• January 31, 2025

McNabb Is Approaching RGIII In The Wrong Way

Former Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb says he and his father want to have a sit down with Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III and his father.  He may be sincere about wanting the chance to help RGIII with some helpful advice, but he’s going about it in all the wrong way.  Going public with the criticism is the last thing you want to do.

I’ve heard that he tried to set up the meeting privately, but grew impatient so he went public with his wish.  Going public is a mistake and then criticizing RGIII is going to all but end any chance of the youngster sitting down with him.  McNabb publicly criticized the young quarterback for doing too many things and he tries to rehabilitate his knee after off season knee surgery.

“I get some of things he’s doing to draw attention to himself: the Adidas commercials, going out and enjoying the life of a young, famous NFL quarterback.  I understand RG has a lot of stuff going on,” McNabb said to Mike Wise of the Washington Post.  “But if you’re coming off ACL surgery, you don’t need to be having a press conference at OTAs.  Every week?  Really?  It becomes a circus, a sideshow.  It takes away from the focus of what those sessions are supposed to be about:  the team.”

Donovan McNabbI do think McNabb has a point, but why not send him an email or a text message to tell him that, if he can’t get an audience with him.   Don’t say it publicly because that makes people put up their guard.  McNabb even went further with the criticism of the young Redskins quarterback.

“So when I look up on TV and see him up there talking all the time about how great he’s doing — or doing jumping jacks or someone else talking about his supernatural healing powers — I wonder to myself:  Is this about selling tickets to the fans or what?

“I don’t blame him.  They’re letting him do it.  But at some point, it can be counterproductive.  You can set yourself up for more criticism later.”

The former Eagles number five must see himself as the Michael Jordan of quarterbacks, which he’s not.  He shouldn’t act like he’s up on some type of pedestal talking down to the rest of the quarterbacks, be they young or old.  He had a very good career, but he didn’t dominate the sport to the point where he should get an audience with anybody he wants.  If he had pursued a meeting quietly he might have gotten one, but now that’s very doubtful.

McNabb even criticized Griffin’s father, RGII.

“His dad should have never done a one-on-one interview like that,” McNabb told Wise.  “You can’t say what he said because it almost undermines his son, who has to answer all the questions about it later.  Now, we all know what he said was right.  But that’s something you voice behind closed doors because otherwise it creates a wedge that didn’t have to be there.  No team needs those kinds of things hovering over them.”

McNabb put up some impressive numbers during his time with the Eagles, but he was never adept at maneuvering through public relations mazes and he still hasn’t mastered that art.


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June 3, 2013 12:06 pm

mcnabb lol. its a wrap dude

June 3, 2013 12:07 pm

he should teach him how to do the air guitar

June 3, 2013 2:38 pm

McNabb probably knows the meeting isn’t going to happen, but by making his thoughts known in public RGIII/RGII and others in a similar position can’t just ignore it. Conversations about what was said will be discussed publicly like it’s being discussed here and ultimately when people start saying “Well, Donovan was right, but…” it’s really not going to matter because he could have just said nothing and let the kid absorb his unnecessary lumps.

Griffin is the guy that came back too early and tore his ACL unnecessarily…I would say that’s pretty counterproductive to his career.

June 3, 2013 3:08 pm

I understand what Donovan is trying to say, and its probably the right message….(get out of the limelight, do your job, people wilrespect that) he’s just always been a little ‘awkward’ in the way he makes statements/handles that kind of thing.

I think RGIII is “out there” too much….he’s on TV every 15 seconds it seems. You know I loved it when Luck was asked why he wasn’t on TV as much and he just said he didn’t have time…had to prepare for football….the rest of that would come in time. Exactly.

RGIII is everywhere right now. If I were a skins fan, I’d much prefer that he was nowhere.

Though we really should ask Songs, now that he’s a Skins fan.

June 3, 2013 4:00 pm

I heard RGIII is playing 3 More Years for the Redskins then Teaming up with
Hillary Clinton to be her Vice Presidential Candidate of the these United States of America for the 2016 Election… To Counter, Republican Jeb Bush is looking at Troy Aikman or Roger Staubach as his Running Mate..
Good Times ahead for the US and it’s Citizens..

June 3, 2013 4:30 pm

What a hypocrite. McNabb’s mommy and daddy were in the media defending him because he couldn’t do it himself…then you had the commercials with his mom..his dad comparing the trade to Jesus resurrection etc. But now its all distraction when RG3 does similar things? McNabb also said he thought RG3 criticism was unfair. Yet he was one of the first ppl to criticize the kid before he even took a snap, saying his skills wont be a good fit. He might be the most annoying former player out there (to go along with Tebow). Also, may be the biggest weirdo. Grown ass man former NFL player going into the public media to request a meeting and lets bring our dads? what the hell

June 3, 2013 4:40 pm

bla bla bla…. Mind your Biz Dmac. If you care.. send him a letter…. if he doesnt care… leave him alone.

Im a McNabb fan but…. time to move on.