the Sixers drove Paulman into even greater hatred against the Sixers. So by you posting anything other than the Sixers are garbage or the Sixers suck automatically triggers a signal to Paulman’s brain, which is completely pickled in alcohol due to his steady abuse of alcohol that you are defending the Sixers. Paulman should actually be beaming with joy with the way the Sixers are in such distress.

April 8, 2016 7:45 am
Reply to  Mac Dolo

No Alcohol even needed MacDolo to see how poorly this 76ers Franchise has fallen… You guys can keep supporting, rooting for such mis-managed Teams, but I don’t follow blindly and will continue to call out the bad moves, that they continually have made over the Years…
This Franchise is 3-4 Years away of competing as a .500 Team
Good Riddance with Sam Hinkie $ The Process

April 8, 2016 7:57 am
Reply to  paulman

And for the Record, I don’t Hate the 76ers or Basketball, I Hate What they have become!!!! which is a non-competitive Professional Sport Franchise .. Which are 2 different things…

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 4:27 am
Reply to  Mac Dolo

Mac Dolo, you’re absolutely right. Good stuff. Why even waste my time explaining anything to a known flip flopping fake fan that doesn’t fully support any of the teams in Philly unless they’re contending for a title

He hasn’t watched a Sixers game in over 20 years but always has his fingers ready to comment on stuff he has no business talking about and or doesn’t fully understand

He needs to stick to his NFL mock drafts that he robs CBS sports for…

And good read on him. Alcoholics have that issue, their are certain triggers that cause them to respond and or react. Maybe that’s why he responds under every article all day every day.. yikes…

And correct, if you didn’t understand why they had to do it then, than you dang sure wouldn’t understand why they had to do it now either..

Hinkie was a couple steps ahead of the league, wouldn’t shock me to see more teams implementing this strategy, unless the league decides to change the rules…

April 8, 2016 9:32 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

Jon Hart stop effing judging who is and isn’t a fan. You sound idiotic every time you write out those words.

If someone disagrees with you are what the team has done that doesn’t automatically diminish their passion for the team. Your opinion is your own. That doesn’t make it the right one or the wrong one. Your opinion is not fact.

Cripes, even my 9 year old son understands that.

April 7, 2016 1:25 pm

I understand your points. No one expects the 76ers to be a playoff team. With that being said the 76ers seems to lose on a consistent basis at the end of the game when the coach plays a major part in who wins. I also don’t see players improving that much and team seems to make the same mistakes over and over again. I’m not saying that Brown is the biggest reason for the team’s poor performance but when does he take some of the responsibility?

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 7, 2016 3:11 pm

Let’s see if we can get a trade going with the pacers for us to acquire Paul George

I know cliff said he wasn’t the same player anymore (in which he was wrong) but he’s a flat out superstar and all-star… if they get the 1st and 4th pick, give the pacers the 4th pick and Okafor straight up for Paul George..

I think that would get it done..

April 8, 2016 9:41 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

Before I comment on George and his career 42% shooting, where do you imagine Simmons or Ingram playing. Simmons is a 3/4 only because he is good with the ball, but he really can’t shoot that well. Ingram is really a 3 even though he is so slight. I know that you have visions of him being Kevin Durant, but I will have to wait on that one. If you take Ingram, I don’t think that George is a fit. If you take Simmons, maybe makes more sense, but then where does Noel play. You already traded the center away, so I am assuming that you think that Embiid will be healthy next season.

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 3:53 am
Reply to  bugsyhawk

Bugs, everything hinges on Embiids health. If he’s not healthy then this whole thing is a train wreck

I never said I was having visions of Ingram being Kevin Durant… Is it that you see alot of Kevin Durant in him?!

But if I was doing this thing and I had the 1st ovr pick, I’d go Simmons 1 then trade Okafor and the 4th pick to the Pacers for Paul George. If we could do that then we’d certainly attract free agents

I’d then go after Kevin Durant in free agency.. throw a bunch of money at him.

You’d then have your shooters and scorers

Starting lineup would look like this

PG Ben Simmons
SG Paul George
SF Kevin Durant
PF Joel Embiid/Nerlins Noel
C Nerlins Noel/ Joel Embiid (more likely)

I’d go to war with that lineup any day of the week. A tall athletic bunch of guys that would be physically imposing on both ends of the floor..

You’d have youth and experience

Pulling that off would put us in the playoff mix immediately. Still would need to address other needs and get better depth but they wouldn’t be too far off..

April 9, 2016 9:09 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

You’re plan is to play George and Simmons out of position?

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 9:32 am
Reply to  mhenski

I don’t think they’re playing too far out of position. Simmons is bigger but he can run the point. His dribbling, vision, passing and speed makes him PG worthy. George is fine at SG, his speed, quickness, scoring ability and defensive prowess makes him more than qualified to play SG..

I watched Simmons all year long, the coach had to make him score the ball, he wanted to set his teammates up because hes a pass first guy. So playing PG fits his game..

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 9:46 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

Remember Magic. He played the PG position at 6’9 and didn’t miss a beat.

If he wanted he could’ve been a C, PF or SF but if you wanna get the most out of Magic Johnson, you put him at his natural position where he can help facilitate the offense, and put his guys in the right spots to succeed

If the Sixers get Simmons I think they should do the same thing..

April 10, 2016 11:34 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

So your plan to lure Durant here is
Paul George
A young PG playing out of position
And 2 other guys who have legit injury concerns
throw a bunch of money at him

Considering that other competitive teams are gonna make cap room and space for him, I don’t think that there is any chance he comes here. Why would he? He wants to win a championship and he is not going to take a chance on 3 unproven players and Paul George.

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 10, 2016 12:47 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Starting lineup would look like this

PG Ben Simmons
SG Paul George
SF Kevin Durant
PF Joel Embiid/Nerlins Noel
C Nerlins Noel/ Joel Embiid (more likely)

PG Ishmael Smith off bench
PG/SF/PF Dario Saric off bench
Gotta fill rest of bench as I mentioned

Does Paul George look like he’s affected by 1 injury?! You sound more ridiculous than gmcliff. He’s once again an all-star and superstar

I’m coming up with a plan to get two superstars here to play along side these young talented guys. What are you coming up with other than criticism?

Guys like Embiid with his size and skill-set are rarities..

If they can’t get Durant then they should look into trading for Jimmy Butler who doesn’t get along with a young unproven coach like Fred Hoiberg. Jimmy just wants to win and knows Hoiberg is overmatched.. So he would be the fall back plan if they can’t lure Durant here… yes Durant wants to win too but again sell him on teaming up with another unselfish superstar in George and an upland coming young player in Simmons, who knows…

I do know this, the Sixers have the money to consume any of his salary demands or penalties since he was just given a new deal

New training facility, cap space, assets… who knows how far that can go.. Don’t discount the USA basketball team influence from Jerry Colangelo, he already has great relations with the guys. Heck he runs the entire show there…

The FAs will at least sit and listen to what the Sixers brass have to say.. Hopefully my plan or something similar can come to fruition..

April 10, 2016 1:43 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Weird you’re not saying sign Lebron too lmfao

April 10, 2016 1:45 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Bulls aren’t trading butler no way no how. For if they did they would be announcing full on tank as everyone else on that squad stinks. I fear the new gm will make a play for a horrid Derrick Rose. That better not happen

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 10, 2016 2:01 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

That’s not too far off. I mentioned Derrick Rose as a possibility this off season on here. You guys shot it down. Now it’s looking like a possibility hahaha

April 10, 2016 2:40 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Anything is possible. Realistic is another story. Rose can’t play anymore & can’t shoot and would be an awful fit with our bigs. Unless we giving up next to nothing for him he would be an awful addition.

April 10, 2016 9:16 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Yep, anything is possible, but this is not probable. There are going to be a lot better options of winning a title open to Durant than here. And those teams are going to clear cap space to get Durant.

No one is doubting Embiids potential. We would all just like to see him actually play one game before we go crazy. And Noel is not a lure for any player. He is just a guy. That just leaves Simmons who you want to play out of position.

And should we link every team USA guy to the Sixers now because of Coangelo?

Still doesn’t seem very plausible to me at all. Nice dream, but you gotta wake up.

April 7, 2016 4:14 pm

Is it true Jada Pinkett Smith ran Hinkie out because he was trying to set up European (player) human trafficking?

April 8, 2016 4:07 pm

BA star Nerlens Noel puts the guys from “Project X” to shame — DESTROYING the home he was renting last year with Gatorade stains, drugs and toilet damage … this according to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports.

The 21-year-old Philadelphia 76ers star rented a 4,800 square foot home outside of Philly back in September 2014 — paying $54,000 for a 1 year lease. But he not only trashed the place and left weed throughout the home … he also allegedly threatened the owners after he moved out.

In their lawsuit, the owners of the home list all of the crazy damage they found including after Noel moved out in August 2015:

— “Splashed neon colored sports drinks (such as Gatorade) on the carpets throughout the home.”
— $30,000 in other damage to carpets
— Extreme water damage throughout the home
— Clogged toilets filled with cotton balls and feces

(In fact, the owners say the plumber who fixed the toilet told them the damage was so bad he told them, “Someone must not like you.”)

— Broken elevator (it’s a baller house)
— $4,000 in damage to the stove
— damage to the fridge
— damage to the blinds
— damage to dishwasher
— torn window screens

The owners say they also found weed and roaches from joints in the home — including pieces of marijuana in the master bathroom drawers.

Now here’s the scary part …

The owners say they demanded $42,000 to repair the damage … but the DAY AFTER they sent the demand, a TOMBSTONE with the words “RIP” mysteriously appeared on the front steps of the property. The owners believe it was Noel’s doing and are considering it a death threat.

They’re now suing Noel for all sorts of reasons — including assault (because they believe harm is imminent) and want more than $75,000 for their troubles.

As for Noel, so far no comment from his camp — but according to the suit, he’s demanded his security deposit back.

April 8, 2016 4:10 pm
Reply to  mhenski

nerlins loves smokin the greens

April 8, 2016 4:39 pm
Reply to  mhenski

So let’s see the tank has produced 2 assholes and 10 wins….sounds about right!

April 8, 2016 4:46 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

idk if that makes you an asshole. kids 21, was probably 20 when this happened. im sure some of my friends in college had way more than that in damage to their houses… kids a kid with a ton of loot. idk if that makes him an asshole. weird part is he did a cribs type thing on barstoolsports and his place was nice and clean so i dont necessarily believe this. a lot of it sounds fake, 30k damage to the carpets is pretty unbelievable…

April 8, 2016 6:27 pm
Reply to  mhenski

It’s just more evidence that multiple tanks for multiple 19 year olds is lunacy ….ping pong balls and 19 year olds…. Yeah that’s a plan…

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 9:40 am
Reply to  haveacigar

HAC If you knew what the plan was you wouldn’t say this

Their plan wasn’t just to draft 19 yr olds and keep tanking. They wanted to groom them and improve their games in the process.

This was never about just drafting 19 yr olds. They are working tirelessly to help improve the players games. Brett Brown and staff have a great development system installed and it’s only going to get better. They’ll have the new training facility ready this September, Embiid, Saric etc, all of this coming together all at the same time.

Things are about to take off…

April 9, 2016 10:18 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

Are they? take off from 10 wins to 15? this was the year for the take off– even stinky admitted that– stinky got caught leaving when they will compete open ended… the stinky-ites were ok with a few more tanks until the ping pong balls fell just right and the 19 year old was actually good….
as far as taking off… ok lets just just assume for a minute that embiid will actually be productive…. Noel is ok, we know Okafor’s strengths and maybe he can develop… add another 19 year old in loser simmons… what have they developed?
If they are not a serious eastern conference contender in 19– then stinky is stinky— if they are in a conf championship– kudos to him…

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 10:53 am
Reply to  haveacigar

When you say Ben Simmons is a loser, that tells me all I need to know about you as a person and your basketball knowledge

If anyone is a loser it’s you

Conversation over

April 9, 2016 12:47 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I can only assume you didn’t watch one minute of LSU this year

April 8, 2016 4:47 pm

lmfao this phils team is so bad. man this is gonna be a while

April 9, 2016 12:57 pm

Ben Simmons will make 150$ million and never sniff a championship

April 9, 2016 3:57 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Lol that’s a ridiculous statement. You can’t make some definitive statement like that at all about Simmons

April 9, 2016 4:10 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Sure I can. Everyone including you who wanted to tank for Simmons questions his game after his disastrous play this year

April 9, 2016 4:32 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

While true I trust the nba talent evaluators. I believe he completed against harden and unibrow last year too…

If I recall correctly Wiggins looked like a fraud at Kansas and towns didn’t look like a superstar and ky either. They don’t play d as the nba doeSnt allow it in the nba. I’m sure he will be fine

April 9, 2016 4:39 pm
Reply to  mhenski

So, a year ago you were in board to tank for Simmons… Are you as confident today as you were a year ago?

April 9, 2016 5:14 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

nope but last year i was only confident in simmons. now im confident albeit less in simmons plus more confident that we will get a damn good player if we get the 2 or 3 pick (simmons or heild)…

feel more confident that the lakers pick will pay off in a major way if we get it next year. and more confident we gonna sign a good FA

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 9, 2016 6:17 pm




April 9, 2016 7:42 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Wait? They are an 8 seed with very little chance of winning the cup yet you congratulate them?.. Weird…. Oh I guess you are saying they are building a winning culture for the future… Novel idea! Wish the other team that plays in that building would try the same

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 10, 2016 2:34 pm

This is the Bryan Colangelo show

Jerry Colangelo has stepped down and his son has been appointed.. Jerry will be a special advisor only..

Wow.. this is wild

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 10, 2016 3:06 pm

Bryan Colangelo is one sharp dude. Very polished. Almost a spinning image of his father in every way …

I think we’re in good hands with him.. as for Josh Harris, what a train wreck… whoever prepared him for this presser must hate this city..

April 10, 2016 3:15 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

“Spinning image”. Haaa

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
April 10, 2016 3:20 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Meant spitting image

April 10, 2016 3:41 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Wow… Sixers in trouble… Owner way over his head… Never seen anything like this…shame

April 10, 2016 9:20 pm

What the hell is going on. You bring in Coangelo so that he can hire his own son without any search?

April 10, 2016 10:43 pm
Reply to  bugsyhawk

Bugs, Ciggy, we are on the same line of thinking. Something isn’t right about this.

I have this feeling that, This guy is going to over think things, and just ruin what could potentially be a dynasty of talent, and do something crazy like trade the #1 pick for a has been, or overrated superstar like Blake Griffin, or Derrick Rose.

This should be the last year of perceived tanking, and should be simple to execute.

Embiid, Okafor, and Noel can’t all play together, okay one has to be traded, my choice would be Noel. He is an excellent defender, but that’s it. It’s a crap shoot what you would get out of him offensively, especially if he isn’t getting an allyoop dunk; because he can’t create his own shot consistently enough to warrant anything more than a defensive role on this roster.

They can sign Giannis Adetkoumpbo, as a FA, and he can give us what Noel could give, and more, playing him at the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, and also an insurance in case Embiid isn’t 100% healthy. We don’t know that he is healthy, to think so when he hasn’t played a game is foolish.

We can only hope they can get Ben Simmons – I don’t think Ingram – potentially will be a good as Simmons, even with his jump shot issues. Magic didn’t have a consistent jumper coming out of Michigan State. Ingram isn’t close to Kevin Durant; Durant can play the point. Ingram can’t!!…Just because he is tall with a decent shot doesn’t anoint him as the next Durant. Stop it.

I would like to see them get Durant, or Westbrook, and I think it’s absolutely possible – money talks, especially with the presence of supporting cast talent.

I’m not sure if Brian Colangelo can be trusted with those decisions, I don’t think his father could either; He’d make them the Phoenix Suns 2017 – no thank you; I don’t trust either one of them.

April 11, 2016 9:56 am
Reply to  gmcliff

You and Jon Hart both think that they can get Durant or Westbrook. I am not sure that I see it. Other teams are going to have money too and they will probably have proven superstars on their teams. I still don’t see it. I hope that you are right. Oh and I would rather have Durant. As good as Westbrook is, I don’t want another guy who can’t shoot on this team. Love him as a consolation, but I would rather have Durant.

April 11, 2016 10:10 am
Reply to  bugsyhawk

there is not a gm on planet earth that could convince westbrook, lebron, durant or any of the top nba players to take less money to come and play in philly! no nba superstar is taking less $ to play with kids in philly and practicing in camden. NEVER!!!!!!!!! The odds are less than your chances of winning the power ball

April 11, 2016 12:54 pm
Reply to  mhenski

Thanks for bringing me back to Earth Mhenski. You are right.

April 11, 2016 7:46 am

Do Note that Jerry C was asked to join the 76ers to basically ensure that Sam Hinkie or at least the “tanking process” would end… At Age 76 and coming out of semi-retirement as a Basketball Executive, Jerry C was not the Long-Term fix/presence for the 76ers Front Office moving Forward… Jerry C needed a good year to evaluate the Roster, Coaches, The books and Hinkies Plan.
Once he determined the who and what, he advised Ownership hat needed to be done so he Hired his Son Bryan as GM and Old Friend Coach Mark D’Antonio and will shortly walk away and let them 2 worry about rebuilding the 76ers Future… Jerry C will be returning to his semi-retirement as he was before the NBA Office called him to fix this 76er mess which in the end is going to take a few more years than Jerry C is willing to spend on fixing it…

April 12, 2016 9:28 am
Reply to  paulman

D’Antonio is a terrible coach. I hope that they stay with Brown instead of that ahole retread.

April 11, 2016 3:48 pm

To Put things in Perspective about the 76ers
The Golden State Warriors Won their 72nd Game of the Season last evening.
The 76ers have Won a Total of 72 Games since Nov 30th, 2012 … Brutal…

April 11, 2016 4:17 pm
Reply to  paulman

can the phillies please stop it with freddy galvis. please stop its insulting

April 11, 2016 4:18 pm
Reply to  mhenski

thats a crazy stat paul

April 11, 2016 5:02 pm
Reply to  mhenski

It is …

April 11, 2016 4:29 pm
Reply to  mhenski

I remember a few years ago people saying don’t sign Rollins and let galvis play short…. Galvis is not an everyday player, it’s been evident from day 1…. Crawford will be there soon

April 11, 2016 4:33 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

JP needs to figure it out at the plate