On Saturday night, Sixers fans received some disturbing news about last year’s top draft pick Joel Embiid.
Embiid may have suffered a setback in his recovery from the foot surgery that kept him sidelined all of last season. A recent CT scan shows that there has been less healing than doctors would have anticipated to this point, and the team is currently reevaluating their options on how the center should proceed in his recovery moving forward.
The worst-case scenario would mean a second surgery for Embiid which would likely force him to miss the entire 2015-16 season.
If Embiid were to be forced to miss yet another season, it would be a devastating blow to the Sixers’ rebuilding plans.
The Sixers appear ready to take the next step in Sam Hinkie’s vision, and begin playing to win games next season. Brett Brown himself has stated that winning will be a priority for him, and the organization has shown signs of those same sentiments with their new “This Starts Now” marketing campaigns along with their recent talks to bring Dario Saric over to the NBA in time for this coming season.
If Embiid were to go on the shelf for another season, it creates all kinds of problems.
Suddenly, a huge piece of the puzzle for 2015 may be out of the equation.
The Sixers at that point would have to seriously consider taking Jahlil Okafor or Kristaps Porzingas with third overall pick. If Embiid’s foot causes him to miss two straight seasons, than the team really can’t consider him a building block any longer. When a big man misses multiple seasons with recurring issues like that, it’s all but impossible to count on him moving forward. We’ve seen many elite talents at the center position seen their careers destroyed by health problems, from guys like Greg Oden whose injuries never allow them to get off of the ground, to the Yao Mings and Andrew Bynums who start off strong but ultimately wear down and end their careers quickly.
However, it’s too early to go into a full-blown panic about Embiid’s status.
The release that the Sixers put out last night, although troubling was still very vague. Any talk of season-ending surgery has only been speculation from outside sources and writers who cover the team. All we know right now is that the scan showed that the foot isn’t healing as well as doctors would have hoped. Embiid himself hasn’t reported any pain or discomfort.
At this point, the only fact we have is that the doctors have detected an issue with the bone’s healing. Whether or not this means anything more is to be determined.
Follow Denny Basens on Twitter @DennyBasens
Is it?!?!? We have Oden 2.0, & Ratliff/ Dalembert 2.0 as our so-called, “Cornerstones”, “Building blocks “, for a future NBA team! This is what happens, when you have a snake oil salesman running your organization, who drafts damaged goods, & stash aways! Can’t wait to see what treasures he has in store for us this year. It isn’t so cute now, the night he was showing off, throwing down between the leg dunks, while rehabbing, & was in a walking boot the next night, is it! Where are the GCobb, Hinkie-ites at now, that were getting chubbs, over his athleticism playing against Hollowman?? I said they better pray he’s the real deal, & he can stay healthy, or they’re fucked for another 5-10 years. Look for another assclown draft, & another tank year. No worries, we’ll have 3 1st’s & 25 2nd’s next year, to appease the GCobb, Hinkie-ite, Lemmings! Fucking cruel joke, all our teams have become!
Big man with bad feet….DUH!
Too early to tell but goddamit philly is cursed we deserve some good news shit
There 76ers will likely have to go big with their first Pick and maybe grab a Guard with one of their 2nd Round Picks….
Never trust a Big Man with Foot Problems for they rarely overcome their issues,pain and the inability to ever play at 100%
Looks like 2015 Season is another 25 Win Season with no real impactful Free-Agent signing with the 76ers… Delay the rebuild another 2 years..
If you believe something is wrong with Embiid -conveniently leaked right before the draft- I have some prime real estate in the mojave desert to sell you. there’s nothing wrong with him. Remember brewski told you first…lol.
And if you believe what your spewing, I’m in Real Estate, & I have plenty of nice houses, crime free, in Camden for you. What good, of any kind, can come out of releasing this news? It was leaked, & the talking heads with the black hole organization, had to do damage control. Use your brain brew.
Teams leaking info good, bad, true or false to manipulate a process to their advantage a new phenomenon dcar? That never happens bruh. Now I could be wrong and the report of this “setback” may be true, but to suggest that innuendo, smokescreens, or outright lying doesn’t take place is a little naive.
Healthy or not, Embid has a long way to go at the NBA Level..
He had what, 15-20 Good Games at Kansas 2 years ago?
Not sold on him at all.. At least Noel’s is a hardworking humble kid,
This Embid seems immature with a questionable work ethic and a likely bust
You have got to be kidding me with this crap, Tanking for what? If his career is on hold Hinkie should be out of a job. What are they selling now?
Agreed Big this tanking shit has accomplished nothing. The dam bucks are further ahead than us.
lol…bigs it’ll be okay. IJ is dead-on with is breakdown. since your my dude I saved an extra bandwagon ticket/seat. I’ll be the guy getting a lapdance from Serena Williams…lol
We need a point guard,shooting guard , small forward and center. What the fuck thus shit is crazy, all this tanking and we still don’t have a team. What the fuck.
Sounds like about what the 76ers have needed the last 3 Seasons…
Watch Iggy tonight Playing for a Championship…
This is finally the year where tanking makes sense some insane prospects in the 2016 draft. Real building blocks
What a Game 5 which probably decides the NBA Championship
Warriors are up 85-80 with about 7 minutes left…
Great Shots by LeBron matched by Curry back & forth…
I am hoping this is all bs floated to have folks thinking they need to jump at the bigs ensuring the pg is there
If his foot was in dire shape they would have had follow ups done ASAP. Lol convenient that the the report is two weeks before the draft with Porzingis rising etc. And the possibility of Okafor available at 3 Orlando wanting Porzingis, etc.
Very convenient.
Brewski- right now both Orlando and Sacramento are hot after Porzingis per reports and mocks. If the Sixers value Russell and Mudiay equally, the Sixers easily could trade back to as far as 6th and still end up with Mudiay and extra picks.
I’m sorry its too convenient that this report comes two weeks before the draft with so much obvious information out there.
Embiid per all reports has been actively playing working out daily and has been pain free. This was diagnosed on a preplanned visit……with reports being as dire as surgery out for a year to walking boot limited activity until summer camp in July where he can play 1 of 2 or both.
Last year Noel only played in one summer league and sparingly if not at all in another.
If Embiid hasn’t had surgery by the draft….Hinkie just used partial truth to drum up activity.
Like Steve Kerr said…..why tell the truth to the media?
well stated IJ
Who is the top rated injured player in this years draft? So embid misses this year, Saric is in Europe, we need another guy that can’t help us WIN! But we have assets
HAC you sound like your trying to beat Paulman for the Gold in the Dumbass Olympics.
Sorry izzy big man with bad feet, drives me crazy! I worry we have Ming on our hands . If he heads under the knife again…. Yikes!
Better Yao Ming type of career than Greg Oden or Sam Bowie.
Yippee for us!
76ers Flying in Andrew Bynum & Kwami Brown for Workouts per Jon Hart…
More Details at 11pm….
Where is Jon Hart now?
Reports are that JH is in Cleveland trying to Sell his Tickets for Game #6
Dude is a total jinx.
Came in here blaring about the Sixers and LeBron. Both teams on the brink. Cavs on the brink of losing Finals. Sixers on the brink of losing 70 games.
PAUL remember when you and Jon mushed the fuck out of the Cavs? once you two opened your traps the cavs were exposed. unreal
speaking of mushes:
Jon Hart
June 27, 2014 – 2:04 pm
Profile photo of Jon Hart
What a great great draft strategy by Mr. Hinkie and my Philadelphia 76ers
I really like the Embiid pick. We all for the most part wanted Wiggins but having twin towers at both the PF and Center positions, both guys being interchangeable, spells trouble for the league in years to come
Embiid will heal from this fluke injury. in 5-8 months. He assured us that he will play this upcoming season but of course the Sixers will handle the situation appropriately
This wont be the same case as was with Bynum. Embiid is a young guy 18 19 years old, heals fast, no previous injury history minus the back in college but that’s fully healed
Many people in the know feel hes the prospect with the highest ceiling in this draft and that we have a goldmine
We will eventually have one of if not the best center in the league after Coach Brown and his coaching/developmental staff gets to him
Like Ive told you guys before, Hakeem the Dream Olajuwon comparisons are not far fetched
Jon Hart
June 30, 2014 – 12:44 pm
Profile photo of Jon Hart
Hinkie was with the Rockets while Yao had that bone issue. This isn’t nearly the same thing or anywhere near it
Hinkie wouldn’t have taken that chance since he knows some stuff about foot injuries
Also they had the best doctors around the US look at the injury and they all said he will heal and it wont impede his playing career
Jon Hart
July 7, 2014 – 6:43 am
Profile photo of Jon Hart
**Sixers Free Agency News**
According to my exclusive source, among a few other select teams, I’m hearing that Lebron James and his agent Rich Paul will in fact have a face to face meeting with the 76ers brass this week
Jon Hart
May 21, 2014 – 9:39 am
Profile photo of Jon Hart
Im all in on Wiggins too but I don’t think wed have to mortgage the future to get him. Hes gonna be there at 3 IMO..
Jon Hart
May 21, 2014 – 11:13 am
Profile photo of Jon Hart
A report just came out from ESPN stating that the Cavs will be drafting Embiid 1st overall if his back checks out.
So again, like Ive been saying since last night, the Cavs are drafting Embiid,
Jon Hart
May 23, 2014 – 12:23 am
Profile photo of Jon Hart
Embiid is going #1 overall. Parker is going #2 and Wiggins #3..
I just think that these guys are what these top 3 teams need each…
But If Wiggins is gone, the Sixers Im hearing are lukewarm on Embiid, they really are huge on Wiggins and Exum, so I expect them to go Exum over Parker and Embiid if theyre there..
Ive been telling you guys about Exum for a long time now, but It went on death ears. Now everyone wants to know what hes all about..
Just know this, hes been compared to both Jordan and Kobe.. The kid can flat out ball..
Dante Exum…..Jordan AND Kobe….LMAO
i love going back and reading hart posts, they are either way wrong, or epic mushes and never anything in between. wish he would start making these mush posts on every team but the sixers though
And you guys thought I was bad… Jeez…
Can you find my Post from Dec 2013 that had the 76ers Selecting Dario Saric and stashing him in Europe for 1-2 Years..
No but there was one where Paulman said draft Noah Vonleh at 3…..shut up about basketball Paulman.
I did have Vonleh with their First 1st Round Selection, then Dario Saric with their 2nd Selection of the 1st Round
Every mock draft in the world had the Sixers with Dario Saric with the 2nd pick.
Please stop your nonsense.
Not in December, 2013 they Didn’t…Only I had him listed as most on here didn’t even know who he was until the Spring and Draft Run-Up..
I was talking Dario Saric Nov & Dec ..
GM Hinkle likes his Foreign Players and I would not be Surprised to see him Trade Back to Select a PF Porzinga or SF Herzonja
Please Paulman stop your lying nonsense. Saric was the no.1 rated Euro in the world the best international prospect for 2 straights years….
And you were the only one talking about him….
Youre an idiot.
Most on here don’t pay Attention to the Foreign players IJ,
It’s only recently since GM Hinkle is in Philly and who happens to like Foreign Players that most on here have begun to pay attention to the Foreign Players…
It is what it is, No one on GGobb mentioned Dario Saric to the 76ers before I did in the late Fall on 2013, which is no Big Deal,for no cares anyways..
***NBA News*****
LA Clippers Trade Matt Barnes and Spencer Hawes to the Charlotte Hornets for Guard Lance Stevenson who was not a good fit for a young Team like the Hornets
Stevens signed a 3 Year $29 Million Deal last Year with the Hornets who are more than happy to get out from under it..