There’s some irony in the fact that while the NFL owners and players are in the Washington D.C. area arguing about whether they should play 18-game seasons, I was headed to a local MRI to have pictures taken of my brain.
I’ve had numerous MRI’s before, but I’ve never had any pictures done of my brain. I spent about 45-minutes at a local MRI facility this morning getting pictures taken of my gray matter. I feel fine and haven’t had the headaches that others have had, but there are things that I don’t remember.
My Mom and Dad, and brothers and sisters talk about things that happened when we were growing up that I don’t remember at all. My wife talks about things and I look at her and say, “Are you kidding, when did that happen”.
I don’t sleep very long. The most I will sleep is four or five hours tops, regardless of whether I’ve had been up all night or not. I don’t think that’s a big deal but I want to make sure. I’m going to be examined by a psychologist as well.
After reading the stories about my former teammate and friend Andre Waters and recently about a guy I played against, Chicago Bears safety Dave Duerson, I was eager to have a doctor take a look at what was under my skull. If I’ve got a problem I want to know it.
I did an internet show one time with Dave Duerson last year and he seemed fine to me, but you never know what’s going on with people unless you live with them. Even then people can hide things from you if they want to.
As I said, I feel fine, but It’s not the best feeling to walk around and not be sure whether you’re a ticking time bomb or not.
I have former Eagles teammates who say to me, “Cobb, you know there’s something wrong with all of us”. I laugh out loud, but deep down, I’m not laughing.
I can remember one concussion that I had in high school. I was carrying the ball up the middle on a dive and somebody hit me. They had to come from my blind side and I was out for a split second. I know when I got up the sun was very bright. I’m talking about extremely bright.
I played the rest of the game, but it was strange. I wasn’t all there, but I was able to go through the motions, but I knew something had happened. I didn’t really know what a concussion was back then.
I suffered another concussion when I was in my freshman year at USC. I was covering a punt and somebody came out of nowhere and hit me under my chin. I was out for a split-second, but I got up and starting running to other team’s sideline. My teammates came and got me.
I played the rest of that game and like that game during my sophomore year in high school, I wasn’t myself during that game. It’s like I was doing things out of muscle-memory without being able to cognitively make decisions.
I’ve been asked how many concussions did a suffer in the NFL and I’m not sure at all. I remember many times having a headache after a hit, but I’m not sure they were concussions.
I guess you just get to the point where you just play the game and refuse to pay attention to any pain.
My doctor will take a good look at the pictures and I’ll know next week what type of shape my brain is in. The players need to spend plenty of time weighing the negatives of playing 18-regular season games. I thought I was invincible when I came into the league. I thought I could run through a wall.
I’ve found out that’s not the case, the wall wins in the end.
We’ll see what they say.
18 game season is out and players like yourself have to be the flag carriers for the young guys who don’t know any better. The players and their union have to look at the Waters, Duerson’s to name just a few as a shot across the bow for increased sensitivity and health care benefits for this 9 Billion dollar industry.
Something HAS to be wrong with you GCOBB. No sane TRUE Philadelpha Eagle would EVER go play for the Cowboys under ANY circumstances. So in your case, I blame it on a head injury.
All kidding aside, I hope you’re a lucky one and don’t have to deal with any lifelong injuries after playing the game. Keep us posted and may God be with you.
The NFL and football is in serious trouble if there aren’t big changes. Parents won’t let their kids play and the money will dry up.
They need to figure out how to protect players, and it’s NOT about concussions. It’s about the everyday hitting, the trenches. Concussions are a symptom, not the problem.
Studies have shown that ever-day hits in football are the equivillent of being in a car accident to the brain. Would it be healthy to be in 50 car accidents a week every week for 20 years?
Good points MugzyB. I’ve been against an 18-game schedule from beginning. The season is PLENTY long enough to determine who is worthy to be in playoffs. They even need to cut one game off preseason, then just play the 16 of reg season. Owners need to take care of the players (the Golden Goose really, not TV contracts) better, not just themselves. The players are the game.
I too am strongly against an 18 game season. From a fan’s perspective, it’s already the perfect amount of games. A lot of players can’t even last a full 16 games; what makes the owners think adding two more games will make things any better?
Okay so where are they getting this “the fans would love an 18 games season” crap from, becasue I don’t want it and nobody that I have talked to has said that they want it either.
So where is this coming from? Just like they us fans want to import not just the entertainment of the sport overseas, but they want to shovel games and teams also. No one I have talked to supports going that far either.
Hey NFL we don’t want 18 games, and we don’t want a world league either, send a few games over there for them to enjoy but don’t dare export teams over there.
How oh how do we fans get the attention of the big heads in the ivory football towers. We don’t want a team in europe, or china, or dang gone India, we don’t want an 18 game season. In return for not doing these things we will continue to make you the biggest sport next to soccer that there is…. GET IT Commissioner?
Hey Commish can you freaking hears us NOW. Leave us alone, give us our football and accept the billions that we give you directly and indirectly through your sponsers, and leave the dang blasted United Nations missions to the gosh darn politicians.
wish you all the best, good health and a long life. Thanks for your efforts as a player and journalist providing enjoyment to us fans.
I’ve been thinking about this, and the only reason fans concerns aren’t specifically listened to is we have no unified voice. If there were a fan “union” we could more effectively have our concerns heard, and the threat of a boycott taken seriously. Can you imagine a 4 million fan union threatening to boycott watching the superbowl!! being part of the fan union might make some individuals more inclined to follow the party recommendations. The owners would have to listen. Just a thought
God Bless and I hope you are alright.
I believe you are fine, at least psychologically…… I mean, you recognize that there could be a problem so you want to get help and checked out. You are clearly thinking rationally and sane. Most insane people or the people that just pop off out of nowhere never think that there could be something wrong, or if they do, they don’t go get help.
As for the memory loss……. I just hope that nothing was affected with your brain over the years to cause that and it is just simply things that didn’t make enough of an impact on you to remember. Not everyone remembers every little thing that happens to them. There are lots of things that family members remember me doing that I don’t, and I never had any concussions or really played sports. Some things just didn’t make a big enough impact on me to remember. I think it happens to everyone.
Wishing all the best for you Mr. Cobb.
Hope your tests come out fine G-Man,
Continued hits to the Head in any form or fashion cannot be good for long-term
mental health.. Glad to hear you being proactive and getting it checked out
Good Luck G, I hope everything turns out ok for you…
G, we hope and pray for the best man its great that you got it checked out before anything really strange happens. The 18 game season is utterly ridiculous there is no way the players can agree to such a thing.
Too many players after there playing days end up seriously effected and where is the nfl when guys can barely stand or sitdown? Somewhere counting there billions. Its not right
Great to hear that you have been proactive and getting some professionals to take a look. While I’m sure that everything will be fine, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Best of luck G.
Just to lighten things up for a Friday
I went to the Doctors this morning to have a MRI on my Brain also,
The Doctor came out afterwards and stated very emphatically, that I had none…