Nick Foles’ former head coach at the University of Arizona, Mike Stoops was on 97.5 with Brian Baldinger and Jon Marx, this afternoon and he had a lot to say.
The former Arizona head coach and current Oklahoma offensive coordinator, (his brother Bob is head coach of the Sooners), says he knew of Foles when he was in high school in Texas. He talked about the young quarterback first going to Michigan State, becoming disenchanted with the situation there, then transferring to Arizona.
Stoops said Foles showed him he could develop into a franchise quarterback during his time in Arizona. The coach said Foles had all of the ingredients, size, strong arm, very smart, accuracy, toughness and poise. It was one of the reasons he told Birds offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg that the Eagles should draft Foles and they wouldn’t be disappointed.
The Sooners’ offensive coordinator said Foles’ size is comparable to that of Pittsburgh Steelers franchise quarterback and two-time Super Bowl Champion, Ben Roethlisberger.
He said his poise in the pocket and coolness under pressure is like New England future Hall of Fame quarterback,Tom Brady, who has led the Patriots to five Super Bowls and won three of them, including beating the Eagles in the 2005 contest. The coach said that Brady and Foles both have functional escapability.
Stoops said the toughness of Foles is really special. The coach said the youngster got pounded during his time at Arizona, but never let the hits get to him.
He admitted that it’s still early in the process, but Stoops said he’s not surprised by the early success of his former signal caller, adding at the end that the youngster won’t get big-headed by his early success.
Marx added that Foles has dropped to pass 57 times so far in the preseason, but yet to be sacked.
Hasn’t been sacked? That’s weird.
I’ve read on here 50,000x that the Eagles Oline (esp Kelce, Watkins and this year Mathis) is terrible and can’t pass block. That without Vick’s “escapability” any Qb back there would get demolished by this oline.
It was actually 59 dropbacks because he scrambled 2x
Foles: 59 dropbacks. 2 scrambles. O sacks 2 picks
Vick: 9 dropbacks. 1 scramble. 1 sack. 1 big hit that caused pick
Must be the oline.
Foles: Attempted what was called by coaches 93% of the time (55 of 59)
Vick: Attempted what was called by coaches 67% of the time (6 of 9)
Must be the oline
Foles: 3% of his called plays result in something negative (2 of 59…2 picks)
Vick: 22% of his plays result in something negative (2 or 9…1pick, one sack)
Must be the oline.
BTW – Fock now doing what coaches ask is the norm for him. He “improvises” on about 25% of his plays and always has…nothing new.
We’ve always been told its because he “has to”. No other option….bad oline, bad playcalls , whatever…he had to bail, scramble, make something happen….
Does he?
VV, you better stop, or you will be accused of being a racist again, for the umpteenth time. But don’t let the truth get in the way of all of their delusions.
the stats dont lie vinnie!!!
VV – amen brother.. a-freakin-men.. a number of Vicks sacks and hits last year were because Vick wondered outside the protection.. and the hit against New England was completley avoidable..
The only thing that would have made your Stats even better were if you included the data for Edwards (and for the record, I would keep Vick, Edwards and Foles and cut Kafka – this whole ‘we have two years invested’ – who cares – its not like Edwards is Jeff Garcia’s age!)
I don’t think Edwards was sacked either… and the fact that both Edwards and Foles throw the ball away when the play has broken down..
I often wonder if that idiot Songs has any understanding of simple facts like you just posted….. yeah, must be Watkins and KElces fault?
I also wonder if the pass to run ratio is any different with Foles and Edwards in then when Vick was in (another popular ‘gripe’).. guess when you only play a certain number of snaps hard to figure out..
I have no problme with Vick if he understands he needs to play smart..
spot on vinnie. wonder how long it will take for someone to call you a racist. haaaa
The stats do lie! How can you compare stats between players where one player has only attempted 9 drop backs and the other 60? How?
Also how can you compare stats between a starter and another that played against 2nd and 3rd stringers? How can those stats tell any truth? Maybe the 2nd, 3rd string O Line is better than the competition? possibly?
So its all Vick’s fault that he got hurt against NE? Mathis wasn’t supposed to block the man that came right up the gut I guess….
This is where I get pissed off…did Mathis have a job to do on that play or not?
That terrible INT that Foles threw against Cleveland, came off some pressure, would you rather have a sack or an INT….
Now the only type of play I want to see Vick avoid is the play that happened when he got hurt against NE….But as far as Vick taking a sack…So what whoopty f’n doo…Every QB in the league gets sacked! Every single one!
Also on the sack that Vick took, he moved up in the pocket while looking for receivers and then brought the ball down and took the sack….Was a WR definitely open on that play? There was a RB out of the back field on a route, and I believe DJAX and Maclin…3 options, and from the highlights everyone was covered, in fact I saw 2-3 men around McCoy (where the dump off pass would have been) WR’s running routes down the field – LOOK AT THE HIGHLIGHT….
So are you really complaining about Vick’s lone sack in this preseason under that circumstance? Really? Give me a f’n break!
Had Vick took the sack on the play he got hurt against NE, you guys would be complaining about that….That is bullshit!!!
First of all….Foles played against the exact same players as Vick did VS NE. Foles played against Cleveland’s 1st stringers.
But fine…you don’t like what I posted because Vick only took 9 dropbacks…then lets compare his results to last year:
For the purpose of this a “negative play” is one which results in a sack, fumble, or int. I think that’s fair.
Vick had 522 dropbacks (423 atts + 23 sacks + 76 scrambles)
Of those 522 dropbacks Vick attempted what the coaches asked 423 times. Or 81% of the time…better than this preseason (67%)…but lower than Foles
Of those 522 dropbacks, 47 resulted in negative plays (sacks, picks, fumbles). That’s 9%, lower than this year’s preseason, but again, higher than the rookie Foles…or the pathetic journeyman Edwards for that matter!
Vick had 506 dropbacks (372 atts + 100 scrambles + 34 sacks)
Of those 506 dropbacks, Vick attempted what coaches asked 372x, or 73% of the time.
Of those 506 dropbacks, 51 resulted in negative plays. That’s 10%
So lets review…..
Do what coaches ask on a dropback (throw the ball)
2010 73% of the time
2011 81% of the time
2012 67% of the time
Dropback results in a negative play (sack, fumble or pick)
2010 10%
2011 10%
2012 20%
Just for fun!
Negative plays in atlanta
2001 24 of 144 or 17%
2002 50 of 534 or 9%
2003 16 of 140 or 11%
2004 74 of 441 or 17%
2005 57 of 489 or 12%
2006 67 of 511 or 13%
Career average negative plays in Atl…. 288 of 2259 or 12.5%
Career average negative plays in Phi….98 of 1028 or just under 10%
OMG – he’s improving!!!! But I am not at all suprised that he’s at 20% this preseason. He is 32 yrs old and his legs and body have been pounded for a decade….he’s losing that escapability (like it or not its true) and so his negative play number is bound to rise…
Actually ran the play the coaches called (throw the ball on a dropback)
2001 68%
2002 74%
2003 67%
2004 66%
2005 74%
2006 70%
With Birds
2010 73% (I’m SHOCKED)
2011 81% (outlier)
2012 67% (honestly – how can you be suprised by this number and say it was because he only had 9 atts???? Its his CAREER AVERAGE!!!
For every single year of his career, something bad happens one out of every 10x he drops back.
For every single year of his career he’s bailed on over 25+% of the plays the coaches called. (I cannot imagine how frustrating this is for the Wrs and Oline)
Must have been every oline.
Must have been all the bad coaches
Must have been all the terrible play calling.
Can’t be anything but the one constant in the equation. Vick.
Vick sucks elephant nads. He is, was, & always will be, an overrated, injury prone, mistake prone, flawed QB, who is incapable of change, in which we will win nothing, until he is gone. People can make all of the excuses, & have all of the delusions they want, but it doesn’t change those facts. He is nothing more than a product of ESPN BS highlight reels & the PS3 Madden games. Nothing more. I don’t know who pisses me off more, Lin, Lebron James, Favre, Teblow, or Vick! All overrated, media hyped, hard-ons for ESPN & reporters trying to out do each other. GFYS!!!!
Vick is going to have a great year. Foles time will come.. The competition should make vick even better..
Every year is a different year…last year is gone…!!
Also in the NE game, did Mathis blow a block after the Vick injury? Is it possible that the line had a wake up call and played better as the game went on? Is it possible they felt it would be easier at the start because they weren’t playing against the 1st stringers? Is that possible Vinnie? Or is that all dependent on the QB?
Again I ask, did Mathis have a job to do on that play or not? Or are we gonna sit here and play the blame game and blame a man that was trying to avoid a hit due to another’s man mistake?
Vinnie comparing Foles to Vick is just stupid….plain and simple! Vick is the now, and that is a fact….Foles being the future is not!
From here on out I will no longer associate with your dumb ass, as I want to stay as far away from negativity as possible during the season.
All I got to say is “Lets go Eagles”
Damn, couldn’t help myself….this will be my last post addressing you……Vick bailing on 25% of his dropbacks? Ummm duh, dumb ass, majority of his career Vick ran for long gains, first downs, even with the Eagles he has done this…You dont gain over 5000 yards rushing as a QB without doing that….So you have a problem with what Vick does better than any QB to ever the play the game? haha, ok you make tons of sense! A problem with what made Vick, Vick?
@DCar – I have never accused anyone of being a racist on this site! There are quite a few that can vouch for me on that! Real Talk!…..your boy Vinnie may not be racist…But he is one prejudice MTF! He probably has tons of stereo types about young black athletes from inner cities…why he doesn’t like DJAX/Vick, why cuz of their swag? their slang? their confidence? With DJAX and Vick he calls the confidence cockiness….With other players he calls confidence, confidence….so if you want to shake his hand for his personal hatreds then so be it! But him complaining about Vick rushing and even providing a stat about Vick scrambling or leaving the pocket, is a bit much, he is reaching….I’ll ask you the same thing….Do you have a problem with Vick picking up a 1st down with his legs, instead of taking a sack? I know your boy probably would say he could have thrown for a 1st down? My counter to that, is every time? Every time Vick drops back someone is open? are you serious? C’Mon, ha that is bullshit….!!!
I am impressed on how Foles at such young age has great “Pocket Awareness”
Unlike VIck who simply puts his head down and runs out wide, or like Kolb who ran backwards and for his life .. Foles slides up and around the Pocket to avoid the initial rush,but has his eyes downfield to spot the open receivers and then has the wherewithall to actually get rid of the ball to his playmakers.. Foles running for yardage is only a last option… Vick has never been able to do this and I doubt after Vicks 10 Years in the NFL that he will ever be able to.. Vick is very athletic no doubt, but relies on playing “street ball” at QB which is exciting to watch but will not consistently win you games in the NFL..
Also DCAR – what have you won prior to Vick? you sound like a dumb ass too!
Paulman, you are funny as hell….Kolb had good pocket awareness when he was a backup too! You thought Kolb was the real deal until he designated the future of the Eagles and ran into the Packers…real talk!
So let me paint a picture…
NFC championship game – 4th quarter, 2 mins left in game, Eagles are down by 3….3rd and 9. All receivers are covered….
Foles takes the sack….or throws the ball away…
Vick decides not to take the sake or throw the ball away and decides to play “street ball” and gets a first down….ummmm, yea I’ll take that!
If we were keeping score in this argument it would be Vinnie 7, real talk 1.
In my opinion Vinnie does not like Vick and D Jax because they are both highly overrated, get a lot of media buzz, talk a huge game and rarely back up their talk.
It is very easy not to like Desean, guy is in the media all day every day and talks like he is a #1 receiver but is nowhere close to a #1 receiver he is an average #2 or a great #3 but he is a 1 trick pony and has demonstrated time and time again that he does not put team first (meaning he is not a team player) and will quit on the team whenever he sees fit. That is not a likeable guy in my opinion. Sir Charles said it yesterday on Missanelli’s radio show, this city will love you if they know you are giving 110% on every play which is why Charles was loved and why Westbrook is loved, Desean has demonstrated and admitted he hasn’t always gave it his all so that is why he isnt loved, has nothing to do with race.
RealTalk great quarterbacks throw guys open, its what they do, thats what winners do.
Real Talk for Real Talk you have some growing up to do in order to be successful in life – when one person criticizes a black man don’t assume it has anything to do with race and try to listen and understand where they are coming from and their points. People are criticizing the most important position and player on any football team it comes with the territory (just so happens Vick is black). If you go through life thinking constructive criticism is racist and always sticking up for a certain race even when you are wrong you are gonna have a tough go at life and probably never be successful and respected.
Kolb never had good pocket presence you just lost a point 7-0 now
UM Mhenski….we know who’s side you are on…
Before you openly share your thoughts you might want to get confirmation first…I’ve been on this site longer than you have, son! your boy Vinnie has openly admitted he has prejudices against certain types of QB’s Real Talk…so for butting in you’re at -7points for talking about something you have no idea what you’re talking about….
“Great QB’s throw guys open, its what they do, thats what winners do”
So you are telling me that Rodgers, Brees, Brady even Marino, Young, Aikman never took sacks or threw the ball away…They were able to throw a man open on every single drop back they took…Damn, the dumb asses are out in full force today!
MHenski, if you dont mind let me ask your age? (since I have growing up to do)
I’m 31, I make 90K a year, computer networking..I’m marred to an Italian woman, who I have 3 kids with…I own a home, I sponsor and coach my own AAU basketball team…i’m successful already….
In fact probably more successful than you are, Real Talk!
How many SB’s has the Eagles won prior to Vick? Now Vick is here and wants to win this city a SB, wants to do it for the fans and his coach, he can’t get any support? No wonder you’ve never won a SB, you dont deserve it, karma is a bitch!
Well if what you wrote is true you are not more successful than I in the working field but I do admire what you do with the basketball team.
Regardless my comment is not about your age it is about the way you will go through life and if you are going through life thinking people are racist if they criticize a certain person who just so happens to be a certain race than you have growing up to do and if you do you will be a better person and people will recognize you are and treat you differently. I know I can’t change people but I am just offering some friendly advice.
Mhenski what are you 40 – 50?
what were you doing when you were my age? dont talk to me about success…I know it and I live it! I teach it!
my family is white and my family is black…I dont see color, that is my point…but me as a black man, sorry I know prejudice….I’ve seen it first hand…Have you ever been discriminated against? Have you ever been stereotyped as a thief…have you ever had management follow you around a store? have you ever been pulled over by cops and searched for speeding? I have, I’ve seen discrimination first hand…So don’t tell me to act as if the shit don’t exist…I call a spade a spade and unfortunately your boy Vinnie is prejudice! (you do know there is a diff between prejudice and racist, right?)
Realtalk….I think your new name is doubletalk!
If by prejudiced you mean I dislike stupid and reckless QBs and prefer intelligent, controlled QBs….then yes I’m prejudiced. And Vick is a stupid, reckless QB. (He may nor may not be stupid, but he plays stupidly)
But remember, its you that defines that prejudice in terms of race, not I.
It is you that takes the statement, “Vick plays stupidly and recklessly” and interprets it as “Vinnie hates black Qbs”.
So those are your issues to deal with.
As for
“He probably has tons of stereo types about young black athletes from inner cities…why he doesn’t like DJAX/Vick, why cuz of their swag”
Are they the only 2 Eagles’ from inner cities? I don’t like them because they’re me first, chest pumping, always looking for the camera to tell the world how great they are – while rarely backing it up – kind of guys”
Again, its not a race thing…its a humility thing. Do you think Desean, ever, in a million years, whould fall down at the 1 like Westbrook did to win a game? No…he would have somesaulted into the endzone holding the ball above his head because he needs his facetime. I hate those guys. Those guys never win in the end. Just ask Moss, or Owens, Ocho or the litany of other “I’m bigger than the team” bozos.
Oh….and Realtalk…..
Instead of coming up with fantasy scenarios, “what if it was 3rd and 9 and blah blah….”
And instead concentrate on real scenarios…..like….
1st and 10 at the GB 27 with 44 seconds left. (lots of time and 4 downs). Vick (for some unknown reason) locks onto Cooper as they’re walking up tp the LOS. Stares at him the entire time, and underthrows a ball to him that’s picked while 2 playser (I think Maclin and McCoy) are wide open at the right (at about the 20 and the 10)
Vick always has trouble with the “live to play the next play”. Always has to force the action and “make a play” by scrambling, or holding ball too long…whatever it is. Reckless and inconsistent.
When Mathis comes thru….step left or right and toss the ball OB. 2nd down. Move on…..nope….turn around, run back to 16 yrds behind the LOS and get pasted while throwing a hail mary. That’s the Vick way! Good times.
then again…he does have a new Kevlar vest…so its all good.
Can’t get through to a total fucking hamburger like RealTalk so I am done. Guy got mashed potato brains.
Hey RealTalk777 when you are ready to grow up and take Vicks dick outta your mouth and support all players not just your kind, holla. Thats real talk
@Mhenski – So you insult me cuz, I see shit differently than you…or don’t agree with you…and I need to grow up? ok…
now I know this is immature of me but sorry!!!
I’ll beat the shit out of you! and while I’m doing I’ll make you say Vick is the best QB in the league! pussy! So I see you and Vinnie are now butt buddies….Surprised you can even talk to me considering you got Vinnie **** in your ass…shut the F up and bite the pillow bitch!
As for Vinnie, whatever dumb ass!
hahahaha —- ummm since when does RealTalk not support the Eagles players?
@Mhenski – the reason why you’re really salty…is cuz I called your ass out bout your age and success…right? what are you 45+, and making what 10K more than I if that? mad that you aint have the success I have at the age of 31? I wouldn’t be surprised, that’s what hata’s do….
Not even salty. Laughing my ass off at how stupid someone can be. You are a total hamburger bro.
I am 94, I live on a social security check of $299/week and life is grand. I really enjoy my life and realize how fortunate I am when I meet hamburgers like yourself.
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Wow I see common sense has left the building, let’s talk about Nick Foles when you know he actually plays and produces in a real NFL game that counts. Until then all this is nonsense. I for one hopes that if Vick gets hurt Foles comes in and can be that franchise QB that everyone thinks he’ll be. Vinnie you don’t like Vick nothing wrong with your opinion but it makes no sense whatsoever to compare what he’s done in the preseason to what Vick has done for a career.