• March 5, 2025

Jordan and Barkley Take Their Shots At James

Both Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley are taking their shots at Miami’s big three contingent of LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh.¬† They were especially tough on James.

“There’s no way, with hindsight, I would’ve ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, ‘Hey, look, let’s get together and play on one team,'” Jordan said.. “But that’s … things are different. I can’t say that’s a bad thing. It’s an opportunity these kids have today. In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys.”

Barkley feels James should have been the last guy in the league to decide to move from his current team.

“Mike and I are in 100 percent agreement on this,” Barkley told the Arizona Republic.”If you’re the two-time defending NBA MVP, you don’t leave anywhere. They come to you. That’s ridiculous. I like LeBron. He’s a great player. But I don’t think in the history of sports you can find a two-time defending MVP leaving to go play with other people.”

I think the fact that Jordan would have never dreamed of playing with Larry Bird or Charles Barkley is the reason that he was such a winner.  He would cut your heart and not lose any sleep about it.

The player in the league who has the same killer instinct that Jordan has is that kid who played at Lower Merion High and plays for the Lakers and currently has three rings.  His name is Kobe Bryant.

How do you think he felt about all of the attention LeBron James was getting, as he was enjoying another NBA title?


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July 20, 2010 5:29 am

This is why the NBA stinks today. Everyone “loves” each other. They are so buddy buddy in the league and it’s sickening. I do agree with Jordan and Barkley but unfortunately the league has changed since when they played. These guys don’t care about legacy and rivalry. They care about money and fame. This is why everyone wants to relive Boston-LA and it works for the league because those team can’t stand each other. I can’t hate on Lebron for making that change but at the end of the day it shows that he doesn’t want to be “the guy”. In my opinion he could never be in the conversation with Jordan, Magic, Kobe, Bird etc… He rather go to another man’s team than to be the “King” like everyone has proclaimed him to be. And that’s ok but worst decision possible for his legacy or whatever one he would have had. This is the reason why basketball purist love Kobe. He’s old school in the way he plays and his attitude to towards the game. He wants to destroy you every night whether friend or not. And he wants to be the guy and is the guy.

Correction G….. Kobe has 5 rings. 3 with Shaq and 2 the last 2 years.

July 20, 2010 5:42 am

just look at the amount of money these guys are making. For the majority of MJ’s career he was making around 3 mil a year, and made 33+ Mil for two seasons late in his career. These guys are set for life and setting future generations up for wealthy lifestyles. That stifles a lot of cutthroat competition that you saw with MJ, Bord, and Magic b/c those guys were raking in the cash like these guys are.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 20, 2010 5:58 am

Athletes today are just a microcosm of today’s Society ..
Just another example of the continued “Puss-fication” of the United States and taking the easy way out…Everyone wants to loved by everyone, to be politically correct and not step on anyone’s toes..
For the few people who do are made of a different cloth, they are outcasted, seen as surly or malcontents ,of being anti-social.The Power of the Media in a lot of cases,helps shape the public
perceptions and attitudes towards people and events for better or worse..

July 20, 2010 6:43 am

Paulman, I agree. Remember when Kobe said he wanted to cut the hearts out of the sixers and the fans in the finals. And everyone in Philly was outraged because he had the nerve to say that about his hometown. That’s exactly what he’s supposed to say. Hometown or not, they are the enemy and you want to destory them on the court and beat them down. You have to respect a guy that can say that about the city he came from. It shows he’s a true competitor and he doesn’t care about people liking him. I don’t know how many times I hear him say “we gotta go for the jugular” in a halftime interview or something. The guy has a killer instinct that only the real legends and real NBA fans can understand and have to respect. Lebron is so deathly afraid of not winning a championship that he had to go to someone else’s team. He can’t hold Kobe’s jock. And my prediction here is that is the Celtics are healthy they will still beat the Heat in the playoffs.

July 20, 2010 10:51 am

I really think the difference, aside from scorps’ post which I agree with wholehardedly, is that frankly, Jordan wasn’t ‘king James’ upon being drafted – out of highschool. Jordan EARNED the ttile ‘his AIRness’ – James was handed the title ‘HEIRness’ on a silver plater that already had his name engraved on it. It’s a totally different situation because of that. Bron wants a ring for his legacy – I do believe that – but he’s already got the fame, recognition and ego fulfuillment – he really didn’t have to earn that the way Jordan did. We all watch Lebron beause we know he’s supposed to do great things on the court. We watched Jordan because he always did the great things – not just because of some rep he had going into the league.

July 20, 2010 11:26 am

I agree Schiller. And the thing that makes it bad for Lebron is that he’ll never be known (at least in the near future) as the guy who led his team to the championship. He’ll always be 2nd to Wade in Miami and his winning will always be associated with Wade. And that’s fine if that’s what he wants. This is why it was so important for Kobe to win one without Shaq. Everyone knows those were Shaq’s teams even though Kobe was a star but those Lakers teams went as Shaq went. Now that he has 2 without Shaq, he’s now solidified his legacy and by the time he retires people will argue for years if he’s better than Jordan.

And I do agree with you. Maybe Lebron was never supposed to be “the guy”. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to be the next coming of MJ or Magic/Bird. Maybe he’s just a great players but not the kind that can lead a team all the way to the end. Maybe it was just media hype. Now he has the best chance to win one but the Heat is Wade’s team. But if he’s fine with that then oh well.

The one thing that made people believe so much in him did have to do with the fact that he damn near single handedly beat the Detroit Pistons when they were good and went to the Finals. Now they got swept by the Spurs but great players get beat by great teams anyday of the week. he had a chance in Cleveland to potentially become the best players ever and resurrect a sport cursed city. Now he’s just the 2nd best player on his new team and he probably loves it because no pressure on him now. Wade is the “killer” on that team. He will takeover when it’s time in a way that Lebrick can’t.

July 20, 2010 11:31 am

y does barkley say anything about any1’s legacy
who is barkley
mike jordan says same thing about u charles like u have no legacy nice player good job lol give chuck a cookie
seriously like look in mirror chuck

July 20, 2010 11:46 am

PW come one man. Barkley is one of the NBA greats LOL. But anyhow, you have to be Jordan in order to be qualified to speak on Lebron’s legacy? If a columnist can write about a player’s legacy or whatever Charles can express his opinion as well.

July 20, 2010 11:48 am

Another point…. don’t go saying stuff like you can win the MVP every year if you wanted to and then run to another man’s team like a punk. You’re supposed to want to beat him and outdo him. That what real competitors do. Well at least when the NBA was good. It now stinks with inflated egos, contracts and on it’s way to bankruptcy and another lockout.

July 20, 2010 11:52 am

i just wouldnt if i were charles
like lbj will have a chip or 2 when its all said and done so u dont comment on him if ur a player with nothing
u came into the league on a chip team with doc moses cheeks and u have no chips
u talk about like jrue holiday or andre igoudala if ur charles
charles barkley a nice dude and classy athlete just talks to much sometimes about thing he shouldnt express openly if i were lbj i’d hurt chuck feelings like who cares what sir no chip says
chuck u even chased chips but u ruined there team
u join rockets after they won 2 chips and u made them worse like seriously u werent on ai type teams u had chip contenders at least 5 to 7 yrs of your career

July 20, 2010 11:57 am

i agree with every1 here
but y did it seem like ai was criticized for that scorp
ai said it himself i dont wanna chase a chip i kinda wanna be the man or at least a major factor in winning it
but when he says it all hell breaks loose he’s selfish blah blah blah
i just think he’s right like who wants to avg 30 a game for a career then win a chip playing 7 min a game
that chip wont feel the same
does the chip the lakers won feel the same for kobe and lets say sasha vujacic or adam morrison any1 who says yes is lying and ur probably a scrub in sports too lol

July 20, 2010 1:20 pm

pw – that’s why what you (and nobody else anywhere!) call a ‘chip’ is overated. We all know who the great players are – AI and Lebron count in them. We all know who the great teams are – the championship (in any sport) is awarded to the team that wins the games to get it and that’s all the championship, ring, trophy, etc…. or ‘chip’ means

July 20, 2010 1:29 pm

PW I don’t know why AI was criticized. I think AI always wanted to stay in Philly and wanted a team built around him to win it here. But AI also is a different case. He was the best scorer on the floor in the prime of his career but he didn’t have the leadership and style of play to make other players better and elevate the team. I think that’s what pissed people off the most about him…. he just seems to be for himself when he played. But in my opinion you want to win the championship but if you want to be one of the greats (which some guys do aspire) then you want to have a team built around you and not go somewhere. Usually players who were great and never won a title will latch on to a contender to get one because they know their glory days are over and the only thing left is winning one. Barkley going to the Rockets. Malone and payton going to the Lakers are just a couple examples.

But of course there’s no guarantee either so get it while you can I guess. Lebron could shatter his knee and become Grant Hill. In my opinion it depends on what a player wants most that determines these types of decisions. If Lebron wanted the most money and built an all time great legacy he would have stayed in cleveland or went to another team where he’s the guy. But I just think he’s so afraid of not winning he probably felt like he had to make this move. And that’s fine he just won’t be known as the guy like all time greats. And maybe that’s just what he is. And if he’s fine with that, then that’s all that should matter.

July 20, 2010 1:30 pm

I just don’t like the NBA because it’s crap. The whole system stinks. I only watch in the playoffs because there’s nothing else on TV and the regular season is too damn long. The league stinks and this kinds of stuff makes it worst.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
July 21, 2010 11:05 am

When is G holding the 1st “Chip of Posting Nonsense”
I want to challenge PW, Songs ,and anyone else for that matter for the Chip…
I think the winner gets free Wings and Beer from PJ Weilhans in Cherry Hill…

July 21, 2010 11:12 am

im # 1 seed