• March 6, 2025

Where is DeSean?

Jeff McLane of the Philadelphia Inquirer tweeted earlier today that DeSean Jackson and Asante Samuel are absent from these OTA’s. Samuel, according to McLane, was excused because of a death in the family, but the team gave no reason as to DeSean’s absence.

Les Bowen of the Philadelphia Daily News tweets that Eagles WR DeSean Jackson is actually down in the ATL and will then had back to California after that.

“According to a source close to DeSean Jackson, the WR is in Atlanta today, will head home to LA for rest of the week. No Eagles OTA plans,” Bowen tweets.

That still doesn’t really give an explanation of why he would skip out on OTA’s. Yes, they are “voluntary,” but with all the talk about Jackson wanting (and deserving) a new contract, it’s not difficult to connect the dots.

But then, I just saw a report from ProFootballTalk.com that says that DeSean’s absence isn’t contract related.

“Per a league source with knowledge of the situation, the absence isn’t related to Jackson’s contract,” Mike Florio writes. “Instead, he’s handling some personal business, and he’s expected to return later in the week.”

That last part conflicts with Bowen’s report that he has no OTA plans. Who is right? I guess we’ll all find out together when he either does or doesn’t show up.

Micah Warren

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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 7, 2010 9:59 am

D-Jax and his agent are making a statement…
A Samuel is a lot like Allen Iverson was .. He does’not take practicce real serious and will always skip out on volunntary workouts citing personal family matters…
(Samuel is a “do-your-own-thing” kind of guy which is my main reason for not being a fan of his..and more importantly, also a reason that friction, resentment from other players & teammates can sometmies creep into a lockeroom)

June 7, 2010 10:10 am

I’ll state the obvious – none of this matters, not a tiny stinking little bit, if they are both in training camp.

June 7, 2010 12:12 pm

this is what happens when u remove class guys for the unknown u get rid of d5s and sheldons browns 36 west tra runyan u lose class leaders like this what tf do u expect i am happy 2 see this i really am hope these new guys torture andy and the FO

June 7, 2010 12:49 pm

Do this sound familiar?..1.Hire Rosenhaus 2.Skip OTA I smell a holdout!!!! Desean get your money!!!!

We are behind you 100%, for if you don’t get it now they will find a way to cheat your worth.

HOLDOUT!!!!!! or SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! If you can pay a garbage unproven Kolb, you can definately pay your top performer.

June 7, 2010 12:51 pm

kolb is great u didnt know this sogs he only beat out the best qb in team history

June 7, 2010 12:52 pm

and dare i say that qb he beat out is still fairly in his prime its not like he is yr to yr like the almighty favre

June 7, 2010 1:14 pm

ok….are songs and philwil really gay lovers??

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 7, 2010 1:20 pm

*********************************** Trade Alert *******************************************
The Philadelphia Eagles Trade WR D Jackson to the Oakland Raiders for CB Asmogoah


June 7, 2010 1:50 pm

I think Songsover and PhilthyWill are the same person, Songs posting from his PC and PW from his dumbphone. Both equally stupid.

anderson silva
anderson silva
June 7, 2010 4:28 pm

DMac, had many chances, did not get it done. #36, breaking down if not totally broken. Sheldon and Dawk, older and less effective than they were at one time. Runyan, shot knees, Tra, could not even get on the field and got cut after one season in Jax. You are taking these guys leaving very personally. I liked them too. But they did not win when they had the chance, got old and had to go. It is just business. I do not care how much DJax gets paid, a lot or a little. I just want him to play well while he is here. Players come and go, remember, they are mercenaries, do not get too attached, I root for the Eagles first, players second.

June 7, 2010 5:45 pm

It’s pretty ridiculous that the Eagles gave Kolb (started 2 games in the NFL) $12M and DeSean Jackson (The “Most Electrifying Athlete in the NFL” over a season and a half) doesn’t have a new deal yet.

June 7, 2010 6:32 pm

butch, you do realize that DJax’s length of service prevents an increase greater than 30%, right?

June 8, 2010 4:34 am

And as per usual, this turns into a McNabb/Kolb rant.

You guys don’t even qualify as fans of the team anymore, because it has gone past you being upset in that you are now rooting for them to do poorly.

So is it more important for the Eagles to lose so you can be right, or for the team to do well?

And McNabb is hardly in his prime Will. You are delusional if you think that.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 5:58 am

A source of mine out on the West Coast told me the he and others saw D-Jax and Raiders QB
J Campbell working out together out on passing routes,signals,formations,etc,etc

June 8, 2010 6:09 am

ok TraderPaul…..sources on the west coast….a cashier @ In & Out Burger in East LA??

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 6:34 am

Actually a good freind of mine who works at Grateful Dead Productions whose Son is a little crazy like me and is a big Raiders Fan who whorks for them in their Marketing Dept…
He says they have already make #10 Raider Jerseys ready to put out on the market but was told
it would be late July before they could make it official…

June 8, 2010 6:44 am

how could I ever have doubted you….can we get them to take Hank instead and leave DJax here? They can have Kendra as a throw-in?!?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 7:27 am

For some reason, the tune “Franklins Tower” comes to mind,
“God save the Child who rings that bell, you have one good ring, you can never tell,
One watch by night, One watch by day, If you get confused, just listen to the music play,
Roll away, the dew, you better roll away, the Dew “

The Silencer
The Silencer
June 8, 2010 9:36 am

Phillywill..we all know that u have a man crush on McChoke..all i hear from u is how we got rid of 5 this..n that…and the Eagles are stupid.boo hoo..shut up go cry elsewhere..
@Mancini..no need for the trade jokes…Desean isnt going anywhere..u are losing it…u better geta hold of ur “so called source”…because i believe that ESPN and other NFL analysts have more sources than ur buddy…we all see how good ur speculations are with trades, and mock drafts…Please leave the dumb sh!it for yardbarker.com

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 9:43 am

The last time I drank Bacardi Rum 151 & Coke, I was found barking at my neighbors dog…
Wonder if this is where the yardbarker.com web-site originated from ….
For the record, my Mock Draft wasn’t too bad,
I did call for the Eagles to choose N Allen, Teo’Neisham, Kafka and Jeff Owens and C Scott…
not neccessaritly where they chose them at…

June 8, 2010 9:50 am

********** TRADE ALERT ***********

Paulman(ini) has been traded to the yardbarker NFL forums in exchanges for a 2011 draft pick.

Paulman, please delete your account, you now post for the “yard”

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 10:26 am

I also was correct in calling the purging of the Eagles Roster last January after the season was over
that I caught a lot of flak about and was told no way by many on this site.
I had Witherspoon,Westbrook,Howard,Curtis,S Jones,R Brown and yes Shawn Andrews all being released by draft time..and the likely trading of S Brown and D McNabb ..without the help of any sources…
” You don’t need a weatherman,to know which way the wind blows”

June 8, 2010 10:43 am

I swear Joe Banner sits in his office like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons and hopes all of our good players get hurt. All he cares about is greedy contracts and luke warm payments. PAY THIS F$&KER AND EXTEND HIS CONTRACT!!! WE THE FANS WANT HIM YOU PUKE!!!

The Silencer
The Silencer
June 8, 2010 11:15 am

thats my point..all u do is point out all the obvious..why state the obvious..if it is indeed OBVIOUS..

June 8, 2010 11:17 am

I think it will work out for everyone if the Eagles trade DJax to the skins for a 1st rounder next year. This would work out well for the redskins since they have receiver problems, and Mcnabb and DJax can continue their chemistry with the Skins, who would find a way to sign Jackson to a contract he deserves. The number 1 the Eagles pick up next year can be traded down for future picks getting them out of the 1st round, so they can avoid paying first round money. DJax gets paid, and the Eagles avoid paying and get a lower cost player in return that can fit comfortably in the system. This will give Maclin an opportunity to grow into the number 1….and at that point the Eagles can find ways of not paying him his worth….etc….this allow the Eagles to continue their undisiuted salary cap championships. Please trade him within the division.

June 8, 2010 11:22 am

Paul, when you predict 1000 things, probability says you will be right occasionally. It would be wrong to say the you are never right about your predictions, but you’re record is freakin terrible which makes you unreliable. You have admitted before that you do it for fun and that we ‘shouldn’t take you too seriously’ , but look how guys like drummer have. They actually think stew is seriously injured and Djax is making a contract stink. That’s the harm you do punk.

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
June 8, 2010 12:55 pm

Jesus Christ Paulman..Your went from amusing to totally irritating in a couple of posts. Your constant self-praise screams that you have a small penis or have no friends or perhaps both.Tone it down or forever be classified with posters like Songsrme2..ReggioD etc..

The Silencer
The Silencer
June 8, 2010 6:50 pm

Schiller n Mac right on!!..lmfao

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
June 8, 2010 7:04 pm

C’mon Schill & Mac Attack,,
It’s only June, can’t an Eagle fan have a little fun once in a while…
Look at all these comments today.. better than the usual 3-4 comments per article…
(this way, I can get my free “David Ortiz Teeth” that G has promised me..

June 8, 2010 7:28 pm

Drummer, please take notice to Paulman’s above comment. Pauli – have all the fun you want, but most sports fans agree that making up bad injuries and stories of one of the best players on the team causing trouble that are just not true, is in bad taste. I hear Laviolette is a Blackhawks fan, Roy Halladay has a broken pitching arm, and Doug Williams is gonna leave the sixers to coach labron. If those bs statements don’t leave a bad taste in your mouth and especially if I insinuated that they were true… come on.

June 10, 2010 11:25 am

I think it will work out for everyone if the Eagles trade DJax to the skins for a 1st rounder next year. This would work out well for the redskins since they have receiver problems, and Mcnabb and DJax can continue their chemistry with the Skins, who would find a way to sign Jackson to a contract he deserves. The number 1 the Eagles pick up next year can be traded down for future picks getting them out of the 1st round, so they can avoid paying first round money. DJax gets paid, and the Eagles avoid paying and get a lower cost player in return that can fit comfortably in the system. This will give Maclin an opportunity to grow into the number 1….and at that point the Eagles can find ways of not paying him his worth….etc….this allow the Eagles to continue their undisiputed salary cap championships. Please trade him within the division. Who needs a superbowl? We know how to manage the salary cap, piss off franchise players and these suckers will still defend us. Lurie and Banner loves Philly!!!!