• March 4, 2025

I Believe Iverson Will Have Go Abroad To Continue His Professional Career

Allen Iverson was one of the most gifted athletes that I’ve ever seen.¬† His combination of speed, quickness and competitiveness could rival any athlete, but he may have been the worst of all-time when it came to preparation and paying the price away from the court.

I think the poor work habits which Allen Iverson defended in his memorable “We’re Talking About Practice” rant, have finally caught up to him.

Iverson’s manager, Gary Moore told the media a couple of weeks ago that “The Answer” wanted to return to the NBA for the upcoming season.¬† Now Iverson has made a statement on Twitter about his desire to return to the league.

I want to return to the NBA this season, and help any team that wants me, in any capacity that they feel that I can help. I’m disappointed, and I owe my fans more than what they have seen of me the last couple seasons. However, now that my family is healthy and rock solid, I can concentrate fully on doing what I do best!”

I don’t think there’s going to be a line of teams interested in signing Iverson.¬† In fact, I will be surprised if any NBA team decides to offer him a deal.

If a team were to sign him, it will probably do so more for what he might do for their attendance than what he will do for the team’s success on the court.

I’m not sure Iverson’s body, especially his legs can hold up through an entire season.¬† Is he working out, by doing distance running and lifting weights?¬† Why would make somebody think that Iverson has decided to put in the time away from the court that he hasn’t willing to do throughout his entire career.

I think Iverson will have get used to speaking a foreign language if he wants to continue his career.  I could see a team in Europe signing Iverson to play there but I think his NBA career is over.


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July 6, 2010 9:17 am

hahahaha kevin olley makes 5 mil a season and ai cant make league histerical

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 9:23 am

AI’s consistent productive playing days were gone 2-3 years ago…
He will probably be one of these athletes who doesn’t know how to walk away from athletics for it’s all he knows and will have a difficult time adjusting his talents,emotions into the non-sport regular world.
Unfortunately he will be most likely be one of these athletes who end up broke financially after earning millions and millions of $$$$ in his career, which is sad but unfortunately the way it plays out.. I wish him well in his future endeavors, and hopes he focuses his attention and energy on his family,finances and his self-being so he can enjoy the next 40 years of his life

July 6, 2010 9:29 am

does a broke player give out 500k in scholarshpis this yr when his nba salary was less than that
shut up
he consistently avg’d 15 and 5 terrible numbers for ai but check ur sixers stats he was 2nd leading scorer on team no guard had better numbers and if u watched we played best with him on the floor
30 and 7 days are done
15 and 6 and contribute to a good team its very reasonable
he still better than most guards in the league offensively and we all know if he dont get signed next yr it has nothing to do wit basketball
kevin olley makes 5 mil a season wit okc lmao

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 9:36 am

Overall Shooting % is poor, his overall assist to turnover ratio stinks, his steal #’s for a little fast guy stink, and his overall Defensive play leaves a lot to be desired. This is the AI ( your Answer) that I remember watching since about 2002/2003 or so..
Give me a team full of Kevin OIllies and Powe’s and I would coach them to a championship over any team of Iversons anyday….

July 6, 2010 9:41 am

ok no need to talk 2 me anymore u havent watched bball last yr ok ai shot 47 % give me a guard on sixers shootin 47% give me 1. next to ratio his was twice better than lou wills and equal to jrue holiday who did nothing with the ball last yr. like i said its fine to hatem he’s the type player u wait for to not be himself so u can blast him
but at least blast em with facts u talkn bout to ratio when he was a 2guard avging 30 a game check all ur 30 ppg scorers they dont have great ratio genius they are always attacking d wade led league for most of yr in to’s
leave the bball post alone

July 6, 2010 10:17 am

How many games did he miss last year for personal reasons? Maybe teams just don’t want to waste the money (or get the headaches) on a who most likely won’t be available for a full season? The guy is a warrior, no doubt, but he is also classified as a selfish player (as are most superstars) who will require minutes that could be going to players developing, with more up-side and years to play. I believe that he has also admitted to having an alchohol problem, why would a team want to take that on unless they were only looking for a draw at the gate, which excluding his first game back, didn’t provide much of a boost for the sixers at the gate last year. He may WANT to continue to play in the NBA, but finding a team that he would fit well with might be very difficult as G has written.

July 6, 2010 10:33 am

kevin olley, willie green, jj barea,mardy collins, chris quinn,luther head, earl watson,bobby brown(clippers for those who never heard of him) ,marcus banks,anthony johnson,ronnie price
it has nothing to do with basketball if he aint in nba next yr i’ll take a 60 yr old ai over a 22 yr old kevin ollie anyday.

July 6, 2010 10:47 am

that’s why do run an nba team

July 6, 2010 10:48 am

sorry, typed too fast…that is why you don’t run an nba team

July 6, 2010 10:50 am

i dont think any1 here runs any team so thats a statement for any1 including urself greenlurie

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 12:51 pm

Not so fast my Chilly friend..
I have coached and managed my son’s basketball team the last 5 years and our overall record
is like 37-4 with 4 1st place finishes. It’s about practice,effective schemes,desire, team play and a good attitide with positive coaching …
I am sorry to say the the player “Formerly known as the Answer” has none of these traits…

July 6, 2010 12:54 pm

yeah P-man, but is the rumor true that your son has requested a trade??

July 6, 2010 1:25 pm

All the bums in the NBA and Iverson can’t get on a team? If so, it’s because of attitude and not ability because there are some scrubs in the league and we got a bunch of them here in Philly. I’m not saying Iverson is a bonifide starter in the league (though I think he could start on some teams) but let’s be honest, he’s better even with his diminished skills than a lot of the players in the NBA. Now if you only want him if he plays like he did in his prime then of course he’ll be a disappointment but if you want someone to draw a crowd and be a scoring spark off the bench then he’s your guy. Like I said, it depends on attitude not ability.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 3:18 pm

I have to admit greenfan–
Thats the funniest comeback I have read in a while … thanks for the laugh…

July 6, 2010 5:42 pm

I’ll take that as a non-denial, denial……have a good nite Paul

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 6, 2010 7:21 pm

Something like that…
My boy is now in Middle school so I will not have the opportunity to coach him and his teammates/friends from years past sinec they will play for local elementary schools instead of the local Parks and Rec league… I am thinking about going to referee school so I can referee some games though as he gets older and starts playing on real teams with real coaches…

July 7, 2010 4:36 am

Kids sports is getting a little out of control if you ask me. My dad was a HS football coach and a bit hard nails, but nothing compared to the parents I see today. I have coached each of my 4 kids in alot of different sports, and no longer do it. It is better to just to be a parent and support your kid. If you plan on refereeing be ready for some verbal abuse from parents who thought their Johnny got fouled. Just my opinion.