• January 10, 2025

Jason Avant: “Guys Are Going To Cheat This Week”

There’s no way out of having the replacement refs doing the games tonight and this weekend.  The NFL has committed to it, but  it doesn’t sound like anybody else is happy about it.  Eagles slot receiver Jason Avant made some very profound statements about what it’s going to be like in week one to play with the replacement officials calling the game.

Avant started out by saying something good about the commissioner and the league.

“This is league is all about, our commissioner is all about player safety”, Avant began.

He then talked about how he and his teammates felt about the replacement refs.

“A lot of guys are kind of concerned about it, that’s a big deal for us as far as player safety”, Avant said while surrounded by a group of local media members.  “Around the locker room everyone talks about it. All the players know about it.  There are some things are  going to get called, some things are not going to be called.”

Player safety has been a major subject in the NFL for the last couple of years with the concussion issue and New Orleans Saints bounty scandal dominating the news.

“And when you go into a game, you know what things you can get away with, with these refs that we have”, Avant continued.  “Guys are going to like cheat this week.”

“I play the inside position a lot for most of the game. Even for the regular officials, that’s the most non-calls in the league is on the inside, With that being said, it’s going to be hard for guys who aren’t accustomed to making those calls to see those calls.  I’m not conerned about it, but I just have to do a little pushing off myself.  Ha Ha.”

It’s very important to the league office that the refs not blow calls that cost a team or teams games.  They need the replacement refs to avoid making the big mistake this weekend.  You know a big mistake would dominate the news and force the league to work out a deal with the long-time NFL refs.

The NFL is by far the number one sports league in the U.S., yet they’ve decided to lower their standard by playing regular season games, which are reffed by mediocre to bad officials.

Avant didn’t have any problems telling us that he expects other players to try and take advantage of these refs, so he’s not going to get caught with his pants down.

What if one of these refs cost a couple of team games which keep them out of the playoffs? What if they make a mistake that gets a player injured?

I think this lockout is going to be solved by next Tuesday after the first week of games.



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September 5, 2012 2:38 pm

Its hard for me to hear about “player safety” when these same players fight every rule change aimed at preserving player safety. If they are concerned with player safety they should not be against all the HGH testing.

The truth of the matter is that they players are a union and so are the refs, and so…. as good unions do….. they have each others back.

I dont have an opinion about the replacment refs or the big bad NFL because all that has been revealed is both sides public attempts to get public support for their efforts. So……. i really dont care about this. And neither do most fans…. because its not like the reg refs earned our love or support over the years either.

September 5, 2012 3:47 pm

Well with automatic replays of scores and turnovers some of the negative effects of second rate refs will be lessened

September 5, 2012 9:30 pm

The biggest “non-story” of the year is about the replacement refs.

How they’ll be so terrible…really? Have the regular refs set the bar that high? This is the same as replacing Mike Vick at QB – what’s the big deal? 🙂

My prediction is that, without ESPM, peter King and all the rest of the talking heads screaming about the inept reffing, fans will hardly notice.

Can the replacement refs be any worse than that travesty of a Super Bowl when the (crooked) zebra squad won the game for the Steelers over the Seahawks?

September 5, 2012 9:51 pm

If the Birds have a rungame,which I belivd it will be a tad under last years production,they should be able to stay in this division.

Cowboys oline needs to get better now.Eli missed Bennett on a tough throw.Bradshaw is not a bellcow back.Romo is close to dicing the giants secondary.Anyone else scouting these rivals?

That super bowl call was a hosing like no other dude.they do need to figure that ref thing out quick.avant makes a good point .these guys don’t know the pros tricks.

September 5, 2012 11:26 pm

As if players don’t try to cheat any way they can any week regardless of who the refs are…give me a break

If you wan’t to tell me that the replacement refs will screw up the integrity of the game etc.. then IM ok with that. (Even though the real refs have screwed that up enough over the past years esp in some of the biggest playoffs games and superbowls)..

I just dont understand the talk about player safety when it comes to the replacement refs…Are the replacement refs out there hitting the players on the field? ARe they the ones teaching technique to the players on how to hit and tackle? Are they the ones in the locker rooms doing their best Greg Williams impressions on killing the head of players?ARe they the ones paying each other off for knocking the opposing star out of the game? Are they the ones instilling fines and suspensions on players after they do something illegal on sundays?

September 11, 2012 10:08 am

anyone think, this comment have anything to do with some of the penalties called against the Birds? maybe WR’s watched a little more than normal….There were a few holding penalties called on WR’s on Sunday